33 research outputs found

    Ethnomathematics of Balinese Traditional Houses

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    The purpose of this research is to explore the Ethnomathematics of Balinese Traditional Houses primarily concerned with Balinese Traditional Carvings and Buildings. The type of this research is exploration. Objects of this research are 3 carvers and 2 builders of Balinese Traditional Houses. Ethnomathematical Data of Balinese Traditional Houses were collected through observations, questionnaires, and interviews. Observations were conducted to obtain data on the application of mathematical ideas on Balinese Traditional Carvings and Buildings while questionnaires were used to obtain data on the profile of research objects and Ethnomathematics. Interviews were conducted to verify data. Furthermore, the research data were analyzed descriptively. The result of this research is a kind of Ethnomathematics about Balinese Traditional House Carvings using a concept of similarity, shift and reflection; and Ethnomathematics of Balinese Traditional Buildings using measurements of lengkat, nyari, and rai

    Analysis of Student Errors in Learning Circle Based on the Watson Error Category

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    Error analysis is a process of reviewing students' answers to identify patterns of understanding. Errors in mathematics are considered as deviations from the actual solution of a problem. The aim of the study is to analyze student errors based on the Watson error category learning circle. In this study students were given 5 essay mathematical problems, and then analyzed their errors based on 8 Watson error categories and continued by interviewing 1 student for each category of error. This study was conducted at SMP PGRI 3 Denpasar in a class on IX grade with 40 students. The results show that the percentage of student errors categories obtained from this study as follows: comprehension errors 54%, transformation errors 18%, process skills errors 15%, encoding errors 7%. Students are interviewed to find out carelessness and motivation that affect students' mistakes. While for question form category we found no errors.

    Efek Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Daun Spondias Pinnata Terhadap Berat Organ Ginjal Mencit Betina

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    Daun Spondias pinnata digunakan sebagai obat batuksecara tradisional.Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya, ekstrak daun S. pinnata memiliki aktivitas antituberkulosis terhadap isolat Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain Multi-drug resistant. Penelitian ini dilakukanuntuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol daun S. pinnata terhadap organ ginjal pada mencit betina galur balb/c. Serbuk daun S. pinnata diekstraksi dengan menggunakan metode digesti, kemudian ekstrak diuji pada 25 ekor mencit betina galur balb/c yang terbagi dalam 5 kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok kontrol negatif diberikan suspensi CMC-Na 0,5% sedangkan kelompok perlakuan diberikan ekstrak dosis tunggal 0,015; 0,15; 1,5; dan 15 g/kg BB secara oral. Mencit dibedah dan diambil organ ginjalnya untuk diamati berat organnya. Perolehan data berat organkemudian dianalisis statistik dengan ANOVA-one way. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yangsignifikan pada berat organ ginjalmencit betina antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok perlakuan ekstrak dosis 15 g/kg BB. Pemberian ekstrak etanoldaun S. pinnata dosis tunggal sebesar 15 g/kg BB menyebabkan peningkatan berat organ ginjal. Perubahan berat organ menjadi salah satu indikator makroskopis terhadap adanya Perubahan pada sel-sel organ akibat paparansuatu bahan uji


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    Adsorpsi multi ion logam, timbal( P), tembaga(Cu),  dan krom(Cr) dalam sistem larutan binary Pb(II)-Cr(III), Cr(III)-Cu(II), dan Pb(II)-Cu(II) menggunakan adsorben silika gel terimobilisasi difenilkarbazida (Si-DPZIDA) dengan metode bath adsorpsi pada pH 2 dan waktu pengadukan 8 jam. Sistem larutan binary terdiri dari ion logam utama dan ko-kation, dengan konsentrasi logam   ko-kation bervariasi 0,5; 1,0; dan 1,5 mM, sedangkan konsentrasi ion logam utama tetap 5,0 mM. Tujuan adsorpsi multi ion logam ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek dari kehadiran ko-kation terhadap adsorpsi ion logam utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kehadiran  Cr(III) maupun Cu(II) sebagai ko-kation memberikan efek sinergis terhadap daya serap Pb(II), sinergistik tertinggi terjadi pada konsentrasi Cr(III) 1,5 M  dan Cu(II) 1,0 mM dengan daya serap Pb(II) masing-masing 0,5808  dan 0,5867 mmol/g. Daya adsorpsi logam Cr(III) mengalami efek sinergistik dengan kehadiran ko-kation Pb(II) maupun Cu(II). Efek sinergis terbesar terjadi pada konsentrasi Pb(II) 0,5 mM dan Cu(II) 0,5 mM, masing-masing dengan daya sorpsi Cr(III) 0,1041 dan  0,1010 mmol/g. Pada adsorpsi ion logam utama Cu(II), kehdiaran Cr(III) maupun Pb(II) memberikan efek antagonistik. Efek antagonistik tertinggi terjadi pada kehadiran ko-kation Cr(III) dan Pb(II) pada konsentrasi 0,5 mM dan 0,5 mM, dengan daya serap Cu(II) masing-masing sebesar 0,2768  dan 0,2736 mmol/g. Kata kunci: adsoprsi multi logam, larutan binary, silika gel terimobilisasi, efek  sinergistik, dan antagonisti

