8 research outputs found


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    Universities need realistic experiment, continuously develop themselves to meet the challenges and demands of society and industry. Scientific cues about the universe, written on around 750-1000 verses of Qur’an (ayat kauniyah) and about 250 verses are about law. It has the potential to be the basis of the experimentation and development.  The Qur’an is the holy book of Muslims. Allah gives that for all people in the world as guidelines and instructions in living their life. Furthermore, that scientific cues are universal and global. Considering these, study to get more scientific interpretation according to the field of science and study of the researchers is needed.  Research and development based on scientific cues with books as the product can be used as one of the alternatives. This study aims to give an overview of the steps taken in conducting research and development based on scientific cues that resulted in book as the end-product. This study is a library research. Data are obtained from written materials through literary studies. Data analysis was performed using a philosophical approach. The analytical method used was descriptive and critical thinking inductive analysis techniques. The results showed that the scientific cues can be used as a base of the research development.  The product is a book which contains various interpretations of research resulted as scientific treasures of the Qur’anic universality. Thus, the human knowledge of the universe secrets from which we can take the benefits becomes more comprehensive. Finally, the most important thing of this research is to study the signs of Allah in order to increase our faith (as Abdullah) and as an effort to develop Islamic science from dissemination of this result (as Khalifatullah).  Keywords: Scientific cues, research and development, book, abdullah, and khalifatullah

    Isyarat Ilmiah Sebagai Basis Penelitian & Pengembangan Berproduk Buku

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    Universities need realistic experiment, continuously develop themselves to meet the challenges and demands of society and industry. Scientific cues about the universe, written on around 750-1000 verses of Qur'an (ayat kauniyah) and about 250 verses are about law. It has the potential to be the basis of the experimentation and development. The Qur'an is the holy book of Muslims. Allah gives that for all people in the world as guidelines and instructions in living their life. Furthermore, that scientific cues are universal and global. Considering these, study to get more scientific interpretation according to the field of science and study of the researchers is needed. Research and development based on scientific cues with books as the product can be used as one of the alternatives. This study aims to give an overview of the steps taken in conducting research and development based on scientific cues that resulted in book as the end-product. This study is a library research. Data are obtained from written materials through literary studies. Data analysis was performed using a philosophical approach. The analytical method used was descriptive and critical thinking inductive analysis techniques. The results showed that the scientific cues can be used as a base of the research development. The product is a book which contains various interpretations of research resulted as scientific treasures of the Qur'anic universality. Thus, the human knowledge of the universe secrets from which we can take the benefits becomes more comprehensive. Finally, the most important thing of this research is to study the signs of Allah in order to increase our faith (as Abdullah) and as an effort to develop Islamic science from dissemination of this result (as Khalifatullah)


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    This study aims to determine the validity of the Islamic and Indonesian-based contextual scientific literacy assessment instrument (ALSKII) using the Rasch model. This instrument was developed in the context of Covid-19 as a socio-scientific issue that is presented in a structured manner with a plural model, namely scientific and socio-scientific. The scientific model represents the content of science which is presented in three models, namely mechanistic, systematic, and mathematical. The socio-scientific model is a scientific context that is integrated with religion and nation. This instrument has five skills which are made into 25 question items. The sample of this research is 75 final-semester science education students who were selected purposively. The results showed that the Islamic and Indonesian-based contextual scientific literacy assessment instrument was valid and reliable with a person measure the value of 0.73, MNSQ person and item close to 0.0, person and ZSTD item close to 1.0, Cronbach alpha 0.67, person reliability 0.64 and item reliability 0.95. This instrument can be an alternative in the assessment of scientific literacy based on religion and the state. The instrument can also be further developed according to the context and socio-scientific issues that need to be solved in the community

    Characterization of Spent Coffee Grounds in the Community as Supporting Materials for Renewable Energy

