10 research outputs found
Dinamika Besi Pada Tanah Sulfat Masam Yang Ditanami Padi
. Acid sulphate soil has a potential and great opportunity for the development of rice farming. Most acid sulphate soils are located in swampy areas that receive direct or indirect influence of the flow of sea water, so that the wetting and drying soil condition can cause chemical changes in soil properties such as soil redox conditions, the iron (Fe) concentration, pH and the accumulation of organic acids. Rice farming practice showed a changing pattern of Fe dynamics as a result of the interaction between environmental factors (soil pH, redox conditions, types of minerals, organic matter), and soil microorganisms
Residu Jerami Padi Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Tanah Sulfat Masam Berkelanjutan
. Large amount of acid sulfate soil area both actual and potential acid sulfate soil in Indonesia is potential for agriculture development. Soil acidity, low nutrient availability, and iron toxicity are some constrains that often limit plant growth in the soils. Organic matter management is one of the important technologies to increase sustainable acid sulfate soil productivity. This paper discuses the potency of rice straw residues as a source of nutrients and ameliorant that are able to increase sustainable acid sulfate soil productivity. The use of rice straw residue is a very important role in increasing acid sulfate soil productivity because it could be a source of plant nutrients, improve efficiency of P fertilizer, and reduce Fe toxicity. The use of rice straw residues can increase rice production at acid sulfate soil. If the rice straw residue is combined with other component of technologies, such as the use of decomposer of trichoderma, planting rice variety that is resistant to iron toxicity (IR 66 and Margasari), and a the use of biofilter in the inlet canal, the rice production would be higher
Pengaruh Perendaman Benih Dalam Cao Dan Pemupukan P Dan K Terhadap Pengendalian Keracunan Besi Pada Tanaman Padi Di Lahan Sulfat Masam Potensial [the Effect of Soaking Seeds in Cao and P and K Fertilization on the Controling of Iron Toxication to Rice in Potentially Sulphate Acid Soil]
Tidal land large enough sour sulfate and the potential for agricultural expansion. Obstacles encountered primarily stress iron poisoning. It has the potential to cause a decline in rice yield research aims to study the effect of the influence of seed treatment and fertilizer P and K to control iron toxicity in acidic sulfate potential land. This research was carried out in KP Belandean on MK 2007. Randomized block design with 3 replications. Rice varieties used were Batanghari, planted on plot measuring 4 mx 9 m with a spacing of 20 cm x 20 cm. Package combined treatment of seeds and fertilizer P and K: 1. (25-90-75), 2. (50-90-75), 3. (75-90-75), 4. (100-90-75), 5. (125-90-75), 6. (75-30-75), 7. (75-60-75), 8. (75-120-75), 9. (75-150-75), 10. (75-90-25), 11. (75-90-50), 12. (75-90-100), 13. (75-90-125), 14. (0-90-75), 15. (0-0-0) kg / ha% CaO-kg / ha P2O5-K2O. The result showed that by giving a dose of phosphate fertilizer 90 kg/ha P2O5 and potassium at a dose of 100-125 kg/ha K2O CaO combined with the provision of 75 % of the weight of the seed, is the combination to control iron poisoning
Influence of Height Waterlogging on Soil Physical Properties of Potential and Actual Acid Sulphate Soils
Water management is main factor that determines the successful of rice cultivation in acid sulphate soil. Soil waterlogging determines the direction and rate of chemical, geochemical and biological reaction in the soil, indirectly these reactions may influence to the changes of soil psycal properties during soil waterlogging process. The experiment was aimed to study the changes of two type of acid sulphate soils physical properties during rice straw decomposition processes. The research was conducted in the greenhouse consisting of the three treatment factors using the completely randomized design with three replications. The first factor was soil type: potential acid sulphate soil (PASS) and actual acid sulphate soil (AASS). The second factor was height of water waterlogging: 0.5-1.0 cm (muddy water–level condition) and 4.0 cm from above the soil surface (waterlogged). The third factor was organic matter type: rice straw (RS), purun tikus (Eleocharis dulcis) (PT) and mixed of RS and PT (MX). Soil physical properties such as aggregate stability, total soil porosity, soil permeability, soil particle density and bulk density were observed at the end of experiment (vegetative maximum stage). The results showed that acid sulphate soil type had large effect on soil physicl properties, soil waterlogging decreased aggregate stability, soil particle density and bulk density both of soil type.Keywords : Acid sulphate soils, soil physical properties, and waterlogging [How to Cite: Arifin F, A Susilawati and A Rachman. 2014. Influence of Height Waterlogging on Soil Physical Properties of Potential and Actual Acid Sulphate Soils. J Trop Soils 19(2): 77-83. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2014.19.2.77] [Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2014.19.2.77] 
