43 research outputs found
Effect of Sentence Length in Sentiment Analysis Using Support Vector Machine and Convolutional Neural Network Method
Based on Article 10 paragraph 1 of Law No. 14 of 2005, a teacher must have four competencies: pedagogical, personality, social, and professional. ICT training at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University involves instructors as educators who must have such competencies. An instructor's performance is assessed through students' learning evaluation system by giving comments to the instructions. These comments contain positive and negative sentiments that can be reviewed by conducting sentiment analysis. Research related to sentiment analysis in recent years has been widely done, but researchers rarely pay attention to the effect of sentence length from the dataset on the method's performance. This study tried to analyze sentiment related to sentence length effect on ICT training student comments using Support Vector Machine and Convolutional Neural Network methods. This study concluded that the sentence length on the dataset would affect the SVM and CNN methods' performance when combined with Word2vec. While the SVM+TFIDF method performance is not affected by sentence length, this method has the fastest process time than other methods. The CNN+Word2vec method produced the best performance in this study with a value of 0.94% accuracy, 0.95% precision, 0.96% recall, and 0.95% f1-score
Usability Testing pada Sistem Informasi Akademik IAIN Salatiga Mengunakan Metode System Usability Scale
One of the goals of implementing a smart campus is to improve public services. Whereas the Academic Information System (Siakad) is a very important type of management information system (MIS) digital service. To find out the quality of service from the viewpoint of the user of this information system, a usability test was made. Usability is a qualitative analysis in determining the quality of an information system based on the user. The purpose of this study is to conduct usability testing SIAKAD in IAIN Salatiga using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method. Based on the usability test results, the majority of respondents use and utilize this information system well, this is proven by the value of the test results of 84,75. The evaluation results show that the Academic Information System at IAIN Salatiga is categorized as excellent
Designing Prototype User Interface Digital Library for Elementary School Based on Probability Bayesian
Recently of digital library technology is not only developed on the aspect of the system, but also in the interface design, because it has a significant role to reach the level of usefulness and success as source of knowledge. Digital library’s interface should be developed and can adapt to the needs of children, who have different of ability and expectation when interact the user interface design than adult. This research aims to design the interface prototype digital library for elementary school students, based on the analysis of chosen existing library. Tests performed limited on the interface “simple search” form on the ICDL, with field observation approach methods, and the 6 task were completed over 15 minutes. Layout space used a single room setup when doing the observation. Data were taken from 12 elementary school students (7-12 years old), who come from three different schools. Processed analysed by Bayesian probability methods. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the certainty of children had a difficulty when accessed forms simple search ICDL at the first used. From the analysis of the design 1 login register on the form ICDL display showed the probability of students choosing Register / Login influenced by his perspective and the time given is 0.5.Recently of digital library technology is not only developed on the aspect of the system, but also in the interface design, because it has a significant role to reach the level of usefulness and success as source of knowledge. Digital library’s interface should be developed and can adapt to the needs of children, who have different of ability and expectation when interact the user interface design than adult. This research aims to design the interface prototype digital library for elementary school students, based on the analysis of chosen existing library. Tests performed limited on the interface “simple search” form on the ICDL, with field observation approach methods, and the 6 task were completed over 15 minutes. Layout space used a single room setup when doing the observation. Data were taken from 12 elementary school students (7-12 years old), who come from three different schools. Processed analysed by Bayesian probability methods. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the certainty of children had a difficulty when accessed forms simple search ICDL at the first used. From the analysis of the design 1 login register on the form ICDL display showed the probability of students choosing Register / Login influenced by his perspective and the time given is 0.5
Blended Learning in an Effort to Overcome Learning Materials in Elementary Schools
