73 research outputs found
Metacognitive Strategy for Enhancing the Grade XI Students’ Reading Comprehension
This is classroom action research (CAR) aiming to enhance the students' reading comprehension through metacognitive strategy for Grade XI students of Social Program (IPS) 2 at senior high school SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta in the 2016/2017 academic year. Involving 37 students, this study was carried out through two stages both of which consisted of seven meetings in total. The CAR stages included determining the problem, planning, action and observation, and reflection. The data were collected by two main techniques. The qualitative data were obtained from the field notes, interview transcripts, and portfolios, and were analyzed through data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were the reading scores analyzed by the Microsoft Excel program. The results of this study reveal that metacognitive strategy is somewhat successful in improving the students’ participation, learning independence, and reading comprehension. In-group learning was believed to render higher improvement by the metacognitive strategy, from 72.19 in Cycle 1 to 76.43 in Cycle 2 or a gain score of 4.24, and it supports the teacher in variatively managing the classroom activities, learning materials, and reading instructions
Breast cancer has the highest prevalence in Indonesia, attacking adolescents. This shows that the knowledge and ability of young women is still low about the importance of early detection in order to avoid breast cancer. One way to prevent breast cancer is to do a breast self-examination (BSE). Knowing the effect of implementing breast self-examination (BSE) on the ability of female students in early detection of breast cancer. This type of research is a quantitative study with a research design using Quasi Experimental. The instrument used for the implementation of BSE is a checklist, while for the ability to use an observation sheet. The sampling technique in this study used total sampling with a sample of 10 people. Processing of data using the Statistical Mann Whitenney test. This study shows that all young women can perform BSE 100% while for the ability to detect breast cancer early, almost all of them are able to do early detection of breast cancer. as much as 80% and a small proportion of young women are not able to do early detection of breast cancer 10%. From the results of the study using Mann Whiteney, it was found that P-Value = 1,000 <0.05, meaning that there was no effect of the application of BSE in adolescent girls on the ability to detect breast cancer early. In early detection of breast cancer, it is hoped that the school will always carry out socialization about women's health and cooperate with health workers, especially regarding BSE examinations.
Kecerdasan Majemuk Pada Anak Autisme
Kecerdasan majemuk merupakan kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan
masalah yang terjadi dalam kehidupan manusia yang terdiri atas kecerdasan
verbal-linguistik, kecerdasan logis-matematik, kecerdasan visual-spasial,
kecerdasan kinestetik, kecerdasan musik, kecerdasan interpersonal, dan
kecerdasan intrapersonal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan profil
kecerdasan majemuk pada anak autisme. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga
anak autisme yang bersekolah di AGCA Center Solo. Metode pengumpulan data
dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, hasil karya dan dokumentasi. Analisis
data dengan menggunakan indikator kecerdasan majemuk, grafik dan profil
kecerdasan majemuk anak autisme. Hasil penelitian kecerdasan majemuk pada
anak autisme, bahwa kecerdasan majemuk yang sudah berkembang dengan
mengikuti terapi selama tiga tahun (subjek 1 dan 2), yaitu pada kemampuan
verbal-linguistik dapat diekspresikan seperti mengucapkan kata berupa huruf dan
angka. Kemampuan matematika sudah dapat melakukan hitungan dari angka 1
sampai 30. Kemampuan musik dan interpersonal sudah cukup mampu
memberikan respon terhadap bunyi atau suara. Kecerdasan majemuk yang belum
berkembang dalam mengikuti terapi tiga tahun yaitu kemampuan spasial,
kinestetik dan intrapersonal. Pada anak autisme yang mengikuti terapi selama tiga
bulan (subjek 3), kecerdasan majemuk belum dapat berkembang
Analisis Dampak Masa Pandemi Dan New Normal Terhadap Pedagang Kaki Lima (LoSaPa) Lontong Sayur Padang Pasar Tradisional 16 Ilir Kota Palembang
One of the street vendors is an alternative to the informal sector for those who cannot find a job due to the relative ease of entering and leaving the informal sector because there are no specific regulations that require it. This study aims to find out to analyze income during the Covid-19 pandemic and the New Normal street vendors selling Padang lontong vegetables which are located around the traditional 16 ilir market in Palembang City. The research method in this study is quantitative descriptive analysis of tools and technology with survey data collection techniques and documentation interviews and literature studies to determine the input and output income of Padang lontong vegetables sellers from the level of profit / loss taken by income data from street vendors who sell typical lontong vegetables. the city of Padang from the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020 to the new normal period which is estimated to be until March 2021. Based on the analysis and discussion of the results of interviews with informants related to the impact of the Pandemic on the income of lontong vegetable street vendors, Padang Traditional Market 16 Ilir City of Palembang So it can be concluded that the Covid-19 outbreak has an impact on the income of street vendors of Lontong Vegetable Padang Traditional Market 16 Ilir City of Palembang. Profit Level 4, Padang vegetable lontong street vendors from discussions and analysis during the pandemic experienced losses. Like Mr. Babe, the profit level of Mr. Babe suffered a loss of - Rp. 6,302,333, while in the new normal period, the profit rate experienced by Mr. Babe was still experiencing losses but not as big as during the pandemic. The level of profit in the new normal is – Rp 2,253,000. Uni Ani's profit level experienced a loss of – Rp 2,609,333, while in the new normal period, the profit rate experienced by Uni Ani experienced a profit of Rp 2,115.667. Etek Cinde's profit level experienced a loss of – Rp 3,035,607, while in the new normal period the profit rate experienced by Etek Cinde experienced a profit of Rp 1,164,393. Mrs. Deswita's profit level suffered a loss of - 8,169,000, while in the new normal period, the profit level experienced by Mrs. Deswita still experienced a loss of -Rp 3,069,000.
