24 research outputs found
Pendidikan Multikultural: Sebuah Perspektif Global
Pendidikan multikultural merupakan pendekatan belajar mengajar yang berlandaskan nilai-nilai demokrasi yang menegaskan pluralisme budaya dalam masyarakat yang beragam. Saat ini ada dua sudut pandang atau perspektif pendidikan multikultural, yaitu perspektif asimilasi atau “melting-pot” dan pluralisme atau "sudut pandang umum. Perspektif asimilasi multikultural adalah bahwa mikrokultur harus melepaskan budaya dan identitas asli mereka untuk berbaur atau terserap ke dalam budaya yang dominan. Perspektif global adalah bahwa budaya mikro dapat mempertahankan banyak tradisi mereka seperti bahasa, agama, dan kebiasaan sosial sambil mengadopsi banyak aspek budaya dominan. Perspektif global Pendidikan multikultural mengakui pluralisme budaya sebagai keadaan yang ideal dan sehat dalam setiap masyarakat yang produktif dan mempromosikan kesetaraan dan rasa hormat di antara kelompok budaya yang ada. Prinsip ini memungkinkan perspektif global pendidikan multikultural untuk melampaui pedagogi kesetaraan sebagai satu-satunya cara untuk mengatasi masalah yang telah diciptakan oleh perspektif asimilasi.Dengan interkoneksi yang meningkat pesat di antara semua negara, kita menghadapi isu-isu global terkait ekosistem, senjata nuklir, terorisme, hak asasi manusia, lembaga pendidikan tinggi perlu menerapkan perspektif global pendidikan multikultural di dunia yang pluralistik dan tetap kompetitif secara akademis.Tujuan artikel ini adalah menjelaskan perspektif global tentang pendidikan multikultural dan bagaimana institusi pendidikan tinggi dapat menggunakannya sebagai model keunggulan akademik dalam masyarakat yang pluralistik dan demokratis
Islamophobia and Media Framing in West Media
The focus of this article is to explain the lousy illustration of Islam and Muslims in international media. The media worldwide is considered the most influential medium that’s formed the views of human beings related to each phase of societies. The media carry out a massive position in building the listener perspective and mindset related to any problem that emerges within the whole globe. In this context, the audiences take delivery as genuine. They expect from media to symbolize a clean photo relate to any affair which is taking place at each countrywide and international floor. In western media, Muslims are represented as an “other alien” on a global level. After September 11, Muslims and Islam have recognized as backward and violent traditions and faith. Muslim communities and their households are generally sufferers and focused via non-Muslims, victimization of a veiled Muslim girl and religious guys in public locations, as victims and targeted against the law. In gift days, Islam and Muslims are represented as a terrorist, illiterate, extremist and backward in global media. Although the framing of Muslims and Islam, mainly after the 7/7 bombing, September 11 terrorist assault, and Paris assault, a massive number of look at and research installation, that the world over the inclination of media reporting is exceedingly located negativity in the direction of Islam and Muslims, through affiliating it with extremism and terrorism
Jelajah Desa, Local Television and Tourism Potential Jombang City
Tulisan ini berusaha membahas mengenai konten televisi lokal di Jombang dan potensi pariwisata di Kota Jombang. Penelitian dilakukan di Ringin Corong Televisi (RCTV) dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian adalah Acara Jelajah Desa ini adalah acara yang berusaha mengangkat beragam informasi mengenai wisata di daerah Jombang. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa acara Jelajah Desa berusaha mengangkat potensi yang ada di desa-desa seperti bidang peternakan, pertanian, sampai wisata alam. Melalui program acara Jelajah Desa, diharapkan meningkatkan promosi potensi wisata di kota Jombang. RCTV juga melakukan promosi usahanya melalui media sosial yang secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan jangkauan informasi tentang RCTV dan potensi di Kota Jombang.This paper seeks to discuss local television content in Jombang and tourism potential in Jombang City. The research was conducted at Ringin Corong Television (RCTV) with qualitative descriptive research methods. The object of research is this Village Cruising Event is an event that seeks to raise various information about tourism in the Jombang area. This type of research is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the Village Cruising event tried to lift the potential in villages such as livestock, agriculture, to natural tourism. Through the Village Cruising event program, it is expected to increase the promotion of tourism potential in the city of Jombang. RCTV also promotes its business through social media which can indirectly increase the range of information about RCTV and potential in Jombang City
Perubahan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Politik Masyarakat Berbasis Information And Social Approach (Strategi Komunikasi Politik dalam Meminimalisasi Absentia Voters di Sampang Madura)
