46 research outputs found

    Images of Previous Mothers through Health Education, Additional Food Package Materials and Community Empowerment in Sucopangepok Village District of Jelbuk-Jember

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    The period of pregnancy greatly determines the quality of human resources of the future, because the condition of the fetus in the womb determines the growth of children. Factors that affect maternal health is the mother's nutritional condition. The research design is descriptive. The sampling technique uses total sampling. The sample size of trimester II and III pregnant women were 58 respondents. Univariate data analysis. The result of analysis indicated that pregnant women were mostly at risk of chronic energy deficiency (79.3%), pregnant woman's knowledge level about fulfillment of nutritional requirement during pregnancy after health education mostly categorized good (51.7%), knowledge level of posyandu cadre the fulfillment of nutritional needs of pregnant women before and after health education is mostly categorized good (51.9% and 74.0%). The attitude of posyandu cadre in fulfillment of the nutritional requirement of the pregnant mother before and after health education mostly categorized good (66.7% and 74.0%). Motivation of posyandu cadres in maintaining the nutrition of pregnant women after the treatment was mostly good (70.4%), the weight of pregnant women before and after local-based supplementary feeding showed increased weight according to gestational age (79.3% and 91.4%). The results showed most of the pregnant women have normal nutritional status with arm circumference size ≥23.5 cm. Suggestions for pregnant women to keep their nutritional status normal by maintaining diet and always carrying out routine atenatal care visits and health workers providing supplementary feeding to pregnant women with chronic energy shortages. Keywords: Maternal care movement, additional food package, nutritional statu

    Description of Nursing Implementation with Main Nursing Problem on Child Diarrhea of The Regional Hospital in Besuki Residency

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    Diarrhea are one of the diseases that causes the death of children number two in 2016 and has the main causative factors, namely groups of viruses, bacteria and parasites. The purpose of this study was to find out a description of nursing implementation in diarrhea children aged 0-18 years in the area of Besuki residency which is famous for its agro-cultural with high mortality problems in children. This research method was descriptive with a retrospective approach and use a purposive sampling technique. The sample in the study was 199 diarrhea children aged 0-18 years of the regional hospital in the area of Besuki residency. Data collection tools in this study is using checklist sheets. The result of the study showed diarrhea nursing problems that often arise with observational nursing action, namely pulse strength monitoring, number of frequencies, monitoring a number of respiratory. Observation has influence which is high enough to detect changes in life support systems. Vital signs are a statistical measure, especially for clients who are medically unstable, can know the baseline data to determine the stress response of physiology or psychology, concerning factors related to the existing disease and to assess the client's response to the conversion given by health workers. Observation is a basic method of assessment and assessment for clients to find out clinical signs in establishing a diagnosis of disease and for planning appropriate medical therapy

    Perbedaan Tingkat Perkembangan Sosial Anak Obesitas dan Tidak Obesitas pada Usia Sekolah di Sekolah Dasar Katolik Maria Fatima Jember (The Difference Level of Social Development of Obese and Non-Obese Childhood at School Age in Elementary School Katolik M

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    Obesity has become a serious problem in developing countries at this time. Obesity is a condition of excess fat due to an imbalance of inputs and energy use. Obesity in children has an impact on child development, especially in the physical and psychosocial aspects. Social development is one of the important aspects of child development at school age. The purpose of this research was an analyzed the differenced level of social development of obese and non-obese childhood at school age in elementary school Katolik Maria Fatima Jember. Design of this research was descriptive analytic by using cross sectional. Method of collecting samples by using simple random sampling. Data were analyzed by using Mann Whitney (α=0,05). The result of statistic test showed that p value=0.000 (p value ≤ 0,05), that mean a significant differences level of social development of obese and non-obese childhood at school age in Elementary School Katolik Maria Fatima Jember. Pediatric nurse is one of the health services should be able to improve the health of children by pressing the prevalence of obese children in Indonesia and deliver information to teachers and parents about the importance of child development, especially social development of childhood.   Keywords: obesity, child development, social development

    Hubungan Pembelajaran Toilet Training dengan Kejadian Enuresis pada Anak Prasekolah

