59 research outputs found
Abstrak Hukum dan Ekonomi merupakan salah satu disiplin dalam ilmu hukum yang menawarkan pengutamaan efisiensi ekonomi sebagai kaidah hukum dalam mengarahkan praktik hukum. Dengan melakukan konseptualisasi lebih lanjut, efisiensi ekonomi juga membantu dalam menilai dan melakukan penilaian terhadap hukum. Salah satu bentuk efisiensi ekonomi dalam tulisan ini adalah pendekatan ekonomis terhadap hukum dalam merumuskan keuntungan yang dihasilkan hukum. Dalam hal ini efisiensi ekonomi mengubah hukum sebagai insentif dalam mengubah perilaku manusia seperti halnya mempertahankan perilaku yang sudah sejalan dengan tujuan-tujuan hukum. Hukum seyogianya menentukan upaya perbaikan melalui penghukuman dan penghargaan sebagai insentif untuk mengungkap aspek-aspek tertentu atau krusial dari ilmu hukum.Abstract Law and Economics is one of the disciplines in the jurisprudence that offers the primacy of economic efficiency as the rule of law in directing the practice of law. With further conceptualization, economic efficiency is also useful in judging and assessing the law. One relevant form of economic efficiency discussed in this paper is the economic approach to law in formulating the expected profit of the law. In this case, economic efficiency transforms law into an incentive to change human behaviors as well as to maintain certain behaviors that are already in line with the objectives of the law. Laws should determine remedies by way of punishment and rewards as an incentive to reveal certain crucial aspects of jurisprudence
The Nature of Hedging Risk in Derivative Contract: Modeling an Enforceable Risk-Shifting Contract in Indonesia
This writing is intended to convey the basic ideas of hedging in derivatives. The subject areas of concerns are central ones for the nature of hedging risk in derivative contract. Because the main object is to present an understanding of derivatives usages and risk management using derivative contract, this writing had modeled fundamental legal framework of enforceability of contract derivatives both in hedging and speculative transactions. In order to take full advantage of the opportunities they afford, we need to have a thorough understanding of how derivatives are valued. Without an understanding the economic factors that drive valuation, we wouldn’t know what effects do derivative have, therefore we cannot detect risk accurately. Since hedging risk is vitally important, it could be a matter of difference to a contract. Keywords: hedging; speculative; derivative contract
Law and Economics as a branch of Jurisprudence offers economic efficiency as a legal norm that guides the activities of the law. Under proper coceptualization, economic efficiency also helps to examine, evaluate, as well as valuating law and the jurisprudence. In this paper, one of the forms of economic efficiency is applied as the economic approach to law to distribute in which the law must be able to stipulate all the profit produced. In this case, economic efficiency made the law as an incentive to alter behavior as well as directing and maintaining them in accordance with the purpose of the law. The remedy of law through economic efficiency aims at revealing important aspects as the essence of definitive foundation of jurisprudence.Key words:  economic efficiency, incentive, remedy
This writing is intended to convey the basic ideas of what has come to be known as Law and Economics, or also commonly called Economic Analysis of Law. The subject areas of concern are central ones for the origins of law and economics which have been contributed by “the Founding Fathersâ€, namely, David Hume, Adam Ferguson, Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, Ronald Coase, Henry Simons, Gordon Tullock, Richard Posner, and Steven Shavell. Because the main object is to present the fusion of horizons between law and economics, this writing had excluded formal economic analysis as well as detailed discussion of most legal area. Like many most accepted theories of jurisprudence, Law and Economics also look to reveal the crucial and definitive aspects of the foundation of law.Keywords: Fusion of horizons, academic recognition, Law and Economics
Net Benefit Analysis (NBA) is a technique aimed at identifying the least costly way of achieving a given objective. It weights the expected benefits of choices or policy against its expected costs. The difference between the anticipated benefits and the anticipated costs is then used to choose among competing alternatives. In this writing, benefits are approximated by a willingess to pay, while costs are formalized either as a willingness to pay to avoid or, alternatively, as opportunity costs. It also shows that NBA does not require the expression of benefits and costs in money terms. The result of this analysis provides a choice among alternative means and address the preliminary question of whether the end is worth pursuing, or which among alternative goals should be pursued
AbstractThe creation of free trade provides a large advantage and role in driving the economic growth of a country, especially for developing countries that have abundant natural resources. One of the systems in free trade carried out by countries in the world in buying and selling produce is known as an export-import system. Where the seller is usually referred to as an exporter and the buyer is referred to as an importer. Like the general trading system, in international trade there are also obstacles that can be detrimental to one party and / or several parties in conducting international trade. These obstacles can be in the form of tariff barriers and / or non-tariff barriers. Non-tariff barriers can take the form of certain discriminations imposed by a particular country, both to protect the value of its production and to redevelop the product into something of even higher value. Both are pursed on one thing, hedging. Discrimination is also imposed by the European Union against the ban on imports of Palm Oil from Indonesia on the grounds that Palm Oil has a negative impact on the environment. Bearing in mind the European Union is one of the countries active in Environmental Health campaigns. Discrimination is also carried out by Indonesia to stop all exports of Nickel Ore and / or other minerals to the European Union with the consideration to hedge minerals that have not been downstreamed. Based on the discrimination actions, the two countries plan to submit complaints and complaints to the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a form of the two countries' objections to the policies taken.Keywords: international trade; mineral downstreaming; oil palmAbstrakTerciptanya perdagangan bebas memberikan keuntungan serta peran yang besar dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara, khususnya bagi negara-negara berkembang yang memiliki Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) yang melimpah. Salah satu sistem dalam perdagangan bebas yang dilakukan oleh negara-negara di dunia dalam melakukan jual-beli hasil produksi dikenal sebagai sistem ekspor-impor. Dimana pihak penjual lazimnya disebut sebagai eksportir dan pihak pembeli disebut sebagai importir. Selayaknya sistem perdagangan pada umumnya, di dalam perdagangan internasional juga terdapat hambatan-hambatan yang dapat merugikan satu pihak dan/atau beberapa pihak dalam yang melakukan perdagangan internasional. Hambatan tersebut dapat berupa hambatan tarif dan/atau hambatan non tarif. Hambatan non tarif dapat berupa diskriminasi-diskriminasi tertentu yang diberlakukan oleh suatu negara tertentu, baik untuk melindungi nilai produksinya maupun untuk mengembangkan kembali produk tersebut menjadi sesuatu yang lebih tinggi lagi nilainya. Keduanya mengerucut pada satu hal, yakni lindung nilai. Diskriminasi tersebut juga diberlakukan oleh Uni Eropa terhadap pelarangan impor Kelapa Sawit dari Indonesia dengan alasan bahwa Minyak Kelapa Sawit menimbulkan dampak yang buruk terhadap lingkungan. Mengingat Uni Eropa merupakan salah satu negara yang aktif dalam kampanye-kampanye kesehatan lingkungan. Aksi diskriminasi juga diberlakukan oleh Indonesia untuk menghentikan seluruh ekspor Bijih Nikel dan/atau mineral lainnya kepada Uni Eropa dengan pertimbangan untuk melakukan lindung nilai terhadap mineral-mineral yang belum di hilirisasi. Atas tindakan-tindakan diskiriminasi tersebut, kedua negara berencana untuk mengajukan keluhan dan gugatan ke World Trade Organization (WTO) sebagai bentuk keberatan kedua negara terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan yang diambil.Kata kunci: hilirisasi mineral; kelapa sawit; perdagangan internasiona
Comparative Legal Analysis between the Competence of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan and Monetary Authority of Singapore on the Enforcement
This article shall therefore look into the competencies of both Indonesian and Singaporean capital market supervisory and regulatory bodies, namely Otoritas Jasa Keuangan and Monetary Authority of Singapore. It further assesses the effectiveness of each body in implementing law enforcement towards insider trading practices in specific. It shall also further evaluate the passiveness portrayed by the Indonesian counterpart when it comes to the eradication of wary trading activities in the market as well as variables that are weighed in towards its implementation. Normative-empirical research is used for this article as it takes legal principles, legal system, and comparative approach. The materials relied on for this article include an interview with a capital market lawyer, an analysis of the law and other supporting documents, as well as a comparative study. The nature of competence between Indonesia and Singapore’s capital market supervisory and regulatory bodies is quite similar which adopts integrated approach towards regulation and supervision of the capital market with adequate authorities attributed to them. Since 2012, OJK replaces the role of Bapepam-LK to administer the Capital Market Law as an independent body. OJK is responsible for enacting rules and supervisory of the sector
Law and economics are two independent sciences that compliment each other in analyzing forms of legal issues. The limitations of each independent sciences in fact have brought these two came even closer in resolving the issue of the legalization of homosexual marriages in Massachusetts. As a scientific method, Law and Economics, also known as the economic analysis of law, explores the law and jurisprudence in new ways through different dimensions. The use of economics broaden the field of law especially as a tool to create incentives to change human behavior in achieving its objectives based on its idealism of efficiency. The use of Law and Economics in this writing provided economic rationales that the legalization of homosexual marriages in Massachusetts are efficient therefore the law shall produce rules that lead to the most efficient change that the society desire the most
A Brief Comparative Study between Indonesian Contract Law Under Indonesian Civil Code and Singapore Contract Law
Agreements or familiarly known as contracts is the basis for various aspects of business activities. Contracts in the Indonesian Civil Code (ICC) are called agreements, which is one of the sources of engagement whose provisions are the subject of Book III concerning Contracts of ICC. The experts on contract law, diametrically have divided their views on the term ‘agreement’ with ‘contracts’. According to Peter Mahmud Marzuki as quoted by Agus Yudha Hernoko, he provided a critical view of the differences between these terms, namely: In the Anglo-American mindset, an agreement in Dutch is known as overeenkomst and in English it is known as an agreement which has a broader meaning than a contract, due to the fact that it includes matters relating to business or non-business. Therefore, Agreements related to business are called contracts, while those that are not related to business are only called agreements. Based on the results of the comparative study, it is known that the contract law arrangements in the ICC are not as complete and not as up-to-date as Singapore's contract law. This is because since the ICC was first promulgated in Indonesia, it has never been modernized. In order to minimize legal problems, both due to empty and vague norms, the results of the comparison of contract law can help construct additional arrangements both for a holistic-comprehensive study of contract law and for making business contracts that are required to be updated
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