197,615 research outputs found
Generalized linear isotherm regularity equation of state applied to metals
A three-parameter equation of state (EOS) without physically incorrect
oscillations is proposed based on the generalized Lennard-Jones (GLJ) potential
and the approach in developing linear isotherm regularity (LIR) EOS of Parsafar
and Mason [J. Phys. Chem., 1994, 49, 3049]. The proposed (GLIR) EOS can include
the LIR EOS therein as a special case. The three-parameter GLIR, Parsafar and
Mason (PM) [Phys. Rev. B, 1994, 49, 3049], Shanker, Singh and Kushwah (SSK)
[Physica B, 1997, 229, 419], Parsafar, Spohr and Patey (PSP) [J. Phys. Chem. B,
2009, 113, 11980], and reformulated PM and SSK EOSs are applied to 30 metallic
solids within wide pressure ranges. It is shown that the PM, PMR and PSP EOSs
for most solids, and the SSK and SSKR EOSs for several solids, have physically
incorrect turning points, and pressure becomes negative at high enough
pressure. The GLIR EOS is capable not only of overcoming the problem existing
in other five EOSs where the pressure becomes negative at high pressure, but
also gives results superior to other EOSs.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure
Multiplicity one theorems: the Archimedean case
Let be one of the classical Lie groups \GL_{n+1}(\R), \GL_{n+1}(\C),
\oU(p,q+1), \oO(p,q+1), \oO_{n+1}(\C), \SO(p,q+1), \SO_{n+1}(\C), and
let be respectively the subgroup \GL_{n}(\R), \GL_{n}(\C), \oU(p,q),
\oO(p,q), \oO_n(\C), \SO(p,q), \SO_n(\C), embedded in in the
standard way. We show that every irreducible Casselman-Wallach representation
of occurs with multiplicity at most one in every irreducible
Casselman-Wallach representation of . Similar results are proved for the
Jacobi groups \GL_{n}(\R)\ltimes \oH_{2n+1}(\R), \GL_{n}(\C)\ltimes
\oH_{2n+1}(\C), \oU(p,q)\ltimes \oH_{2p+2q+1}(\R), \Sp_{2n}(\R)\ltimes
\oH_{2n+1}(\R), \Sp_{2n}(\C)\ltimes \oH_{2n+1}(\C), with their respective
subgroups \GL_{n}(\R), \GL_{n}(\C), \oU(p,q), \Sp_{2n}(\R),
\Sp_{2n}(\C).Comment: To appear in Annals of Mathematic
Finding Meaning: a talking points brief on underemployment of service personnel
NZDF provides transition programmes for military personnel, these programmes have not been seen by the individual as being ‘useful’. It is this desire to be useful that makes an ex-service person a valuable employee. However most service personnel leave without a civilian or trade qualification. It takes them a long time to get a job. In addition even those that leave with a qualification that is recognised in the civilian world find themselves ‘starting over’ and their years of service ignored or discounted.falseAucklandPost Transition Lt
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Q&A: Cellular near death experiences-what is anastasis?
Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death that is carried out by proteolytic enzymes called caspases. Executioner caspase activity causes cells to shrink, bleb, and disintegrate into apoptotic bodies and has been considered a point of no return for apoptotic cells. However, relatively recent work has shown that cells can survive transient apoptotic stimuli, even after executioner caspase activation. This process is called anastasis. In this Q&A, we answer common questions that arise regarding anastasis, including how it is defined, the origin of the name, the potential physiological consequences, molecular mechanisms, and open questions for this new field of study
Switching speed distribution of spin-torque-induced magnetic reversal
The switching probability of a single-domain ferromagnet under spin-current
excitation is evaluated using the Fokker-Planck equation(FPE). In the case of
uniaxial anisotropy, the FPE reduces to an ordinary differential equation in
which the lowest eigenvalue determines the slowest switching
events. We have calculated by using both analytical and numerical
methods. It is found that the previous model based on thermally distributed
initial magnetization states \cite{Sun1} can be accurately justified in some
useful limiting conditions.Comment: The 10th Joint MMM/Intermag, HA-0
Transient trapping into metastable states in systems with competing orders
The quench dynamics of a system involving two competing orders is
investigated using a Ginzburg-Landau theory with relaxational dynamics. We
consider the scenario where a pump rapidly heats the system to a high
temperature, after which the system cools down to its equilibrium temperature.
We study the evolution of the order parameter amplitude and fluctuations in the
resulting time dependent free energy landscape. Exponentially growing thermal
fluctuations dominate the dynamics. The system typically evolves into the phase
associated with the faster-relaxing order parameter, even if it is not the
global free energy minimum. This theory offers a natural explanation for the
widespread experimental observation that metastable states may be induced by
laser induced collapse of a dominant equilibrium order parameter.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure
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