18 research outputs found


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    University as an academic institution has a massive potential to built-in entrepreneurs with extensive concept. This have been formed by Setia Budi University with funding the Community Service Programmed which aimed to increase the quality of community in economic, academic and prosperity. Based on that program, the community serviced program about training of making Souvenir will be held in Tambora Tengah , Kelurahan Mojosongo, KecamatanJebres where placed in Setia Budi University area. This district has 21;RW, and 04 RT which has about 30 families each.According to that situation, come up the idea to help each family to be more productive and earning trough training. This training of making souvenir amimed to increase the productivity and passive income to develop and self-supporting the family prosperity.This entrepreneurship in developing souvenir business identic as woman business activity which has time and energy effective and not disturbing their activity and responsibility as a housewife. Keyword : Entrepreneurs , souvenir , responsibilit


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    Indonesian people are still reluctant to donate blood. Lack of information and low level of awareness are the causes of this phenomena. Social media has a role in delivering comprehensive information about blood donation. This study aimed at examining  the effects of social media in influencing individuals to donate blood. The quality of argumentation, interactive, and social media features can increase the positive attitude to donate blood and to establish blood donation intention. Data collection used were online questionnaire of @sahabatdonordarah Instagram followers as many as 200 respondents. The result of hypothesis testing using the AMOS Structural Equation Modeling analysis showed that the quality of argumentation and interactive social media had an effect on the positive attitude of blood donors in forming blood donation intentions, but it was not for social media features. These results indicated that the quality of the argumentation and interactive social media had a strong role in increasing the positive attitude of donating blood which could influence the intention to donate blood

    Pengaruh Kenyaman Pada Komunikasi Getok Tular Daring

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    This study aims to examine the effect of online consumer satisfaction on online word-of-mouth, the effect of convenience of access on online consumer satisfaction, the effect of transaction convenience on online consumer satisfaction and the effect of service convenience on online consumer satisfaction. Online word of mouth or electronic word of mouth is currently a trend that is proven to be able to influence the buying behavior of a consumer.The data in this study were obtained through questionnaires distributed to the general public. The sample used is 200. The sampling technique used is purpose sampling. Testing the validity and reliability used SPSS. Hypothesis testing is done by using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis.The results in this study indicate that the four hypotheses are supported. The online consumer satisfaction variable has a positive effect on online word-of-mouth. Access convenience variable has a positive effect on online consumer satisfaction. The transaction convenience variable has a positive effect on online consumer satisfaction. And the service convenience variable has a positive effect on online consumer satisfaction. The results of this study mean that the convenience provided by an online application will give a sense of satisfaction to the individual and be able to have a positive impact on the individual doing word-of-mouth online.This study aims to examine the effect of online consumer satisfaction on online word-of-mouth, the effect of convenience of access on online consumer satisfaction, the effect of transaction convenience on online consumer satisfaction and the effect of service convenience on online consumer satisfaction. Online word of mouth or electronic word of mouth is currently a trend that is proven to be able to influence the buying behavior of a consumer.The data in this study were obtained through questionnaires distributed to the general public. The sample used is 200. The sampling technique used is purpose sampling. Testing the validity and reliability used SPSS. Hypothesis testing is done by using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis.The results in this study indicate that the four hypotheses are supported. The online consumer satisfaction variable has a positive effect on online word-of-mouth. Access convenience variable has a positive effect on online consumer satisfaction. The transaction convenience variable has a positive effect on online consumer satisfaction. And the service convenience variable has a positive effect on online consumer satisfaction. The results of this study mean that the convenience provided by an online application will give a sense of satisfaction to the individual and be able to have a positive impact on the individual doing word-of-mouth online

