13 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Literasi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Pada Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    This research aims at describing: (1) the carrying out of literacy teachinglearning; (2) the quality of literacy teaching learning; (3) the obstacles in literacyteaching learning; and (4) the efforts of solving the problems in literacy teachinglearning. The method used is qualitative descriptive method. The sources of data includeplaces and events, informants, and documents. The data collecting technique was conductedthrough observation, interview, and document analysis. Data triangulation,method triangulation, and reviewing informant were used in data validity test. Dataanalysis technique applied interactive analysis model. The research result showed that:(1) learning literacy was conducted through three steps namely planning, implementing,and evaluating; (2) most students achieved the criteria of minimum mastery score, 7.5.Students' daily mean score in reading and writing was 7.5.; (3) the obstacles faced inlearning literacy are (a) teacher and students got difficulties in developing writingactivities; (b) school program of reading and writing fondness didn't run well, (c) media,teaching infrastructure haven't been optimally provided. (4) there were some ways toovercome the problems: (a) giving more assignments on writing especially uprightcontinual handwriting, (b) giving more assignments on reading by providing more booksat school, (c) providing sufficient infrastructure at schools

    Tinjauan Hukum Program Nasional Agraria Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    BPN is an institution that is authorized to perform the duties of government land,among others implement acceleration land registration. Based on GovernmentRegulation No. 24/1997 concerning PRONA (national programe) policies, namelyproviding land registration services and legal certainty as to realize the achievement ofchess orderly land sector. If Government Regulation No. 24/1997 implemented properly,it will provide legal certainty, that the rule of law: land rights holders; lay of the land;acreage and others. Completeness and actual information on every subject in the landregistration law, it will be easier to take legal actions against the parcel of land that hasbeen registered

    Peningkatan Motivasi Dan Keterampilan Menulis Argumentasi Dengan Model Pembelajaran Think Talk Write Dan Media Audiovisual Pada Siswa Ssekolah Menengah Atas

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    : The aims of this research are to improve: (1) the students motivation at class X-1 of SMA Negeri Gondangrejo on the teaching of writing argumentation text through the learning model Think Talk Write (TTW) by using audiovisual media; and (2) the students skills in writing argumentation text at class X-1 of SMA Negeri Gondangrejo through learning model Think Talk Write (TTW) by using audiovisual media. This research forms a Classroom Action Research (CAR). Based on the results of the study showed that the model Think Talk Write (TTW) using audiovisual media can increase the motivation and skills of write argumentation text students from the first cycle to the second cycle. This is evidenced the changes and increased activity of students and teachers as well as students' writing paragraphs argument.: (1) motivation of students increased from the first cycle, which is 56% and the second cycle increased to 78%; and (2) increasedskills of writing argumentation text in the yields of the first cycle, is 60% (15 students) and the second cycle increased to 84% (21 students)

    Analisis Struktural Dan Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Novel Pukat Karya Tere Liye Serta Relevansinya Terhadap Materi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di SMA

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    : The aims of this research are to describe: (1) the structures from Tere Liye\u27s novel Pukat; (2) the values of character education contained in the Tere Liye\u27s novel Pukat; (3) the relevance of structural analysis and the value of character education from Tere Liye\u27s novel Pukat towards Indonesian language learning materials in Senior High School.This research is a qualitative descriptive study with content analysis method. Based on the results of the study in chapter 4 can be summarized as follows: (1) Structural analysis; the theme of the novel Pukat is the simplicity of life, honesty, and compassion. The story line used is a mixture storyline. Characterizations in the novel Pukat divided into the main character and an additional character. Viewing angles are used is a first person perspective as the main character. Background used is background of the place, time setting, and social background. The dominant style of language used is metaphor, personification, simile, and hyperbole. Message that used expressed on the content of the novel; (2) The educational value of the characters in the novel are social care, discipline, hard work, creativity, curiousity, communicative, likes to read, religious, honesty, independent, caring for the environment, and responsibility; (3) Based on the structural analysis and the value of character education as well as the results of interviews conducted by teachers and students, it can be seen that a novel Pukat has a characteristic of the good learning materials. Because of that, this novel suitability of Indonesian language learning materials in Senior High School

    Faktor Pemengaruh dan Pemecahannya dalam Pembelajaran Membaca-menulis Permulaan

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    This study aimed to describe: 1) the implementation of learning to read-write for the beginners 2) to identify the influences factors, and 3) how to solve those factors of influences. The populations were students and one classroom teacher of SDN Cinderejo Surakarta. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis. Sampling determined through purposive sampling technique. The results of the study concluded: 1) RWB learning component involves students, teachers, objectives, materials, methods, media, and evaluation. Various components are interrelated. 2) Barriers to learning RWB included the internal and external obstacles. (3) To overcome internal barriers were done through learning process, while external barriers pursued through the outside component of the learning process in the classroom RWB

    Penerapan Metode Investigasi Kelompok Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Argumentasi

