161 research outputs found
Classification of Organic Coffee Consumers Based on Typology of Environmental Strategies with Cluster Analysis
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in organic farming among the public, driven by the desire for healthy and environmentally-friendly consumption. Currently, the consumption of organic products has increased in almost all regions and has even spread to countries that were initially only producers and suppliers for Western countries. Indonesia is one of the countries that has recently shown interest in organic products. The aim of this research is to identify consumers of organic coffee products by conducting cluster analysis on a sample of 400 consumers. The results indicate that there are two classifications among the four groups of consumers, namely those belonging to the vocal green consumers, silent green consumers, vocal brown consumers, and silent brown consumers
Pendekatan Eksplorasi Berbasis Intuisi Pada Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis
. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis antara siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran pendekatan eksplorasi berbasis intuisi dengan siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional berdasarkan PAM. Data diperoleh melalui instrumen tes dan nontest yang diberikan kepada 74 siswa SMP kelas VIII yang terdiri dari 37 siswa pada kelas eksperimen, dan 37 siswa pada kelas kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data bahwa terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis antara siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran pendekatan eksplorasi berbasis intuisi dengan siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional secara keseluruhan berdasarkan PAM (pandai, cukup, lemah). Aktivitas guru dan siswa pada saat pembelajaran dengan pendekatan eksplorasi berbasis intuisi telah terlaksana dengan baik. Pendekatan eksplorasi berbasis intuisi dapat memfasilitasi proses intuisi, penemuan konsep, dan aplikasi konsep sehingga kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa lebih baik dari pada pembelajaran konvensional.
Reasoning ability through challenge based learning kahoot
The main objective is to analyze the improvement of mathematical reasoning ability through the challenge based learning with kahoot application. An experimental study, pre-test and post-test control group design. The population subjects were all students of class XI of the SMAN 26 Bandung, by involving a sample of three classes through random sampling techniques from five parallel classes available. Instrument for mathematical reasoning tests. Findings: There was improvement in mathematical reasoning abilities of students who obtained a challenge based learning assisted by the kahoot application, challenge based learning without a kahoot, and conventional learning. Improvement of mathematical reasoning abilities of students who obtained a challenge based learning with kahoot application is better than challenge based learning without the kahoot, and expository learning. Challenge based learning kahoot applications can facilitate conflict processes, discovery, social interaction, and reflective to improve students’s mathematical reasoning abilities
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Analysis
The ability to understand content and pedagogical knowledge are two non-negotiable things that must be mastered by teachers. In today's digital era, teachers are required to understand and be adaptive to the use of technology, so that knowledge of content, pedagogy, and technology becomes an important point of teacher knowledge today. This study purposes to analyze the ability of students' technology pedagogic content knowledge of prospective mathematics teachers by using qualitative descriptive methods. The research subjects are prospective students of mathematics teachers at universities in Bandung Indonesia who are researching the final project of scientific work in junior high school. The research instruments were questionnaires, observations and interview formats. The data analysis activity include: data collection, reduction, presentation and verification. The document analysis includes the learning process, lesson plans, implementation of learning, The use of information technology-based learning media, evaluation of learning, reflection of the learning process, results of questionnaires and interviews. The findings show that students’ ability to have knowledge of technology pedagogical content for prospective mathematics teachers is good category. Students are already skilled at deciphering big ideas. Prospective teachers have been able to develop learning implementation plans and carry out learning in accordance with the 2013 curriculum companion guidelines. Overall, understanding of the pedagogical content knowledge of teachers' technology needs to be improved when utilizing integrated and effective learning technology, so that teachers are more adaptive to the technology used appropriately and effectively wise
Meningkatkan kemampuan representasi multipel matematika serta kepercayaan diri mahasiswa melalui pembelajaran kontekstual
Secara alami matematika tidak lepas dari kehidupan sehari-hari, karena pembelajaran matematika semestinya disesuaikan dengan realita masalah sehari hari yang dikonstruk sesuai dengan pengkonstruksian konsep/prinsip mahasiswa itu sendiri, sehingga Representasi multipel menjadi wahana belajar bermatematika dari jenjang pendidikan dasar sampai jenjang pendidikan tinggi, yang berperan dalam proses mengembangkan mental berpikir matematis tingkat tinggi. Penelitian ini mengarah pada peningkatan kemampuan representasi multipel matematis serta kepercayaan diri mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, dengan eksperimen desain post tes. perlakuan kelas eksperimen pembelajaran kontekstual, sedangkan kelas kontrol pembelajaran konvensional,yang jadi perhatian pada penelitian ini variabel lain yaitu kepercayaan diri Self-Efficacy mahasiswa, klasifikasi kemampuan akademik mahasiswa rendah, sedang, tinggi, dan status sosial kurang, cukup, lebih, serta gender laki-laki,perempuan dan etnik sunda, jawa, betawi, batak, padang. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran kontekstual mampu meningkatkan kemampuan representasi multipel matematis dan Self-Efficacy mahasiswa, dibandingkan pembelajaran konvensional. Mahasiswa dengan status sosial ekonomi kurang cenderung berprestasi lebih baik dari status ekonomi lebih. Mahasiswa perempuan dalam eksperimen memiliki kemampuan representasi multipel matematiks lebih baik dari pada mahasiswa laki-laki
The development of Adobe Flash-based interactive multimedia to enhance students’ mathematical communication skills
Abstract. The rapid development of technology in the community, and the lack of use of technology at schools. The research aims to develop adobe flash-based interactive learning media to improve students' mathematical communication skill. The method was research and development with 4-D model design consisted of four stages, namely defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The research was in the Junior High School of Al Ma’sum Bandung. The respondents involved were the expert of subject matter, the expert of media, the teacher of Mathematics, 64 students as the sample. Finding: The result indicated that the validation result from the expert of media and the expert of Mathematics was enhance. The overall activity of teacher and students reached in average. Meanwhile, students’ mathematical communication skill increased, experiment class higher than control class. The conclusion of the research is that the development of adobe flash-based multimedia version five has been feasible to use and it can enhance students’ mathematical communication skill as well as students’ interactivity. Moreover, the material delivery is easy to understand and interesting
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