Keywords: Lontong Sayur Padang Street Vendors, Incom
AbstrakSalah satu pedagang kaki lima merupakan alternatif sektor informal bagi mereka yang tidak dapat memperoleh pekerjaan karena relatif mudah untuk masuk dan keluar dari sektor informal karena tidak ada peraturan khusus yang mewajibkannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui menganalisis pendapatan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dan pedagang kaki lima New Normal berjualan lontong Sayur Padang yang berada di sekitar pasar tradisional 16 ilir Kota Palembang. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif alat dan teknologi dengan teknik pengumpulan data survey dan wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka untuk mengetahui input dan output pendapatan bagi penjual lontong Sayur Padang dari tingkat untung/rugi. kota Padang dari pandemi Covid-19 Maret 2020 hingga masa normal baru yang diperkirakan hingga Maret 2021. Berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan hasil wawancara dengan informan terkait dampak Pandemi terhadap pendapatan PKL sayur lontong Pasar Tradisional Padang 16 Ilir Kota Palembang Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa wabah Covid-19 berdampak pada pendapatan PKL sayur lontong Pasar Tradisional Padang 16 Ilir Kota Palembang. Profit Level 4 PKL sayur lontong Padang dari diskusi dan analisa selama pandemi mengalami kerugian. Seperti Pak Babe, tingkat keuntungan Pak Babe mengalami kerugian – Rp. 6.302.333, sedangkan pada. Tingkat keuntungan Uni Ani mengalami kerugian sebesar – Rp 2.609.333, Tingkat keuntungan Etek Cinde mengalami kerugian sebesar – Rp 3.035.607. Tingkat keuntungan Bu Deswita mengalami kerugian sebesar - 8.169.000.Kata kunci: Pedagang Kaki Lima Lontong Sayur Padang, Pendapatan. AbstractOne street vendor is an informal sector alternative for those who are unable to get a job because it is relatively easy to get in and out of the informal sector because there are no specific regulations requiring it. This study aims to analyze income during the Covid-19 pandemic and New Normal street vendors sell lontong Sayuran Padang which is around the traditional market of 16 ilir Palembang City. The research method in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis of tools and technologies with techniques of collecting survey and interview data, documentation and literature studies to find out the input and output of income for sellers of lontong Sayuran Padang from the level of profit / loss. Padang city from the March Covid-19 pandemic to the new normal period expected until March 2021. Based on the analysis and discussion of the results of interviews with informants related to the impact of pandemic on the income of vegetable street vendors lontong Padang Traditional Market 16 Ilir Kota Palembang So it can be concluded that the Covid-19 outbreak has an impact on the income of vegetable street vendors lontong Padang Traditional Market 16 Ilir Kota Palembang. Profit Level 4 vegetable street vendor lontong Padang from discussion and analysis during the pandemic suffered losses. Like Mr. Babe, Mr. Babe's profit rate suffered a loss – Rp. 6,302,333, while on. Uni Ani profit level suffered a loss of - Rp 2,609,333, Etek Cinde profit rate suffered a loss of - Rp 3,035,607. Bu Deswita's profit rate suffered a loss of - 8,169,000.Keywords: Pedagang Kaki Lima Lontong Sayur Padang, Pendapatan
Vitamin D is known to play an active role in the development of nerve cells, as well as regulating the expression of one of the important genes in serotonin metabolism, namely THP2. Vitamin D and serotonin play an important role in the development of various neuropsychiatric diseases, Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. Method: An article review was carried out by tracing various scientific literature relating to theories regarding the relationship of vitamin D and Serotonin, as well as neuropsychiatric disorders related to metabolic disorders and the production of vitamin D and serotonin. Results: The biological activity of vitamin D is mediated by the vitamin D receptor (VDR). The bonding complex between VDR and VDRE in the promoter of a gene will initiate the transcription process, one of which is TPH2, which plays an active role in the synthesis of brain serotonin. Serotonin has an important role as a neurotransmitter, hormone and morphogen for the brain. This neurotransmitter have important functions in the brain in controlling appetite, energy expenditure, sleep, body temperature, mood, and social cognition. Conclusion: Vitamin D plays an active role in the transcription of TPH2, which plays an active role in the synthesis of brain serotonin. Vitamin D facilitate tryptophan metabolism by increasing TPH2 to synthesize serotonin. Disruption of vitamin D levels will change serotonin levels and function in the brain, resulting in impaired behavior and executive brain function.