Blended learning is an innovative learning model that integrates relevant technology with learning. This study aims to describe the application of blended learning and its effect on students at the elementary school level as an effort to overcome the risk of falling behind in subject matter after the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a case study approach, including qualitative methods. Data collection techniques with interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis technique uses Cresswell analysis. The research results show that the application of blended learning in Sukarno Hatta elementary school is included in several learning models. These models are station rotation models, blog models, online learning, and independent learning. Blended learning can be a valuable alternative for managing student learning at the elementary school level. By utilizing technology and combining various models of approaches, we can overcome the backwardness of learning materials from the effects of changes in the world's education cycle, especially after Covid-19
Analysis of Human Resources Development Factors on Nurse Performance at Patient Ward, Dr. Abdoer Rahem Hospital, Situbondo, East Java
Background: Hospitals are required to be able to provide optimal health services for the community by improving the performance of hospital employees, one of whom is a nurse. Important Human Resource development factors are education, training, work periods, transfers and promotions. These factors are expected to improve the performance of nurses in providing nursing services.The aims of this study was to describe the influence of Human Resource Development on the Nurse Performance.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study carried out at dr. Abdoer Rahem Hospital, Situbondo, East Java, from 12 to 28 May 2022. A sample of 112 nurses was selected by simple random sampling. The dependent variable was nursing performance. The independent variable are education, tenure, training, transfer, and promotion. The data were analyzed by a multiple linear regression.Results: Education (b= 2.23; 95% CI= 0.26 to 6.14; p<0.001), tenure (b= 0.19; 95% CI= 0.32 to 3.70; p<0.001), had trained (b= 0.08; 95% CI= 0.15 to 2.06; p= 0.042), transfer (b= 0.37; 95% CI= 0.16 to 2.36; p= 0.020), and promotion (b= 0.36; 95% CI= 0.15 to 2.22; p= 0.029) were significantly associated with nurse performance.Conclusion: There is a very significant influence between of education, work periods, training, mutation and promotion on the performance of nurses at dr. Abdoer Rahem Hospital Situbondo.Keywords: human resources development, nurse performanceCorrespondence: Agung Setyanto. Masters Program in Public Health, Strada Indonesian Institute of Health Sciences. Krajan Sumberejo, Banyuputih, Situbondo, East Java 68374, Indonesia. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6281252468273.Journal of Health Policy and Management (2023)https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpm.2023.08.01.0
NIM: 11553102668
Tanggal Sidang: 14 Desember 2020
Periode Wisuda:
Program Studi Sistem Informasi
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Jl. Soebrantas, No. 155, Pekanbaru
BKKBN Perwakilan Riau menggunakan SIM SDM untuk mengevaluasi kinerja dari setiap pegawai.
Sejak diterapkan pada tahun 2013, belum adanya pengukuran kinerja SIM SDM, kondisi SIM SDM
yang kurang optimal, data pegawai yang kurang terjamian keamanannya, tampilan SIM SDM yang
belum sesuai kebutuhan pengguna, sehingga banyak pegawai kurang memahami cara penggunaan
SIM SDM. IT Balanced Scorecard sangat baik digunakan untuk merumuskan sasaran strategis
IT serta mengukur kinerja IT dengan komprehensif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui
sejauhmana kontribusi dan pemanfaatan melalui investasi sistem IT dalam menunjang kebutuhan
SIM SDM. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dimulai dari studi literatur,
pengumpulan data dan informasi, penyusunan perangkat evaluasi, hasil evaluasi, serta rekomendasi
dan perbaikan. Hasil dari pengukuran kinerja, SIM SDM mampu memberikan kontribusi terhadap
perusahaan, mendukung orientasi pengguna, mendukung kegiatan operasional, dan mampu menjadi
keunggulan bersaing di masa depan hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil perhitungan perspektif IT
Balanced Scorecard, perspektif tertinggi adalah orientasi masa depan sebesar 99% , kedua adalah
kontribusi perusahaan 97,3%, ketiga adalah keunggulan operasional 96,2%, dan terendah orientasi
pengguna 94,4%. Perspektif orientasi pengguna memperoleh hasil pengukuran terendah karena
Kelayakan SIM SDM dalam basis TI belum dapat beroperasi dengan lancar dan menunjang
kegiatan melaporakan kinerja pegawai, kualitas informasi dan keamanan sistem informasi masih
membutuhkan pemeliharaan lebih lanjut, tampilan sistem yang belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan
pengguna serta belum adanya pelatihan secara berkala terkait penggunaan SIM SDM. Hasil akhir
rata-rata memperlihatkan pencapaian nilai pengukuran sebesar 96,85% berada pada level very good.
Untuk meningkatkan perspektif orientasi pengguna dapat memberikan pelatihan kepada pegawai
secara berkelanjutan agar dapat memaksimalkan kinerja pegawai menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien.