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    Preschoolers inclined has many health problem that always threatening and able to impact quality of life such as, general health problems, behavioral disorders, learning disorders, and developmental disorders. One of the health problems in preschool children is enuresis. To overcome this problem can be done by using toilet training to train and teach children to be able to control bowel movements and urinating. The purpose of this study to determine how the relationship of learning toilet training in preschool children (5-6 years) with enuresis in Pakusari District. This study uses quantitative non-experimental analysis that is correlational using a cross-sectional study with the sampling technique Probability Sampling by means of Purposive Sampling and obtained are 252 respondents. Data analysis using Chi Square test. The results (X2 = 21,378; p-value = 0,0001) it can be concluded that there is a relationship between learning Toilet Training in preschool children (5-6 years) with enuresis in Pakusari District. There are several factors that influence learning toilet training such as the environment and education. The family environment is very influential because family has important effect for child. At stage of child growth the parents must attention to see the child’s readiness for receive learning toilet training.&nbsp

    Perbedaan Kejadian Gizi Lebih pada Balita Usia 1-2 tahun dengan Riwayat Pemberian Asi Eksklusif dan Bukan Asi Eksklusif di Desa Tanggul Kulon Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tanggul Kecamatan Tanggul Kabupaten Jember (The Difference of the Overweight Incidence t

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    Overweight has not received much attention from caregiver. Overweight was caused by the lack of activity which was indicated by the overdeposit of fat with the value of standard deviation >+2SD. Overweight in toddlerwould caused 1,8 times overweight in adulthood. Exclusive breastfeeding was one of the ways of preventthe overweightincidence. The purpose of this research was to analyze the difference of the toddler who are given exclusive breastfeeding with the ones with nonexclusive breastfeeding regarding the overweightincidence to 1-2 years old toddler. This research used retrospectivedescriptive analysis design. The sampling collection method used in this research is total sampling, with 36 respondents involved. The results of this research reveal that 18 toddler received exclusive breastfeeding,whereas the other 18 received nonexclusive breastfeeding. The results of the statistical test reveal used Fisher Exact Test (α=0,05) and the p value = 1,000 (p value ≥ 0,05), thus the difference of the overweightincidence to 1-2 years old toodler with the exclusive and nonexclusive breastfeeding history at Tanggul Kulon under the coverage area of Tanggul Primary Health Center Tanggul Sub-District Jember Regency did not exist. Nursing of pediatriccan reduced the incidance of overweight by health education to mothers to raised awareness of importance of used exclusive breastfeeding, so the overweight does not occur. Keywords: Overweight, toddler, Exclusive Breastfeeding and Non- ExclusiveBreastfeedin


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    AbstrakAwal 2020, kasus COVID-19 mulai menyebabkan masalah kesehatan dibeberapa negara lain dan ditetapkan menjadi pandemi global. Salah satu langkah yang disarankan berdasarkan protokol COVID-19 untuk meminimalkan penyebaran infeksi adalah dengan meningkatkan pola hidup bersih, salah satunya adalah mencuci tangan. Usia sekolah merupakan fase dimana perkembangan anak menjadi sangat penting dan perlu mendapatkan pengawasan terhadap kesehatannya, terutama mengenai hygiene karena pada usia ini anak memiliki banyak aktifitas yang seringkali berhubungan langsung dengan lingkungan yang kotor sehingga anak menjadi lebih rentan terpapar penyakit. Permasalahan dalam perilaku kesehatan yang terjadi pada anak usia dini umumnya erat kaitannya dengan kebersihan diri dan lingkungan, salah satu perilaku tersebut adalah kebiasaan mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan perilaku mencuci tangan anak usia sekolah di wilayah pandemi COVID-19. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling dengan jumlah 50 responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner perilaku mencuci tangan dalam bentuk google form. Teknik analisa data menggunakan analisis univariat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan anak usia sekolah di daerah pandemi memiliki perilaku mencuci tangan yang baik sebanyak 100% dan tidak ada yang buruk. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat sebagai upaya meninggkatkan mutu pelayanan asuhan keperawatan perilaku mencuci tangan pada anak usia sekolah dalam pencegahan infeksi terutama di wilayah pandemi. Kata Kunci: Anak Usia Sekolah, Perilaku Mencuci Tangan, Covid-19 Abstract In early 2020, COVID-19 began to cause health problems in several countries and declared as a global pandemic. One of the recommended steps based on the COVID-19 protocol to minimize the spread of the infection is to improve a clean lifestyle, one of them is hand washing. School-aged is a phase where children’s development becomes very important and need to be monitored, especially regarding hygiene as children become more vulnerable to exposure of the disease. The problems in health behaviors that occur in early childhood are in general closely related to personal hygiene and environment, such as the habit of washing hands using soap. This research aimed to describe the behavior of school-aged children in their habit of washing hands in the COVID-19 pandemic area. This is a quantitative descriptive type of research. This research used a purposive sampling technique with 50 respondents. Data collection was carried out using a handwashing behavior questionnaire in the form of a google form. Data analysis technique used is univariate analysis. The results of this research indicated that 100% school-aged children in pandemic areas had a good hand-washing behavior. The results of this research were expected to improve the quality of nursing care services in hand-washing behavior in school-aged children to prevent infections, especially in pandemic areas.Keywords: School Age Children, Handwashing Behavior, COVID-1

