97 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Kata Melalui Metode Praktik Langsung dengan Kartu Huruf pada Anak Kelompok B TK Dharma Wanita II Mergowati Kecamatan Kedu Kabupaten Temanggung Semester II Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018

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    Efforts to improve the ability to read words are an effort that gradually increases or enhances the ability or skills of children in translating spoken or written letters that have certain meanings. The rationale so that this problem arises is the low ability to read at the beginning of Group B TK Dharma Wanita II Mergowati. The objectives of this study are: 1) To find out that through the direct practice of the method with letter cards it can improve the ability to read words of children in Group B TK Dharma Wanita II Mergowati, Kedu District, Temanggung Regency, Semester II, 2017/2018 Academic Year, 2) To determine the magnitude of the increase in ability reading words through direct practice methods with letter cards in Group B children TK Dharma Wanita II Mergowati, Kedu District, Temanggung Regency, Semester II, 2017/2018 Academic Year.The subjects of this study were students of Group B TK Dharma Wanita II Mergowati totaling 20 children. The research was conducted from March to April 2018. The data collection methods used were observation, documentation, and interviews.Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that through direct practice with lettercard media can improve the ability to read words of children in Group B TK Dharma Wanita II Mergowati, Kedu District, Temanggung Regency, Semester II, 2017/2018 Academic Year. This is evidenced by an increase in children's pre-action reading skills before the action only reached 10%, then after the improvement in Cycle I increased to 45%, and Cycle II became 85%, having met the predetermined maximum percentage of 80%. This success is marked by the child being able to pronounce letter symbols that symbolize it, the child is able to compose letters into a meaningful word, the child is able to name groups of pictures that have the same initial/last sound/letter, the child is able to read and write simple words

    Pengaruh Bermain Wayang Tema Terhadap Kemampuan Berbicara Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di RA Masithoh Bantar

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    This research aims to determine the effect of playing shadow puppets on the speaking abilities of young children at RA Masithoh Bantar. The type of research used is a quantitative method with a pre-experimental design. Data collection methods used were observation, questionnaires, interviews, and documentary methods. Experienced teachers made sure the tools we used to collect information were accurate and reliable. Data analysis was carried out using normality tests and hypothesis tests, and managing this research data was assisted using SPSS 16.0. The research results obtained are: 1). The average score after playing the theme wayang is 45.13, which is higher than the average score before playing the theme wayang, namely 31.87; 2) The significance value of the nuji t-test is 0.000 because (p <0.05), then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means there is a difference in the score results before and after playing the puppet theme; 3). The correlation value of the pretest and posttest results of 0.783 is relatively high because it is almost close to 1. The significance value is 0.000, meaning that the pretest and posttest results are very significantly correlated. In other words, it means that playing themed puppets has an influence on the speaking ability of early childhood class B di RA Masithoh Bantar with a percentage increase of 41.60%

    Konsep-konsep kegiatan off-farm

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    Abstract Because of the increasingly limited agricultural areas, farm households could no longer depend merely on their farming products. The farmers try to obtain a double income from various off-farm resources. All of the existing family labourers - if they are still able and willing - are mobilized to join the off- farm employment for their household survivals. Off farm activities have become increasingly significant to the poorer farmers, whereas for many social scientists they form substantial information which needs through attention to be able to estimate the farm household income. Even so, there has not been a uniformity of understanding among the scientists themselves about the main definition of off-farm activities. Consequently, there are varieties of meaning in analyzing farm household income coming from various sources of occupation. In this paper the author tries to present several alternatives of definition obtained from several researchers with the hope to obtain agreements about the main definition of off-farm activities