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    Coffee grounds are a by-product of the coffee brewing process. Currently, coffee grounds in the community are still untapped waste. Whereas spent coffee grounds has the potential to be converted into various high value bio-products that are environmentally friendly. This study aims to characterize coffee grounds waste which is popular in the community as a supporting material for renewable energy. This study uses a comparative method of 3 samples of Arabica coffee grounds (SCG-A), Robusta (SCG-R), and the Arabica-Robusta blend (SCG-AR) from coffee brands that are popular in Indonesian. Quantitative analysis was carried out by comparing the percentage of residual yield of the three samples. Qualitative characterization of coffee grounds was carried out using the FTIR 8300/8700 Spectrophotometer. The results of the three samples showed different rendemen values, namely 70% SCG-A, 60% SCG-R, and 80% SCG-AR. The FTIR test results showed that the three spent coffee grounds had the same functional group characteristics in the frequency range of 650–3900 cm-1. The detection of the hydroxyl functional group (-OH), the asymmetric strain of the CH bond of the methyl group (-CH3), and the stretching vibration of CO in the COH bond found in coffee grounds waste shows its potential as a supporting material for renewable energy if a further process is carried out in the form of pyrolysis/calcination at room temperature. 700◦C. Utilization of spent coffee grounds in the community can be done by establishing a Spent Coffee Grounds Bank (SCG Bank), educating the public so that they are willing to donate spent coffee grounds, and managing SCG as a supporting material for renewable energy.Ampas kopi merupakan hasil samping yang diperoleh dari proses penyeduhan kopi. Saat ini, ampas kopi yang ada di masyarakat masih menjadi limbah yang belum dimanfaatkan. Padahal limbah ampas kopi berpotensi untuk dikonversi menjadi berbagai bio-produk bernilai tinggi yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi limbah ampas kopi yang populer di masyarakat sebagai bahan pendukung energi terbarukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode komparasi 3 sampel limbah ampas kopi Arabica (SCG-A), Robusta (SCG-R), dan perpaduan Arabica-Robusta (SCG-AR) dari merk kopi yang populer di masyarakat Indonesia. Analisis kuantitatif dilakukan dengan membandingkan persentase rendemen residu dari ketiga sampel. Karakterisasi limbah ampas kopi secara kualitatif dilakukan menggunakan Spektrofotometer FTIR 8300/8700. Hasil perhitungan rendemen ketiga sampel menunjukkan nilai yang berbeda, yaitu 70% SCG-A, 60% SCG-R, dan 80% SCG-AR. Hasil Uji FTIR menunjukkan ketiga ampas kopi memiliki karakteristik gugus fungsi yang sama pada rentang frekuensi 650–3900 cm-1. Terdeteksinya gugus fungsi hidroksil (-OH), regangan asimetris ikatan C-H gugus metil (-CH3), dan vibrasi ulur C-O dalam ikatan C-O-H yang terdapat pada limbah ampas kopi menunjukkan potensinya sebagai bahan pendukung energi terbarukan apabila dilakukan proses lanjutan berupa pirolisis/kalsinasi pada suhu 700◦C. Pemanfaatan limbah ampas kopi di masyarakat tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan mendirikan Bank Limbah Ampas Kopi (SCG Bank), edukasi kepada masyarakat agar bersedia menyumbangkan limbah ampas kopi, dan pengelolaan limbah ampas kopi menjadi bahan pendukung energi terbarukan


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    Purpose of the study: To determine the effectiveness of co-creation implementation by using students’ mastery of 10 skills as a new product, and to analyze the readiness stage for digitally integrated marketing communication 4.0 in higher education. Methodology: The technique of data collection was administered by giving questionnaires to respondents. The questionnaire consisting of 10 closed questions was created by researchers. Afterward, the data were processed by the SPSS application. The results proved to be valid if each indicator question had a value of Pearson correlation significant 1-tail less than 0.05. Meanwhile, the data are reliable if the Cronbach’s alpha reliability value is more than 0.60. The average final score can be converted into a level of product quality qualitatively with ideal assessment guidelines. Main Findings: The average percentage of students’ mastery of 10 skills in IAIN Salatiga is 47 percent for ability to solve complex problems, 49 percent for critical thinking, 50 percent for creativity, 51 percent for organizational ability, 57 percent for ability to corporate, 52 percent for emotional intelligence, 55 percent for daring to make a decision, 54 percent for contentment to serve, 52 percent for negotiation ability, and 55 percent for flexibility thinking. The students ‘mastery average of all skills is 52 percent in the range of Fair (F). The readiness to continue the next steps of digital integrated marketing 4.0 is quite ready (QR). Applications of this study: This study can be useful for practical review for the implementation of co-creation in higher education as the new vision of marketing in the 4.0 era. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study proposes that the effectiveness of co-creation in higher education can be measured by the students’ mastery of the 10 skills