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses penulisan argumen dan hasil belajar di kelas X-3 SMA 5 Surakarta dengan metode investigasi kelompok. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan menggunakan kualitatif strategi penelitian deskriptif. Objek penelitian ini adalah kelasX-3 SMA 5 Surakarta, sebesar 36 siswa. Sumber data yang digunakan, yaitu: (1) tempat dan peristiwa (2) informan, dan (3) dokumen. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan, yaitu: (1) observasi, (2) teknik tes, (3) kuesioner, dan (4) wawancara mendalam. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis kritis. Penelitian ini berlangsung dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu: (1) perencanaan tindakan, (2) pelaksanaan tindakan, (3) observasi, dan (4) refleksi dan interpretasi tindakan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah kualitas proses peningkatan dan kualitas hasil belajar argumen tertulis dengan menggunakan metode investigasi kelompok. Proses peningkatan kualitas dapat dibuktikan dengan peningkatan motivasi dan keaktifan siswa mengikuti pelajaran menulis argumen. Peningkatan kualitas hasil dapat dilihat dari peningkatan nilai rata-rata. Nilai rata-rata siswa kemampuan untuk menulis argumen dalam kondisi awal sebelum tindakan itu 60,66 dengan rasio 33 siswa hanya 17 yang lulus dengan nilai di atas 64. Pada siklus I meningkat, nilai rata-rata siswa keterampilan menulis dari argumen menjadi 63,77. Pada akhir siklus implementasi 2 nilai rata-rata kemampuan menulis siswa argumen adalah 72,38 dan semua mahasiswa pascasarjana di kemampuan tes untuk menulis argumen (100% siswa lulus)

    Penerapan Metode Picture and Picture Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Narasi Pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan keterampilan menulis teks narasi siswa kelas X TBB C SMK Negeri 4 Sukoharjo melalui metode Picture and Picture. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK).Tindakan dalam penelitian dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus, tiap siklus terdiri atas perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi.Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X TBB C SMK Negeri 4 Sukoharjo yang berjumlah 29 siswa.Sumber data yang digunakan berupa peristiwa, informan, dan dokumen.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen.Uji validitas data yang digunakan adalah teknik triangulasi metode, triangulasi sumber data dan review informan.Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif komparatif dan teknik analisis kritis.Simpulan penelitian ini adalah penerapan metode Picture and Picture mampu meningkatkan motivasi dan keterampilan menulis teks narasi. Peningkatan tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan prosedur pembelajaran sebagai berikut: (1) guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai; (2) guru menyajikan materi sebagai pengantar; (3) guru menunjuk atau memperlihatkan gambar-gambar kegiatan berkaitan dengan materi; (4) guru menanyakan alasan atau dasar pemikiran dari urutan gambar tersebut; (5) berdasarkan alasan urutan gambar tersebut, guru mulai menanamkan konsep atau materi sesuai dengan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai; (6) guru memberikan kesimpulan/ rangkuman materi yang baru saja dibahas, kemudian siswa ditugaskan untuk menulis sebuah teks narasi berdasarkan urutan gambar

    Kata Serapan Pada Kolom Iki Lho Di Harian Joglosemar (Pola Dan Latar Belakang Penggunaan)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kata serapan pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar, proses pembentukan kata serapan pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar; dan dasar penggunaan dari kata serapan pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif meneliti fenomena kata pinjaman. Data yang diambil dari dokumen dan informan. Sumber data penelitian ini diambil dari kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar selama Agustus-Desember 2013 dan hasil wawancara dengan editor Joglosemar. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) ada beberapa bentuk kata serapan dari bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Jawa pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar; (2) ada beberapa proses pembentukan kata serapan pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar; dan (3) ada beberapa hal yang mendasari penggunaan kata serapan, seperti efisiensi kata, kedekatan bahasa dengan masyarakat, bahasa yang menarik atau lucu, media pengenalan baru istilah, dan kesesuaian dengan bahasa berita

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Paragraf Deskripsi Dengan Model Example Non-example Pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    : The purposes of this research are to improve: (1) the student attitude in learning process of writing paragraph description; and (2) the ability to write paragraph description by using Example Non-Example model. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) conducted in SMK Murni 1 Surakarta. Based on the results, it can be concluded that : (1) the model Example Non-Example with the use of photo and video media can improve the student attitude of the learning process and the ability of writing paragraph description class XI KP SMK Murni 1 Surakarta. Improving the student attitude in learning process is characterized by increased the average value of the attitude of the students in the first cycle = 14,66 (enough); Cycle II = 16,79 (good); and (2) increase the ability of students to write a paragraph description is marked by the increasing number of students who achieve a minimum completeness criteria. In the first cycle, the average value of the ability to write text negotiations reached 72.98 with the percentage of completeness 57.14%. In second cycle reached 79.52 by 78.57% the percentage of completeness. The results of this study indicate that the application of the model Example Non-Example with the use of photo and video media effectively used in learning to write a paragraph description