15 research outputs found
Analisis Pragmatik Dalam Penggunaan Bahasa Iklan Di Surat Kabar the Jakarta Post Online
The purpose of this study are to describe and explain: 1) to determine how the use of the types of speech acts in the language of the ads found in the newspaper The Jakarta Post Online, 2) to determine how the process or how the formation of the language of advertising in letter The Jakarta Post online news as linguistic teaching materials. Research Design in this research was descriptive qualitative, which means providing indepth explanation of the phenomenon or object in a systematic way, based on the facts and accuracy (Moleong,2006:5). The authors applied this research method inorder to determine how to use the types of speech acts (speech act) in the language of the ads found in the newspaper The Jakarta Post Online, and how the formation of the language of advertising in the newspaper The Jakarta PostOnline. The Jakarta Post Online as the subject of this study .Object of this research was thatthere were ads on the newspaper The Jakarta Post Online".The following discussion of the study as a pre-supposition that the authors used the adsthey generally use two clauses (contained in 10 ads), and only one ads which used three clauses,namely ad restaurant Seafood House. Locutionary acts /illocutionary meaning, in outline form,the advertising writer intended to give statements about the advertised product, foe readers,illocutionary acts / illocutionary meaning, each of these ads had already targeted and specific targetedfor its prospective users. Perlocutionary acts / perlocution meaning has meaning as if the two-wayscommunication between the advertised product with potential buyers. Implicate happened is all theads implied that the advertised product is not a regular product, but they are the selected product andthe best.Suggestions related to the results of research are as follows: pragmatics is a science that isvery beneficial to the world of advertising for a product that was introduced in the community must beaccompanied by the sentence / speech / word which is able to make the prospective buyer / userinterested and decided to purchase / use these products, Science pragmatic needs to be introduced andtaught in the course is primarily for students of English Education in order to understand thecontext of what happened around them. Furthermore, the research and in-depth associated withadvertising and pragmatic needs to be held to answer curiosity more about The scientific treasures
Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru melalui Pelaksanaan Ptk Bagi Guru-guru Bahasa Inggris Smk Kota Semarang
Based on Government Regulation No. 1 of 2010 on Sustainable professional development mentioned that teachers are required to perform their professional development . Among them is to conduct the scientific papers and publications. Then, based on that regulation is also mentioned that for the promotion of a teacher of level III b next to a teacher should have the credit points associated with self-development and scientific papers . One of the efforts to conduct research relating to the learning in the classroom is to do (Classroom Action Research ) . In Semarang, there are 89 vocational high Semarang state and private. In fact, in Semarang there are still most teachers have difficulty to perform PTK (Classroom Action Research ) caused by a lack of fundamental knowledge about it. Meanwhile, another problem is the understanding of teachers still varies so affecting in its application in the field. Especially in the field of English language studies at SMK , most teachers still feel difficulties in classroom action research related to the field of study. In connection with the above , it is seemed necessary to upgrading , training , coaching , and mentoring of PTK . Therefore , a team of Community Service University of PGRI Semarang have petrified teachers in implementing PTK in the field . The expected outcomes of this activity is a report on the implementation of PTK and scientific articles published in research journals ready
Ibm Bagi Guru-guru Bahasa Inggris Alumni IKIP PGRI Semarang
Sosialisasi Calon Instruktur Pos Paud di Kelurahan Sampangan Kecamatan Gajah Mungkur Semarang
?é?á Nowadays PAUD/ pre-school education is really important and urgent to be conducted in any villages or kampongs. Sampangan village Gajah Mungkur Semarang is one the villages that needs to be explored and held by the team of community service. Implementing PAUD is actually already arranged in UU no. 20/ 2003. By that rule, the team try to give some programs such as; socialization and training about what is PAUD, how to be PAUD instructors, how to teach children well. The training was held for 2 days started on 4-5 December 2010 at 08.00 am ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ 04.00 pm, located in?é?á Sampangan Village the office hall, Gajahmungkur Semarang. ?é?áThe main purpose of this program is holding and socializing PAUD in that village in order to have more skills for the instructors in teaching children more interesting. Team used some methods in this training such as giving speech, discussion, simulation, and practice. By having those methods, it is hoped that the candidates of PAUD teachers will understand and comprehend about the materials dealing with what is PAUD and how to teach children more effective and interesting. ?é?
The Interpersonal Meanings Used in the Drink Labels
This research aims at describing the Interpersonal Meanings used in the drink labels. The objectives of this research are to investigate clauses and their constituents realized in the English sentences used and to map out the interpersonal meanings realized in the clauses on the drink labels. The writer used qualitative descriptive analysis to find out the characteristics of English sentences used in the drink labels. The object of the study is the sentences used in the drink labels. The unit analysis is a clause used in the drink labels. The data were collected by the use of document. To analyze the data and Method of data analysis, the writer took some steps; there are identification of 19 products of the drink labels, identification of the labels, identification of the sentences used in the drink labels, and identification of interpersonal meaning. The result shows that, the 19 drink labels have 79 clauses and each clause has different constituents there are two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten constituents. The dominant constituent is nine constituents. The interpersonal meaning realized in the labels are; a) exchanging information which consists of giving information and demanding goods and services. b) Exchanging goods & services, which consist of demanding goods & services, and giving goods & services. The dominant interpersonal meaning on the drink labels is declaratives mood – giving information of exchanging information. It has 58 clauses. On this drink labels, there is no interrogative mood – demanding information of exchanging information. It is suggested that labels are good media for teaching English. By understanding the meaning of the labels, students and or readers will get the knowledge about the meaning of the clauses on the drink labels. They also will get the benefit of the drinks. The other researchers would be able to continue analyzing for the next steps using different points of view
Scrutinizing English Discourse Markers In Efl Students' Writing Production
Fraser (1988; 1996; 1999) which are classified EDMs functions as ‘contrastive, ‘elaborative, and ‘inferential. This study designated the use of English discourse markers by University EFL students in writing production. To answer the research question on how do they disclose EDMs in producing writing, the writers employed a qualitative research approach. The object was the documentation of students' writing result mediated on the writing class. The participants were 38 students of semester III in the academic year 2018/2019. The findings are the contrastive markers are; but 63/instead of 2/whereas 2/however 16/although 2/in the other hand /side 6. The elaborative markers are; and 597/also 105/or 69/for example 27/besides 7/moreover 3/in addition, 24/then 6/likewise 1. The inferential markers are; because 97/so 51/as a result 9/therefore 11/in conclusion 3/then 1. The most functions of discourse markers use by students are; the marker ‘but' has a meaning ‘on the contrary. The marker ‘and' has a meaning as ‘in addition'. Students used the marker ‘because' to indicate ‘for the reason'. The implication of this study is that students need to understand in employing properly English discourse markers to make their writing being cohesive and coherent in texts