52 research outputs found

    Tindak Tutur Direktif dalam Pidato Presiden Joko Widodo di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The directive speech act is a speech act that functions to encourage the speech partner to do something as desired by the speaker. Speech is an activity of speaking in public that conveys information aimed at many people. Speeches are only delivered by certain people such as the president, governors, mayors, and so on. A speech act is a speech that has a directive meaning which functions to influence other people to do something as desired by the speaker. This study aims to obtain an objective picture of the directive speech acts in President Joko Widodo's speech during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a qualitative approach. The research found that directive speech acts include a form of the command with a commanding function, a form of request with a function of asking, an invitation form with an inviting function and a form of advice with an advise function


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    Pendidikan karakter merupakan bentuk kegiatan manusia yang di dalamnya terdapat suatu tindakan yang mendidik diperuntukkan bagi generasi selanjutnya. Tujuan pendidikan karakter adalah untuk membentuk penyempurnaan diri individu secara terus-menerus dan melatih kemampuan diri menuju hidup yang lebih baik. Pendidikan karakter dibutuhkan anak autis sebagai bekal dalam hidupnya sehingga siap menghadapi segala tantangan di dunia yang penuh persaingan dengan penuh percaya diri. Salah satu cara penanaman nilai pendidikan karakter anak autis dilakukan melalui dongeng. Dongeng merupakan media efektif untuk menanamkan nilai pendidikan karakter kepada anak autis


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    The novel tells about life in society as a social problem. One of the problems of life that is often the author's scrutiny is the issue of education. The purpose of this study was to determine, (1) the moral values ​​in the novel Invite God to the Land of Java by Sekar Ayu Asmara, (2) the religious values ​​in the novel Invite God to the Land of Java by Sekar Ayu Asmara, and (3) the value of hard work in Novel Invite God to the Land of Java by Sekar Ayu Asmara. The research method used to examine the value of education in the Novel Invite God to the Land of Java by Sekar Ayu Asmara is a descriptive qualitative method. The sources of data in this study are words, sentences and quotes from the Novel Invite God to the Land of Java by Sekar Ayu Asmara. The data collection technique in this research is a listening, reading and note-taking technique, in this case a study of the texts of the Novel Invite God to the Land of Java by Sekar Ayu Asmara. The results showed, (1) the moral values ​​in the novel Invite God to the Land of Java by Sekar Ayu Asmara were dominated by Mama Hannah's advice to Rebekah. (2) Religious values ​​in the novel Invite God to the Land of Java by Sekar Ayu Asmara is a novel that tells the spiritual journey of the main character Rebekah. (3) The values ​​of hard work in the novel Invite God to the Land of Java by Sekar Ayu Asmara. (1) The value of hard work education on the indicator of not easily giving up was found 5 times, (2) The value of hard work education on the indicator of willingness to complete work was found 4 times, (3) The value of hard work education on the indicator always carried out the work that became responsibility was found 4 times, (4) The value of hard work education on the indicator of being able to organize existing resources to carry out the task was found 3 times quoted. The value of hard work education can be known based on the character of Isaac, Rebekah and Wiro


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    Language functions as a media of communication and a media of delivering information. One of the most popular and popular social media is Instagram. Instagram is a social media that can be accessed easily and is useful as a means of providing information. The purpose of this research is to obtain an objective description of the form of speech acts and the functions of speech acts in President Joko Widodo's Instagram caption. This study uses a qualitative approach. The data source for this research is President Joko Widodo's Instagram Caption. The research data is in the form of quotes of words and sentences on President Joko Widodo's Instagram caption. Data was collected by reading technique, listening technique, and note taking technique. Furthermore, the data is classified based on its form and function and then analyzed using interactive model analysis techniques. Based on the results of data analysis, the following findings were obtained. First, the forms of speech acts on President Jokowi's Instagram caption include assertive speech acts, directive speech acts, expressive speech acts, commissive speech acts, and declarative speech acts. Second, the functions of speech acts in the caption of President Joko Widodo's Instagram include the functions of explaining, declaring, showing, ordering, asking, inviting, forbidding, thanking, expecting, congratulating, condolences, promising, and inaugurating


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan gangguan komunikatif dalam tuturan lisan anak autis. Data penelitian berupa rekaman dialog tuturan anak autis di Kota Malang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik perekaman dan pengamatan. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pertama, ekolalia merupakan bentuk pengulangan kata, frasa, atau kalimat dalam tuturan dari orang lain. Kedua, abnormalitas pengucapan meliputi ketidaknormalan dalam proses, cara, dan perbuatan mengucapkan. Suara anak autis cenderung tersendat-sendat, dengan volume yang rendah, dan menunjukkan pola intonasi yang “aneh”. Ketiga, gangguan produksi bahasa yaitu kesulitan dalam menghasilkan kata-kata dari sistem simpanan auditorisnya untuk menyampaikan keinginannya. Kata kunci: gangguan komunikatif, tuturan lisan, anak autis   COMMUNICATIVE DISORDERS IN ORAL SPEECH OF AUTISTIC CHILDREN Abstract This study aims to describe communicative disorders in oral speech of autistic children. The research data were in the form of the recording of dialogues of autistic children in Malang. The data collection used recording and observation techniques. The results of the study are as follows. First, ecolalia is a form of repetition of words, phrases, or sentences in others’ speech. Second, abnormalities of pronunciation include abnormalities in the process, manner, and act of utterance. The voice of an autistic child tends to be halting with a low volume, and shows a “strange” intonation pattern. Third, the language production disorder is the difficulty in generating the words from the auditory deposit system to express ideas. Keywords: communicative disorders, oral speech, autistic childre


