3,224 research outputs found
Da religião do sacrifício à religião da fraternidade =From the religion of sacrifice to the religion of fraternity
Há uma relação entre religião e violência que consiste basicamente em sacralização da violência através da sublimação da mesma como sacrifício. Ora, o sacrifício está no coração de toda religião, de forma descarada nas religiões arcaicas e de forma metamorfoseada e mascarada na evolução histórica da religião. A Escritura testemunha as ambiguidades do sacrifício e o choque profético entre o sacrifício e a misericórdia. O Cristianismo, em sua fonte, é a superação radical do sacrifício, mas, ao longo da história, novas metamorfoses do sacrifício surgem no Cristianismo. É a volta às fontes e a renovação de sua experiência na confraternização universal, testada pelos excluídos, que legitimam a originalidade do Cristianismo e um sentido realmente cristão para a palavra sacrifício. <br> There is a relation between religion and violence that consists basically in making violence sacred through its sublimation as a sacrifice. Therefore, sacrifice is at the heart of all religion, in a blatant way in archaic religions and in a metamorphosed and masked way in the historical evolution of religion. The Scriptures witness the ambiguities of sacrifice and the prophetic shock between sacrifice and mercy. Christianity, in its origin, is the radical overcoming of sacrifice, but throughout history new ways sacrifice has metamorphosed appear in Christianity. It’s the return to the sources and the renewal of this experience in universal fellowship, tested by those excluded, who legitimate the uniqueness of Christianity and a true Christian meaning to the word sacrifice
Enraizamento de estacas de Strongylodon macrobotrys sob diferentes concentrações de AIB e tempos de imersão
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Curso de Agronomia.O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar diferentes tempos de imersão de estacas de S. macrobotrys em solução com AIB em diferentes concentrações. O experimento foi conduzido na Verde e Cia Garden Center, em Florianópolis, SC, de outubro a novembro de 2015. O delianemento foi inteiramente casualizado, com utilização de estacas medianas de 12 cm em média contendo 2 folhas com 30% de cada folíolo. As bandejas possuiam células de 200 ml, com substrato contendo 1/3 de vermiculita, 1/3 de areia fina e 1/3 de composto. As concentrações de AIB foram de 1500 ppm, 2000 ppm e 2500 pmm, com tempo de imersão de 15 segundos e 30 segundos, totalizando em 7 tratamentos, incluindo uma testemunha ou série de estacas sem induçao hormonal. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com o tempo de imersão de 30 segundos e com a concentração de 2000 ppm de AIB, destacando-se entre estes o tratamento de 30 segundos de imersão a 1500 ppm.The objective of this study was to test different immersion times of S. macrobotrys stakes in solution with IBA in different concentrations. The experiment was conducted on the Green and Co. Garden Center in Florianópolis, Brazil, from October to November 2015. The delianemento was completely randomized, using 12 cm in average middle cuttings containing 2 leafs with 30% of each leaflet. The trays possessed cells with 200 ml with substrate containing vermiculite 1/3, 1/3 sand and 1/3 compost. The IBA concentrations were 1500 ppm, 2000 ppm and 2500 pmm, with a soaking time of 15 seconds and 30 seconds, totaling 7 treatments, including a control treatment or cuttings without hormone induction. The best results were obtained with the immersion time of 30 seconds and the concentration of 2000 ppm of IBA, standing out among them the treatment of 30 seconds dip in 1500 ppm
Fenologia da floração e biologia reprodutiva em geófitas subtropicais : estudos de caso com espécies simpátricas de Amaryllidaceae
Orientadores: João Semir, Julie Henriette Antoinette DutilhDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de
BiologiaResumo: As plantas com flores exibem diversos mecanismos que interferem e podem otimizar seus processos reprodutivos. Nesse sentido, a fenologia da floração e a biologia da polinização podem contribuir para o entendimento das estratégias reprodutivas das plantas e de suas interações com os agentes abióticos e bióticos. Nesta dissertação, buscamos entender os padrões reprodutivos de três espécies de Amaryllidaceae que co-ocorrem em uma região subtropical do Brasil. No primeiro capítulo, mostramos evidências de hercogamia e autoincompatibilidade gametofítica znuma população de Habranthus gracilifolius, demonstrando, portanto, que tanto a presença de polinizadores como florescer em sincronia com a população são requisitos fundamentais para o sucesso reprodutivo dos indivíduos desta espécie. No segundo capítulo, nas três espécies simpátricas, Habranthus tubispathus, Habranthus gracilifolius e Zephyranthes mesochloa, o gatilho da floração se dá por um conjunto de variáveis ambientais, salientando que tanto a precipitação como a temperatura e o fotoperíodo estão envolvidos nesta resposta. O período de floração destas espécies está relacionado com os sinais climáticos locais, enquanto que os visitantes florais parecem não exercer fortes pressões sobre o tempo de floração. Este é o primeiro trabalho a apresentar como estas espécies se comportam sob condições naturais e agrega este conhecimento aos estudos filogenéticos, contribuindo, assim, para o entendimento da história evolutiva do grupoAbstract: Flowering plants display several mechanisms that interfere and can optimize their reproductive processes. In this sense, flowering phenology and pollination biology can contribute