32 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Jalur Evakuasi Bencana Letusan Gunung Raung Dengan Metode Network Analisis

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    Raung Mountain (highest peak: 3.344 m above sea level) is a conical volcano that located on the eastern tip of Java Island, Indonesia. Administratively, the area of the mountain was included in three districts in Besuki, East Java, there was Banyuwangi and Jember, Bondowoso,. Caldera Raung is also the largest dry Caldera in Java and Indonesia\u27s second-largest after mount Tambora in West Nusa Tenggara. Report on the increase of activity is given from the date June 21, 2015. The NASA satellite Landsat 8 detected two holes so that the magma is estimated not to be a big eruption began on June 26, 2015 and a series of eruptions since July 4, 2015. The disastrous evacuation path mapping mountain through disaster risk modelling raung minimizing loss due to disasters through the map.Disaster evacuation map is needed mapping risk Raung with stages of representation, threat representation map of vulnerability, modelling capacity, as well as the maping of risk. Threat representaion is composed of the threat of the burst of rock vulcanic and the threat of lava flows of Raung Mountain.. Representation of capacity are contain the elements of population and area of the region in the case of the risk of Raung Mountain disaster. Representation Vulnerability includes physical susceptibility , social vulnerability, and the vulnerability of the economy. While in modeling risk map is processed by using a formulation of natural disaster regulation relief Agency Heads (PERKA BNPB) No. 2 in 2012. After mapping the risk, this model is combined with other parameters to build a disaster evacuation map using network analysis method

    Analisis Pengaruh Tingkat Bahaya Erosi Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Bengawan Solo terhadap Total Suspended Solid (Tss) di Perairan Waduk Gajah Mungkur

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    Waduk Gajah Mungkur yang terletak di Kabupaten Wonogiri Provinsi Jawa Tengah adalah waduk serbaguna dengan wilayah seluas kurang lebih 8.800 ha ini dapat mengairi sawah seluas 23.600 ha di Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Klaten, Karanganyar dan Sragen. Jumlah sedimentasi yang meningkat dengan pesat mengakibatkan degradasi kualitas air Waduk Gajah Mungkur. Sedimentasi yang tinggi dapat ditunjukkan dari tingginya nilai Total Suspended Solid (TSS) di perairannya. TSS adalah material padatan, termasuk bahan organik dan anorganik yang tersuspensi di daerah perairan. Dinamika TSS yang ada di perairan Waduk Gajah Mungkur tak lepas dari dinamika erosi tanah permukaan lahan di kawasan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS).Konsentrasi Total Suspended Solid (TSS) dapat diidentifikasi menggunakan perhitungan algoritma Total Suspended Solid (TSS) pada citra Satelit Landsat 8 tahun 2013, 2015, dan 2017 yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan kadar TSS di lapangan. Tingkat bahaya erosi diidentifikasi menggunakan metode Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE).Bedasarkan hasil kajian kelas tingkat bahaya erosi pada DAS Bengawan Solo yang mengalir ke Waduk Gajah Mungkur kelas tingkat bahaya erosi yang memiliki luas paling besar adalah kelas 180-480 ton/ha/tahun dengan luas pada tahun 2013 sebesar 68.473,549 ha dan 2015 sebesar 65.055,459 ha. Algoritma yang paling cocok di perairan Waduk Gajah Mungkur adalah algoritma Syarif Budhiman dengan koefisien regresi 92%. Persamaan regresi Syarif Budhiman dengan TSS insitu adalah Y=0,4711x+45.266. Konsentrasi di perairan Waduk Gajah Mungkur dalam rentang waktu tahun 2013-2017 mengalami peningkatan.Tingkat bahaya erosi di DAS Bengawan Solo pada perairan Waduk Gajah Mungkur mempengaruhi pola persebaran dan Perubahan nilai TSS-nya. Sub DAS yang Perubahan erosinya memiliki pengaruh terhadap Perubahan TSS yaitu Sub DAS Keduang dan Alang

    Identifikasi Lahan Sawah Menggunakan Ndvi Dan Pca Pada Citra Landsat 8 (Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah)

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    Paddy (Oryza sativa, sp) is one of the most important agricultural sector in Indonesia, because rice is the main food for more than 90% of Indonesia\u27s population. Based on BPS-Susenas data, consumption of rice per capita in 2013 amounted to 97.4045 kg/capita/year. Based on Statistical Data of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture by 2014, Indonesia rice field area in 2013 amounted to 8,112,103 ha. In 2017, the Government has the mission of realizing Indonesia became self-sufficient in food. Therefore, the Government should be able to seek the stability of the fulfillment of basic needs for food, such as wetlands mapping. It\u27s accurate mapping can use a quick and easy method such as Remote Sensing.In this study, carried out the identification of rice fields using multitemporal Landsat 8 based on Rice Planting Time 1st in Demak that range between the end of October 2013 to early March 2014. The methods which was used Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and combination bands. Image classification is processed by using nine classes, those are water, settlements, mangrove, gardens, fields, rice fields 1st, rice fields 2nd, rice fields 3rd and rice fields 4th. The results showed the rice fields area obtained from the PCA method was 50,009 ha, combination bands was 51,016 ha and NDVI method was 45,893 ha. The accuracy level was obtained PCA method (84.848%), combination bands (81.818%), and NDVI method (75.758%)

    Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Perkebunan Kopi Di Kabupaten Semarang

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    Semarang Regency is located on the high ground and has relatively low temperature, so many commodities of plantation produced. One of the plantation commodities in Semarang Regency is coffee. Based on statistical data Semarang Regency in Figures 2009, the area of coffee plantation increased 60% from before. Land use for coffee plantations are not always in accordance with the conditions and actual capability of the land. Potential of the land is usually determined by the state of the biophysical and environment of the land, so by applying that principle, the plant productivity can be optimized and keep the quality of the land. This study was conducted to determine the suitability of coffee plantation in Semarang Regency. So, based on that suitability of coffee plantation, the land can be used in accordance with its capabilities. On the basis of the method by FAO, the determination of land suitability classes conducted using the method of matching and scoring method (AHP). The result from this study are the land suitability of arabica coffee based on matching method are 46.938,81 Ha marginal suitable (S3) and 5.387,25 Ha not suitable (N). The land suitability of robusta coffee are 238,11 Ha very suitable (S1), 33.372,84 suitable (S2), 17.920, 25 Ha marginal suitable (S3) and 790,81 Ha not suitable (N). The results of the land suitability of arabica coffee based on AHP are 14.089,93 Ha very suitable (S1), 34.167,95 Ha suitable (S2), 4.062,13 Ha marginal suitable (S3) and 6,35 Ha not suitable (N). The land suitability of robusta coffee are 37.211,36 Ha very suitable (S1), 14.994,20 Ha suitable (S2), and 8,28 Ha not suitable (N)

    Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Zona Nilai Tanah (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Kaliwungu Kabupaten Kendaltahun 2010-2015)

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    Development of an area is unavoidable, it is influenced by economic and population growth so that the activity in a region increase. The limited supply of land is causing the competition between activities to get land, so that it have impact to change the use of land. The demand level of land also have effect to the increase values of land use pattern. So it requires change of land use data update which refers to the land value zone. The land value zone reflects to the condition of fair market value. The changes of use of land that refers to the zone of land value is determined by overlaid maps the use of land value every years so that we get the maps of changes the use of land and the value land zone.The highest changes of land use in zone 3 is bush into residential of Rp.1.797.000 / m² and the lowest changes of land use for the zone 70 is fishpond into buildings Rp. 16,000 / m². Based on research in Kaliwungu District Kendal Regency there were 107 Land Value Zone. Based on a survey of transactions in 2010 the average of the highest price in three zones, is Rp 1,907,000 / m² located in Karang Tengah village. The average of the lowest price is found in the zone 70, which amounted to Rp. 16,000 / m² located in Mororejo village. Based on a survey of transactions in 2015 the average of the highest price in the District Kaliwungu contained in zone 7, which amounted to Rp 3,652,000 / m² located in Krajan Kulon village. Zone has the lowest average price is in a zone 70 Rp. 32,000 / m² located in Mororejo village. The Change Price Average Value of Land in 2010 and 2015 the average price increase is the highest ground in zone 7 of Rp 1,840,000 per m² and the increase in the average price of land was lowest for the 70 zones of Rp. 16,000 per m²

    Pemanfaatan Nilai Willingness to Pay Dalam Perhitungan Nilai Ekonomi Kawasan (Studi Kasus : Candi Gedong Songo, Vihara Buddhagaya Watugong, Dan Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah)

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    Gedong Songo Temple, Grand Mosque Of Central Java and Buddhagaya Watugong as Buddhist Monastery are some areas as vacation objects that have many historical value frequented by tourists both local and foreign tourists. Based on this, we need a mep of the region's economic value zone (ZNEK) of the Gedong Songo Temple, The Grand Mosque Of Central Java and Buddhagaya Watugong as Buddhist Monastery to use the willinengss to pay in the calculation of economic value zone in this area of these attractions.Sampling method (respondents) were used in this research is non probability sampling with incidental sampling technique. In a field survey questionnaire needed TCM (Travel Cost Method) which is used to calculate the direct use value (DUV) and questionnaire CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) used to calculate the existence value (EV). Data processing method used is multiple linear regression analysis and calculations software WTP using Maple 14.In this research, the results obtained in the form of a map Zone Economic Value Area. Gedong Songo Temple with WTP value of Rp 39.734,- with consumer surplus of Rp 739.022,- in order to obtain the total economic value of Gedong Songo Temple Rp,- . Buddhagaya Watugong as Buddhist Monastery with WTP value of Rp 30.055,- with consumer surplus amounted Rp129.953,- in order to obtain the total economic value of Buddhagaya Watugong as Buddhist Monastery Rp1.859.627.753,- . The Grand Mosque Of Central Java with WTP value of Rp 49.008,- with consumer surplus of Rp 6.260.711,- in order to obtain the total economic value of The Grand Mosque Of Central Java Rp 1.366.531.749.00,