98 research outputs found
Strategi Heuristik Dengan Pendekatan Metakognitif Dan Investigasi Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Ditinjau Dari Kreativitas Siswa Madrasah Aliyah
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of heuristic strategies for each category of learning approaches, creativity, and its interaction with mathematical problem solving ability. Form of quasi-experimental research is the 2 x 3 factorial design. The study population was all students of class XII Madrasah Aliyah in Pontianak. Sampling was done by stratified cluster random sampling technique. The instrument used to collect the data is the initial ability test, questionnaire creativity, and problem solving skills math test. Based on hypothesis testing using a two-way Anova different cells and further testing, be concluded that: Metacognitive learning approach in strategy resulted in the ability of problem solving heuristics better than the investigative approach to learning, both in general and by category creativity level. And students who have high creativity have problem solving abilities better than students who have moderate to low creativity, and creativity are the students who have the ability to have better problem solving than students who have low creativity (high > was > low), both in general and by category of learning approache
Efektivitas Strategi Heuristik Dengan Pendekatan Metakognitif Dan Pendekatan Investigasi Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Pada Materi Pokok Barisan Dan Deret Ditinjau Dari Kreativitas Siswa Kelas XII Madrasah Aliyah Di Pontianak
The purposes of this research are to know of the effectiveness of heuristic learning strategy approach category, creativity, and its interaction to studentss mathematics problem solving ability on material series and sequence. This research is quasi experimental research with factorial design 2 x 3. The population is the studentss of class XII Madrasah Aliyah at Pontianak City the schools odd semester academic year of 2011/2012. The sampling was taken by using stratified cluster random. Sample of the research is 186 studentss. Data collecting is done through school document, problem solving essay test ability and creativity questionnaire. Instrument analysis that was done on essays problem solving ability is content validity, consist of analysis degree of differences, index of difficulty and reliability. Analysis on creativity questionnaire is content validity, internal consistency, and reliability. Data analysis technique used consisting of: Balance test, precondition analysis (Normality and Homogeneity). Hypothesis analysis test used was two way analysis of variance with unequal cell. Using α = 0.05 it can be concluded that: 1) Students who had been taught by using metacognitive learning approach result the better mathematics problem solving ability compared to students who had been taught by using investigation learning approach. 2) Students who have high creativity has better problem solving ability than students that have medium and low creativity, and students that have medium creativity have better problem solving ability than students who have low creativity. 3) Students who were taught by using metacognitive and also investigation learning approach, who have high creativity have better problem solving ability than students with medium and low creativity, and students who have medium creativity have better problem solving ability than students who have low creativity. 4) On high creativity level category, students who were taught by metacognitive learning approach have better mathematics problem solving ability than studentss who were taught by using investigation learning approach. Meanwhile on medium and low creativity, students who were taught by using metacognitive learning approach have the same mathematics problem solving ability with studentss who were taught by using investigation approach
Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa Sesuai Dengan Gender Dalam Pemecahan Masalah Pada Materi Balok Dan Kubus (Studi Kasus Pada Siswa SMP Kelas VIII SMP Islam Al-azhar 29 Semarang)
The aim of this research was to analyze the ability of mathematical communication in solving the problem of cube and cuboid material among male and female students in grade VIII of Islam Junior High School 29 Al-Azhar Semarang. This research was a qualitative research using case studies approach and used purposive sampling techniques to select the subjects of the study. The subjects were 4 students namely 2 male and 2 female students. The technique of data collection was conducted by reviewing documents and archives, conducting written tests and interviews. This study used triangulation time to validate the data. The data analysis techniques used in this research were data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that: (1) male students: (a) could express, demonstrate, and deliver their mathematical ideas visually, understand and interpret their mathematical ideas in writen or other visual forms, were able to convey the matemathical terms, notations, and its structures, were able to make connections between their ideas and the problem situation in writen form, (b) were able to express, demonstrate, convey, understand, interpret, and evaluate mathematical ideas; able to use the mathematical terms, notations and its structures; were able to convey their ideas using mathematical terms, notations of mathematics and its structures; were able to convey ideas and the relation between models of the situation in spoken form. (2) female students: had the same ability with male students, but they could evaluate their mathematical ideas in writing or in visual forms in the mathematical written communication
Proses Berpikir Kreatif Siswa Climber Dalam Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Pada Materi Peluang
