676 research outputs found
Strategi Pendidikan Toleransi Beragama dan Implikasinya terhadap Keutuhan NKRI di Bangka Belitung
This article aims to review and describe the strategy of religious tolerance education and its impact on the integrity of the Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) in Bangka Belitung. In the Bangka Belitung Islands, the life of the people is very heterogeneous and has a high level of plurality. There are many portraits of the diversity of ethnicities, cultures, religions, ethnicities and languages ​​that are integrated into the social dynamics of the people in Bangka Belitung. Of course, this plurality has the potential to cause horizontal conflict in society. Therefore, to study and examine in depth this reality an in-depth interview technique is used to obtain clear information about the principles of religious tolerance from the perspective of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism. As a result, there are three educational strategies that can be developed by religious communities in Bangka Belitung; first, the strategy of educating the internal religious community; second, the strategy of educating people to maintain harmony between fellow religious communities; and third, the strategy of educating people to maintain harmony with the government.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengulas dan memaparkan strategi pendidikan toleransi beragama dan dampaknya terhadap keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) di Bangka Belitung. Di Kepulauan Bangka Belitung kehidupan masyarakatnya sangat heterogen dan memiliki tingkat pluralitas yang tinggi. Ada banyak potret keragaman suku, budaya, agama, etnis, dan bahasa yang menyatu dalam dinamika sosial masyarakat di Bangka Belitung. Tentu, pluralitas tersebut berpotensi menimbulkan konflik horizontal di tengah masyarakat. Oleh karena itu untuk mengkaji dan menelaah secara mendalam realitas tersebut digunakan teknik wawancara mendalam untuk mendapatkan informasi yang jelas mengenai prinsip toleransi beragama dalam perspektif agama Islam, Kristen, Budha, Hindu, dan Konghucu. Hasilnya, ada tiga strategi pendidikan yang dapat dikembangkan oleh umat beragama yang ada di Bangka Belitung; pertama, strategi mendidik dalam internal umat beragama; kedua, strategi mendidik umat untuk menjaga kerukunan antara sesama umat beragama; dan ketiga, strategi mendidik umat untuk menjaga kerukuan dengan pemerintah
Implementasi Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan Islam di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Tanjung Pandan Kabupaten Belitung
Implementasi Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan Islam di MAN I Tanjung Pandan sudah dilakukan dengan maksimal. Usaha untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Sekolah ini di mulai dari peningkatan standar sumber daya Manusia baik berupa pendidik maupun peserta didik dan tenaga kependidikan. Wujud dari peningkatan SDM ini dengan cara melaksanakan standar mutu pendidikan yang telah disusun berdasarkan Prinsip-prinsip Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan. Selain berupa SDM peningkatan juga terlihat pada manajemen Kurikulum, Manajemen pembelajaran dan kelas serta manajemen sarana dan prasarana. Atas dasar beberapa manajerial yang sudah ditentukan tersebut maka seluruh Guru, Siswa dan Tenaga kependidikan harus melaksanakan. Bila tidak melaksanakan sesuai dengan prosedur dan peraturan yang berlaku maka dikenakan teguran disiplin baik pada Pendidik maupun pada Peserta Didik
Pembentukan Kepribadian Akhlakul Karimah Anak di Lingkungan Keluarga Nikah Dini di Kecamatan Lubuk Besar Kabupaten Bangka Tengah
This research aims to: to know, understand and expose the virtues of the formation of good behavioral personality and methods used in the formation of good behavior personality of children in early marriage family environment in Lubuk Besar Sub-District bangka tengah regency. As for finding solutions to the above problems researchers use the following methodology: in this study researchers used a qualitative approach to phenomenology is to observe social symptoms, and the role of each individual to educate children and families in each member of society. Because every education has a purpose to build a good behavior, there is a pattern of empathy and a role that contains and implements educational values or that every family has the right to educate and be responsible for educating children and their families.
The main informants in this study are the key informants in this study are Islamic Religious Education teachers and landfill teachers and the informants in this study are families and children of early marriage perpetrators, then for the supporting informants are the sub-district staff of Lubuk Besar to look for data on the general picture of Lubuk Besar Sub-District. And the data collection techniques in this study are: observation techniques, interviews and documentation. Then the analysis techniques that researchers use are: data reduction, data presentation and data verivcation. The result of this study is that the first, the formation of personality akhlakul kaimah in the early marriage family environment does not go the maximum, because the family as the person shaper of the child does not have enough provision in building a household so that parents who are married early have not been able to apply everything that is the responsibility as a parent in educating and raising the child. Second, as a large number of children have poor adab and morals and some children born to early married parents have physical and psychological disabilities such as being born in un-normal circumstances. Third, among parents who are married early already married two to three times due to various domestic conflicts that occur in early marriage families caused by the economy, as well as other problems.
