2 research outputs found
The Performance Accountability of the Public Bureaucracy in Prevention of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism Behavior
Corrupt behavior in the bureaucratic environment tends to increase, and is even carried out in various new modes. The government's efforts to prevent corruption have been carried out by establishing a KPK institution, and or through various regulations to minimize the occurrence of criminal acts of bureaucratic corruption. There are several factors that encourage corruption, namely internal factors that exist within the individual, and external factors that develop in their environment. Internal factors are closely related to personal qualities that are shown through moral characters such as integrity or honesty. Meanwhile, external factors are triggered due to pressure and encouragement from the environment that allows for deviant actions. One of the prevention strategies carried out in a bureaucratic environment is to increase the accountability of the performance of public institutions. Accountability is a form of accountability from the government apparatus for all its policies and actions to the public. By adhering to the principle of accountability, it will minimize the occurrence of irregularities in carrying out its duties and functions. For that, it is necessary to strengthen and develop a system of accountability that is precise and clear, so that governance can run properly and accountably. Keywords: Accountability, public bureaucracy, corruption. DOI: 10.7176/DCS10-9-05 Publication date:September 30th 202
Legal Policy on the Conversion of Agricultural Land Functions in Ngawi Regency
Increased land use change is correlated with population growth in a given location. The process of changing the use of agricultural land from agriculture to other uses on some or all of the land area is known as conversion of agricultural land, and it typically has a negative influence on the environment and the potential of the land. The government needs to address the major issue of the change of agricultural land uses, particularly paddy fields to non-agricultural areas. The aim of this study is to ascertain the extent of land conversion in Ngawi Regency and the relationship between the phenomena of land conversion and the use of local laws there.An method known as descriptive qualitative is used in this investigation. Through the finding and narrative presentation of data, we shall interpret phenomena in this study. A conclusion that can be drawn from the research is that agricultural land in Ngawi Regency deteriorates year after year. This results from the development of communities, toll highways, and industrial areas on formerly agricultural territory. In Ngawi Regency, the execution of law enforcement in relation to land use changes has not been done adequatel