    Perbedaan Dukungan Nenek dalam Keluarga Extended Family pada Pemberian ASI Eksklusif dan Tidak Eksklusif di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Arjasa Kabupaten Jember (The Differences of Grandmother Support in Extended Family on Exclusive and Non-Exclusive Breastfee

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    The rate of exclusive breastfeeding in Jember still low, it’s about 69.27% from the target is 80%.One factors of that is the lackness of family support, especially grandmother. Grandmother mantainto give early complementary foods to baby because of cultural reasons. The aim of this study was toanalyze the differences of grandmother support in extended family on exclusive and non-exclusivebreastfeeding in working area of Arjasa public health center. This research used an observationalanalytic design with Retrospective approach. The subjects was 66 mothers with babies aged 7-12months which divided in two groups, 22 of mothers who breastfeed exclusively dan 44 mothers whobreastfeed not exclusively that collected by multistage random sampling. Instrument usedquestionnaire. The analysis based on statistical Mann-Whitney showed p value = 0.001 (p value <α=0.05). It means there are the differences of grandmother support in extended family on exclusiveand non-exclusive breastfeeding. Grandmothers can affect the mothers to decided breastfeedexclusively. Informational support is the most important support to mothers. Health workers need toimprove mothers’s knowledge and involve grandmothers as effort giving exclusive breastfeeding, sothe rate of exclusive breastfeeding can be increased.Keywords: grandmother support, exclusive, non-exclusive, breastfeedin

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Perawatan Bayi Baru Lahir dengan Metode Syndicate Group terhadap Pengetahuan Kader Posyandu di Desa Sumberdanti Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sukowono Kabupaten Jember (The Effect of Newborn Care Education Using Syndicate Group Method to the

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    Newborn (BBL) has a high risk of mortality. It happened because the public’s knowledge and practiceabout simple treatments such as prevention of hypothermia, giving colostrum and exclusivebreastfeeding is still very poor. Cadre is one closest person of newborn‘s mother who can affectmaternal behavior, so she can provides a good information to newborn‘s mothers and families whenher knowledge has been good. The aim of this research is to obtain information from the analysis ofthe effect in newborn care education by Syndicate Group methods on cadres’ knowledge inSumberdanti village. This research used pre-experimental method with one group pretest-post testdesign that used 24 cadres’ of Sumberdanti Village who registered by the village midwife. Beforegetting intervention, there were 50% cadres who belong to category of having enough knowledgeand there were 58.3% cadres who belong to the category of having good knowledge after gettingintervention. Analysis of hypothesis used Wilcoxon Signed Rank test with α = 0.05 which obtained pvalue = 0.001, indicating a significant effect of newborn care education by Syndicate Group methodon cadres’ knowledge. Hopefully, the Sukowono Public Health Center and the midwives can continueimproving the cadres’ knowledge by interactive methods such as Syndicate Group and othermethods, so that their role can be more optimal.Keywords: Posyandu Cadres, Knowledge Of Newborn Care, Syndicate Group Metho