Optimalisasi Penggunaan Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut Mendukung Swasembada Pangan Nasional
. Tidal swamp land resources can be a source of new production growth of agricultural production. However, it should be supported by reliable cultivation technology due to tidal swamp land generally have some constraints including technical aspects, infrastructure,socio-economics and institution.. Optimization USAge of a tidal swamp land is very strategic and has a great opportunity to increase rice production in the tidal wetlands that may contribute significantly to the national rice production. The optimization can be via (1) area expansion, (2) increase the cropping index (IP) (water management and the use of high yielding varieties), and (3) increased productivity (land arrangement, soil tillage, amelioration and fertilization, weed control, pest and disease as well as institutional strengthening). If optimization USAge of tidal swamp land is carried out and supported by technological innovation, good cultivation management, and improved cropping indices (IP 200), it is expected to obtain additional production of 3.5 million tons of rice grain per year. This achievement target can be done gradually by implementiing the priority principle, continuity, systematics, and focusing. In the connection of strong linkages among development sectors and sub-sectors in agriculture itself, the koordination, integration, and synchronization are the key of success
Teknologi Penurunan Kadar Fe Air Sawah Pasang Surut Melalui Penggunaan Biofilter Purun Tikus (Eleocharis Dulcis) [Fe Levels Decline Technology of Water Tidal Rice Field by Using Purun Tikus (Eleocharis Dulcis) Biofilter ]
Water management in acid sulfate soil can increase the productivity of land and crops, but the element of poison leaching into drainage channels gives negative impact on the environment. One approach to improve water quality is to filter or absorb the poison element. Purun tikus (Eleocharis dulcis) can act as a biofilter to improve water quality. The purpose of this study is to get biofilter technology (purun tikus) to reduce the levels of Fe, SO4 and increase the pH of the water. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse of Indonesian Swampland Agriculture Research Institute, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. Treatment was arranged in a factorial randomized block design with three replications.The first factor was the density of the biofilter ,consisted of: 1) 25%, 2) 50%, and 3) 100%, The second factor was the length of contact of water with biofilter that consisted of: 1). 12 hours, 2) 24 hours, and 3) 36 hours. The results showed that the density of purun tikus 50% in greenhouse experiments can decreased the concentration of Fe at 76.5%
Laboratory Work Package with Authentic Assessment to Develop Collaborative Performance Skills of Physics Education Students
Electromotive force is one of the abstract subjects that require laboratory work for better understanding of its concepts. This research aims to develop a package of electromotive force laboratory work using authentic assessment. The other benefit expected is that students experience collaborative performance skills. The method is research and development in order to get expert recommendation on the feasibility of a laboratory work package for induced electromotive force and the use of its results. Hence, the expected outcome of this research is a package of laboratory work on induced electromotive force. Results of data analyses show that experts recommend the use of induced electromotive force laboratory work package as a medium in the learning process as it comes with meaningful experiences. These results show that students performing the laboratory work package on induced electromotive force understand the concept better and they also learn collaborative performance skills.
Keywords: induced electromotive force, collaborative performance skill
Parasitologi Medik Dasar
Buku Parasitologi Medik Dasar yang berada ditangan pembaca ini disuguhkan untuk mengisi khasanah keilmuan di bidang kesehatan/kedokteran yang mengkaji penyakit-penyakit akibat parasit. Ruang lingkup pengkajian meliputi morfologi parasit, siklus hidup, gejala klinis, epidemiologi serta diagnosis laboratorium pemeriksaan parasit.
Buku ini tersusun dalam 14 BAB yang berurutan dan sistematis :
BAB I Pengantar Parasitologi
BAB II Gambaran umum Protozoa
BAB III Amoeba patogen
BAB IV Amoeba non patogen
BAB V Flagellata intestinal, oral dan genital
BAB VI Malaria
BAB VII Coccidia
BAB VIII Balantidium coli
BAB IX Gambaran umum Helminth
BAB X Soil transmitted Helminth
BAB XI Non Soil transmitted Helminth
BAB XII Cestoda
BAB XIII Trematoda
BAB XIV Metode diagnostik dalam Parasitolog