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    ABSTRACT: Fish pond is the important alternative beside food crops, if water and the other natural resources are possible. So food crops farmers can generate their income by chosing fish pond-farm. This paper focusses on four main parts: labour absorption, and productivity, farmer income, profitability and household welfare level. The result of the study showed that, nevertheless most farmers were small farmers, they still regarded their main job were being food crops famers. Fish pond-farm that the farmer income, labour productivity and profitability were higher than food crops, just as part time job. By the fish pond-farm, household farmers welfare level was not be poor again. The facts showed that the role of fish pond-farm was dominant to generate househlod economic. Kata kunci: usahatan

    Pengaruh lagu Bahasa Jawa Terhadap Sopan Santun Berbicara Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    This research aims to determine the influence of Javanese songs on speaking politeness in children aged 5 to 6 years at Kindergarten Pertiwi 2 Dukuhwaluh. The research method used is a quantitative field study using a pre-experimental design. The data collection methods used by researchers are observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Survey instruments or questionnaires are validated by expert assessors. Data analysis carried out was normality testing and hypothesis testing using IBM SPSS Statistics. The following results were obtained: The average score before and after the application of Javanese Songs increased from 23 to 31.11, namely with a percentage increase of 35%; The significance value between the pretest results and the posttest results is 0.001, which means there is a very strong relationship, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows that there is a difference in scores before and after the implementation of the Javanese song; The correlation value between the pretest results and the posttest results is 0.782, which is high, namely close to 1. This means that Javanese songs influence speaking manners in early childhood class B at Kindergarten Pertiwi 2 Dukuhwaluh.Keywords - early childhood, Javanese songs, speaking manner

    Peranan wanita Dalam pertanian kehutanan Dan pelestarian Lingkungan

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    Kata Kunci: peranan wanita, pelestarian lingkunga

    Pekerja Wanita Pada Industri Kerajinan Batik Di Kecamatan Pelayangan Kotamadya Jambi. Female Workers in Batik Handicraft Industry in Pelayangan Subdistrict of Jambi Municipality.

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    Low levels of income received by heads of households have led women to work in Batik Industry to contribute funds to support their families. This means women have to play a dual roles under which sometime is de, dicated to household duties whereas the other is dedicated to work in Batik Industry.This research aims at examining how women allocate their time of working in Batik Industry. It also examines how the age of the wife, the age of the youngest child and the income of the household affect time allocation and the participation of women in Batik Industry. It also aims at finding out the relationship of women\u27s working time in Batik Industry and how significantly the earnings from that industry contribute to the earnings of the household. The research was carried out in Pelayangan Subdistrict of Jambi Municipality, that is, a group of Batik Handicraft Industries. A hundred (100) respondents were selected through simple random sampling. To find out female household time allocation, Indepth Study Method was employed and the analysis was by Correlation (Product Moment) and Multiple Regression.Findings of the study revealed that the average age of the female workers was 32 years and the majority of education was primary school. The average number of children was 2.6 whereas the average age of the youngest child is 5.6 years. The work experience of the female workers varied greatly. The lowest was one year and the highest was fifteen years and the average years of experience was 4.6 years. By average, the household earnings were Rp.187,128,- per month. These could be grouped as incomes that were enough.The allocation of time in Batik Industry was 30.78 hours per week or 4.4 hours per day. From this total time, an income of Rp.36,007 per month was earned and this accounts for 22.24 percent as a contribution to the total earnings of the household. The largest portion in the time allocation is that for the household activities, which was 41.91 hours per week or 5.98 hours per day. The time allocated for other social and individual activities were for 3.69 and 38.41 hours per week respectively. The correlation analysis found that the female workers\u27s time allocation in the Batik Industry. had a negative relationship with household and individual activities, whereas with social activities, there was no relationship at all. From the regression analysis, two significant factors were observed. These were the age of the youngest child and the earnings of the household. Finally, there was a positive relationship between the working time in Batas Industry and the contribution towards the houshold income. Key words: Female workers â time allocation â incomes â parttime â dual role


