101 research outputs found
Pengaruh Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana L.) terhadap Histologis Pankreas Mencit (Mus Musculus L. Swiss Webster) yang Diinduksi Sukrosa
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder caused by lack of insulin which islet cells of Langerhans in the pancreas were damaged or decreased. DM treatment is quite expensive so it takes the alternative medicine. Ones of alternative medicine using Mangosteen Fruit pod. The pod of the mangosteen fruit have xanton flavonoid compounds, which function as antioxidants that can lower blood glucose levels and improve pancreatic cells. The study aimed to determine the effect of mangosteen rind extract (Garcinia mangostana L.) to display the pancreatic histology of mice (Mus musculus L. Swiss Webster) induced male sucrose. This study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications. treatments is P1 (positive control), sucrose 0.8 g/kg (negative control / P2), sucrose + 200 mg/kg of mangosteen peel extract (P3), sucrose + 400 g/kg of mangosteen peel extract ( P4), sucrose + 600 mg/kg of mangosteen peel extract (P5). Observations quantitatively to determine blood glucose levels and the number of Langerhans islet cells after 5 days and 4 days inducing the extract. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, if there is a difference will be continued with Duncan test at the 0.05 significance level. The results showed the average number of Langerhans islet cells 205.6 (P1), 134.0 cells (P2), 114.2 cells (P3), 193.0 cell (P4), and 181.8 cells (P5). From the results obtained in the analysis of data obtained Fhitung<Ftabel significant at 0.05, so it can be concluded that the mangosteen rind extract has no effect on pancreatic histological induced male mice sucrose
Natural Feed Preference Fejervarya cancrivora L. and Fejervarya limnocharis L on the West Coast of Sumatra Island
Anuran is an animal with a short body size, wide and stiff. The head and body are united and have no tail. Ecologically, Anuran plays an important role in the food chain as secondary consumers. It is known that all types of Anuran are carnivores with a diet such as arthropods and worms. This study aims to determine the natural food preferences of F. cancrivora and F. limnocharis on the West Coast of Sumatra Island. This research is a descriptive study which was conducted in 3 stages, namely the first stage of taking Anuran in the field, the second stage of washing the stomach and the third stage of identifying the type of feed. The results showed that the type of feed that was mostly found in the stomachs of the two frogs was the Hymenoptera order from the Insect class. The overlapping niche values ​​of the two types of frogs in the village of Setara Nanggalo show a highly competitive tendency, the conclusion is that these two types of Anuran food have the same diet and are sympathetic populations
Pengaruh Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) terhadap Histologis Pankreas Mencit (Mus musculus L. Swiss Webster) yang Diinduksi Sukrosa
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder caused by lack of insulin which islet cells of Langerhans in the pancreas were damaged or decreased. DM treatment is quite expensive so it takes the alternative medicine. Ones of alternative medicine using Mangosteen Fruit pod. The pod of the mangosteen fruit have xanton flavonoid compounds, which function as antioxidants that can lower blood glucose levels and improve pancreatic cells. The study aimed to determine the effect of mangosteen rind extract (Garcinia mangostana L.) to display the pancreatic histology of mice (Mus musculus L. Swiss Webster) induced male sucrose. This study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications. treatments is P1 (positive control), sucrose 0.8 g/kg (negative control / P2), sucrose + 200 mg/kg of mangosteen peel extract (P3), sucrose + 400 g/kg of mangosteen peel extract ( P4), sucrose + 600 mg/kg of mangosteen peel extract (P5). Observations quantitatively to determine blood glucose levels and the number of Langerhans islet cells after 5 days and 4 days inducing the extract. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, if there is a difference will be continued with Duncan test at the 0.05 significance level. The results showed the average number of Langerhans islet cells 205.6 (P1), 134.0 cells (P2), 114.2 cells (P3), 193.0 cell (P4), and 181.8 cells (P5). From the results obtained in the analysis of data obtained Fhitung<Ftabel significant at 0.05, so it can be concluded that the mangosteen rind extract has no effect on pancreatic histological induced male mice sucrose
Analisis Relevansi Materi Superkelas Pisces dalam Aspek Penerapan Ilmu Taksonomi Hewan di Sekolah: (Analysis of the Relevance of Pisces Superclass Material in the Aspect of Application Animal Taxonomy in Schools)
The science of taxonomy animal is a science that is constantly experiencing growth. One of the objects of study of the taxonomy of animals is a superclass Pisces that its application is also done at the school through the teaching of biology. To expand the repertoire of science knowledge regarding Pisces, not be separated from research that are continuously being developed by experts to produce discoveries about the Pisces superclass which also have an impact on the discovery of new concepts. Will but the content material superclass Pisces on learning and several book packages that use has not been demonstrated progress hot, even still finding misconception. This is certainly not appropriate if it is still implemented. Through the articles of this author will give a review of the science regarding the reason for the importance of increasing the relevance of the content material to expose the data and facts state of content material superclass Pisces during this. Articles of this come through research by using approach qualitative type of study library (library research).
Abstrak. Ilmu taksonomi hewan merupakan ilmu yang senantiasa mengalami perkembangan. Salah satu objek kajian taksonomi hewan adalah superkelas pisces yang penerapannya juga dilakukan di sekolah melalui pembelajaran biologi. Untuk memperluas khasanah ilmu pengetahuan mengenai pisces, tidak akan lepas dari penelitian-penelitian yang terus dikembangkan oleh para ahli untuk menghasilkan penemuan-penemuan baru tentang superkelas pisces yang juga berdampak kepada penemuan konsep-konsep baru. Akan tetapi konten materi superkelas pisces pada pembelajaran dan beberapa buku paket yang digunakan belum menunjukkan perkembangan terkini, bahkan masih ditemukannya miskonsepsi. Hal ini tentu tidak tepat jika masih diterapkan. Melalui artikel ini penulis akan memberikan kajian ilmiah mengenai alasan pentingnya meningkatkan relevansi konten materi dengan memaparkan data dan fakta keadaan konten materi superkelas pisces selama ini. Artikel ini hadir melalui penelitian dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif tipe studi pustaka (library research)
Uji In Vitro Ekstrak Akar Tuba (Derris elliptica L.) Terhadap Viabilitas Tetas Telur Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio L.)
Poison Vine used as poisonous substances to clean up the ponds from pestfishes or to help the farmers to harvest the fish. Poison Vine is Climbing Leguminosae that have rotenone as bioactive. Rotenone have couple days halflife and it coul impact to the water quality including the fish. Based on this condition, the research aimed to describe the influence of Poison Vine (Derris elliptica L.) Extract to Viability of Carpfish Egg Hatchibility (Cyprinus carpio L.). The research held in Zoology Laboratory, Biology Department of Faculty of Math and Science, Universitas Negeri Padang. The research used Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatments and 6 replication. The treatments are 0% (control /P1); 0.002% (P2); 0.003% (P3); 0.004% (P4) and 0.005%(P5). The data of hatced eggs collected after 4 days incubation. Egg hatchibility and  abnormal larvae data analized with ANOVA at p≤ 0,05 and continued by LSD test. The result showed that the avarage of egg viability at P1 92.50%;  P2 80.83%;  P3 77.50%;  P4 74.17%; and P5 72.50%. The highest hatchibility at P1 Significantly higher (p<0,05) comparison to P2, P3, P4 and P5. The avarage of normal larvae at P1 99.12%; P2 98.49%; P3 97.92%; P4 96.22%; and P5 95.30% were not significantly (p<0,05) and so to the abnormal larvae P1 0.88%; P2 1.51%; P3 2.08%; P4 3.78%; and P5 4.71%. It can conclude that Poison Vine extract decreased the viability and hatchability of Carpfish Eggs. Keyword: Poison Vine, Viability, Hatchability, Egg Carpfish
Efek Toksit Dan Teratogenik Ekstrak Brotowali (Tinospora Crispa L.) Terhadap Sistem Reproduksi Dan Embrio Mencit (Mus Musculus L. Swiss Webster)
Ditemukan di semua bagian tanaman ini. Batang Tinospora crispa mengandung kolumbin, zat pahit, alkaloid dan glicosida. Alkaloid merupakan zat antiproliferatif, dimana zat antiproliferatif ini dapat mengurangi jumlah oosit yang dihasilkan dan mengurangi jumlah oosit yang mengalami ovulasi sehingga mempengaruhi penampilan reproduksi mencit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek toksik dan teratogenik ekstrak Tinospora crispa pada sistem reproduksi dan embrio tikus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan mencit betina (Mus musculus L.) sebanyak 24 ekor. Penelitian memakai rancangan acak lengkap dengan empat perlakuan dan enam ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah ekstrak brotowali dengan berbagaidosis, yaitu: A adalah kontrol, perlakuan B (5x10-2), C (6x10-2) dan D (7x10-2)g/mencit. Parameter yang diamati adalah jumlah korpus luteum, implantasi, embrio resorpsi, janin mati dan janin hidup. Data dianalisis dengan Analisis Varians dan uji lanjut DNMRT pada taraf α 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak brotowali berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah korpus luteum, janin hidup, janin mati dan embrio resorpsi mencit dengan 0 sampai 16 hari kehamilan. Sementara, terhadap jumlah implantasi berpengaruh tidak nyata, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak brotowali memiliki efek embriotoksik dan fetotoksik terhadap mencit betina hamil
Phylogenetic Analysis of Rasbora spp. Based on the Mitochondrial DNA COI gene in Harapan Forest
