80 research outputs found

    Membangun Sistem Sumber Daya Manusia Berbasis Kompetensi dan Profesional

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    The role of human resources that is affirmed in the outlines of the State Policy that the essence ofIndonesia's national development is to build a complete Indonesian people and the entire Indonesian people. Inaddition, in the General Pattern of Long Term Development II it is also emphasized that the main objective ofnational development is to improve the quality of people and the people of Indonesia. Human resources is thedriving force of the activities of a country, where the citizens of the country concerned that run all the activitiesof the state, such as politics, economy and others. In addition to running the wheels of government, residentsalso manage all natural resources that become wealth for the country concerned. The population of a goodquality country will strive to cultivate and utilize existing natural resources, to meet the needs of life andimprove their welfare and to manage their country's wealth properly and efficiently. Development ofcompetency-based and professional-based human resources is conducted in order to deliver results inaccordance with organizational goals and objectives with predefined performance standards. Professionalhuman resources are those who have the competence, in accordance with the profession that ditekuni. Theobjective to be achieved by human resource management is to form professional human resources, which havecharacteristics, noble, competent, and motivated

    Kualitas Pelayanan Pengurusan Akta Kelahiran di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pekanbaru

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    Birth certificate is a document which describes the status and identity of the child who has legal entities and the State. One of the benefits for society are the birth certificate to get into formal schools. Service of departement population and civil registration Pekanbaru (Disdukcapil) is the agency that has the task and the responsibility of taking care of the birth certificate. The phenomenon that complaints are often perceived by communities where the cost and duration of the completion of the birth certificate does not comply with the rules. The study of influencing quality of service management to figure out the birth certificate at the Office of departement population and civil registration Of Soweto and the factors that affected theConcept of the theory is the theory of Darmawanto. Indicators in this study are: simplicity, clarity, certainty of time, products, and equipment and infrastructure. Type of this research is a descriptive qualitative research. The results showed that the quality of service management of the birth certificate in departement population and civil registration Office Pekanbaru city is less good. This is apparent from deficiencies that occur in The population and civil registration Of Soweto.Keywords: birth certificate, departemen population and civil registration, service qualit

    Implementasi Peraturan Bupati No. 5 Tahun 2005 Tentang Pembinaan dan Pengawasan Distribusi Tata Niaga Pengadaan dan Penyaluran Bahan Bakar Minyak di Kecamatan Bengkalis Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    Riau is a province that has twelve districts , namely Pekanbaru , Dumai , Bengkalis ,Rokan Hulu , Rokan Hilir , Indragiri Hulu , Indragiri Hilir , Kuansing , Kampar , Meranti Islands, Siak and Pelalawan the city thousands in Pekanbaru . Riau has some great potential Riau onerich in natural resources namely oil . As we know that one of the Riau oil producers in Indonesia.Precisely at Saber Duri subdistrict where the oil producers , which is one of the District who arein Bengkalis . In fact finite Bengkalis District to obtain fuel oil ( BBM ) .In theoretical models of implementation by Van Meter and Van Horn , there are sixvariables that shape the relationship between policies and performance , the basic measures andpolicy objectives , policy resources , inter- organizational communication and implementationactivities , the characteristics of the executing agency , economic conditions , social and political, as well as implementing tendencies .The method used in this research is qualitative research . With the technique that madethe snow ball sampling , the key informants in this study . In this paper that an informantresearch is Disperidag Bengkalis , APMS and Communities Agency . Then analyze the data andmanage .Based on the research that has been done , based on the theoretical concept . That theimplementation of Regulation No. Regents . 5 Year 2005 on Guidance and Control ofDistribution Business Administration Procurement and Distribution of Fuel Oil in BengkalisBengkalis district , has been implemented by the Department of Industry . But not maximum ,still there is a lack of fuel oil ( BBM ) in Bengkalis . Plus the lack of updates performed decree .Keywords : declaring , Development and Supervision , Implementation , Fuel Oi

    Kualitas Buah Tomat Pada Pertanaman Dengan Mulsa Plastik Berbeda

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    . Setyorini, D., D. Indradewa, and E. Sulistyaningsih. 2009. Fruit Quality of Tomato Planted inDifferent Plastic Mulch. Environment conditions is one of important factor that may affect plant growth. Modificationof environment conditions will not only affect plant growth, but also fruit quality. This study was carried out in TheExperimental Garden and Horticultural Laboratory of College of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University. The experimentwas set up in a randomize block design with 5 levels of treatments (plastic mulch color) and 4 replications. Parameterobserved were fruit number per plant, damaged fruit per plot, fruit weight, diameter and length of fruit, fruit firmness,coefficient of fruit ripening, total soluble solid, vitamin C, and dominant acid. The results showed that the color ofplastic mulch had a specific effect on tomatoes fruit quality parameter. The use of red plastic mulch reduce thepercentage of damage fruits but decreased the coefficient of fruit ripening. The blue plastic mulch had a significanteffect on increase fruit firmnes. Meanwhile, the silvery black plastic mulch could increase the dominant acid contentthat was suitable for growing processing tomatoes


