27 research outputs found


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    The aim of this research is to analyze the relevance of textbook to reading materials based on KTSP in improving students reading skill. This research is conducted at SMPN 33 Surabaya located at Jl. Putat Gede Surabaya. The researcher used qualitative and quantitative method in this research. Then, the instruments used to collect the data are interview guide, assessment indicator, and study of documentations. Based on KTSP, each school has an authority to arrange lesson plan and decides the textbook which is used in learning process. In this case the government has provided the textbooks for students with very affordable price. Unfortunately, further research is still needed to analyze the quality of the text book. Textbook is a basic need of learning in the classroom. The ideal textbook contains teaching materials should be presented. Therefore, the arrangement of textbooks certainly notices instructional materials which are appropriate to be presented, including the procedure for the presentation of materials in accordance with the type and condition of the students. When the researcher run the research at first time, the problem had been founded. The school has policy to open two bilingual classes in 2010. The bilingual classes use same English textbook with regular class. The result of this research is the conformity of reading materials in a textbook to KTSP. The reading materials in this book are good enough based on English teacher assessment indicator. However, there must be a difference between textbook for regular classes with bilingual classes because it will affect the learning outcome. There is an improvement on students reading skill, although the textbook is too easy for the bilingual classes


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    The art of calligraphy, the greatness of Islamic art, was naturally born amid the world of architecture. This can be proven in the various calligraphic decorations that fill mosques and other buildings, combined with the noble Qur’anic verses, hadiths, or the wise words of wise scholars. The Qur’an is written in various models of calligraphy with dazzling and varied decorations. This study analyzes the Aesthetics and Calligraphy Reception of the Probolinggo Regency Mosque from the perspective of the Living Qur’an. With the living Qur’an method, God’s verbal revelation is expressed in a tangible form in writing, which has been a long debate and has influenced civilization. The Qur’an became the main factor in the development of the art of Islamic calligraphy, so calligraphy was expressed to devote the power of the revelation of the Qur’an. Meanwhile, ornamentation is the development of a sense of beauty that is free from natural myths and is done by developing abstract patterns taken from the processing of floral, leaf, and polygon motifs. This study concludes that the aesthetics and reception of calligraphy at the Probolinggo mosque can be considered uniform, both at the Badridduja, Ar Raudhah, and Raudhatul Jannah mosques, even though the texts chosen are not the same. The color choices converge on green and gold, indicating they are identical to Islam, where the symbolic meanings are plants, trees, leaves, and forests. Meanwhile, the psychological meaning of green is growth, renewal, balance, harmony, and the environment. Green color mixed with Gold color, the eyes that will look at it make you feel happy with all the artful writing


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    Abstract: This study aims to describe (1) the base of change of madrasah status, (2) the change process of madrasah status, (3) the arrangement of teachers and administrative staff  after becoming a public madrasah, (4) infrastructure administration, and (5) impacts of the change. This study used qualitative approach with a case study design. Results indicate that the base of changes in the status, the change process in the school status influenced organizational aspects including teachers, administrative staff and facilities. Keywords: change process, organizational madrasah status. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) dasar pelaksanaan perubahan status madrasah, (2) proses pelaksanaan perubahan status madrasah, (3) penataan guru dan tenaga kependidikan setelah menjadi madrasah negeri, (4) penataan sarana dan prasarana, dan (5) dampak perubahan status madrasah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dasar perubahan status madrasah, proses sekaligus berdampak pada aspek-aspek perubahan lainnya yaitu guru, tenaga kependidikan, sarana dan prasarana. Kata Kunci: proses perubahan, status organisasi madrasah

    Android Based Theme 8 E-Module Development for Class IV Students of MI Asas Islam Kalibening

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengembangan modul pembelajaran tematik integratif melalui media mobile learning berbasis android. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluations) yang dikembangkan oleh Dick and Carry. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pengembangan media pembelajaran E-modul berbasis android tema 8 “Bangga Terhadap Daerah Tempat Tinggalku” kelas IV MI Asas Islam Kalibening kecamatan Tingkir Kabupaten Semarang dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah : 1. Kebutuhan terhadap bahan ajar, 2. Perancangan desain dan tahap kontruksi media, 3. Pengujian Modul, 4. Perbaikan produk. Berdasarkan kriteria Uji Paired Sample Test bahwa nilai t hitung > t tabel sebesar (5,279>2,048) dan P value Sig. (2-tailed) < 0,05 yakni sebesar 0,000. maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Maka terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar pada data pembelajaran sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran menggunakan media E-modul berbasis android tema 8 “Bangga Terhadap Daerah Tempat Tinggalku” pada kelas IV MI Asas Islam Kalibening Kabupaten Semarang