Kabupaten di pulau Madura memiliki rekor tertinggi dan tinggi se Jawa Timur untuk persentase pemilih yang tidak menggunakan hak pilihnya, yaitu Kabupaten Sampang 65.231 suara (13,91%), Kabupaten Bangkalan 62.502 suara (13,56%), Kabupaten Sumenep 55.854 suara (8,05%), dan Kabupaten Pamekasan 35.352 suara (7,88%). Upaya pemerintah dalam meminimalisasi angka golput masih menggunakan strategi yang sama untuk semua khalayak. Padahal, hal tersebut bertolak belakang dengan kenyataan bahwa masing-masing khalayak mempunyai perbedaan demografi, sosial ekonomi dan budaya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan strategi komunikasi politik yang eefktif untuk meminimalisasi angka golput di Madura berdasarkan pendekatan sosial informasi. Pada dasarnya golput di Sampang dapat dikategorikan dalam 2 kelompok dengan perbedaan karakter, yaitu golput di pedesaan dan golput di perkotaan. Perbedaan karakter dari masing-masing kelompok ini memerlukan strategi komunikasi yang berbeda dari aspek komunikasi, baik sumber atau penyampai pesan, isi pesan, media, maupun efek yang ditimbulkan.Tingginya angka golput di Sampang disebabkan oleh menurunnya tingkat kepercayaan kepada penyelenggaraan dan peserta . Sehingga masyarakat di Sampang beranggapan ikut atau tidak dalam tidak memberikan perubahan yang berarti bagi kehidupan keluarga..Menurut pengakuan narasumber banyak warga mengambil sikap menjadi golput dan cenderung bersikap apatis, tak mau peduli dan tidak ikut berpartisipasi di dalamnya
Mindfulness and tourism: The case of Madurese cultural heritage sites
Mindful tourists are able to appreciate and understand heritage sites better than those who are mindless. Mindfulness is a concept that helps tourists build interpretations that will improve the quality of the experience and create a sustainable relationship between tourists and heritage sites. Mindful travellers are those who are actively engaged with interpretations of heritage sites that result in greater learning and understanding. In contrast, a mindless individual is one who follows a routine, pays limited attention to what he does and is stuck in a rigid mindset. Thus, this study aims to identify, build and validate measures of mindfulness in the context of cultural heritage tourism. This research uses quantitative research methods and is carried out in the Madura region which has cultural heritage tourism potential. The question items used to measure mindfulness were developed based on an extensive review of past literature. The data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires to 150 local Madurese and non-Madurese tourists.. The results revealed from this study show four different factors in measuring mindfulness, namely curiosity and attention, alertness, emotional involvement and openness and flexibility. The findings derived from this study offer new insights in understanding the concept of mindfulnes
Environmental Communication, Local Wisdom, and Mitigation of Sampang Flood
The people in Sampang Madura are accustomed to flood disasters so routinely that the people had become accustomed to and fully understood the character of the floods. This study aimed to identify the local wisdom of the Madurese community in dealing with, mitigating, and adapting to disasters, especially floods. The research was conducted in three stages: preparation, observation, in-depth interviews, and data analysis. The preparation stage was carried out by collecting secondary data about Sampang geography, the disaster histories, and people tradition and custom. In the second phase, in-depth interviews were carried out with the Sampang community and BPBD about how people deal with and adapt to disasters. The third stage was data analysis. The result showed that the people of Sampang had strong belief in their ancestral heritage, that everything comes from God, so they have to face it. People carried out disaster mitigation and adaptation by checking for early signs of disaster and following the advice. Besides, they were always connected with their relatives in other areas who gave early indications of flooding. Moreover, they built houses adaptive to flood. The people of Sampang can face, mitigate, and adapt to natural disasters in their area with confidence, knowledge, and following the advice
Abstract. The activity of digital literacy was carried out in the form of counseling about smart internet for parents in Burneh village, Bangkalan. This activity aims to provide knowledge and understanding regarding the importance of parental assistance to children in accessing the internet, provide insight into the negative impacts of technological developments, especially information circulating in cyberspace, provide knowledge about attitudes anticipatory towards various negative impacts caused by internet media and other social media, providing knowledge and understanding of the importance of family communication as a provision for parenting and mentoring of parents to children. The method used in this activity is the planning stage, pre survey of the location of activities, preparation of instruments for community service activities, coordination and resolution of administrative problems, counseling about healthy internet use. Counseling is important, especially for the target group, namely parents. Parents hold an important role in interaction in the family. The pattern of parenting and mentoring for parents is expected to reduce the negative impact of unhealthy internet use. The result of this activity is an increase in parents' knowledge and understanding of digital literacy in families, especially smart internet using.