Kata Kunci: IT Balanced Scorecard, Pengukuran Kinerja, SIM SD
In this global era where the level of competition is higher, in addition to the influence of the suitable marketing strategy is also required strategy from the side of production/productivity. PT. XYZ is a company engaged in the manufacturing of snacks especially biscuits. The problem that often occurs in this company is the number of biscuits that are not in accordance with the standard and the production does not reach the target set because the machine suddenly breaks down frequently. To overcome the problems PT. XYZ then choose to implement the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) strategy. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of 8 TPM Pillars and measure the effects on manufacturing performance in the form of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Waste. This study uses questionnaire-based survey method. The number of samples distributed is 40 units. Which returned and filled 33 questionnaires and which is worth to be processed as many as 30 samples. Then tested the validity and reliability of data using SPSS program. Validity critical value R = 0.361 for n = 30 and error rate 5%. For reliability test, R value = 0.60 was selected. From the validity test, there are 7 items of questions that are not valid so it is not included in the next process. For the reliability test of the questionnaire is quite reliable with the value of Cronbach's alpha of 0.811. From the CFA analysis, only 6 of 8 TPM pillars are significant while for manufacturing performance only OEE variable is significant. Correlation between 8 Pillars of TPM and manufacturing performance is Strong enough with a value of R = 0.862, which also means 74.3% (R2) variable manufacturing performance can be explained/influenced by variable 8 Pillar TPM and 26.7% the rest by other variables
Investigation of microstructure and corrosion resistance of silumin after nickel and copper addition
Aluminium whose Silicon as its main alloying element, i.e. Silumin, is widely applied in engineering due to its novel properties. For particular application, e.g. as block engine of seawater vessel, Silumin’s properties must be enhanced, e.g. strength at elevated temperature, hardenability and corrosion resistance. For those purposes, Nickel and Copper is added to Silumin in this work. As a result, Copper addition by 4.1 %wt increases Silumin density by 13.9 % from 2.95 to 3.36 g/cm3, decreases grain size by 35.3 % from 39.4 to 25.5 μm, increases hardness by 178.8 % from 21.66 to 60.38 HR30T and increases the corrosion rate by 24.5 % from 0.354 to 0.441 mmpy. Meanwhile, addition of Nickel by 6.35 %wt increases Silumin density by 14.9 % from 2.95 to 3.39 g/cm3, decreases grain size by 29.7 % from 39.4 to 27.7 μm, increases hardness by 161.8 % from 21.66 to 56.71 HR30T and decreases the corrosion rate by 41.2 % from 0.354 to 0.2211 mmpy.
To investigate the influence of Copper and Nickel addition on Silumin’s microstructure, micrograph is also taken by using an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope. The micrograph shows dendrite presence only for the case of Copper added Silumin which deleterious for mechanical properties of Silumin. This dendrite is predicted due to slower cooling rate of the cast Silumin after Copper addition. In addition, the needle-like β-precipitate is sharper after Copper addition. This circumstance is responsible for higher hardness increase for the case of Copper addition compared to Nickel addition. The micrograph shows the existence of CuAl2 intermetallic phase. This intermetallic phase is nobler than Aluminium which is responsible for higher galvanic corrosion in Silumin after Copper addition. On the other hand, the dendrite cannot be observed in the case of Silumin after Nickel addition. The intermetallic phases after Nickel addition, i.e. AlxNiy contribute to the hardness increase. These phases also remain stable at elevated temperature which then then contributes to better mechanical properties of Silumin at the elevated temperatur
This paper investigates the Data Librarian (DL) competencies in Research Data Management (RDM). Using the systematic literature review of paper published over the last ten years from 2010 to 2020 through databases subscribed by Brawijaya University Library. A total of 243 research articles yielded that meet the selection criteria and finally 15 studies were included in this study. The results obtained show that: (1) many articles discussing the competence of DL in the field of RDM are still written from and about librarians in academic libraries; (2) the most used methods of research are survey, case studies, and mixed-method; (3) the competence of DL presented varies each paper, however, the most common competencies are technical skills, followed by knowledge, non-technical skills, and abilities. This study provides an overview of libraries in Indonesia to be able to prepare and develop librarian competencies in their roles in the field of RDM
Implementasi Metode Profile Matching Dalam Aplikasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru pada SMK Ma’arif NU 2 Boyolali
Selama ini proses penerimaan siswa baru pada SMK Ma’arif NU 2 Boyolali sudah berbasis online, akan tetapi dalam melakukan perangkingan serta menentukan calon siswa tersebut lulus atau tidak masih bersifat manual, sehingga belum optimal. Oleh karena itu dalam mengoptimalkan proses tersebut, maka di sisipkanlah sistem pendukung keputusan pada sistem informasi yang sudah ada pada SMK NU Ma’arif 2 Boyolali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang serta membuat sistem pendukung keputusan penerimaan siswa baru dengan menggunakan metode Profile Matching yang terintegrasi langsung dengan sistem yang sudah berjalan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem ini adalah Rapid Application Development. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah perangkingan data calon siswa baru yang mendaftar pada SMK Ma’arif NU 2 Boyolali yang diseleksi berdasarkan kriteria- kriteria yang sudah ditentukan. Keluaran dari aplikasi ini secara real time akan tampil di sistem dan dapat untuk membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan dalam menerima siswa baru