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    Abstract: The purpose of this research is description interest teacher in field of technology information in learning, description competence teacher in field of technology information in learning, description adoption teacher in field of technology information in learning, detect the correlation between interest with adoption in field of technology information at SMAN Malang city, detect the correlation between competence with adoption in field of technology information at SMAN Malang city and detect the correlation between interest and competence with adoption teacher in field of technology information at SMAN Malang city. This is a quantitative research with analyzed data descriptive, product moment pearson, and multiple correlation. The results of research explain is interest teacher in field of technology information in learning be high category, competence teacher in field of technology information in learning be average category, adoption teacher in field of technology information in learning be high category, a correlation between interest and adoption in field of technology information, a correlation between competence and adoption in field of technology information, a correlation between interest and competence teacher in field of technology information and a correlation between interest and competence teacher in field of  technology information at SMAN Malang city.  Keyword: interest, competence, adoption of technology information, learning Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan minat guru terhadap teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran, mendeskripsikan kompetensi guru terhadap teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran, mendeskripsikan adopsi guru terhadap teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran, mengetahui hubungan antara minat dengan adopsi teknologi informasi pada SMAN di Kota Malang, mengetahui hubungan antara kompetensi dengan adopsi teknologi informasi pada SMAN di Kota Malang, mengetahui hubungan antara minat guru dengan kompetensi guru terhadap teknologi informasi pada SMAN di Kota Malang, dan mengetahui hubungan antara minat dan kompetensi guru di bidang teknologi informasi dengan adopsi untuk pembelajaran pada sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan analisis data deskriptif, Product moment pearson, dan Multiple corelation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat guru terhadap teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran kategori tinggi, kompetensi guru terhadap teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran kategori  sedang, adopsi guru terhadap teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran kategori tinggi, adanya hubungan antara minat dan adopsi di bidang teknologi informasi, adanya hubungan kompetensi dan adopsi di bidang teknologi informasi, adanya hubungan minat dan kompetensi guru di bidag teknologi informasi, dan adanya hubungan antara minat dan kompetensi guru di bidang teknologi informasi dengan adopsinya untuk pembelajaran pada SMA di Kota Malang. Kata kunci: minat, kompetensi, adopsi teknologi informasi, pembelajara


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    Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) adalah kegiatan yang memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa untuk menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan ketrampilannya di sekolah ataupun lembaga. Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) merupakan mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh oleh seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) diharapkan mampu mengasah kompetensi mahasiswa dan memberikan pengalaman kerja secara nyata Pelaksanan PLT tahun akademik 2017/2018 diselenggarakan oleh LPPMP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta pada semester gasal selama dua (2) bulan, yaitu terhitung sejak tanggal 15 September 2017 sampai tanggal 22 November 2017. Dalam kesempatan ini pelaksanaan PLT oleh mahasiswa Teknologi Pendidikan dilaksanakan di Balai Diklat Keuangan Yogyakarta. BDK Yogyakarta merupakan lembaga penyelenggaraan program pendidikan dan pelatihan dalam bidang keuangan. Penyusunan program kerja mahasiswa PLT UNY mengikuti program kerja yang sudah di agendakan oleh BDK Yogyakarta. Pelaksanaan mata kuliah PLT terbagi atas program kerja kelompok dan program kerja individu. Program kerja kelompok berupa review evaluasi pasca diklat, pembuatan video pembelajaran, desain pesan pembelajaran, pelayanan diklat, dan knowledge management. Program kerja insidental yang dilaksanakan ialah merangkum disertasi, input biodata widyaiswara dan seminar metodologi pendidikan. Adapun program kerja individu berupa evalusi diklat alih media yang merupakan program yang disarankan oleh dosen pembimbing lapangan. Sedangakn hambatan yang dialami yaitu mahasiswa kurang menguasai kompetensi di bidang keuangan sehingga dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan diklat untu para peserta kurang maksimal. Akan tetapi proses pelaksaan program kerja dapat dilaksanakan secara lancar berkat kerjasama tim PLT UNY dengan BDK Yogyakarta