Abstrak. Kegitan literasi digital ini dilakukan dalam bentuk penyuluhan tentang cerdas berinternet bagi orang tua di desa Burneh Bangkalan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman menegenai pentingnya pendampingan orang tua pada bagi anak dalam mengakses internet, memberikan wawasan mengenai dampak negatif dari perkembangan teknologi, khususnya informasi yang beredar di dunia maya, memberikan pengetahuan mengenai sikap antisipatif terhadap beragam dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh media internet dan media sosial lainnya, memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang pentingnya komunikasi keluarga sebagai bekal pengasuhan dan pendampingan orang tua pada anak. Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini adalah tahap perencanaan, pra survei lokasi kegiatan, penyusunan instrumen kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat, koordinasi dan penyelesaian masalah administrasi, penyuluhan tentang penggunaan internet secara sehat. Penyuluhan penting dilakukan khususnya kepada kelompok sasaran yaitu para orang tua. Karena orang tua memegang peran penting dalam interaksi dalam keluarga. Pola pengasuhan dan pendampingan orang tua, diharapkan mampu mengurangi dampak negatif penggunaan internet yang kurang sehat. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman orang tua mengenai literasi digital dalam keluarga, khususnya berinternet secara sehat
Intercultural Marriage in Madura (Marriage of Kyai and Non-Kyai Descendants in Sampang)
The purpose of this study is to explore aspects of intercultural marriage communication and identify potential cultural-related conflicts in an intercultural marriage as well as to uncover some conflict resolution strategies applied by intercultural couples to overcome this problem. The research was conducted in Sampang Madura. In-depth interviews were conducted with three intercultural couples. This research was conducted in the city of Sampang, Madura, which has a very strong sense of religiosity. Kyai is one of the central figures in social life in Madura. This strategic position has made the figure of a kyai one of the main opinion leaders in Madura. As a community leader, how is the marriage between kyai and non-kyai families? The intercultural couples in this study are husband and wife who come from a kyai family cultural background with a non-kyai partner. The interview data were then analyzed using a data reduction process to synthesize the meaning and essence of the participants' experiences
Mengeksplorasi Peran Komunikasi dalam Meningkatkan Wisata Gastronomi di Madura
This article examines the increasing popularity of gastronomic tourism, which emphasizes the opportunity to taste local cuisine and get to know its gastronomic traditions. What is the value of efficient communication in enhancing the gastronomic tourism experience in terms of language, culture and cuisine. The growing importance of social media for connecting travelers with local communities is explained in this article. The purpose of this paper is to find out how communication can improve the culinary tourism experience in Madura. Tourists who have the opportunity to interact with the community will better appreciate the local way of life and culinary delights. The research design used is descriptive qualitative. The informants in this research are tourists who visit Madura and managers of culinary and gastronomic tourist attractions in this region. The results show that tourists who visit Madura obtain information about tourist destinations from the media and have positive experiences while traveling. Managers of culinary and gastronomic tourist attractions have not utilized communication media optimally due to technical obstacles. A sustainable and responsible gastronomic tourism policy is a positive recommendation for the development of gastronomic tourism in this region