72 research outputs found

    Exploring Career Crystallization Among Indonesian Student in Malaysia

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    Industry Revolution 4.0 is acquiring numerous progressions to the world and one of the transformations is on the future workplace. Hence, students will be largely affected and have a big responsibility to adapt and survive the changes. As mentioned in Super’s theory, students must have some abilities during a certain period. And in light of Super’s career life span theory, students have to achieve their career crystallization. Ironically many students, be that as it may, did not meet the ability on crystallization sub-stage. That is the reason a large number of students getting jumbled between their education background and career later on. This study aimed to investigate vocation crystallization Indonesian students in Malaysia. The case study was used which involved a semi-structured interview and the participant is a student who is studying at the University of Malaya. This investigation indicated that during crystallization sub-stage there are three significant things which are crystallization conduct, resources career information, and determining career choice. Alongside students themselves, schools and counsellors are required to assume a key role in guaranteeing this to happen

    Collaborative Governance Actor in the Revitalization Program of Old Banten Religious Tourism Area

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    This study discusses the interactions of collaborative governance actors in the revitalization program of the Banten Religious Tourism Area. The purpose of this study is to show the factors that influence the cooperation of local governments as well as analysis of the interaction between local government in the Revitalization Program of the Banten Religious Area. The research method is qualitative descriptive with interview and observation data collection techniques. Data in this study were obtained through primary data and secondary data. The results showed that various factors such as commitment, identification of priority needs, the process of integration and harmonization, participatory and institutional models supported the success of regional cooperation in the revitalization program. The interaction between regional cooperation policy actors in the Revitalization Program of the Old Banten Tourism Area in Serang City at the implementation level has run well, although there are still problems, which include interactions that are indirectly influenced by systems such as politics, economic and social systems. Problems also include the behavior of elites and officials who lean on certain groups. &nbsp

    Menggapai Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup Di Indonesia: Studi Perbandingan Etika Islam Dan Etika Ekofeminisme

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    The purpose of this study is to discuss housing decentralization policies for urban Low-Income Communities based on three decentralization issues, namely politics, fiscal, and administration, and to recommend the concept of housing decentralization as an instrument and housing policy reform.  The idea of decentralization of housing policy can’t be separated from various problems such as the debate over the authority of housing policy, the dependence of the regional government's housing budget on the central government, and various other obstacles. This study employed academic literature review related to decentralization studies and housing policies. The results of the study show that the three decentralization issues that are correlated with urban housing policies for Low-Income Communities have not yet fully provided an optimal impact on the realization of the ideal and desirable urban housing policies for Low-Income Communities. However, the very strong relationship between the three issues of decentralization and urban housing policy can be an important idea and recommendation to promote housing decentralization as an instrument and direction of urban housing policy reform for Low-Income Communities in Indonesia in the future.

    Harapan dan Realita: Kebijakan Sistem Zonasi Proses Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri Kota Serang

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    Kebijakan pendidikan selalu menjadi sorotan nasional karena menjadi ujung tombak dalam men-design peradaban Bangsa Indonesia. Kebijakan mengenai sistem zonasi khususnya pada proses penerimaan peserta didik baru merupakan kebijakan yang baru diimplementasikan. Terdapat berbagai permasalahan seperti adanya maladministrasi dan calon siswa tidak dapat memilih sekolah sesuai keinginannya yang berdampak pada hilangnya semangat bersekolah. Hal ini butuh adanya tahapan evaluasi kebijakan untuk dapat mengetahui gap yang ada dan merekomendasikan solusi sebagai alternative kebijakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa timbulnya permasalahan baru pada praktik kebijakan sistem zonasi pada proses penerimaan peserta didik baru di sekolah menengah atas negeri Kota Serang. Oleh sebab itu mendorong seluruh stakeholder kebijakan pendidikan menengah atas Kota Serang untuk bersama-sama memiliki komitmen merupakan suatu keniscayaan

    Evaluation Of Collaborative Local Government Post Revitalization of Area Banten Lama Tourism

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    The purpose of this study is to discuss how the evaluation of local government cooperation is based on the approach to the dimensions of the process and capacity of local government cooperation after the revitalization of the Banten Lama Tourism Area, Serang City. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive approach using data collection techniques through observation, and direct interviews through the Forum Group Discussion (FGD). The number of informants as many as nine people who come from government and non-government elements. Data analysis techniques were conducted through an interactive model: data condensation, data presentation and conclusion. The results of the study indicate that the overall evaluation of local government cooperation had been effective. This can be seen from the level of achievement of trust that is built between the government and the government and the community is increasing, this is supported by a commitment to each activity process that shows a fairly good indication even though there are still problems and normative obstacles such as authority and differences in perspectives between local communities and local communities. government, lack of community participation and spatial planning of Tourism Support Areas (KPW) which is still not optimal. on the otherhand the political will of each regional head in cooperating is quite good, this is evidenced by the existence of a memorandum of understanding that divides the authority of each regional government in each area of Banten Lam

