10 research outputs found
Prototype of Information System for Horticulture Pest and Disease Distribution
The impact of climate change on the outbreak plant pest and disease seems to be likely increased in the future. However, operational information system on the outbreak of pest and disease on horticulture crops which can provide an overview of outbreak and distribution pest both in space and time is still very limited. The objective of the study is to developed prototype information system for providing information regarding area of horticulture pest and disease outbreak both space and time punctually and accurately. SIOPTHor is the early stage study to meet information regarding distribution of pest and disease outbreak. SIOPTHor is developed to performed information system including storage, processing, and analysis of distribution of pest and disease of horticulture data both in space and time on spatial and temporal. Distribution pest and disease attack data on horticulture crops (onions, red peppers and potatoes) for main horticulture crop areas in sub district level of Java were provided by local plant protection stations (BPTPH).. SIOPTHor was developed using waterfall systems development methods. This method consist of five stages, namely requirements analysis, design, implementation/coding, testing/verification and deployment/ maintenance. The software platform used for developing the system includes: 1) operation system Microsoft Windows 7, 2) programming language C#, 3) integrated development environment Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, 4) database management system Microsoft Access 2007, 5) mapper MapWinGIS v.3, 6) and software utilities such as Collapsible Panel, Microsoft Chart for NET, and adobe photoshop portable. The results showed SIOPTHor information system display informations including:1) analysis of pest and disease distribution both in space and time, 2) the Top-k OPT analysis in sub district level, 3) The most severe pest outbreak, and 4) analysis of pest and disease vulnerable index
Global Climate Indices and Its Effect on Extreme Climate Events in Indonesia
Many facts show that El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon and Dipole Mode are closely related to rainfall event in Indonesia, but the magnitude of its impact varies with site. Therefore, it is needed to determine the most singnificant global climate indices that has closely related to Indonesian\u27s rainfall. The significant indices are able to be used in predicting rainfall in Indonesia.The objective of the present study is to detemine global climate indicators that have the significant effect to rainfall, climate/season anomaly, the occurence flood and drought in Indonesia. The study has been done through the following steps ; 1) regression analysis of rainfall with global climate indices of Sea Surface Temperatur Anomaly/SST in Nino 3.4 zone, Dipole mode Index (DMI), Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), interacton of SSTA with DMI, and interaction of SOI with DMI), 2) Plotting of rainfall anomaly and global climate indices for determining rainfall deviates with deviant of global climate forcing indices, 3) analysis of probability of exceedence for determining onset and lenght of wet season on climate extreme event, and 4) analysis impact of climate extreme event on flood and drougt occurences and damage areas of ricefield. The result showed that the closest relationship between global climate forcing indices and rainfall inIndonesia is SST in Nino 3.4 zone and only have significant relationship to rainfall in transisional season (August-November). Negative correlation between SST and rainfall indicates that the increase of SST anomaly causes the decrease of rainfall on August-November period. Probability of exceedance analysis showed that if the SST on September decrease below -0.5 -0.5 oC (indicate La-Niña event), the wet season will start earlier withlonger period. In contrast, if SST increases above 0.5 oC (indicate El-Niño event) the wet season will delay with shorter period. Impact of drought on damage of ricefield is more significant than the flood occurence
The Use of Climate Information for Developing Early Warning System to Brown Plant Hopper Attack on Paddies
Crop pests and diseases are limiting factors in determining crops production. Brown Plant Hopper/BPH (Nilaparvata lugens) is the major crop pests and diseases for rice in Asia since 1970\u27s. The presence of BPH is depending upon several conditions covering pathogenic characteristics, carriers, physical environment (rainfall, temperature, humidity etc.) and biotic environment (natural enemy, competitor organisms). BPH growth is very fast delivering huge amount of eggs, has a short life cycle (28 days) with fast distribution forces and incredible attack forces. BPH is very dynamic in their live assuming due to the climatic condition of their habitat. This is the reason why climate can be used as an indicator for early warning to anticipate the area attack of BPH especially and in general for crop pests and diseases control. The relationship between pest and diseases attack and climate parameters such as rainfall, mean temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, mean humidity, maximum humidity, and minimum humidity can be analyzed using multiple regression. The early warning system is developed using software of MS Access, Arc View, Map Object, and Visual Basic that can be a dynamic and interactive system. The results of analysis showed that climate parameter has a correlation with the area attack of BPH only during the La-Niña years. Those parameters include rainfall, maximumtemperature, maximum temperature at two weeks before attack, minimum temperature, and minimum temperature at two weeks before attack. The early warning system is started by entering the climate prediction for the next cropping season where the time is subject to prediction, at a certain sub-district. After inputting data of climate prediction the system will provide information of potential area attack of BPH at that location. By performing information of potential area attack the anticipative action can be designed earlier so that the crops harvest failure can be reduced