    Penguatan Kepercayaan dalam Membentuk Niat Meneruskan Penggunaan Mobile Banking

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    The security of using mobile banking in Indonesia is perceived as not providing a good guarantee, so it can reduce trust in continuing to use it. This study examines factors that can increase trust to influence customers' intention to continue using mobile banking. The role of user learning, the perceived value of the application, technological competence, and compatibility can strengthen trust in forming an intention to continue using. The sampling technique used was a purposive sampling technique, with 200 respondents using the BCA Mobile application, which was conducted online. Validity and reliability testing was carried out using the SPSS version 22 application. A structural approach with SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis was employed to test Hypotheses. The test results show that trust in forming the intention to continue using is influenced by perceived learning, perceived value, and technological competence and is not affected by application compatibility.   Keywords : Intention to Use Continuence, Trust, and Mobile Banking   Abstrak Keamanan penggunaan mobile banking di Indonesia dipersepsikan belum memberikan jaminan baik yang dapat menurunkan kepercayaan untuk terus menggunakan. Studi ini mengkaji faktor-faktor yang dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan untuk dapat mempengaruhi nasabah untuk berniat terus menggunakan mobil banking. Peran pembelajaran pengguna, nilai persepsian dari aplikasi, kompetensi teknologi, dan kompatibilitas menjadi faktor yang dapat menguatkan kepercayaan dalam membentuk niat untuk terus menggunakan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan jumlah 200 responden pengguna aplikasi BCA Mobile yang dilakukan secara online. Pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan aplikasi SPSS versi 22. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan pendekatan structural dengan analisa SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan kepercayaan dalam membentuk niat terus menggunakan dipengaruhi adanya pembelajaran yang dipersepsikan, nilai persepsian, kompetensi teknologi, dan bukan disebabkan kompatibilitas aplikasi.   Kata kunci : Niat Meneruskan Pengunaan, Kepercayaan, dan Mobile Bankin

    Determinan Gaya Hidup Minimalis: Apakah Berpengaruh Terhadap Gaya Hidup Minimalis

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    Gaya hidup minimalis telah diakui luas mampu menciptakan kesejahteraan hidup dan keberlanjutan lingkungan alam (Bradshaw, 2019). Oleh karena itu, gaya hidup minimalis sangat penting dalam upaya menciptakan kebahagiaan hidup seseorang. Namun,dalam kenyataannya, konsumerisme semakin meningkat.Hal ini diindikasikan dengan semakin tingginya intensitas kesakitan yang dialami manusia, serta kerusakan lingkungan alam yang semakin luas. Segala akibat negative ini berakar pada konsumsi berlebihan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kausal, untuk menguji hubungan sebab akibat antar variabel yang diteliti ( masalah kelebihan harta benda, belanja hati hati, usia produk dan kemandirian) Pengujian hipotesis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Analisis Regresi berganda.penelitian menggunakan desain survei. Teknik penyampelan yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling, dengan Obyek penelitian adalah perilaku belanja masyarakat yang tercermin dari barang dan jasa yang dikonsumsi sehari-hari.Persamaan regresi di atas menjelaskan bahwa variabel masalah kelebihan harta benda belanja hati hati, usia produk. Kemandirian. Maka hipotesis variabel independent terhadap variabel dependent tidak terdukung.karena pada hakikatnya manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang tidak akan pernah merasa puas dan selalu berkeinginan untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhanya.Peneliti disini berharap nantinya khalayak dapat memahami makna-makna dari gaya hidup minimalis. Selain itu peneliti juga berharap melalui penelitian ini, setiap orang dapat memanfaatkan uang yang dimilikinya dengan baik, tidak hanya untuk keinginan dan memuaskan hasratnya terus menerus namun juga memikirkan kebutuhan yang lain didalam kehidupan nyata


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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of organizational political perceptions on job satisfaction moderated by political skills. This research is important because it is able to examine the significance of the relationship between organizational political perceptions and political skills on job satisfaction. This research uses survey research methods through questionnaires. The object of research is all hospital employees in the city of Surakarta with a sample of 159 respondents. Sampling in this study using the probability sampling method. The analytical tool used in this study is simple linear regression while the moderating analysis tool uses regression analysis tools. The results showed H1 had a significant relationship while H2 did not have a significant relationship. These results give the sense that organizational political perceptions affect job satisfaction. While political skills as a moderator between organizational political perceptions do not affect job satisfaction