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    Purpose: This study aims to determine the material integration of Islamic religious education and natural science on photosynthesis experiments. Methodology: This research is library research. Data obtained from a literature review. The analytical method used is conceptual-descriptive. Findings: The results of the study show that there are two topics of natural science material experiments closely relatedtoscientific cues on QS. Yasin verse 80, QS. Nuh verse 16, and QS. Thaha verse 53.  Those topics are about light and photosynthesis. Light (an-nur) is one of the names of letters in the Qur'an. Photosynthesis experiments can explain the relationship of light interpretation materially. Sunlight is the main source of energy for the life of all living things in the world. For plants especially those with chlorophyll, sunlight greatly determines photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a basic process in plants to produce food. The food produced will determine the availability of energy for plant growth and development. Low light intensity has three choices, namely: reduction of respiration speed, increase in leaf area to obtain a larger surface absorption of light; and increased photosynthetic velocity per unit of light energy and leaf area. Applications: This study can be used by Islamic education institution for education, research, and community services.  Novelty/Originality: This study is the integration between scientific cues and natural science experiment material

    Pengaruh Daun Bayam Merah Amarantanthus tricolor L sebagai Material Bioscreen Anti-radiasi pada Laptop

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    The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 has necessitated the use of technology in life. For academics, the use of technology is very dependent on laptops. The use of laptops for various purposes is increasing. However, the electromagnetic radiation emitted by laptops can harm the wearer. Reducing radiation on laptops can be pursued through the use of environmentally friendly renewable materials, such as spinach leaf bioscreen. This study aims to determine the effect of Amaranthus tricolor L red spinach leaves as an anti-radiation bioscreen on laptops. This study uses a pre-experimental method with a one group pre-test post-test design. The amount of electromagnetic radiation was measured using an electromagnetic radiation detector DT-1130. Data analysis used correlation test and simple linear regression test. The results of the Pearson product moment analysis obtained a correlation coefficient value of r = -0.999 which means that there is a very strong relationship between the increase in the number of spinach leaves and the decrease in laptop radiation. Regression test shows the amount of radiation (y) can be predicted from the number of leaves (x) with the equation y=1420,106–26,311x, meaning that an increase in the use of spinach leaves by 1cm2 will reduce radiation by 26,311µW. The results of this study indicate that spinach leaves have the potential as a bioscreen material in reducing exposure to electromagnetic radiation on laptops

    KINERJA LEMBAGA ZAKAT DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN UMMAT (Studi pada Web Dompet Dhuafa, Lazis NU dan Lazis Muhammadiyah)

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    This paper aims to describe the performance of zakat organizations for global empowerment (umma). The subjects of the study are three zakat organizations namely Dompet Dhuafa (DD), Lazis Nahdlatul Ulama (LAZISNU) and Lazis Muhammadiyah (LazisMU). Qualitative approach using content analysis is used to analyse the Data. The official websitesof those three zakat institution are used as primary sources. The results showed that the performance of Dompet Dhuafa is distinguished for its detail in the preparation of the vision, mission, goals, programs and organizational structures.Dompet Dhuafa develops the main program then makes it into specific program in details. There is relationship between vision, mission and objectives to reach both the local and global performance. LAZISMU is distinctive in optimizing the website. It can be foundthrough the use of four languages on the website: Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, English, and France.LazisNU has outlined its program not only in the management of zakat, but also the empowerment