3,513 research outputs found

    Production and Decay of Sneutrino and Squarks at Lepton-Hadron Colliders

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    We investigate the potentials of future high energy lepton-proton colliders to detect supersymmetric particles in the charged current type lp→ν~lq~Xlp\to\tilde\nu_l\tilde qX, l=e,μl=e,\mu, reactions. We also study their decays by using the mass spectrum given in the Technical Design Report of ATLAS Collaboration (SUGRA Point 6 corresponding to large tanβtan\beta).Comment: 6 pages, 1 eps figure, REVTEX

    Review of Linac-Ring Type Collider Proposals

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    There are three possibly types of particle colliders schemes: familiar (well known) ring-ring colliders, less familiar however sufficiently advanced linear colliders and less familiar and less advanced linac-ring type colliders. The aim of this paper is two-fold: to present possibly complete list of papers on linac-ring type collider proposals and to emphasize the role of linac-ring type machines for future HEP research.Comment: quality of figures is improved, some misprints are correcte
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