20 research outputs found
(A Study on the Effect of Aw Towards the Crispness and Linear Expansion of Fish Crackers)
The moisture sorption isotherm of fish cracker was determined experimentally. Variant water activity was applied for conditioning fish crackers' moisture content fish yield from these conditions can be plotted to to describe their sigmoid sorption isotherm, which can determine primer and secondary water binding. This research also discussed the relationships among moisture content, crispness intensity and linear expansion. The results showed that the region between primer and secondary water binding for fish cracker are 7,54% and 15,33%. The maximum of its linear expansions is 229,78%, whereas the maximum of its crispness intensity is 1,65. The maximum expansion and cripness can be reached at the level of moisture content of 11,54%
(the Improvement of Hot Oil Immersion Drying (HOID) Method in Coconut Oil Production)
Hot oil immersion drying (HOID) of fry dry technology is a method of coconut oil extraction that involves drying the grated coconut kernel by immersion in hot coconut oil and then expelling the oil from the cooked pieces. the technology used was the secound generation, which has been improved from the frist one. the coconut oil can be used as cooking oil without any chemical purification and also to be used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical manufacturing. observation was done on processing technology and techno-economical study. the result showed that the improved technology was more efficient then the frist one and is able to reduce the oil spilled out of the pans which happened in the first generation technology. the coconut oil produced met the FFA and moinsature content requirements of Indonesian industrial standard of cooking oil. base on the financial analtysis, conducting this technology commercially at 2000 nuts/day capacity was feasible which will give the internal rate of return (IRR) value at 22.38% and pay back period (PBP) 4.5 years. adding on initial investment of second-generation technology was not influencing the feasibility of the operational
(Design and Performance Testing of Dryer and Clarifyer Equipment on Processing of Virgin Coconut Oil)
Design and performance testing study of the dryer and the clarifyer equipments of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) has been done for producing better quality of the product. The power of the electrical motor for stirrer of the dryer used was 5 hp and it has reduced from 1500 rpm to 300 rpm using gear box T.S. 80 type and finally become 4 rpm on the stirrer in order to running well. Electrical motor connected to the timer apparatus to change the rotation of the dryer which automatically work well so that the grated coconut meat to be dried accepted the heat energy uniformly. The flow direction of the refinery of oil and the fluid (mix of the oil and water) from the bottom of the refine equipment was raised up and then went down to the bottom, so that the oil product did not break to the treatment of heat. According to this indicated that the stirrer apparatus could worked well. Analytical result shows that the VCO moisture content is 0,11 %, free fatty acid is 0,22 % and lauric acid is 49,92 %. The whole of equipments system process is running well. Drying rate of water at 70 C, condition is 7,9% (w/w) per hour, heating efficiency is 18,99% at 6 hours drying time, capacity of dryer 231,1 kg per batch, efficiency of the refinery oil per batch 97 %
(the Effect of Heat Application in Producing VCO and the Efficacy of Resulted VCO in Reducing Blood Glucose of Diabetes Mellitus Rat of Sprague Dawley)
Virgin Covonut Oil (VCO) used to be produced with various methods and each methods claims ait advantege especially in its lauric acid content. The objective of this research was to study the effect of heat application in producing VCO and the efficacy of result VCO in reducing blood glucose of diabetes mellitus (DM) rat of sprague Dawley. Three types of samples were used in the study, i.e., (1) VCO produced without heat application and (2) VCO producd with controlled heat application and (3) Ordinary coconut cooking oil produced with the application of severe heating as well as typical chemical tretment. Each sample was introduced orally to each group consisting of 5 rats. Other two groups consisting of 5 rats were also used as control, i.e., (1) negative control was of healty rat and (2) positive control was of DM rats. The animal study was conduced for 28 days and the observation was carried out on the amount of feed consumed, body weight and blood glucose. At the end of observation, all the rats were terminated and analysis was carried out on blood chorestrol level. This study revealed no significant different between VCO and Coconut Cooking Oil in body weight gain effect. The content of bioactive conpound of Lauric Acid in two types of VCO and Coconut Cooking Oil were also not significantly different. However, the VCO produced without heating showed the most significant effect in reducing blood glucose (corellation value of-0,99 and significant value at a a=1%). All the VCO samples were also not significant in affecting the level of total cholestrol, HDL, LDL, and triglyceide of blood serum of DM rat
(the Utilization of Tofu Pressed Cake in the Production of High Dietary Fiber Flour as an Alternative of Functional Food Inggredient)
High fiber tofu pressed cake a as by producton manufacturing tofu is posibble to used for raw material on preparing alternative functional food ingredient.This reasearch was designed to study the manufacturing of high fiber flour from tofu pressed cake.The flour flow process chart described as follow.The first flour processed from tofu fresh cake which then dried on drum dryer prior to be milled to become 60 mesh flour.The second one processed from tofu fresh cake which then pressed,sterilized,followed by soaking on sodium metabisulfit 3% for 40 minutes,pressing,freezing,drum drying,and milling to become60 mesh flour.The third one processed from tofu fresh cake which then pressed,sterilized,followed by soaking on sodium metabisulfit 0.1% for 40 minutes,pressing fermentation using neurospora sitophila mould (2,5% for 24 hours),freezing,drum dyring, and milling to become 60 mesh flour.The flour was then analyzed for physico chemical,functional and sencory properties.Soaking in sodium metabisulfit 3% for 40 minutes before drying increase whiteness of flour.Fermentation with neurospora sitophila improve protein digesbility but lower the whitenes.Soaking in sulfit and fermentation increased the flour solubility dietary fiber and descreased unsoluble dietary fiber.The fiber total content in the flour ranged from 46.75 up to 56.24% (db)and the consumption of 25 g of the flour will contribute 50% of the fiber RDA (Recognice Daily Allowance)
(Coconut Oil Extraction Using the Intermidiate Moisture Content TECHNOLOGY)
Alternative technology to extract the coconut oil has been improved and investigated. this technology was the intermediate moinsture content (IMC) technology which is suitble for small and medium scale industry. the main product is virgin coconut oil which is to be used for cooking without further chemical treatment and also used in cosmetic and pharmacy industry. the by-product that is low fat dried grated coconut flesh can be used in bakery industry. the observation done were moinsture content of dried grated coconut flesh before pressing, oil yield, oil noisture ontent, free fatty acid (FFA), organoleptic test, and shelf life. the moinsture and oil content of the by-product was also analysed, along with the mass balance, and techno-economic analysis. the result showed that the FFA and moinsture content of the oil met the requirements of the Indonesian National Standars pf cooking oil during 3 monts. storage. the organoleptic test showed that the virgin oil was more acceptable than refined coconut oil that sold in the market. the techno-economic analysis showed that using the capacity of 80 nuts/day, the profit would be Rp. 745,450,- per month, and the pay back period would be 3.24 year
(Syginum Aromaticum L.) (Isolation of Eugenol and Beta Caryophylene From Clove Leaf Oil)
Clove leaf oil is one of the eugenol and beta-caryophylene source essential oils commonly use for chemicals,farmacies,fragrance,and food inductries. The problem of clove leaf oil is poor quality i.e. low eugenol content and dark brown colour,result in price low price.One alternative of increasing its quality and value is by chemical deterpenation method. This method include aging period treatment after reacted with sodium hydroxide for 12 and 24 hour. Eugenol and beta caryophilene content was analised by gas chromatogrphy.The eugenol content extracted from this method was compared with imported eugenol products i.e.containing 85%-99,2% with 70,09%(v/v) yield,aging of 12 hour result in eugenol content 80%-84% and 50.22% (v/v) yield.This method also result in beta caryophylene extrec as side product, aging of 24 hour result in the highest content of beta caryophylene i.e. 80%-85% with 25,22%(v/v)yield,whereas 12 hour aging result in beta caryophylene content of 62%-64% and 24,01% (v/v) yield
Potensi Kacang Koro Pedang (Canavila Ensiformis Dc) Sebagai Sumber Protein Produk Pangan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) memperoleh kondisi/perlakuan optimum untuk menghilangkan kadar HCN dan bau langu kacang koro; (2) formulasi dan pembuatan produk kacang koro, serta (3) mengetahui daya terima konsumen terhadap produk yang dihasilkan. Hasil anal isis awal bahan baku kacang koro pedang menunjukkan HCNnya sudah tidak terdeteksi, sedangkan kandungan asam fitat nya adalah 2,21 %. Perlakuan perendaman 3 hari, perendaman 12 jam dan perendaman 1 hari dengan penambahan NaHC03 1 % dapat mereduksi kandungan asam fitat. Produk tempe, susu, dan snack dapat dibuat dari kacang koro tanpa substitusi kacang kedelai, sedangkan tahu koro harus disubstitusi oleh kedelai hingga 65%. Tempe koro pedang yang paling disukai adalah tempe dengan perlakuan perendaman koro 3 hari dengan kadar protein sebesar 12,2%. Tahu koro pedang yang paling disukai adalah formula koro pedang 20 % baik dengan perendaman 1 hari(penambahan NaHC03 1 %) maupun dengan perendaman 3 hari dengan kadar protein sebesar 11,1 % dan10,7%. Susu koro pedang yang paling disukai adalah susu koro perendaman 3 hari yang diberi essens strawberi dengan kadar protein 3,90%. Snack koro pedang dan koro benguk yang paling disukai adalah dalam bentuk stick koro dengan perlakuan perendaman koro selama 3 hari dengan kadar 10%