    A bibliometric analysis of housing and settlement research

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    The purpose of the study is to establish a bibliometric analysis as an extensive review of housing and settlement literature. The research was conducted through Google Scholar and Crossref databases using Publish or Perish (PoP) software. Data were analyzed descriptively based on year of publication, author's name, name and country of institution, publication trend, number of publishers, author productivity, number of citations, and affiliation. To map the research, the data were stored in the Mendeley software, exported to RIS format to include all the information related to the articles. The exported data were analyzed using VOSViewer to determine the bibliometric mapping of housing and settlement research. The results of our study conclude that articles published in reputable journals indexed by Scopus with categories Q1, Q2, and Q3 have a significant effect compared to articles published in non-Scopus journals, especially on the number of citations per article. The study also presents the potential topics for future study based on the analysis of keywords with less frequent occurrence


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze how public participation in handling and management of Ecotourism Area and develop innovation model of public participation policy in Management and Development of Ecotourism Area Situterate Cikande Sub-District, Serang District. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with primary data collection techniques in the form of interview, observation and documentation. The results showed that public participation in tourism handling and management in the ecotourism area Situterate Cikande Serang Regency has not been done optimally, the public is still positioned as an object, passive and not yet have a high level of awareness in the management and development of ecotourism areas. Keyword: Policy Innovation, Public Participation, Touris

    Efektivitas Implementasi Program Pemeliharaan Infrastruktur Jaringan Irigasi Di Kabupaten Lebak

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    Program pemeliharaan infrastruktur irigasi menjadi bagian penting terwujudnya pertanian yang berkelanjutan, dengan demikian pemeliharaan prasarana jaringan irigasi harus dilaksanakan secara rutin dan berkala guna menjaga terjadinya penurunan fungsi layanan jaringan irigasi. Metode penelitian menggunakan  penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan populasi sebanyak 59 responden dan teknik analisis data menggunakan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas melalui piranti lunak Statistical Program Social Science (SPSS) versi 22. Pengujian uji T-Test  dengan hipotesis pada penelitian ini yaitu hipotesis nol (Ho) kurang dari atau sama dengan (≤) 65% dan Hipotesis Alternatifnya (Ha) lebih dari () 65%, sehingga yang digunakan adalah uji pihak kanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas implementasi program pemeliharaan infrastruktur irigasi di Kabupaten Lebak belum berjalan efektif karena mencapai angka 56%, artinya angka tersebut kurang dari angka ideal yang diharapkan yaitu 65%. Hasil  diuji menunjukkan bahwa t-hitung jatuh pada penerimaan Ho dengan t-hitung = -0,11 dan t-tabel 0,678 sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa t-hitung lebih kecil dari pada t-tabel maka Ho diterima. Rekomendasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Pemerintah Kabupaten Lebak melalui Dinas PUPR Kabupaten Lebak harus meningkatkan lagi kualitas pemeliharaan jaringan irigasi dan bisa bermanfaat sesuai dengan fungsinya, peningkatan sumber daya aparatur dan penyelesaian pemeliharaan irigasi sesuai dengan SOP dan waktu yang sudah ditentukan

    Kapasitas Inovasi Program Dana Pembangunan Wilayah Kelurahan dalam Mendukung Percepatan dan Pemerataan Pembangunan Daerah

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    The Subdistrict Regional Development Fund Program (DPWK) is an innovation from the Cilegon Municipality Government which aims to improve the administrative function of subdistrict government in providing services to the community, encourage accelerated and equitable regional development and encourage the acceleration of regional poverty reduction. The aim of this research is to determine the innovation capacity of the Village Regional Development Fund Program (DPWK) in supporting accelerated and equitable development in Cilegon Municipality. This research method uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observation and documentation. The research results show that the Subdistrict Regional Development Fund Program has been running well, although there are still several problems such as limited community empowerment programs and only prioritizing regional infrastructure development programs and the low collaborative capacity of program implementers. Because the Cilegon Municipality government is paying more attention to community empowerment programs, intensive communication with the implementers of the Village Regional Development Fund (DPWK) program in Cilegon Municipality in creating ideal collaboration and prioritizing regional infrastructure development program
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