Characteristics of Tropical Drained Peatlands and CO2 Emission Under Several Land Use Types
Converting of tropical rain forest into plantation and agriculture land uses has been claimed as a main factor that affects to global warming and climate change. In order to provide a comprehensive information of the issue, a field observation on peat properties in relation to CO2 emission under several land use types had been done at Lubuk Ogong Village, Pelalawan District, Riau Province from May 2011-April 2012. Five land use types, namely A. mangium, bare land, oil palm, rubber, and secondary forest have been selected in the study site. Observations were made for chemical and physical properties, above and below ground C-stock and CO2 emissions. The results showed a higher variation of peat depth and a below ground C-stock was almost linearly with a peat depth. Below ground C-stock for each land use was around 2848.55 Mg ha-1, 2657.08 Mg ha-1 5949.85 Mg ha-1, 3374.69 Mg ha-1, 4104.87 Mg ha-1 for secondary forest, rubber, oil palm, bare land, and A. mangium, respectively. The highest above ground C-stock observed on a secondary forest was 131.5 Mg ha-1, followed by the four years A. mangium 48.4 Mg ha-1, the 1-2 years A. mangium 36.6 Mg ha-1, and the 4 years A. mangium 34.4 Mg ha-1. While, CO2 emissions in the study sites were 66.58±21.77 Mg ha-1yr-1, 66.17±25.54 Mg ha-1yr-1, 64.50±31.49 Mg ha-1yr-1, 59.55±18.30 Mg ha-1yr-1, 53.65±16.91 Mg ha-1yr-1 for bareland, oil palm, secondary forest, A. mangium, and rubber, respectively. [How to Cite: IG Putu Wigena, Husnain, E Susanti, and F Agus. 2015. Characteristics of Tropical Drained Peatlands and CO2 Emission under Several Land Use Types. J Trop Soils 19: 47-57. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2015.20.1.47][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2015.20.1.47] 
Institutional Innovation of Integrated Cropping Calendar Information System to Support Climate Change Adaptation for National Food Security
Government of Indonesia has set the rice surplus target of 10 million tons in 2014. This program requires integrated and comprehensive efforts of all stakeholders in central and local levels. The policy was set forth in form of Permentan No. 45/2011 and then implemented by the Director General of Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) through a decree No. 178.1/Kpts/OT.160/I/7/2012 about For- mation of Integrated Cropping Calendar and Climate Change Task Force in each Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) for whole Indonesia. Additionally, IAARD has developed an Integrated Cropping Calendar Information System as a reference for policy makers in planning food crop management. The information system contains the next planting season estimation at sub-district level, which includes the initial time of planting, disaster-prone areas (flood, drought, and pests/diseases), as well as technology recommendation (varieties, seed, and fertilizer). In order to make an operational standard for AIAT Task Force, the Technical Guideline of Integrated Cropping Calendar and Climate Change is imperative. This article contains the summary of the technical guideline for AIAT Task Force in support of Permentan No. 45/2011 and climate change adaptation for food security. An implication of implementation of the AIAT Task Force is an important part in improving the content of Integrated Cropping Calendar Information System that fits the needs of farmers and extension workers in the field in order to achieve the rice surplus target
Sistem Informasi Kalender Tanam Terpadu: Status Terkini Dan Tantangan Kedepan
. The accuracy in determining time of planting is one of determining factors in securing good harvest and increasing yield of food crop. Local wisdom and other conventional ways applied previously in determining cropping pattern are no longer appropriate because of shifting seasons. As a guideline for extension workers in determining cropping pattern and time of planting, Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development has published information system of integrated cropping calendar to secure national rice production in coping with climate variability and climate change. This paper aims to describe the development of web-based Information System of Integrated Cropping Calendar at a sub-district level. The system is constructed by integrating three sub-systems, namely sub-system data, model and query and can be accessed through the website address at www.litbang.deptan.go.id. The main information that can be obtained from this system is initial estimate of paddy planting time for the upcoming planting season. In addition, the users can obtain information on disaster prone areas such as droughts, floods and pests attack. Other informations are recommended technology for varieties, seed requirement and fertilizers, that be prepared by users prior to growing season period. Therefore, this system needs to be improved for all sub-districts in Indonesia at least three times a year of the beginning of each growing season. The challenges of developing integrated cropping calendar system for the future are: (1) global warming increases unpredictable weather that impacts on the accuracy of planting time estimate, (2) decreases in productivity and yield production which would require an increasingly technological innovation informations, and (3)land conversion and fragmentation of agricultural land resulting in reduction of paddy field area. Maintenance and development of this system are still needed, to improve the quality of data and information in order to meet the user needs