Keyword: Vitamin D, Serotonin, Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorde
Peran Kejujuran Akademik (Academic Honesty) dalam Pendidikan Karakter Studi Pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Bimbingan Konseling Islam Fakultas Ushuludin Adab dan Dakwah Angkatan 2013/2014
Academic Honesty among students of the Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling in the Faculty of Ushuludin Adab and Dakwa class of 2013/2014, there are still many who commit academic dishonesty or cheating. The causes of cheating behavior comes from the students themselves and the outside or external factors. For example, a lack of awareness and independence in learning among students as well as lazy behavior that is still part of the students’ personality. This behavior is a barrier to support character education that serves as educational goals
Identifikasi Bakteri pada Air dalam Proses Reverse Osmosis di Unit Hemodialisis RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang
Pengolahan air reverse osmosis merupakan bagian penting dalam proses hemodialisis untuk menjaga kualitas air demi keselamatan pasien. Apabila air reverse osmosis terkontaminasi oleh mikroorganisme maka dapat menyebabkan komplikasi akut hingga komplikasi kronis.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif untuk melihat gambaran bakteri yang terdapat pada air dalam proses reverse osmosis di Unit Hemodialisis RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada titik sebelum dan sesudah proses reverse osmosis yang terdiri atas lima titik. Sampel diinokulasi pada media agar darah, diinkubasi selama 24 jam pada suhu 37ËšC, dihitung jumlah koloni yang tumbuh dan dilakukan identifikasi bakteri.
Kontaminasi bakteri ditemukan pada titik 1 sampai titik 4 (air yang masih dalam proses reverse osmosis), sedangkan titik 5 yang merupakan hasil akhir proses reverse osmosis (air yang akan didistribusikan ke mesin hemodialisis) tidak mengandung bakteri. Hasil penghitungan rata-rata jumlah koloni bakteri pada air yang masih dalam proses reverse osmosis adalah 0,25-6 CFU/mL. Jenis bakteri yang ditemukan diantaranya, Chromobacterium violaceum (40%), Pseudomonas fluorescens (30%), Alloiococcus otitis (20%), dan Kocuria rosea (10%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas air reverse osmosis di Unit Hemodialisis RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang memenuhi standar untuk hemodialisis secara mikrobiologi.
Kata kunci: hemodialisis, kontaminasi, reverse osmosi
Bulliying di Media Sosial: Potret Memudarnya Empati
Empati merupakan perilaku dasar yang ada pada manusia. Empati ini perlu dilatih agar menjadi bagian kerpibadian manusia yang positif. Hal ini karena empati itu menjadikan orang lain saling memahami, toleransi dan merasakan apa yang sedang orang lain alami.Memudarnya empati banyak dipengaruhi berbagai faktor, salah satunya adalah mudahnya teknologi yang dapat di akses dalam kehidupan masyarakat melalui media masa yang memberikan dampak negatif. Informasi tentang video, broadcash, pesan melalui FB, WA, Twetter, Instagram dan lain-lain yang mudah sekali diberikan kepada orang dimanapun berada. Apabila informasi yang diberikan banyak menampilkan video porno, kekerasan, saling memaki, menghina, agresifitas dan lain-lain.Semua itu akan memberikan dampak yang terus menerus di simpan di ingatan dan menjadikan sikap dan tindakan manusia, yang disebut dengan perilaku bulliying. Bulliying yaitu menyakiti orang lain baik secara fisik maupun psikis yang banyak dilihat di media masa. Orang tidak merasa bersalah, tidak memikirkan dampak dari pesan melalui media yang dikirimkan akan berpengaruh pada interaksi dan hubungan sosial yang ada
Muslim Spiritual Happiness Scale: The Instrument Development and Validation
The western happiness scale measures those material aspects, so it will not be objective when applied in low-income countries. Furthermore, Countries with high happiness ratings, which may ignore the importance of spirituality, have significantly higher rates of depression and suicide. Islam is the highest source of spirituality for its adherents. They believe happiness cannot only be measured by the material aspect and ignore the spiritual part. This study aims to develop a happiness scale that measures Muslim spiritual-material aspects. We used a development research approach to design an instrument based on the thoughts of Abdullah bin Abbas, test its validity, and estimate its reliability. The authors found Seven sub-scales and thirty-one valid items for Muslim spiritual happiness. The current instrument of happiness can be used to measure the spiritual happiness of Muslims. The authors expected that these findings encourage other researchers to improve the current version and develop a better and more valid instrument
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