22 research outputs found
Along Palagan Tentara Pelajar Street, rainfall runoff floods Sariharjo area regularly.The inundation is triggered by drainage channel that cannot convey rainfall runoff therefore itfloods street and settlement. Flood mitigation is conducted by evaluating existing channelcapacity. Several analyses were carried out such as evaluation of existing drainage network,calculation of flood discharge, and channel hydraulic calculation. Flood discharge is analyzed byusing rational method, and channel conveyance discharge is calculated by using Manningequation. Forty masonry channels were evaluated to determine their discharge conveyance. Theywere evaluated by using areal rainfall discharge method, and street drainage method at 5 yearsreturn flood discharge. All of channels cannot convey areal rainfall discharge. Moreover therewere 5 channels that cannot convey flood discharge calculated by using street drainagemethod. Dimension improvement is needed to overcome inundation. Channel width must beincreased from 0.30 m to 0.60 m, and channel height must be improved 0.60 m to 0.90 m.Abstrak: Banjir dan genangan pada badan jalan masih terjadi di kawasan desa Sariharjo, lokasi terparah pada jalan Palagan Tentara Pelajar. Genangan disebabkan oleh saluran drainase yangtidak mampu lagi menampung air hujan, sehingga melimpas ke badan jalan dan pemukimanpenduduk, menyebabkan kerugian berupa terganggunya arus lalulintas (kemacetan). Oleh karenaitu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengevaluasi kapasitas saluran yang ada. Data sekunderdiperlukan meliputi peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia (RBI), data hujan harian, sedangkan data primeradalah pengukuran langsung dari semua saluran drainase pada wilayah penelitian, kondisi saluran,dan lokasi saluran yang sering meluap. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi pola jaringan drainaseeksisting, banjir rancangan, dan hidraulika saluran. Banjir rancangan dihitung dengan cararasional, sedangkan debit dihitung dengan persamaan kontinuitas, dengan menggunakanpersamaan kecepatan Manning’s. Berdasarkan RBI dan pengamatan lapangan pola jaringanmerupakan pola jaringan campuran, dengan jumlah penggal saluran 40 buah (S1 sampai S40),dengan kondisi saluran yang masih relatife baik dengan jenis dinding pasangan batu kali diplester,berbentuk segiempat. Berdasar analisis banjir wilayah hampir semua saluran tidak mampumenampung banjir 5-tahunan, sedangkan pada analisis drainase jalan terdapat 5 saluran yang tidakmampu menampung banjir 5-tahunan. Kelima saluran tersebut adalah S10, S16, S24, S31, danS36. Untuk dapat menampung debit banjir, maka kelima saluran tersebut di disain ulang sehinggadiperoleh dimensi baru untuk saluran S10, S16 dan S24 dengan lebar 0,30 m dan tinggi 0,60 m,saluran S31dengan lebar 0,45 dan tinggi 0,9 m, dan S36 dengan lebar 0,3 dan tinggi 0,6.Kata kunci: banjir, genangan, drainase, kapasitas salura
Development of Village Based Potentials of Social Capital in Madiun District, East Java, Indonesia
Social capital as a potential development resource, if there is synergy between the interests of the villagers with the orientation of the target of village development. The lack of success in village development has been due to the lack of conformity with the needs of the villagers, due to the involvement of the villagers in the development process as a means of getting closer between the government and the villagers. The social capital of the villagers will result in a form of cooperation realized through mutual assistance and community awareness, and has been believed to be a strength and adhesive in the lives of village communities in the face of various village development issues. The problem is whether the potential of social capital has been synergized to be a force in supporting the implementation of village development. While the target in this research in 5 (five) sub-district of Madiun Regency and each sub-district determined 2 (two) village by purposive sampling. Data analysis used regression model through SPSS calculation. Keyword: Social Capital, Rural Development
Village Development Strategy Through Development Social Capital Potential
Village development which emphasizes growth results in income disparities in the community, a village development strategy is needed that emphasizes the development of human resources. Community involvement in the village development process is very important to bring development programs closer to the interests of the village community. Social capital owned by rural communities can be a potential development resource in supporting the success of village development. The problem is the lack of realization of public trust in village government organizers, as a result of passive and apathetic communities towards village government programs. Therefore, the village government must be able to grow and convince the community of the development program intended for the benefit of the village community. Keywords: Village Government, Development, trust, social capital. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-14-09 Publication date:July 31st 201
Hak Lintas Damai Menurut Hukum Laut Internasional Dalam Undang-Undang Pelayaran Dalam Rangka Stabilisasi Keamanan Perairan Indonesia
Penelitian dalam skripsi ini berjudul “HAK LINTAS DAMAI MENURUT HUKUM LAUT INTERNASIONAL DALAM UNDANG-UNDANG PELAYARAN DALAM RANGKA STABILISASI KEAMANAN PERAIRAN INDONESIA”.Hukum laut internasional yang mengatur hak lintas damai menjadi satu pengaturannya dalam Konvensi Hukum Laut 1982. Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan/negara pantai mengatur undang-undang pelayaran, undang-undang perairan dan peraturan alur laut kepulauan tidak terlepas menggunakan acuan Konvensi Hukum Laut 1982.