    Development of Prophetic Intelligence (Phenomenology Study of Religious Transformation)

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    This research is a study of the process and results of Prophetic Intelligence development conducted by Kalong students (students who are not staying in the school) in the Roudhotul Muttaqien Islamic boarding school led by KH Hamdani Bakran Adz Dzakiey. This type of research is qualitative research design with Phenomenology Study. Data collection techniques used involved observation, interview, and documentation. Qualitative data analysis used Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis (IPA) and Validity testing used triangulation and reflection. The results of this study are; 1) there are several transformation phases of the mystical experience of the kalong student with three sequences, a) Pre-transformation process in the desire to feel the essence of worship, b) the process of transformation in the derive of mystical experience towards Allah, and c) Post-transformation process that describes changes in a more religious mindset and more polite behavior and gives benefit to the surrounding. The mastery of prophetic intelligence by  kalong student is grouped in two ways; a) mastery of quantitative competencies, including mastery of intellectual intelligence, spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and perceptual intelligence in a prophetic perspective, b) mastery of qualitative competencies in accordance with the essence of prophetic intelligence, such as turning the body into a light that shows the attainment of clarity of heart, obtaining abilities that had not previously been studied (getting Laduni's knowledge)

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Penguatan Peran Multi-Stakeholders Forum (Masalah dan Strategi Solutif Peningkatan Mutu SD – SMP Satu Atap di Daerah Terpencil)

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    The study aims to describe the problem and find effective leadership strategies that can be done by principals in Elementary School - Junior High School One Roof (SATAP) in remote areas. Qualitative research with a multi-site approach. The data was obtained through the principal, the head of the LPIKIPI representative (Training Institute and Indonesian Educational Innovation Consultant), and tested the credibility and validity in triangulation through the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) and expert testing. The results obtained include: 1) the problems faced by one-roof principals in remote areas are closely related to aspects of cultural, social, economic, demographic, and geographic aspects, as well as historically; 2) effective school leadership solution strategies emphasizing spiritual, personal, and social aspects.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan permasalahan dan menemukan strategi kepemimpinan efektif yang dapat dilakukan kepala sekolah pada SD – SMP Satu Atap (SATAP) di daerah terpencil. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan multi-situs. Data diperoleh melalui kepala sekolah, ketua perwakilan LPIKIPI (Lembaga Pelatihan dan Konsultan Inovasi Pendidikan Indonesia), dan diuji kredibilitas dan validitasnya secara triangulasi melalui Forum Grup Discussion (FGD) dan uji ahli. Hasil yang diperoleh antara lain: 1) permasalahan yang dihadapi kepala sekolah satu atap daerah terpencil sangat terkait dengan aspek-aspek aspek budaya, sosial, ekonomi, demografi, dan geografi, serta historis; 2) strategi solutif kepemimpinan efektif sekolah menekankan pada aspek spiritual, personal, dan sosial


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    The art of calligraphy, the greatness of Islamic art, was naturally born amid the world of architecture. This can be proven in the various calligraphic decorations that fill mosques and other buildings, combined with the noble Qur’anic verses, hadiths, or the wise words of wise scholars. The Qur’an is written in various models of calligraphy with dazzling and varied decorations. This study analyzes the Aesthetics and Calligraphy Reception of the Probolinggo Regency Mosque from the perspective of the Living Qur’an. With the living Qur’an method, God’s verbal revelation is expressed in a tangible form in writing, which has been a long debate and has influenced civilization. The Qur’an became the main factor in the development of the art of Islamic calligraphy, so calligraphy was expressed to devote the power of the revelation of the Qur’an. Meanwhile, ornamentation is the development of a sense of beauty that is free from natural myths and is done by developing abstract patterns taken from the processing of floral, leaf, and polygon motifs. This study concludes that the aesthetics and reception of calligraphy at the Probolinggo mosque can be considered uniform, both at the Badridduja, Ar Raudhah, and Raudhatul Jannah mosques, even though the texts chosen are not the same. The color choices converge on green and gold, indicating they are identical to Islam, where the symbolic meanings are plants, trees, leaves, and forests. Meanwhile, the psychological meaning of green is growth, renewal, balance, harmony, and the environment. Green color mixed with Gold color, the eyes that will look at it make you feel happy with all the artful writing