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    The study of success information system organized is still a study important in researchs systems information. It is caused by existence of the diversity of the results of research on the success of the the information system in organizations on various research an object that impact on variable user and the weapons of the analysis that adapted to the purposes of research (Delone & Mclean, 2003; Wu & Wang, 2006; Holsapple & Le-post, 2006). The purpose of this research is to test antaseden in the form of satisfaction in building intention use the information at RSUD Dr .Moewardi Surakarta. Research sample areas are employees at RSUD Dr .Moewardi as many as 200 respondents. Sampling technique use two stage clusters random sampling, a measuring instrument use testing spss and the testing of hypotheses use SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) with software AMOS. Based on the results of the analysis showed that all hypothesis supported that is significant the connection between satisfaction with the intention to continue, a significant relation between quality information with satisfaction user, a significant relation between quality the system with satisfaction users, and a significant relation exists between the quality of services with satisfaction users information systemThe study of success information system organized is still a study important in researchs systems information. It is caused by existence of the diversity of the results of research on the success of the the information system in organizations on various research an object that impact on variable user and the weapons of the analysis that adapted to the purposes of research (Delone & Mclean, 2003; Wu & Wang, 2006; Holsapple & Le-post, 2006). The purpose of this research is to test antaseden in the form of satisfaction in building intention use the information at RSUD Dr .Moewardi Surakarta. Research sample areas are employees at RSUD Dr .Moewardi as many as 200 respondents. Sampling technique use two stage clusters random sampling, a measuring instrument use testing spss and the testing of hypotheses use SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) with software AMOS. Based on the results of the analysis showed that all hypothesis supported that is significant the connection between satisfaction with the intention to continue, a significant relation between quality information with satisfaction user, a significant relation between quality the system with satisfaction users, and a significant relation exists between the quality of services with satisfaction users information syste


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    This study aims to test the satisfaction of using information systems formed from the patient's satisfaction with the quality of the service that is affected by the quality of the system and the perceived quality of information society in Solo while using e-patient applications. This study This confirm the research came back with a different object. Sampling technique was purposive sampling with the population of the community in the solo using the E-Patient application as much as 130 respondents. Testing the measuring instrument tested using the SPSS version 21 and hypothesis testing is done using Structural Equation Models (SEM) use the AMOS program. The results of this study indicate that patient satisfaction of using the E-Patient application significantly that from the quality of service. Quality system and quality of information on quality of service also showed significant effects. These results give Satisfaction to form meaning that patients i n the use of the application E-Patient through the quality of service is affected by the quality of the system and the quality of the information.  This study aims to test the satisfaction of using information systems formed from the patient's satisfaction with the quality of the service that is affected by the quality of the system and the perceived quality of information society in Solo while using e-patient applications. This study This confirm the research came back with a different object. Sampling technique was purposive sampling with the population of the community in the solo using the E-Patient application as much as 130 respondents. Testing the measuring instrument tested using the SPSS version 21 and hypothesis testing is done using Structural Equation Models (SEM) use the AMOS program. The results of this study indicate that patient satisfaction of using the E-Patient application significantly that from the quality of service. Quality system and quality of information on quality of service also showed significant effects. These results give Satisfaction to form meaning that patients i n the use of the application E-Patient through the quality of service is affected by the quality of the system and the quality of the information. &nbsp


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    This study was aimed to examine the effect of job satisfaction and organizational commitment to OCB, the effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment, the effect of organizational justice to job satisfaction and organizational commitment, the influence of superordinate support to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Sample was determided by using probability cluster sampling method and random sampling.The sample were staffs of Psychiatric Hospital and PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Surakarta. Data collection using questionnaires was distributed directly as many as 200 questionnaires. Data analysis was conducted by using SEM. The results showed that job satisfaction had a positive effect on OCB, organizational commitment had no effect on OCB. Job satisfaction had no effect on organization commitment. The value of organizational justice to job satisfaction shows significant effect, but not on organizational commitment. Superordinate support had no effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment.This study was aimed to examine the effect of job satisfaction and organizational commitment to OCB, the effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment, the effect of organizational justice to job satisfaction and organizational commitment, the influence of superordinate support to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Sample was determided by using probability cluster sampling method and random sampling.The sample were staffs of Psychiatric Hospital and PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Surakarta. Data collection using questionnaires was distributed directly as many as 200 questionnaires. Data analysis was conducted by using SEM. The results showed that job satisfaction had a positive effect on OCB, organizational commitment had no effect on OCB. Job satisfaction had no effect on organization commitment. The value of organizational justice to job satisfaction shows significant effect, but not on organizational commitment. Superordinate support had no effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment