10 research outputs found
Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Air Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma Ulmifolia Lamk.) Terhadap Kadar Lipid Darah Pada Tikus Jantan
Jati Belanda (Guazumaulmifolia Lamk) has traditionally been used as a slimming agent. This study attempted to determine the effect of water extract of jati Belanda on the blood lipid concentration of Wistar rats induced - hyperlipidemia. These rats were divided into four groups, each consisting of five rats. Three of these groups were subsequently induced by (1) jati Belanda extract at a dose of 25 mg/kg body weight, (2) jati Belanda extract at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight, and (3) simvastatin. The fourth was the control group. The extract as well as the simvastatin was given orally for 14 days whereas the control group received vehicle. Blood lipid concentration was determined on day 7 and day 14. The result of this study was analyzed statistically using SPSS program. The result showed that the group induced with water extract of jati Belanda at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight had a significantly lower level of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol than the control group
Studi Efek Teratogenik Ekstrak Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia) Pada Tikus Wistar Putih
Pengembangan sediaan fitofarmaka yang berasal dari bahan alam, khususnya tanaman telah banyak dilakukan. Pemakaian luas sediaan fitofarmaka tidak menutup kemungkinan akan penggunaannya oleh wanita hamil. Oleh karenanya perlu dilakukan uji efek teratogenik yang akan memeriksa kemungkinan kelainan morfologik pada fetus. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan uji efek teratogenik ekstrak buah mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia), salah satu tanaman yang banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat dan berasal dari suatu sediaan kapsul ekstrak buah mengkudu pada tikus Wistar. Suspensi ekstrak (dalam pembawa tragakan 2%) pada dosis 27, 500, dan 1000 mg/kg bobot badan diberikan secara oral pada hari ke 8,9 dan 10 kehamilan. Pada hari ke-19 kehamilan, tikus dibedah untuk pengambilan fetus. Pemeriksaan terhadap jaringan lunak maupun kerangka fetus tidak menunjukkan adanya kelainan morfologik akibat pemberian ekstrak buah mengkudu. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa ekstrak buah mengkudu aman untuk digunakan oleh wanita hamil
Pengaruh Kombinasi Ekstrak Umbi Lapis Bawang Putih Dan Ekstrak Rimpang Kunyit Terhadap Janin Mencit Swiss-Webster
The influence of solution of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in water and solution of turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val.) in ethanol had been studied in pregnant Swiss-Webster mice. The garlic and turmeric extract were administered orally at dose level combination of 100:100, 500:500, and 1000:1000 mg/kg body weight on day sixth to fifteenth of gestation. The mother was sacrified on day eighteenth day of gestation to observe life fetus, resorption, and growth failure. One third of the fetuses were eviscerated for skeletal staining with alizarin red and two third of the fetuses were hardened with Bouin’s fixation solution. No malformation were found in the eviscerated group. Resorption of 1.11 % fetuses and 1.11 % growfail fetuses showed by extract combination of 100:100 mg/kg body weight. Growfail Growth failure of 4.59 % fetuses showed by extract combination of 500:500 mg/kg body weight. Resorption of 0.96 % fetuses showed by extract combination of 1000:1000 mg/kg body weight. The conclusion of this study, is that the combination of turmeric and garlic extract of 100:100 mg/kg body weight, which is equivalent to usual dose in human showed safe as herbal medicine, while in higher dose it is not recommended for pregnant woman
Aktivitas Antidiare Ekstrak Etanol Daun Suji (Dracaena Angustifolia Roxb)
Penyakit diare masih menjadi masalah kesehatan terutama diberbagai Negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Secara tradisional masyarakat telah menggunakan daun Suji (Dracaena angustifoliaRoxb L.) untuk mengatasi berbagai gangguan pencernaan termasuk diare.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji aktivitas antidiare dan antibakteri ekstrak etanol daun suji. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode refluks menggunakan pelarut etanol 96 %.Uji aktivitas antimikroba dilakukan secara invitro dengan menggunakan metode broth microdilution terhadap ekstrak. Mikroba uji yang digunakan adalah Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, dan Salmonella typhi. Dilakukan uji antidiare pada hewan uji yang diinduksi minyak jarak. Sediaan uji diberikan satu jam sebelum induksi kemudian dilakukan pengamatan terhadap feses (frekuensi, konsistensi dan berat). Metode waktu lintas usus juga dilakukan pada percobaan ini dengan prinsip membandingkan usus yang dilalui marker dengan panjang usus seluruhnya. Dari pengujian antibakteri ekstrak daun suji mempunyai kemampuan penghambatan pada bakteri Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, Eschericia coli, dan Salmonella typhi, dengan KHM berturut-turut 25000 µg/ml, 25000 µg/ml, 12500 µg/ml, dan > 25000 µg/ml. Dari hasil uji aktivitas antidiare daun suji kelompok dosis ekstrak yang mempunyai aktivitas dalam memproteksi diare oleh minyak jarak yaitu dosis 50 mg/kgbb, dosis ini dapat menurunkan frekuensi defekasi berbeda bermakna disbanding kelompok kontrol (p<0,05) , dosis 25 mg/kgbb dan 100 mg/kgbb dapat meningkatkan konsistensi dan menurunkan berat feses
The Effect of Coconut "Genjah Salak" (Cocos Nucifera L) Water and Isotonic Drinks on Blood Glucose Levels
Introduction: Since years ago the first coconut water has been used as tradicional medicine to cure various diseases. The content of glucose, electrolytes, vitamins, and proteins in the coconut water can serve as a replacement of body fluitds, as an energy source, and rehydration enhancer. Today there are a lot of isotonic drinks products marketed in the community. The drinks usually contain glucose, sodium, and potassium. Isotonic drinks are used in this study is almost the same composition with coconut "genjah salak" water.Objective: to know when the glucose levels increase and decrease after administration of coconut "genjah salak" water and the provision of isotonic drinks. The results of this study is expected to initiate the development of natural isotonic beverage as the replacement of body fluidsMethod: The research method is the human clinical trials testing using double-blind cross-over design of the experiment. The measured parameter is the measurement of glucose tolerance in the body per 15 minutes for 2 hours after the administration of coconut "genjah salak" water and the provision of isotonic drinks without doing physical activities during the measurement. Resullt: The glucose levels in the group given coconut "genjah salak" water and the group given isotonic drinks significantly increased, compared with the control group at the 15th , 30th and 45th minutes, but from 60th to 120th minutes there were no significant differences in the confidence level of α 0.05. Coconut "genjah salak" water group significantly increase at the 30th, 45th, and 60th minutes, compared with isotonic drinks at the confidence level of α 0.05. Conclusion: consuming coconut water can maintain and improve glucose levels required to replace body fluids. The body takes about 15-30 minutes to absorb the drinks in order to work effectively, so it is recommended to consume coconut water or isotonic drinks approximately 15-30 minutes before doing physical activities
Influence of Ethanol Extract of Binahong (Anredera Cordifolia (Ten.)Steenis) Leaves on Renal Failure Rat Model
Introduction: Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) leaves, traditionally, are used to treat various diseases including improvement renal failure.Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of binahong leaves extract to imporve renal function in renal failure conditions.Methods: The reseach includes quality analysis and testing of the effects of binahong leaves extract to renal failure. The ethanol extract of "binahong" leaves were tested on renal failure female Wistar rats induced by gentamycin at a dose of 100mg/kg bw intraperitoneally and captopril at a dose of 10 mg/kg bw orally with blood creatininelevel as parameter.Result: the research showed that the ethanol extract of "binahong" leaves a a dose of 50; 100 and 200 mg/kg bw could repair renal function showed by lowering creatinine level significantly different compared to control group (p<0.05). Bowman capsulle and glomerullus cell were recovered by the extract according to histopathology examination.Conclusion: Ethanol extract of binahong leaves can be used to improve renal failure in rats
Anti-Rheumathoid Arthritis Effect of Water Fraction of Siwalan Fruit (Borassus Flabellifer L.) to Mice Induced by Complete Freund's Adjuvants
Background : Rheumathoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disorder, characterized by erosive arthritis in synovial joints and chronic symmetrical which causes severe dysfunction and disability. People used Siwalan (Borassus flabellifer L.) for antidiabetogenic, antipyretic, antiinflamation, immunosupressive, antibecterial and fertility for a man. Objective: to determine the anti-rheumatoid arthritis activity of the water fraction fruit siwalan in mice models Rheumathoid Arthritis.Methods: Mice induced intraplantar with Complete Freund’s adjuvants on the right foot with a dose of 0.25 ml / animal. Grouping animals were divided into 5 treatment groups, the control group (CFA), the comparison group (methylprednisolone), water fraction group I (dose 22.82 mg / kg), the water fraction II (dose 89.1 mg / kg). Metilprednisolone and water fraction for all dose are given for 20 days. Data were taken on days 1, 5, 10, 15 and 21. The parameters are swelling volume, ankle diameter, scoring macroscopic and back limb histological using Hematoxyllin-eosin staining.Results: Results of data processing using one-way ANOVA on the 15th day of the swelling volume, there were significant differences (p <0.05) between the control group and comparison. There is a trend toward reduction in the swelling volume of water fraction group dose I (0,054 ml ± 0,0056) and dose II (0,055 ml ± 0,0028). In the rat foot diameter measurement the 15th day there are significant differences (95% confidence level) between the control group with the comparison group, the water fraction dose I andIII. And there were no significant differences between the comparison groups with all water fraction group. This means that all water fraction group and the comparison group had the effect of decreasing the diameter of the ankle as well. For data analysis macroscopic scoring on the 15th day there are significant differences (Asymp. Sig. <0.05) between the control group with the comparison group, the water fraction dose II. There were no significant differences between the comparison groups with the water fraction dose group I (22.28 mg / kb mm) and II (89.1 mg / kg bw).Conclusion: Water fraction of siwalan has an anti-rheumathoid arthrithis in mouse models of rheumatoid arthritis induced by CFA
Antihyperlipidemic and Antidiabetic Effect of Combination of Garlic and Turmeric Extract in Rats
Introduction: The effect of oral administration of turmeric (Curcuma longa L) rhizomes, and garlic (Allium sativum L) bulbs extracts, and its combination on blood lipoprotein and glucose profile of hyperlipoproteinemic-diabetic male Sprague-Dawley rats had been studied. Methods: The rats were induced hyperlipoproteinemic and diabetic with high fat diet, propylthiouracyl-containing drink, and monohydrate alloxan as a diabetogen. Results: showed that the combination showed higher effect than that of each extract alone. The combination at 100 mg/kg bw of each extract decreased blood glucose, total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides level by (47,96 ± 41,25)% (p=0.008), (24,15 ± 8,89)% (p= 0.001), (8,19 ± 31,76)% (p=0,065) and (47,85 ± 20,38)% (p=0.004) respectively while turmeric extract at a dose of 100 mg/kg bw decreased blood glucose, blood total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides level by( 41,24 ± 29,39)% (p= 0.020), (13,01 ±15,75)% (p=0.056), ( 3,92 ± 21,09)% (p=0,025) and (17,97 ± 21,1)% (p=0.201) respectively and garlic extract at a dose of 100 mg/kg bw decreased blood glucose, total cholesterol and triglycerides level by (24,39 ± 33,19)% (p=0.09), (14,67 ±13,28)% (p= 0.035), (5,27 ± 23,38)% (p= 0,334) and (28,18 ± 7,72)% (p<0.001). respectively. Blood HDL level was 25.83% - increased by the combination at doses of 100 mg/kg bw each (p=0.256). Conclusion: the combination showed higher effect than that of each extract alone
Aktivitas Inhibisi Asetilkolinesterase Empat Jenis Sayuran Secara in Vitro
Acetylcholine is a conducting compound of nerve excitatory (neurotransmitter), while acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that can hydrolyze the acetylcholine into choline and acetic acid. This reaction is needed so that the nerves can return to take a rest after the activation process, but it can cause damage to the cells in the brain. The most common case is dementia characterized by memory loss. The prevalence of this disease is lower in China and some other Asian countries compared to the United States. It supposed because food consumption commonly by Asians contain vegetables. Extracts derived from vegetables potentially inhibit the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme which related to chemical contents of the plant. This research aims to investigate the inhibitory activity of acetylcholinesterase enzyme from 4 types of vegetables namely soybean sprouts (bean sprout of Glycine max (L.) Merr.), green bean sprouts (bean sprout of Vigna radiata), carrot (Daucus carota L.), and winged beans (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) by in vitro with the Ellman method. Total phenolic and flavonoids contents from fourth types of extracts were also determined. The winged beans extract had the smallest total phenolic and flavonoid contents, but the inhibitory activity against AChE was the biggest. The results showed that IC50 extract of winged beans was 893.86 μg/ml, IC50 carrot extract higher than 1500 μg/ml while the other extracts had no activity. The winged beans extract potential to be further developed as an inhibitor AChE