197 research outputs found
Evaluasi Hasil Pengukuran Kebugaran Jasmani pada Pegawai Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Sukapura Jakarta Utara
Kebugaran jasmani merupakan kondisi dimana tubuh dapat melangsungkan aktivitas tanpa merasa lelah. Kebugaran jasmani dibutuhkan oleh seseorang dikarenakan hal itu bisa menjadi pengaruh dari apa yang akan dilakukannya. Saat ini Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Sukapura Jakarta Utara terus mengalami peningkatan baik kunjungan rawat jalan maupun jumlah pasien yang dirawat inap. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pengukuran kebugaran jasmani bagi pegawainya agar dapat diketahui seperti apa kebugaran jasmani dari pegawai sehingga dapat menggambarkan kekuatan pegawai dalam bekerja melayani pasien baik secara langsung bagi tenaga kesehatan maupun secara tidak langsung bagi tenaga non kesehatan. Berdasarkan hal itu maka tingkatan kebugaran jasmani yang prima bagi para karyawan sangat diperlukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat kebugaran jasmani pegawai, terutama melalui pengukuran Index Massa Tubuh (IMT) dan kadar VO2Max, serta mengetahui seberapa besar proporsi pegawai yang memiliki kebugaran jasmani tidak normal. Penelitian ini mengunakan penelitian deskripsi kuantitatif non eksperimen, peneliti menginginkan mengevaluasi tingkatan kebugaran jasmani pegawai Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Sukapura tanpa memberikan perlakuan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa sebanyak 22 pegawai atau 57,92% dari 52 pegawai memiliki Index Massa Tubuh (IMT) tidak normal dan sebanyak sebanyak 34 orang atau 97,14% dari 35 pegawai memiliki kadar VO2Max dengan rentang VO2Max <35 yang artinya berkategori sebagai VO2Max dibawah rata-rata. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan suatu kegiatan atau pembinaan bagi pegawai RS Islam Jakarta Sukapura agar mereka dapat mencapai kebugaran jasmani sesuai standar dan dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya
The Growth and Flowering of Potted Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat) on Types of Organic Media and Watering Frequent
The soils in Samigaluh are mostly dominated by clay and used by farmer for crops production. The growing media for potted chrysanthemum requires additional organic media that could be mixed with the organic material to improve chemical and physical soil properties. Furthermore, the research location is a region with little water in dry season. The research aimed to determine the growth and flower yield response of Avanthe agrihorti to the different organic material mixed with clay and watering frequency. The research was arranged in a split plot design with 3 replications, conducted at an altitude of 462 m above sea level in the village of Gerbosari, Samigaluh, from March to June 2018. The main plot was watering frequency, i.e. every day, every three days and every five days. The subplot was types of media, i.e. clay + manure, clay + manure + cocopeat, clay + manure +rice husk, and clay + manure + rice husk charcoal. Data on the growth and yield of chrysanthemum plants were observed and statistically analyzed with ANOVA and continued with DMRT test at 5%. The results showed that the types of media and watering frequency did not significantly give different effect on most of the observed variables. However, Avanthe Agrihorti planted on clay + manure + cocopeat at all watering frequencies showed better growth and yield of flowers than those planted on other media. The efficient watering frequency for Avanthe Agrihorti was every three days. This study provides information for farmers on an alternative method to prepare the best media for the cultivation of potted chrysanthemum on the soil clay. Â
EXPORTS AND ECONOMIC GROWTH; A Comparison between Indonesia and Singapore
Much empirical evidence suggest that countries with high growth export ratestend to enjoy a high economic growth. Increasing the volume of exports directlyincreases national income through a national income equation. A recent theorysuggests that exports increase national income indirectly through spill over effectsthat improve income and reduction costs. This paper attempts to investigate the role of exports in explaining the growth of the economy, both directly and indirectly, in two countries Singapore and Indonesia, following the economics model developed by Feder, 1982, based on the framework anlysis developed by previous authors in these fields (Michalopoulos and Jay, 1973 and Balasa, 1978). The paper starts by presenting a short description of the economic background of Indonesia and Singapore (in section 2). Section 3 discusses the anlytical framework and economerics models used in this investigation, and section 4 presents the empirical analysis and comparison of the results in this two cases
Determination Of Ploidy Levels OfShallot And Japanese Bunching Onion By Flow Cytometry
Flow cytometry analysis was successfully used to measure the ploidy of shallot and Japanese bunching onion plants using isolated cell nuclei. In addition, when corrected for ploidy, the nuclear DNA content of shallot cells was found to be twice that of Japanese bunching onion. The chimera phenomenon in tetraploid shallot was also demonstrated.
Key words: flow cytometry, Japanese bunching onion, ploidy, shallot.
Flow coometer berhasil digunakan dalam menganalisa tingkat ploidy tanaman bawang merah dan bawang daun dengan isolasi inti sel. Selain itu berkaitan dengan tingkat ploidy. kandungan DNA inti sel pada tanaman bawang merah didapatkan dua kali lebih besar dsbanding kandungan DNA inti sel pada tanaman bawang daun. Fenomena chimera juga dapat terlihat pada tanaman bawang merah tetraploid.