Permasalahan yang diteliti adalah: 1) Bagaimanakah pengaturan hak lintas damai menurut hukum laut internasional ; 2) Bagaimanakah implikasi hak lintas damai tersebut dalam Undang-Undang Pelayaran, dalam rangka stabilisasi keamanan perairan Indonesia.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif, sehingga data yang diperlukan adalah cukup data sekunder, dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan. Analisis yangdigunakan bersifat kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah: 1) Pengaturan hak lintas damai menurut hukum internasional di atur dalam Pasal 52 Konvensi Hukum Laut 1982 bahwa Pada dasarnya kapal semua Negara, baik berpantai maupun tak berpantai, dapat bebas menikmati hak lintas damai melalui laut teritorial, tetapi harus tunduk pada Konvensi Hukum Laut 1982. Kebebasan tersebut dibatasi oleh ketentuan Pasal 19 ayat (2), dan bahkan hukum laut internasional dapat diabaikan jika negara pantai memiliki undang-undang guna melindungi kepentingannya. 2)ImplikasiterhadapUndang-UndangPelayarandalamrangkastabilitaskeamananperairan Indonesia adalah di tetapkanyaPeraturanPemerintahNomor 37 Tahun 2002 tentangpembagian ALKI ( ALUR LAUT KEPULAUAN INDONESIA ) , menjadi 3 ALKI yaitu : 1. ALKI 1: menghubungkanlautcinaselatan,Lautnatuna,Selatkarimata,Lautjawa. 2. ALKI II :berada di lautsulawesi,Selat Makassar, Lautflores,Selatlombok. 3. ALKI III, ALKI inidibagimenjadi 3 jaluryaitu : 1. ALKI III A, berada di lautseram, Lautbanda, Selatombai. 2. ALKI III B, berada di laut Maluku, Lautseram, Lautbanda, Selatleti, Lauttimor. 3. ALKI III C, melewatilautMaluku,Lautseram, Lautbanda, Lautarafuru. Setelah di tetapkanyaPeraturanPemerintahNomor 37 Tahun 2002, kemudianpemerintahmengeluarkanUndang- UndangNomor 17 Tahun 2008 TentangPelayaran, yang di dalamnyamengaturHaklintasdamai, dalam BAB III tentangHakLintasDamaiBagiKapal- KapalAsing, Pasal 11,12,13,14,15,16,17 Undang- UndangNomor 17 Tahun 2008 .
Disarankan kepada Pemerintah, perlu adanya pengumuman yang jelas mengenai Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia, karena menyangkut pertahanan keamanan wilayah laut NKRI.Kepada Pemerintah dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, perlu ada payung hukum yang komprehensif dalam rangka mendukung pelaksanaan tugas dan kewenangan Aparat Negara untuk pengamanan, pengamatan, pengintaian, di ruang udara di atas ALKI untuk menjaga keamanan dan menindak pelanggaran terhadap wilayah perairan Indonesia
Money Politics and Horizontal Conflict in the Vehicle CH
Problems in village head elections are the occurrence of money politics, and even cause horizontal conflicts. Consequently, it does not produce village heads with capabilities and aspirations. Money politics by most politicians is considered an effective mode of influencing villagers in their political choices. Therefore, each candidate village head used the money to mobilize villagers in village head elections. The money politics mode is carried out with various activities that are labeled as food aid donations, contributing social facilities to the citizens. The practice of money politics, is very vulnerable to cause conflict between citizens who have different political choice affiliations, so it is very influential on the continuity of democratic village head elections. Keywords: Money politics, Horizontal conflict, Village Head Electio
Partai politik merupakan kendaraan politik untuk semua orang bisa menduduki jabatan sebagai pimpinan daerah.Hal ini disebabkan, pengusungan yang dilakukan oleh partai poltik, seseorang bisa menjadi gubernur, walikota, bupati, bahkan presiden, meskipun undang – undang mengakomodir melalui jalur independen.Walaupun demikian tetap saja kekuatan pengusungan calon masih dipegangoleh partai politik, ada dua rumusan masalahyang pertamaBagaimana Partai Politik berperan sebagai mesin politik dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (PILKADA) Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Kabupaten Jepara Tahun 2017 dan yang kedua Faktor – factor apa saja yang mendukung peran partai politik sebagai mesin politik dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (PILKADA) Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Kabupaten Jepara Tahun 2017.