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    The analysis of texts both written and spoken is not explicitly and systematically correlated to the discourse structure. Some critical linguistic contributions and social semiotics have been ignored. According to Van Dijk, a discourse is developed by three dimensions: texts, social cognition and social contexts. Quite similarly, Norman Fairclough’s analysis is conducted based on a main question how can a micro text be related to the macro social contexts


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    This study aimed at describing difficulties faced by students in learning Listening. This study involved seventeen female students and eight male students taking Basic Listening course in one of private university in Malang, East Java. To gain the data, the researcher interviewed the subjects one by one. The findings, then, classified into several classes by referring to previous studies discussing listening difficulties in English as Foreign Language (EFL) classes. The findings showed that there were four difficulties faced by the students. They were the speed and length of the spoken text, vocabulary, pronunciation, and accents. Based on the findings, then, the researchers made several suggestions for further researchers and other language teachers to consider this study in their practice


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    This research is a classroom action research conducted in class III SD Brawijaya 1 Malang, to improve students' speaking skills. This research is planned with II Cycle. Student data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires, test questions and observations to students to be analyzed as data sources. The important information to be collected and presented in this research is in the form of qualitative data. Data collection techniques that will be applied as a complete and accurate data collection tool are: (1) Observation, (2) Test technique, (3) Questionnaire, ( documentation). Next, to obtain the expected results, namely students' speaking skills achieve success indicators, carry out several stages of implementing research, namely, (1) Action planning, (2) Action planning, (3) Observation or evaluation, (4) Reflection. Based on the results of the action research conducted, it can be concluded that the use of image media can improve students' speaking skills. It can be seen that after conducting classroom action research, students can communicate fluently, not feeling embarrassed. Based on research on speaking skills, it is better to use learning media properly in order to increase creativity in development, especially in speaking skil


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    Understanding news text is not just to know a news. Learning about news text is to attract children's interest in learning Indonesian, and children are also eager to learn by watching or reading news so that there is a willingness and ability of children to think by making news. Writing is a creative process of expressing ideas in the form of written language in review, for example, informing, convincing, or entertaining. This research was conducted using the experimental method. Experimental research consists of three main points, namely: (1) the existence of manipulated independent variables, (2) the existence of control or control of all other variables except the independent variable, and (3) the observation or measurement of the dependent variable as the effect of the independent variable This research design uses the experimental design of Control Group Pre Test-Post Test Design. The results of the analysis and discussion show that there is a significant difference between the news text writing skills of experimental group students who follow learning with the synectic model and control group students who do not follow. The difference can be proven by the calculation results on the posttest scores of the control group and the experimental group which show that the mean of the news text writing skills of the control group students is 76.50, while the experimental group is 78.03. Second, the effectiveness of the synectic model in learning to write news texts is also indicated by the results of the t-test comparison on the pretest and posttest scores in the control group and the experimental group which was 96.97. Both groups experienced an increase in news text writing skills, but the experimental group experienced a greater increase. The average score of the experimental group was 78.03, from the average pretest score of 75.94, while the average score of the control group was 76.50, from the average pretest score of 76.31


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    Kurkulum merdeka menekankan pada model pembelajaran berbasis masalah (PBL) dan Pembelajaran berbasis projek (PjBL) dengan memanfaatkan potensi lokal dan technological pedagogical content knowledge framework (TPACK). Model-model ini bercirikan penggunaan masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang dialami oleh murid ditunjang  dengan teknologi informasi. Artikel ini diangkat dari hasil penelitian tindakan kelas di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah NU (MINU) Pagelaran Malang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Siklus pertama terjadi meningkatan yang sangat signifikan dari 35% menjadi 84%. Pada siklus ke-2 peningkatan menjadi 100%. Hasil yang diperoleh terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan dari tingkat penguasaan 35% menjadi 100%. Antusias peserta didik dari 10% menjadi 100%. Dalam refleksi pembelajaran, siswa merasa senang menulis puisi dan bangga mengunggah karyanya di media sosial. Pembelajaran dengan pemanfaatan potensi lokal dan TPACK pada model PjBL sangat disarankan untuk digunakan pada pembelajaran semua mata pelajaran di sekolah. Hasilnya peserta didik akan terbiasa membuat projek dari setiap topik yang dipelajarai dengan memanfaatkan sumber belajar potensi lokal dan dari teknologi informasi