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    Contemporary career research is characterized by the concepts of boundaryless and protean careers. The concepts of boundaryless and protean careers are compared in this review. The boundaryless career concept is profiled according to Sullivan and Arthur's categories of physical and psychological limitations. The protean career concept is discussed based on the degree of self-directed and value-oriented career orientation exhibited by a career actor. The researcher combined the protean and boundaryless career descriptions to produce eight career profiles based on a combination of boundaryless and protean career orientations. These eight profiles were examined in terms of the challenges to career actors and individuals that assist them in individual career development

    Pengembangan LKPD Berbasis Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Talk Write Pada Pembelajaran Matematika

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    Putri Dwi Hardini. 19504114. Development Learning Based of LKPD on the Cooperative Model Think Talk Write Type in Mathematics Learning. Mathematics Department. Faculty of Mathematics, Natural and Earth Sciences. Manado State University. Tondano. 2023. This research is motivated by problems found in learning mathematics which are found from various aspects, one of which is the lack of proper use of Student Worksheets (LKPD). The purpose of this study was to produce Student Worksheets (LKPD) on Triangle material with the Think Talk Write (TTW) type cooperative learning model in class VII SMP Negeri 7 Kotamobagu which is valid, practical and effective. This type of research is research and development (R&D) using the 4-D development model (define, design, develop, and disseminate). The assesment score from the results of the expert validator’s assessment is 95 with a very valid category. For the practicality assessment score seen from the teacher’s response with a score of 98 and for student responses with a score of 87 in the very good category. The develop LKPD meets the effective criteria based on a classical learning completeness percentage of 79%. In conclusion, the developed LKPD is valid, pratical, effective for use in learning

    Identifikasi Sifat Benih Kawista (Feronia Limonia (L.) Swingle) Untuk Tujuan Penyimpanan

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    Penanganan benih yang tepat dapat mempertahankan mutu benih selama penyimpanan atau dapat menekan laju kemunduran benih seminimal mungkin. Dalam terminologi penanganan benih terdapat tiga kelompok benih yaitu benih ortodoks, rekalsitran dan intermediate. Sampai saat ini belum diketahui apakah benih kawista masuk dalam kelompok ortodoks, rekalsitran atau intermediate sehingga dalam rangka untuk mempertahankan viabilitasnya selama dalam penyimpanan perlu dilakukan identifikasi sifat benih kawista. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi sifat benih kawista untuk tujuan penyimpanan. Benih kawista yang digunakan berasal dari Desa Dasun, Kecamatan Lasem, Kabupaten Rembang. Pengujian sifat benih dengan menggunakan metode yang dikemukakan Hong & Ellis (1996). Selain itu juga dilakukan pengamatan terhadap bobot kering dan kadar air benih selama perkembangan benih mulai dari antesis sampai benih masak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan benih kawista termasuk dalam kriteria benih ortodoks, karena tetap menunjukkan viabilitas yang tinggi yang ditunjukkan oleh persentase perkecambahan yang tetap tinggi dan tidak berbeda nyata pada beberapa tingkat kadar air. Persentase perkecambahan berkisar antara 96,0-98,5% pada semua kadar air, yaitu kadar air 40,6% (kadar air setelah ekstraksi); 10,5% dan 5,5% (baik sebelum maupun setelah disimpan tiga bulan pada suhu -20 0C) dengan bobot kering kecambah yang tidak berbeda nyata

    Identifikasi Sifat Benih Kawista (Feronia Limonia (L.) Swingle) Untuk Tujuan Penyimpanan

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    Penanganan benih yang tepat dapat mempertahankan mutu benih selama penyimpanan atau dapat menekan laju kemunduran benih seminimal mungkin. Dalam terminologi penanganan benih terdapat tiga kelompok benih yaitu benih ortodoks, rekalsitran dan intermediate. Sampai saat ini belum diketahui apakah benih kawista masuk dalam kelompok ortodoks, rekalsitran atau intermediate sehingga dalam rangka untuk mempertahankan viabilitasnya selama dalam penyimpanan perlu dilakukan identifikasi sifat benih kawista. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi sifat benih kawista untuk tujuan penyimpanan. Benih kawista yang digunakan berasal dari Desa Dasun, Kecamatan Lasem, Kabupaten Rembang. Pengujian sifat benih dengan menggunakan metode yang dikemukakan Hong & Ellis (1996). Selain itu juga dilakukan pengamatan terhadap bobot kering dan kadar air benih selama perkembangan benih mulai dari antesis sampai benih masak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan benih kawista termasuk dalam kriteria benih ortodoks, karena tetap menunjukkan viabilitas yang tinggi yang ditunjukkan oleh persentase perkecambahan yang tetap tinggi dan tidak berbeda nyata pada beberapa tingkat kadar air. Persentase perkecambahan berkisar antara 96,0-98,5% pada semua kadar air, yaitu kadar air 40,6% (kadar air setelah ekstraksi); 10,5% dan 5,5% (baik sebelum maupun setelah disimpan tiga bulan pada suhu -20 0C) dengan bobot kering kecambah yang tidak berbeda nyata
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