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    Because of the increasingly limited agricultural areas, farm households could no longer depend merely on their farming products. The farmers try to obtain a double income from various off-farm resources. All of the existing family labourers -if they are still able and willing- are mobilized to join the off- farm employment for their household survivals.Off farm activities have become increasingly significant to the poorer burners, whereas for many social scientists they form substantial information which needs through attention to be able to estimate the farm honsebold income. Evenso, there has not been a uniformity of understanding among the scientists themselves about the main definition of off-farm activities. Consequently, there are varieties of meaning in analyzing farm household income coming from various sources of occupation.In this paper the author tries to present several alternatives of definition obtained from several researchers with the hope to ohtain agreements about the main definition of off-burn activities

    ANALISIS FINANSIAL INDUSTRI RUMAH TANGGA BAKPIA DI WILAYAH KOtA YOGYAKARTA = Financial Analysis Of Home Industry Of Bakpia In The Region City Yogyakarta

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the financial performance of home indutrsies bakpia (liquidity, solvency, profitability, and business feasibility) and the problems faced by the domestic industry bakpia of the city. The results indicate that the average total cost incurred by craftsmen bakpia in Yogyakarta during the year 2010 amounted to Rp 53.489.439. The average revenue earned Rp 138.384.272, the average income of Rp 84.894.833 and profit earned on average of Rp 6.624.991. Value of R/C ratio of more than 1, ie 2.587> 1, the productivity of capital is greater than the prevailing bank lending rate that is 149%> 11%. Breakeven analysis shows that the domestic industry revenues were above bakpia BEP value of Rp 138384272> Rp 28.185.652, bakpia production is above the BEP value 10 422 boxes of> 2125 boxes, and the price is above the value bakpia also BEP for Rp 13.269/boxes> Rp 5.132/boxes. Thus the domestic industry in the city of Yogyakarta bakpia profitable and worth the effort. The results of the liquidity of financial research shows that the quick ratio, current ratio and cash ratio shows bakpia domestic industry is able to immediately pay off the smooth, Solvency indicates the value of total debt to equity ratio and total debt to assets ratio is less than or equal to 100% so that companies able to pay all its debts, while the profitability of domestic industry shows bakpia able to make a profit because the value of profitability ratios is quite high. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetabui kinerja finansial (likuiditas, solvabilitas, profitibilitas dan kelayakan usaha) dan rnasalah yang dihadapi industri rumah tangga bakpia di Kota Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menoojukkan rata-rata total biaya pengrajin bakpia di Yogyakarta taboo 20I0 adalah Rp 53.489.439. Rata-rata penerimaan adalah Rp 138.384.~72, rata-rata pendapatan adalah Rp 84.894.833 sedangkan rata-rata keuntungan per orang adalah Rp 6.624.991. Rasio RfC lebih dari 1 yakni 2.587, nilai produktivitas modallebih tinggi dari suku bunga pinjarnan bank (11%) yakni 149%. Analisis BEP menunjukkan pendapatan industri domestik di atas BEP (Rp 28.185.652) yakni Rp 138 384 272, produksi bakpia di atas BEP produksi (2.125 kotak) yakni 10 422 kotak dan harga bakpia di atas harga BEP (Rp 5.132 per kernasan) yakni Rp 13.269 per kernasan. Hal ini menoojukkan bahwa industri bakpia di Kota Yogyakarta menguntungkan dan layak diusahakan. Hasil analisis finansial menoojukkan bahwa quick ratio, current ratio and cash ratio mampu ootuk membayar hutang, Solvabilitas menoojukkan bahwa rasio total hutang terhadap ekuitas dan rasio total hutang terhadap aset kurang dari atau sarna dengan 100% sehingga perusahaan rnampu memenuhi ootuk membayar seluruh hutang diman8 profitabilitas dari industri bakpia menoojukkan bahwa bakpia dapat untuk menghasilkan keuntungan karena nilai rasio profitabilitas yang tinggi

    PROFIL KADER KESEHATAN WANITA Kasus di Kecamatan Nanggulan Kulon Progo Yogyakarta

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