Fourth, most parents who marry early are more entrusted to teachers whether school teachers or teachers where their children learn to pay in providing religious education to the Fifth child, the causative factor of early marriage in Lubuk Besar Subdistrict is mainly due to economic, educational, parental factors and free associations that are stuck with the wrong courtship style. Although in Islam there is no age limit when a person will marry, but early marriage is highly discouraged because it will be fatal in either the home life or the child of an early marriage perpetrator if not provided with sufficient knowledge in educating children and households. Sixth, the average observer is an early marriage and a housewife. Seventh, the adverse effects of early marriage in Lubuk Besar sub-district include depression (crazy), not being able to take care of children, family conflict, early divorce, economic pressures, family disharmony, risky pregnancies, the head of the family difficulty finding work due to the lack of experience before marriage. Thus it is highly discouraged for today's young people to perform underage marriages. Because it will not only affect him and his family but also on the children of early marriage abusers who will become the next generation of the nation
Based on Islamic history, even if reviewed 1400 years ago at the time of the Prophet. To prove that women's roles and positions are very noble and even glorified. How not, to the extent to prove that women have a great position there is a hadith that states that heaven is in the soles of the mother's feet. Even the position of man in the presence of Allah never seen from the type of man or woman, but the see is piety. It provides an excellent opportunity for women to be able to work out anything as long as it does not violate the shariah. Not a few women are very prominent knowledge and become role models and references of many male characters. Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, is a brilliant, intelligent and critical person. As-Sayyidah Sakinah, Princess al-Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, Asy-Shaykh al-Shuhrah who has the blessing of "Fakhr an-Nisa" (pride of women) is the teacher of Imam Syafi'i and many others
Strategi Para Tokoh Agama Dalam Mendidik Kerukunan Eksternal dan Implikasinya terhadap Keutuhan NKRI di Bangka Belitung
There are three strategies carried out by religious leaders in educating religious harmony in their people, especially those related to external harmony.First, the strategy of educating people in the internal harmony of religious people. In this case all religious leaders each agreed to foster their people to live in harmony and peace. Of course this direction is in accordance with the teachings of the respective books. Second, the strategy of educating their people to get along with other fellow religions. They try their best so that every people always respect and respect other religions, they cannot force the will of their religion, they must not mutilate each other and also not harm other religious people. This is also stated in the scriptures in each religion. Third, the strategy of educating the people to get along well with the government. all religious teachings order that they always have good relations and respect for their government. This is because all realize that we live in the same country, namely the Indonesian state in one power and government. So respecting, respecting and fulfilling government rules is a must. The strategy to maintain the integrity of the NKRI was also agreed upon by all religious leaders. They agreed that if the basis of the Indonesian state is Pancasila, don't change it again. This is because so far what can unite all religious teachings in Indonesia is Pancasila. For this reason the NKRI is intact and will remain intact if all religions maintain the Pancasila
Implementasi Nganggung dan Implikasinya Terhadap Solidaritas Umat di Desa Kace Kecamatan Mendo Barat Kabupaten Bangka
Culture Nganggung held in the village of Kace In particular and in the Pacific Islands in general is a culture that had a positive impact. The positive impact can be seen from the aspect of sociological and theological aspects. Sociological impact can be good communications between citizens and between citizenssilaturrahim media simultaneously. So also from the theological aspect, Nganggung culture can be used as media people to get closer to the creator. Therefore, the procession Nganggung always begins with prayer-prayer ritual led by a cleric, or imam of the mosque that has been trusted by local residents. Thus, culture Nganggung have positive implications on the solidarity of the people
Implementasi Kurikulum Muatan Lokal Berbasis Akhlak di Kabupaten Bangka Tengah
Moral Education is the key to the success of education as a whole, both in the household, school, and community. During this time, a child is often only equipped with religious knowledge in the form of cognitive, while the inculcation of the foundations of faith is merely a slogan, an expression without reality. As a result, children have a lot of knowledge and intelligent brains, but have behaviors that are not in accordance with their knowledge. For this reason, the teachings of Islam should not be used as objects that are only studied and understood and memorized. However, the teachings of Islam must be subject to be understood, memorized and practiced. In fact, the tendency of teenagers today is to prioritize materialist and hedonic orientations, so that they are morally and spiritually poor. Thus the morality possessed is not an Islamic personality but an instant personality that he gets from the guidance of a misleading spectacle. To realize this expectation, there must be a local curriculum based on Akhak
Implementasi Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan Islam di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Tanjung Pandan Kabupaten Belitung
Abstract: Implementation of Quality Management of Islamic Education in MAN I Tanjung Pandan has been done with the maximum. Efforts to improve the quality of education in this school began from the improvement of human resources standards both in the form of educators and learners and educational personnel. The manifestation of this improvement of human resources by implementing the quality standard of education that has been formulated based on Quality Management Principles of Education. In addition to human resources improvement is also seen in curriculum management, learning and classroom management and facilities management and infrastructure. On the basis of some specified managerials then all Teachers, Students and Educational Personnel must implement. If not perform in accordance with applicable proceduresand regulations then be subject to disciplinary strikes both on the Educator and the Learners.