Kata kunci: flow cytometry, tingkat ploidy, bawang merah, bawang dau
The Correlation and Regression Analysis of The Growth and Physiological Parameters: How Paclobutrazol Increases Bulb Yield on Three Cultivars of True Shallot Seed
True Shallot Seed (TSS) is a planting material for shallots in the forms of seeds. It shows a visual appearance of the fresh green shoot even though in the harvest season. This condition indicates that TSS still has potential assimilates which should be optimized for bulbs formation. Paclobutrazol is increasing assimilate translocation from source to sink by activating the sucrose transporter enzyme and changing the phytohormones balance. The study aimed to find out how paclobutrazol increased bulb yield on TSS by analyzing the closeness in the relationship between and the influence of physiological property variables and growth analysis. The study was conducted at Gadjah Mada University experimental field, Yogyakarta, from September to November 2017. It was arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The first factor included the paclobutrazol concentration (0, 15, 30 and 45 mg L-1), while the second one included TSS cultivars (Tuk Tuk, Sanren and Lokananta). Correlation and regression were used in the data analysis. The results revealed that paclobutrazol significantly affected the physiological properties and the growth of TSS, instead of cultivars. Regression analysis showed that the effect of the concentration of the applied paclobutrazol formed quadratic pattern, where most observed variables had a positive correlation with shallot productivity. Paclobutrazol increased bulb yield by maintaining shoot biomass duration (SBD) and chlorophyll content which had a positive and linear effect on plant growth rate (PGR). The PGR might increase bulb yield per planting hole and indirectly increase its productivity. Paclobutrazol application at 15-30 mg L-1 could be used to improve bulb yield in TSS
Pengaruh Fasilitas dan Pelayanan Petugas Instalasi Farmasi terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan dan Dampaknya Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan
Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit (IFRS) sebagai unit Revenue Center, berperan meningkatkan pendapatan RS dituntut mampu memberikan pelayanan untuk kepuasan pelanggan yang berdampak pada loyalitas pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh fasilitas (X1) dan pelayanan petugas (X2) terhadap loyalitas pelanggan (Z) melalui kepuasan pelanggan (Y) sebagai variabel intervening. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pelanggan rawat jalan yang pernah berobat paling sedikit tiga kali di RS X Jakarta Utara yang sedang menunggu pelayanan resep di IFRS. Jumlah sampel 100 diperoleh menggunakan rumus Slovin dengan teknik simple random sampling dan analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur (Path Analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan bermakna antara X1, X2 dan Y terhadap Z (p = 0,044, 0,006 dan 0,000) sedangkan nilai koefisien determinasi X1 terhadap Y sebesar 80,6%; dan Y terhadap Z sebesar 4,3%. Pengaruh X1 secara langsung terhadap Z adalah 7,4% dan terhadap Y = 18,7%. Pengaruh total X1 terhadap Z gabungan pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung sebesar 26,1% dan pengaruh X2 terhadap Y sebesar 24,1%. X1, X2, dan Y berpengaruh terhadap Z sebesar 90,1%. X2 tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Y (p= 0,120). Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa fasilitas, pelayanan petugas, dan kepuasan pelanggan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan
Persepsi Pasien tentang Kualitas Layanan Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap Kelas III Rumah Sakit
Background: The higher quality of hospital services will cause customers to have a high level of satisfaction and behavior. The purpose of the study was to analyze the quality of hospital inpatient services. Method: The survey research method used cross-sectional design. The sample of this study was 172 third class inpatients in PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital determined by consecutive sampling. Results: The results of study showed that patients' perceptions about the quality of inpatient services were mostly good on all dimensions (58%), most patients feel satisfied (63%). Conclusion: Education is significantly related to patients' perceptions of the quality of the hospital inpatient services. The experience of patients being treated in hospital is significantly related to inpatient satisfaction. Patients' perceptions of the quality of hospital inpatient services are significantly related to patient satisfaction. The quality dimension that needs to be improved is empathy, while the best is reliability
Kualitas Pelayanan Pengurusan Akta Kelahiran di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pekanbaru
Birth certificate is a document which describes the status and identity of the child who has legal entities and the State. One of the benefits for society are the birth certificate to get into formal schools. Service of departement population and civil registration Pekanbaru (Disdukcapil) is the agency that has the task and the responsibility of taking care of the birth certificate. The phenomenon that complaints are often perceived by communities where the cost and duration of the completion of the birth certificate does not comply with the rules. The study of influencing quality of service management to figure out the birth certificate at the Office of departement population and civil registration Of Soweto and the factors that affected theConcept of the theory is the theory of Darmawanto. Indicators in this study are: simplicity, clarity, certainty of time, products, and equipment and infrastructure. Type of this research is a descriptive qualitative research. The results showed that the quality of service management of the birth certificate in departement population and civil registration Office Pekanbaru city is less good. This is apparent from deficiencies that occur in The population and civil registration Of Soweto.Keywords: birth certificate, departemen population and civil registration, service qualit
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