Peneltian ini menggunakan metode Yuridis Empiris, dalam menganalisis permasalahan dilakukan dengan cara melakukan penelitian dengan memadukan bahan-bahan hukum antara data sekunder dan data primer yang diperoleh di lapangan,keberanian serta keihklasan kader partai dalam bertugas di PILKADA Jepara serta masa tenggang oleh para kader partai untuk berebut simpati dalam mempengarui masa pendukung atau calon pemilih untuk memilih salah satu calon yang dijadikan CABUB dan CAWABUB oleh Partai pengusung.
Penelitian ini mempunyai dua tujuan yaitu pertamaingin mengetahui serta menganalisis sejauh mana peran Partai Politik dalam sebagai mesin politik dalam pemilihan Kepala Daerah( PILKADA), Bupati dan Wakil Bupati di Jepara Tahun 2017. Tujuan yang kedua adalahIngin mengetahui faktor – faktor apa saja yang mendukung peran Partai Politik sebagai mesin politik dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (PILKADA), Bupati dan Wakil Bupati di Jepara Tahun 2017
Evaluasi Kapasitas Saluran Drainase Desa Sariharjo Ngaglik Sleman YOGYAKARTA
Along Palagan Tentara Pelajar Street, rainfall runoff floods Sariharjo area regularly.The inundation is triggered by drainage channel that cannot convey rainfall runoff therefore itfloods street and settlement. Flood mitigation is conducted by evaluating existing channelcapacity. Several analyses were carried out such as evaluation of existing drainage network,calculation of flood discharge, and channel hydraulic calculation. Flood discharge is analyzed byusing rational method, and channel conveyance discharge is calculated by using Manningequation. Forty masonry channels were evaluated to determine their discharge conveyance. Theywere evaluated by using areal rainfall discharge method, and street drainage method at 5 yearsreturn flood discharge. All of channels cannot convey areal rainfall discharge. Moreover therewere 5 channels that cannot convey flood discharge calculated by using street drainagemethod. Dimension improvement is needed to overcome inundation. Channel width must beincreased from 0.30 m to 0.60 m, and channel height must be improved 0.60 m to 0.90 m
A Preliminary Review of Multiscale Fret as Innovation of Ergonomic Guitar
The development of multiscale fret as innovation of ergonomic guitar concept aims to make this innovation applied more by guitar luthiers in designing a guitar signature that is modern and ergonomic. This concept has its own advantages, not only producing specific and organic tones, but also has benefits that can minimize the risk of repetitive strain injuries that are often experienced by guitar players. Therefore, multiscale fret has begun to be widely developed and has become one of the alternative innovations that can be applied by guitar luthiers that still adopt conventional fret concept. This paper conducts an preliminary information of the innovation of multiscale fret in a guitar that is associated with aspects of ergonomic comfort. In further research, this is expected to be a reference to understand the basic of multiscale fret and a stepping stone in conducting more systematic review regarding the effectiveness of the performance of human-centered musical instruments
Analisis Antrian Angkutan Barang Pada Jembatan Timbang Dengan Metode Simulasi Multiple Channel ( Studi Kasus Pada Jembatan Timbang Sarang )
Sarang Weighbridge is one of the busy weighbridge that serve freight vehicles in the province of Central Java. With the large number of vehicles to be serviced will cause potential queues at the weighbridge . This study aims to determine the pattern of queues that occur at weigh stations and provide a recommendation to the appropriate queue system to be applicable to the Sarang Weighbridge , so it can increased the performance of the weighbridge.The method used to analyze queues in this study is the simulation method . This method is used because there are many variables at Weighbridge queuing system so it will be very difficult when using the methods of mathematical analysis . Simulation begins with field survey data. The data is used to perform the simulation and the results are then tested for compliance with the Poisson distribution. From the simulation results will then be made a better queuing models.Based on the analysis that we did, needed a better queuing system and the need to improve the infrastructure and human resources in order to better service on Sarang Weighbridge