Abstrak: Implementasi Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan Islam di MAN I Tanjung Pandan sudah dilakukan dengan maksimal. Usaha untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Sekolah ini di mulai dari peningkatan standar sumber daya Manusia baik berupa pendidik maupun peserta didik dan tenaga kependidikan. Wujud dari peningkatan SDM ini dengan cara melaksanakan standar mutu pendidikan yang telah disusun berdasarkan Prinsip-prinsip Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan. Selain berupa SDM peningkatan juga terlihat pada manajemen Kurikulum, Manajemen pembelajaran dan kelas serta manajemen sarana dan prasarana. Atas dasar beberapa manajerial yang sudah ditentukan tersebut maka seluruh Guru, Siswa dan Tenaga kependidikan harus melaksanakan. Bila tidak melaksanakan sesuai dengan prosedur dan peraturan yang berlaku maka dikenakan teguran disiplin baik pada Pendidik maupun pada Peserta Didik
This study examines the perceptions of the Ulama ini Bangka Belitung about the concept of khilafah and its implications for Ukhwah Islmaiyah, Ukhuwah Basyariyah, and Ukhuwah Wathaniyah in the integrity of the Unity Republic of Indonesia in Bangka Belitung itself. As for the research method used in this study was field research. The results of the study show that the Bangka Belitung Ulema have the same majority perception of the establishment of the Islamic Khilafah, the Khilafah in Indonesia is still not enforceable because every ulama understands the Khilafah. This happened because the Ulama had no agreement and understanding about the Khilafah. The implications of the establishment of the Islamic Khilafah on Ukhwah Islmaiyah can lead to schismatic divisions among Muslims, the Implications of the Khilafah to Ukhuwah Basyariyah. where Indonesia has diverse tribes, races and religions. If the Khilafah is enforced upright it will become a horizontal conflict, namely the conflict between Muslims themselves and inter-religious conflict which makes the image of Muslims considered intolerant in the eyes of Indonesia and International. In addition, vertical conflict is the existence of conflict between Muslims who uphold the Khilafah with the Indonesian government and national figures and ulama who are Muslim who have not been Pro against the Caliphate. If this conflict occurs then what happens next is a split in the government and does not rule out the possibility of bloodshed. Finally, the implications for Ukhuwah Wathaniyah. In the slogan "Hubbul Wathan Minal Iman" (love of water or state is a part of Faith. This motto is one of the reasons the santri and Muslims strive for Indonesian independence from colonialism.
Keywords: Caliphate, Ulama, and Bangka Belitung.
Penelitian ini mengkaji persepsi Ulama Bangka Belitung tentang konsep khilafah serta implikasinya terhadap Ukhwah Islmaiyah,Ukhuwah Basyariyah, dan Ukhuwah Wathaniyah dalam keutuhan NKRI di Bangka Belitung sendiri. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) yang berbentuk deskriptif kualitiatif. Adapun hasil penelitian adalah Ulama Bangka Belitung memiliki persepsi yang mayoritas sama terhadap penegakkan Khilafah Islamiyah yaitu khilafah di Indonesia masih belum bisa ditegakkan karena setiap ulama berbeda paham tentang khilafah. Hal ini terjadi disebabkan para ulama belum ada kesepakatan dan kesepahaman tentang khilafah. Implikasi penegakkan khilafah islamiyah terhadap ukhwah islmaiyah dapat menimbulkan perpecahan persaudaran di anatra kaum muslimin, Implikasi khilafah terhadap Ukhuwah Basyariyah. dimana Indonesia memiliki suku, ras dan agama yang beraneka ragam. Jika Khilafah dipaksakan tegak maka akan menjadi Konflik horizontal yaitu konflik antar umat islam sendiri dan konflik antar umat beragama yang menjadikan image umat Islam di anggap intoleran dimata Indonesia dan International. Selain itu, Konflik vertikal yakni adanya konflik antara umat Islam yang menegakkan khilafah dengan pemerintah Indonesia dan para tokoh nasional dan ulama yang beragama Islam yang belum Pro terhadap khilafah. Bila Konflik ini terjadi maka yang terjadi adalah perpecahan dalam pemerintahan dan tidak menutup kemungkinan terjadi pertumpahan darah. Terakhir implikasi terhadap ukhuwah wathaniyah. Dalam slogan “Hubbul Wathan Minal Iman” (cinta tanai air atau negara adalah sebagaian dari Iman. Semboyan ini menjadi salah satu alasan para santri dan umat Islam gigih memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia dari Penjajahan.
