7,168 research outputs found
Polarization of L Dwarfs by Dust Scattering
The degree of polarization in L dwarfs of spectral types L0 to L6 resulting
from dust scattering in a rotation-induced oblate photosphere is calculated.
Assuming that forsterite is the main condensate, the atmospheric dust
distribution is derived for different spectral types based on a chemical
equilibrium model. The degree of polarization at optical is then calculated
using a single scattering model. The expected linear polarization at optical is
found to peak at around spectral type L1. For a fixed rotational velocity, the
degree of polarization decreases from hotter to cooler objects. However, with
the increase in mean grain size, the degree of linear polarization reduces
significantly. We fit the recently observed linear polarimetric data of L
dwarfs and find that single dust scattering model coupled with the chemical
equilibrium models of condensates is consistent with the observational results.Comment: Latex (aastex sty), 23 pages including 7 postscript figures. Accepted
for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (Part 1
On the viability of the PAH model as an explanation of the unidentified infrared emission features
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules are widely considered as the
preferred candidate for the carrier of the unidentified infrared emission bands
observed in the interstellar medium and circumstellar envelopes. In this paper
we report the result of fitting a variety of non-PAH spectra (silicates,
hydrogenated amorphous carbon, coal and even artificial spectra) using the
theoretical infrared spectra of PAHs from the NASA Ames PAH IR Spectroscopic
Database. We show that these non-PAH spectra can be well fitted by PAH
mixtures. This suggest that a general match between astronomical spectra and
those of PAH mixtures does not necessarily provide definitive support for the
PAH hypothesis.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
Unidentified Infrared Emission bands: PAHs or MAONs?
We suggest that the carrier of the unidentified infrared emission (UIE) bands
is an amorphous carbonaceous solid with mixed aromatic/aliphatic structures,
rather than free-flying polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules.
Through spectral fittings of the astronomical spectra of the UIE bands, we show
that a significant amount of the energy is emitted by the aliphatic component,
implying that aliphatic groups are an essential part of the chemical structure.
Arguments in favor of an amorphous, solid-state structure rather than a
gas-phase molecule as a carrier of the UIE are also presented.Comment: 9 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
On the origin of the 11.3 micron unidentified infrared emission feature
The 11.3 m emission feature is a prominent member of the family of
unidentified infrared emission (UIE) bands and is frequently attributed to
out-of-plane bending modes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules.
We have performed quantum mechanical calculations of 60 neutral PAH molecules
and found that it is difficult to reconcile the observed astronomical feature
with any or a mix of these PAH molecules. We have further analyzed the fitting
of spectra of several astronomical objects by the NASA PAH database program and
found that reasonable fittings to the observed spectra are only possible by
including significant contributions from oxygen and/or magnesium containing
molecules in the mix. A mixed of pure PAH molecules, even including units of
different sizes, geometry and charged states, is unable to fit the astronomical
spectra. Preliminary theoretical results on the vibrational spectra of simple
molecules with mixed aromatic/aliphatic structures show that these structures
have consistent bundles of vibrational modes and could be viable carriers of
the UIE bands.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
A Theoretical Study on the Vibrational Spectra of PAH Molecules with Aliphatic Sidegroups
The role of aliphatic side groups on the formation of astronomical
unidentified infrared emission (UIE) features is investigated by applying the
density functional theory (DFT) to a series of molecules with mixed
aliphatic-aromatic structures. The effects of introducing various aliphatic
groups to a fixed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) core (ovalene) are
studied. Simulated spectra for each molecule are produced by applying a Drude
profile at =500 K while the molecule is kept at its electronic ground state.
The vibrational normal modes are classified using a semi-quantitative method.
This allows us to separate the aromatic and aliphatic vibrations and therefore
provide clues to what types of vibrations are responsible for the emissions
bands at different wavelengths. We find that many of the UIE bands are not pure
aromatic vibrational bands but may represent coupled vibrational modes. The
effects of aliphatic groups on the formation of the 8 m plateau are qua
ntitatively determined. The vibrational motions of methyl (CH) and
methyl ene (CH) groups can cause the merging of the vibrational bands
of the pa rent PAH and the forming of broad features. These results suggest
that aliphatic structures can play an important role in th e UIE phenomenon.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap
On the Origin of the 3.3 Micron Unidentified Infrared Emission Feature
The 3.3 m unidentified infrared emission feature is commonly attributed
to C-H stretching band of aromatic molecules. Astronomical observations have
shown that this feature is composed of two separate bands at 3.28 and 3.30
m and the origin of these two bands is unclear. In this paper, we perform
vibrational analyses based on quantum mechanical calculations of 153 organic
molecules, including both pure aromatic molecules and molecules with mixed
aromatic/olefinic/aliphatic hydridizations. We find that many of the C-H
stretching vibrational modes in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules
are coupled. Even considering the un-coupled modes only, the correlation
between the band intensity ratios and the structure of the PAH molecule is not
observed and the 3.28 and 3.30 m features cannot be directly interpreted
in the PAH model. Based on these results, the possible aromatic, olefinic and
aliphatic origins of the 3.3 m feature are discussed. We suggest that the
3.28 m feature is assigned to aromatic C-H stretch whereas the 3.30 m
feature is olefinic. From the ratio of these two features, the relative
olefinic to aromatic content of the carrier can be determined.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
Multipolar Planetary Nebulae: Not as Geometrically Diversified as Thought
Planetary nebulae (PNe) have diverse morphological shapes, including
point-symmetric and multipolar structures. Many PNe also have complicated
internal structures such as torus, lobes, knots, and ansae. A complete
accounting of all the morphological structures through physical models is
difficult. A first step toward such an understanding is to derive the true
three-dimensional structure of the nebulae. In this paper, we show that a
multipolar nebula with three pairs of lobes can explain many of such features,
if orientation and sensitivity effects are taken into account. Using only six
parameters - the inclination and position angles of each pair - we are able to
simulate the observed images of 20 PNe with complex structures. We suggest that
the multipolar structure is an intrinsic structure of PNe and the statistics of
multipolar PNe has been severely underestimated in the past.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures, 2 table
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