7 research outputs found
Impact of Eperiential Marketing and Perceived Quality on Brand Loyalty with Brand Trust as Mediation
This study is to look at: 1) the influence of eperiential marketing on brand trusts; 2) the influence of perceived quality on brand trust; 3) the influence of brand trust on brand loyalty; 4) the influence of eperiential marketing on brand loyalty; 5) the influence of perceived quality on brand loyalty. The samples used in this study were as many as 100 respondents using data analysis with Smart PLS. The results of this study are: 1) there is an eperiential marketing influence on brand trust. 2) There is an influence of perceived quality on brand trust. 3) There is no influence of brand trust on brand loyalty. 4) There is no eperiential marketing influence on brand loyalty. 5) There is a perceived quality influence on brand loyalty
The Effectiveness of Holistic Marketing and Word-of-Mouth Communication on Purchasing Decision at Pt Asuransi Central Asia Branch Office of Tiang Bendera West Jakarta
Holistic marketing is a marketing concept that defines an overall corporate entity. Word-of-mouth communication is one way to spread rumors. Word-of-mouth communication is also the most ancient marketing strategy that is still widely implemented until now. The objectives of this research are: 1) to determine the effect of holistic marketing on purchasing decision, 2) to determine the effect of word-of-mouth communication on purchasing decision, 3) to determine the effect of holistic and word-of-mouth communication on purchasing decision. This research applied quantitative data collection method which was carried out through questionnaire distribution and literature studies. Based on the testing results of hypothesis 1, the holistic marketing variable (X1) and purchasing decision (Y) do not have a significant correlation because the sig. value (p) = 0.000 < 0.01. Based on the testing results of hypothesis 2, word-of-mouth communication (X2) and purchasing decisions (Y) have a significant correlation because the sig. value (p) = 0.000 < 0.01. Based on the testing results of hypothesis 3, holistic marketing (X1) and word-of-mouth communication (X2) variables on the purchasing decision variable (Y) are simultaneously and significantly related. The contribution of holistic marketing and word-of-mouth communication variables on purchasing decision is 86.1% and the remaining 13.9% is affected by other variables
The Effect of Debt to Asset Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio on Return on Assets in Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Sub Sectors Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2014-2018 Period
This study aims to determine the effect of debt to asset ratio and debt to equity ratio on return on assets in hotel, restaurant and tourism sub-sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2014-2018 period, either partially or simultaneously. This research is a quantitative research. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling with a sample of 16 companies from a population of 35 sub-sector companies including hotel, restaurant and tourism listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data analysis techniques used in this study included descriptive statistics, classic assumption tests, partial correlation analysis, coefficient of determination, multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. Additionally, multiple regression equation in this study was ROA= 0.308 + 0.154DAR – 0.038DER. The results of this study indicated that debt to asset ratio partially had a positive and significant effect on return on assets. It was indicated by β value of 0.154 and significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. In addition, the results also found that debt to equity ratio had a negative effect on return on assets, in which β value was -0.038 and significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. Debt to asset ratio and debt to equity ratio simultaneously have a significant effect on return on assets, indicated by a significance level of 0.000 <0.05
Consumer Value, Consumer Experience and Consumer Satisfaction
Hubungan antara nilai pelanggan dan kepuasan pelanggan juga terkait dengan nilai pelanggansebagai persepsi pelanggan tentang konsekuensi yang diinginkan dari penggunaan produk.Semakin tinggi nilai pelanggan, semakin tinggi kepuasan pelanggan. Dengan adanyaexperiential marketing, pelanggan akan mampu membedakan produk dan jasa yang satu denganyang lainnya karena pelanggan dapat merasakan dan memperoleh pengalaman secara langsungmelalui lima pendekatan (sense, feel, think, act, relate), baik sebelum maupun ketika pelangganmenggunakan sebuah produk atau jasa. Setelah menggunakan produk atau jasa, maka pelangganakan merasakan adanya kepuasan atau ketidakpuasan sesuai dengan harapan sebelummenggunakan. Semakin tinggi experiential marketing yang dirasakan maka semakin tinggikepuasan yang dirasakan pelanggan
This study was designed to test empirical truths between two or more research variables that
have been formulated in the hypothesis. The research variables used were expertness,
trustworthiness, similarity, attractiveness, attitude to advertisement, and brand attitude.
Exogenous variables in this study are expertness, trustworthiness, similarity, and
attractiveness. Endogenous variables in this study are attitude to advertisement, and brand
attitude. The results of the study concluded that only hypothesis 2 was not significant. There
was no effect of trustworthiness on attitude to advertisement. Furthermore, Brand X should
choose attractive celebrity endorsers in order to increase attitude towards advertisements,
affecting brand attitude. Attractive celebrity endorsers are able to increase brand attention
when it comes to physical appearance. In addition, further research can add other variables to
determine the effect on brand attitude. Increasing the sample size is also highly
This study was designed to test empirical truths between two or more research variables that
have been formulated in the hypothesis. The research variables used were expertness,
trustworthiness, similarity, attractiveness, attitude to advertisement, and brand attitude.
Exogenous variables in this study are expertness, trustworthiness, similarity, and
attractiveness. Endogenous variables in this study are attitude to advertisement, and brand
attitude. The results of the study concluded that only hypothesis 2 was not significant. There
was no effect of trustworthiness on attitude to advertisement. Furthermore, Brand X should
choose attractive celebrity endorsers in order to increase attitude towards advertisements,
affecting brand attitude. Attractive celebrity endorsers are able to increase brand attention
when it comes to physical appearance. In addition, further research can add other variables to
determine the effect on brand attitude. Increasing the sample size is also highly
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Smartphone Made In China di Kecamatan Cikupa Kabupaten Tangerang
This study aims to analyze and find out if there is an influence of Product Quality and Promotion on Smartphone Purchase Decisions Made in China in Cikupa Subdistrict, Tangerang Regency. Samples used in this study as many as 100 respondents and sampling using purposive sampling techniques. In this study, the analysis was conducted using the help of SPSS Software Application Version 23. While the data testing techniques conducted in this study are validity test, reliability test, normality test, partial correlation analysis, coefficient of determination, multiple linear test, and hypothesis test (t test and f test). based on the results of partial correlation analysis can be known the value of the influence of variable correlation of Product Quality and Promotion on Purchasing Decisions of 0.533 and 0.648, respectively. While the results of multiple correlation analysis shows the result of the value R2 ( R Square) = 50.8%. This indicates that the Quality of Products (X1) and Promotions (X2) simultaneously had a significant effect on Purchasing Decisions (Y) with a Coefficient of Determination value of 49.8% while the remaining 50.2% was influenced by other factors not studied by researchers