Harapan forest is the remaining lowland tropical forest in Sumatra which represents about 20 percent of the biodiversity on the island of Sumatra. There are several Rasbora species found in the Sungai Kapas Tengah River Refuge in the Harapan Jambi Forest that the relationship is not yet known.This research aims to know kinship and genetic distance several species of Rasbora from Sungai Kapas Tengah, Hutan Harapan Jambi. The method in this research using secondary data from the NCBI website ((National Center for Biotechnology Information). The data taken, namelynucleotide sequence from the Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) gene in mitochondrial DNA. The Rasbora species analyzed were Rasbora from identification results in the Sungai Kapas Tengah River Refuge, Harapan Jambi Forest, consisting of, Rasbora bankanensis, R. caudimaculata, R. cf. sumatrana, R. dusonensis, R. elegans, R. sumatrana, and R. trilineata. Based on phylogenetic analysis, the location of the branch length in each Rasbora species, the closest kinship is owned byR. sumatrana and R. elegans species. Based on the results of genetic distance analysis, the closest genetic distance was the species R. elegans and R. sumatrana, with a distance value of 0.023 (2.3%). While the farthest genetic distance between R. bankanensis and R. caudimaculata, with a distance value of 0.172 (17.2%).Based on research results It can be concluded that R. bankanensis has a greater kinship and genetic distance value than other Rasbora species, so that this species forms a separate group. Meanwhile, 5 other species have kinship and the value of close genetic distance so that these species are united in the same group. For future researchers, it is hoped that some additional families of fish species will be analyzed for phylogenetic analysis in Sungai Kapas, Hutan Harapan Jambi, so that they can find out the relationship of several other species
Analisis Filogenetik Familia Ikan Kerapu Serranidae Berdasarkan Penandaan Chytocrome Oxydase I (COI) dari Pasar Ikan Lokal di Indonesia
This research aims to explain the kinship or phylogeny of grouper fish of the Serranidae family based on Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI). Analysis based on previous research obtained type of grouper fish inhabiting Indonesian waters. A total of 39 grouper fish were collected from local fishermen. January-April 2014. Lombok (n=12 samples) in January, Karimunjawa (n=11) in May, Lampung (n=4) in February, Kendari (n=3) in January, Madura (n=3) in April, Tanakeke (n=3) in February, and Numfor (n=3) in May. From the results of the analysis using MEGA X software obtained the level of kinship between species tested very closely, among others species Epinephelus areolatus, E. merra, E. fasciatus, E. longispines, E. coioides, E. ongus, and E. coeruleopunctatus. The genetic average distance of all species is 0.02. In general, the association of species found is that several species are found in the same location with almost the same morphology and food.  Key words: phylogenetic analysis; Serranidae family; grouper fish; COI markers
Bioactivity of Torch Ginger Umbut Extract (Etlingera elatior) Against Heal Wounds of Mice (Mus musculus)
Torch ginger has a wide range of good antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, larvicidal and repellent activities. Active compounds in Torch ginger that affect pharmacological activities are phenols, polyphenols, flavonoids, and terpenoids. Based on these ingredients Torch ginger can be used to heal wounds. This study aims to observe the effect of Torch ginger Umbut extract on wound healing in mice. This study hopes to add information about the effect of Torch ginger umbut extract on the healing of cuts in mice so that it can be another alternative for wound healing and can be a reference for other researchers. This study used a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 3 replications. Tests carried out on adult male mice. The results showed that the optimal wound healing in P2 is treatment with 10% Torch ginger umbut extract which requires a range of wound healing 7-8 days. Based on these results, Torch ginger umbut extract can heal wounds
Kualitas Sperma Ejakulat Pejantan Ayam Kukuak Balenggek Pada Pengandangan Tunggal Terisolasi (Ejaculated Sperm Quality of Isolated Single Caging of Balenggek Chickens)
The Balenggek chicken is a long crower type fowl. This fowl have isolated and caging in single cage for years to result the long crower sound.This study was carried out to identify the influence of fed to the ejaculate sperm quality of balenggek chickens. First, the sperm were collected from isolated caging of Balenggek fowl more or less than three years and un-isolated caging of Balenggek fowl as control group. Second, the sperm were collected from isolated caging of Balenggek fowl more or less than three years and un-isolated caging of Balenggek fowl as control group, after treated by 124 ComFed for three months. The sperm were collected by massages methods and analyze with counting chamber of Improve Neubauer. Slides of sperm were stained by Eosin. Variables observed were sperm ejaculated, colours, and sperm consistency. The results shows that the sperm quality of Balenggek fowl increased (from 2.5 billion sperm/ml to 3.5 billion sperm/ml) significantly higher (p<0.05) in isolated caging fowl with reschedule feeding. Sperm color and its consistency were increased from + (c quality) to ++ (b quality). It can conclude that single caging could decreased the ejaculated sperm of Balengggek chickens quality and it. could reveal increased after it treated by 124 ConFed
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