This study aimed to describe the process of creative thinking of students in XI grade IPA-2 SMA Negeri 1 Polanharjo that have AQ climber characteristic in the mathematics problem solving in quiet materials based on Wallas steps, they are: preparation, incubation, illumination and verification. The approach t used in this study is qualitative approach. The collecting data in this study used task based on interview method. The process of creative thinking of the climber student in the mathematics problem solving in probability materials, are: (1) in the preparation step, students were enthusiastically when they were given problem solving task. The students explain the case that they knowed and asked in complete and correct with some way, that were: (a) writing the steps and changing into examples, (b) just writing the steps, (c) just changing the case that known in examples; (2) in the incubation step, when the students are understanding probability of event, they: (a)are practising that probability, (b) focus to understand on the problem, (c) less focus to understand on the problem. Then students get an idea by making a complete diagram then multiply the possibilities of occuring on the first and second taking; (3) in the illumination step, student counts probability values are based on complete diagram to sum possibillity of the relevant probability. Students get the new way, that: (a) are the uncomplete diagram and probability formulas, (b) the uncomplete diagram, (c) probability formulas. Students explain the origin of the new way found. Students finish the problem with the new way; (4) in the verification step, students retest all the cases having done befound and corrected the obtained probability values using the old and new way, both of them get the same and correct result
Proses Berpikir Siswa SMA Dalam Penyelesaian Masalah Aplikasi Turunan Fungsi Ditinjau Dari Tipe Kepribadian Tipologi Hippocrates-galenus
The aims of the research is to describe the thinking process at senior high school students in solving the application problems of the derivative function viewed from personality type choleric, sanguine, melancholies, and phlegmatic. The research was a descriptive qualitative. The subjects of the research was students of class XII Senior High School 1 Surakarta consist of one student for each personality types. The prosedure of selecting the subjects used purposive sampling. The data of the research was collected by using think aloud method. The validity of the data used was triangulation. Technique analyzing of the data were: (1) classifying the data into three categories: (a) understanding the information, (b) solving the problems, (c) convincing the answer, and then reducing the data, (2) presenting the data, and (3) concluding the data in each categories. The results of the research showed that thinking process for, (1) choleric student: (a) reading and creating an image, understanding information and question, (b) devising solution, connecting the first equation with the planned solution, solving the problem and only using one way solution, (c) substituting the answers into the first equation and determining maximum value of the function, (2) sanguine student: (a) reading and looking, then creating an image, understanding information although having difficulties and understanding question, (b) devising solution, connecting the first equation with the planned solution, solving the problem although having difficulties and using the other solution, (c) substituting the answers into the first equation and adjusting the answers with the problem in question, (3) melancholies student: (a) reading repeatedly, then creating an image, understanding information although having difficulties and understanding question, (b) devising solution, connecting the first equation with the planned solution although having difficulties, solving the problem and using the other solution (c) determining maximum value of the function, (4) phlegmatic student: (a) looking and then creating an image, understanding information and question, (b) devising solution, connecting the first equation with the planned solution although having difficulties, solving the problem and only using one way solution, (c) looking back at the anwers and adjusting with the actual event
Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Dengan Guided Discovery Learning Pada Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar Ditinjau Dari Locus of Control
The aims of the research were to determine the effect of learning models on learning achievement viewed from the students locus of control (LOC). The learning models compared were Jigsaw by using Guided Discovery Learning (GDL), jigsaw and direct learning. The type of this research were aquasi-experimental research with the factorial design 3x3. The population were the students of the VIII class of SMP Negeri Ponorogo Regency in the academic year of 2013/2014. The samples of the research consisted of 263 students and were taken through stratified cluster random sampling. The proposed hypothesis of the research were tested by using the two-way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The conclusions of this research were as follows. (1) Jigsaw-GDL provided better learning achievement than jigsaw and direct instruction, while jigsaw provided better learning achievement than direct instruction, (2) the students with high LOC had better learning achievement than medium and low LOC, students with medium LOC had better learning achievement than low LOC, (3) in students with high LOC, the use of jigsaw-GDL provided learning achievement as good as jigsaw, the use of Jigsaw provided learning achievement as good as direct instruction, the use of Jigsaw-GDL provided the better learning achievement than direct instruction, in students with medium and low LOC, there were no difference in learning achievement in each learning model, (4) in Jigsaw-GDL learning model, there were no difference in learning achievement between students with high LOC and medium LOC, and both of them had better learning achievement than students with low LOC, in Jigsaw and direct learning model, there were no difference in learning achievement in each level of LOC
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