7 research outputs found
Development Research : Studi Kasus Pada Computer Aided Learning (Cal)
This study aims to (1) develop prototype software called computer aided learning (CAL) for Real Analysis courses, and (2) produce a valid and practice prototype software CAL in Real Analysis. CAL was tried out to prospective math teachers at the Department in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Sriwijaya University. That is used in this study is a developmental research that consists of analyzing, designing, evaluating, and revising. The Instruments for collecting data are questioner, observation, and test. Questioner is used to evaluate CAL. Observation is used to see the students\u27 skills and the students\u27 activities. Test is used to see students\u27 achievement after using CAL uses test. All data are analyzed using descriptive technique. The results of analysis are: (1) CAL Developing is just for sequences, series and limit function and the cycles are analyzing, designing, evaluating, and revising. (2) CAL prototype which is developed has been valid based on expert review and practice based on try out
Soal Serupa Pisa Menggunakan Konteks Cabang Olahraga Lari
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan soal matematika serupa PISAmenggunakan konteks Lari yang valid, praktis dan memiliki efek potensial. Metode yangdigunakan adalah development research. Proses pengembangan dilakukan dalam duatahapan, yaitu Preliminary dan prototyping. Pada tahapan prototyping (formative evaluation)dibagi menjadi fase self evaluation, expert review & one-to-one, small group, dan field test.Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, walkthrough, dokumentasidan tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriftif kualitatif. Kesimpulan daripenelitian adalah sebagai berikut: (1)Peneliti menemukan beberapa strategi berbeda yangdilakukan oleh siswa untuk menyelesaikan soal yang diberikan; (2) Beberapa siswa memilikikemampuan dasar matematika yang baik dalam menyelesaikan soal yang diberikan, sepertikemampuan komunikasi, penalaran dan argumen, merumuskan strategi untuk menyelesaikanmasalah, dan melakukan operasi; (3) peneliti menemukan beberapa siswa yang melakukankesalahan pada penjumlahan bilangan desimal dan kesalahan dalam menkonversikan satuanwaktu, seperti menkonversikan detik ke jam
Design Study: Integer Subtraction Operation Teaching Learning Using Multimedia in Primary School
This study aims to develop a learning trajectory to help students understand concept of subtraction of integers using multimedia in the fourth grade. This study is thematic integrative learning in Curriculum 2013 PMRI based. The method used is design research consists of three stages; preparing for the experiment, design experiment, retrospective analysis. The studied was conducted on 20 students of grade four SDN 1 Muara Batun, OKI. The activities of students in this study consisted of six learning trajectories. The first activity asks the students to classify heroism and non-heroism acts, summarize, and classify integers and non-integer. The second activity asks the students to answer the questions in the film given. The third activity asks students to count the remaining gravel in the film. The fourth activity asks students to count remaining spent money in the film. The fifth activity invites students to play rubber seeds in the bag. The last activity asks students to answer the questions in the student worksheet. The media used along the learning activities are a ruler, rubber seed, student worksheet, money, gravel, and film. The results indicate that the learning trajectory using multimedia help students understand the concept of integer subtraction integer
Instrumentos para trastornos del comportamiento alimentario validados en mujeres mexicanas: Una revisión de la literatura
El propósito de la presente revisión fue hacer un análisis de aquellos estudios en que se han examinado las propiedades psicométricas de instrumentos de evaluación de trastornos del comportamiento alimentario (TCA) en mujeres mexicanas. Se buscaron artÃculos publicados en revistas cientÃficas sobre propiedades psicométricas de instrumentos para medir sÃntomas o caracterÃsticas asociadas a los TCA. Se localizaron 17 publicaciones en las que se evaluó la confiabilidad y/o validez de 16 cuestionarios de autoinforme (11 creados en otros paÃses y cinco construidos por investigadores mexicanos). Se encontró que los instrumentos poseen confiabilidad adecuada, sin embargo, sólo se ha analizado la consistencia interna. Para evaluar la validez de los instrumentos se han empleado diferentes procedimientos, siendo el más común el análisis factorial exploratorio y el análisis de la homogeneidad de la prueba. Siete de los instrumentos cuentan con punto de corte, el cual permite identificar a personas en riesgo de desarrollar algún TCA. Se concluyó que es necesario realizar más investigaciones que fortalezcan la evidencia existente sobre las propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos revisados
Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan Model Reciprocal Teaching Untuk Melatih Kecakapan Akademik Siswa Di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Indralaya
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat kecakapan akademik siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika model kooperatif tipe reciprocal teaching. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII.5 SMP Negeri 1 Indralaya yang berjumlah 36 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan tes. Berdasarkan analisis data observasi menunjukan skor rata-rata kemampuan kecakapan akademik siswa adalah 85,26 dan tergolong dalam kategori tinggi. Adapun skor rata-rata hasil belajar siswa adalah 83,01 dan tergolong dalam kategori tinggi. Sehubungan dengan kesimpulan tersebut, hendaknya para guru matematika dapat menerapkan model reciprocal teaching dalam rangka melatih kecakapan akademik siswa
Pembelajaran Kombinasi Menggunakan Konteks Tim Sepak Takraw
This study aims to produce a learning trajectory using takraw teams context in helping students to understand the concept of combinations. This research used design research to give in developing local instructional theory in learning combinations. Learning trajectory designed in the early phases and tested on 36 tenth-grade students in SMA N 15 Palembang. This result is a learning trajectory which consists of 3 activities using takraw teams context:1) student do role-play scene of selecting main teams and handshake between players, this supports students to understanding in combinations order doesn’t matter. 2) students analyze the general pattern of combination with the knowledge of students about the factorial. 3) student solve problems related to combination helps students in thinking about how to solve a real-world problem related to combination. From the resulting activity can be concluded that learning to use takraw teams context can help students understand the concept of combinations