Kata Kunci: Khilafah, Ulama, dan Bangka belitung.
This study examines the perceptions of the Ulama ini Bangka Belitung about the concept of khilafah and its implications for Ukhwah Islmaiyah, Ukhuwah Basyariyah, and Ukhuwah Wathaniyah in the integrity of the Unity Republic of Indonesia in Bangka Belitung itself. As for the research method used in this study was field research. The results of the study show that the Bangka Belitung Ulema have the same majority perception of the establishment of the Islamic Khilafah, the Khilafah in Indonesia is still not enforceable because every ulama understands the Khilafah. This happened because the Ulama had no agreement and understanding about the Khilafah. The implications of the establishment of the Islamic Khilafah on Ukhwah Islmaiyah can lead to schismatic divisions among Muslims, the Implications of the Khilafah to Ukhuwah Basyariyah. where Indonesia has diverse tribes, races and religions. If the Khilafah is enforced upright it will become a horizontal conflict, namely the conflict between Muslims themselves and inter-religious conflict which makes the image of Muslims considered intolerant in the eyes of Indonesia and International. In addition, vertical conflict is the existence of conflict between Muslims who uphold the Khilafah with the Indonesian government and national figures and ulama who are Muslim who have not been Pro against the Caliphate. If this conflict occurs then what happens next is a split in the government and does not rule out the possibility of bloodshed. Finally, the implications for Ukhuwah Wathaniyah. In the slogan "Hubbul Wathan Minal Iman" (love of water or state is a part of Faith. This motto is one of the reasons the santri and Muslims strive for Indonesian independence from colonialism.
Keywords: Caliphate, Ulama, and Bangka Belitung.
Penelitian ini mengkaji persepsi Ulama Bangka Belitung tentang konsep khilafah serta implikasinya terhadap Ukhwah Islmaiyah,Ukhuwah Basyariyah, dan Ukhuwah Wathaniyah dalam keutuhan NKRI di Bangka Belitung sendiri. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) yang berbentuk deskriptif kualitiatif. Adapun hasil penelitian adalah Ulama Bangka Belitung memiliki persepsi yang mayoritas sama terhadap penegakkan Khilafah Islamiyah yaitu khilafah di Indonesia masih belum bisa ditegakkan karena setiap ulama berbeda paham tentang khilafah. Hal ini terjadi disebabkan para ulama belum ada kesepakatan dan kesepahaman tentang khilafah. Implikasi penegakkan khilafah islamiyah terhadap ukhwah islmaiyah dapat menimbulkan perpecahan persaudaran di anatra kaum muslimin, Implikasi khilafah terhadap Ukhuwah Basyariyah. dimana Indonesia memiliki suku, ras dan agama yang beraneka ragam. Jika Khilafah dipaksakan tegak maka akan menjadi Konflik horizontal yaitu konflik antar umat islam sendiri dan konflik antar umat beragama yang menjadikan image umat Islam di anggap intoleran dimata Indonesia dan International. Selain itu, Konflik vertikal yakni adanya konflik antara umat Islam yang menegakkan khilafah dengan pemerintah Indonesia dan para tokoh nasional dan ulama yang beragama Islam yang belum Pro terhadap khilafah. Bila Konflik ini terjadi maka yang terjadi adalah perpecahan dalam pemerintahan dan tidak menutup kemungkinan terjadi pertumpahan darah. Terakhir implikasi terhadap ukhuwah wathaniyah. Dalam slogan “Hubbul Wathan Minal Iman” (cinta tanai air atau negara adalah sebagaian dari Iman. Semboyan ini menjadi salah satu alasan para santri dan umat Islam gigih memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia dari Penjajahan.
Kata Kunci: Khilafah, Ulama, dan Bangka belitung.
Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam dalam Budaya Nganggung dan Implikasinya terhadap Solidaritas Umat di Kecamatan Mendo Barat Kabupaten Bangka
The Values of Islamic Education in Nanggung Culture and Its Implication on Solidarity of People in Mendo Barat Sub-district of Bangka Regency. Each region has a different culture, including the existing culture in the District of Bangka Belitung. However, not all cultural heritage of the ancestors have an education of Islamic values. In Bangka Belitung, there is a culture of ancestral heritage that has an education of Islamic values, namely value education that is revealed in the culture of such as religious values, ethics, social values, ukhwah Islamiyah value, and gotong royong value. These values can ultimately have implications for the solidarity of the people in Bangka district. This paper concludes that Nganggung culture continues to be maintained and preserved in Bangka regency. As a tradition of Bangka community that has been done for generations, nganggung has good values of local wisdom and even including the Islamic tradition. This tradition can also instill a noble value education which is emphasized in the teachings of Islam. These values are like social values by strengthening the relationship, the value of psychiatric education, the value of togetherness or solidarity, and aesthetic value
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