to understand the reproductive strategies of plants and their interactions with the abiotic and biotic agents. In this work, we seek to understand the reproductive patterns of three species of Amaryllidaceae that co-occur in a subtropical region of Brazil. In the first chapter, we show the presence of herkogamy and evidence of gametophytic self-incompatibility in a population of Habranthus gracilifolius. Thus, we demonstrated that both presence of pollinators and blooming in synchrony with the population play key roles for reproductive success of this species. In the second chapter, mass flowering in the three sympatric species, Habranthus tubispathus, Habranthus gracilifolius and Zephyranthes mesochloa, is triggered by a set of environmental variables, pointing out that precipitation, temperature and photoperiod are involved in this response. The flowering season in these three species is related to local weather cues while the floral visitors do not seem to exert strong pressure on the flowering time. This is the first work to explore how these species behave under natural conditions and adds knowledge to phylogenetic studies, thereby contributing to the knowledge of the evolutionary history of the groupMestradoBiologia VegetalMestra em Biologia VegetalCAPE
Alkaline stress and iron deficiency regulate iron uptake and riboflavin synthesis gene expression differently in root and leaf tissue: implications for iron deficiency chlorosis
Iron (Fe) is an essential mineral that has low solubility in alkaline soils, where its deficiency results in chlorosis. Whether low Fe supply and alkaline pH stress are equivalent is unclear, as they have not been treated as separate variables in molecular physiological studies. Additionally, molecular responses to these stresses have not been studied in leaf and root tissues simultaneously. We tested how plants with the Strategy I Fe uptake system respond to Fe deficiency at mildly acidic and alkaline pH by measuring root ferric chelate reductase (FCR) activity and expression of selected Fe uptake genes and riboflavin synthesis genes. Alkaline pH increased cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) root FCR activity at full Fe supply, but alkaline stress abolished FCR response to low Fe supply. Alkaline pH or low Fe supply resulted in increased expression of Fe uptake genes, but riboflavin synthesis genes responded to Fe deficiency but not alkalinity. Iron deficiency increased expression of some common genes in roots and leaves, but alkaline stress blocked up-regulation of these genes in Fe-deficient leaves. In roots of the melon (Cucumis melo L.) fefe mutant, in which Fe uptake responses are blocked upstream of Fe uptake genes, alkaline stress or Fe deficiency up-regulation of certain Fe uptake and riboflavin synthesis genes was inhibited, indicating a central role for the FeFe protein. These results suggest a model implicating shoot-to-root signaling of Fe status to induce Fe uptake gene expression in roots
Coaching High School English Teachers in Guided Reading for Struggling Readers
Although small-group guided reading is traditionally an elementary school instructional practice, this study details how high school English teachers perceived its implementation in high school classrooms. As part of a larger, multiyear research project, this 2-year study examined a dual-level coaching professional learning program that included two school district literacy coaches, eight provincial literacy facilitators, and 21 high school teachers. Teachers were coached in the implementation of guided reading and small-group instruction to support students in Grades 9–10 who were struggling with reading. Qualitative methods were used to gather data including observations of the professional learning meetings and teachers’ instruction; interviews with literacy coaches, professional literacy facilitators, and teachers; and artifact collection. Data were analyzed using the qualitative software program NVivo. The findings suggest that teacher coaching, modeling, co-planning, discussion, and reflection enhanced teachers’ abilities to support students in their use of metacognitive skills and comprehension strategies during guided reading. Teachers noted some insightful instructional considerations for implementation of elementary instructional practices in their high school English classrooms. Overall, these results have practical implications for teachers seeking to help struggling high school readers
Morphology of the smear layer after the application of simplified self-etch adhesives on enamel and dentin surfaces created with different preparation methods
Mild self-etching adhesive systems modify and/or incorporate the smear layer into the resin-infiltrated demineralised dentin. Some factors such as type of bur and use of water spray might affect the thickness of the smear layer on substrates, enamel and dentin. Because of this, the present study evaluated the thickness of smear layers created by different finishing procedures, after the application of three simplified self-etching primers (Adper Prompt L-Pop and two experimental formulations) on enamel and dentin. After the application and removal of the primers' resinous component, the specimens were prepared for examination under a scanning electron microscope. Smear layers were thicker on enamel than on dentin, irrespective of the finishing methods used. Therefore, different thicknesses of smear layer on enamel/dentin might be an important factor to consider when evaluating the bonding efficacy of self-etching adhesives to both tooth substrate
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