    Artikel Ilmiah Sebagai Media Kenaikan Pangkat Guru MA – MTs di Pondok Pesantren Darul Aminin NW Aikmual Praya Lombok Tengah

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    Kegiatan penelitian, contohnya menulis karya ilmiah, di sekolah tidak pernah diproritaskan untuk dilakukan, walaupun pemerintah telah melaksanakan bermacam pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi menulis guru. Menulis karya ilmiah juga ditetapkan sebagai syarat kepangkatan bagi guru. Terkait dengan permasalahan tersebut maka kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui pemahaman guru dalam hal penulisan ilmiah, (2) Penyediaan Pembimbingan Karya Ilmiah (3) Mengetahui kompetensi penyaji terkait materi penulisan karya ilmiah. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh seluruh guru di yayasan Pondok Pesantren Darul Aminin NW Aikmual Praya Lombok Tengah. Peserta terdiri dari Guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah dan Guru Madrasah Aliyah yang berada di Yayasan PP Darul Aminin. Berdasarkan hasil kuisioner menyatakan bahwa 82% peserta menginginkan pembimbingan terstruktur, materi yang disajikan memenuhi kriteria yang dibutuhkan sebanyak 84% dan penyaji memiliki kemampuan profesional sebesar 99%. Direncanakan untuk mengadakan kelas virtual menggunakan LMS moodle UNRAM sebagai langkah tindak lanjut kegiatan ini

    Impact of Tourism to Poverty in Tourism Destination: Pro Poor Tourism Management Approach

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    This study aims to determine the typology of poverty, the causes of poverty and the impact of tourism on the poor, in the region Tulamben and Candidasa, Karangasem district. Research using purposive sampling method with a sample size 94 respondents. The data analysis using quantitative descriptive analysis. The research results are as follows. Typology of poverty of coastal communities, among others: age dominated 60 years and over, low education (graduated SD), the average income of 300,000 / month. Causes of poverty include natural factors, cultural factors, and the lack of poor people to work in the tourism sector. The impact of tourism on coastal communities on the one hand a positive impact on the opportunities opening new jobs like being a guest introductory diving, porter, and souvenir sellers

    Bioakumulasi Logam Pb dan Cr dalam Sistem Biofiltrasi Vertikal dengan Inokulum Bakteri yang Diisolasi dari Beberapa Perairan Kawasan Denpasar Selatan

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    Research of bioaccumulation of Pb and Cr in vertical biofiltration systems with bacterial inoculum derived from aquatic sediments South Denpasar aims to get the best sediment sources that can be used as an active suspension to process metals Pb and Cr dissolved. Sediment samples taken from some waters are ecosystems Mangrove Statue Ngurah Rai Tuban, Benoa Harbour and Estuary Dam Suwung. Each sediment samples were grown in a liquid medium to get the best active suspension, which was determined by an increase in biomass ( VSS ) and the speed of growth. Best active suspension is used as inoculum in the vertical biofilters to decreaseconcentration of Pb and Cr dissolved. Ability of vertical biofilter is determined by their effectiveness in lowering levels of Pb and Cr and capacity of the system used. The results showed that the vertical biofiltration system capable of lowering the concentration of Pb and Cr to each concentration became 0.1680 ppm and 0.1460 ppm within 6 hours of treatment with initial concentration of 2 ppm respectively. The results showed that the vertical biofiltration system capable of decreasing the concentration of Pb and Cr became 0.1680 ppm and 0.1460 ppm within 6 hours of treatment with initial concentration of 2 ppm respectively. This concentration has been below the qualitystandard (PerGub Bali No.8 Tahun 2007). The highest effectiveness of vertical biofilters system against Pb and Cr occurred while processing time of 24 hours with the respective value amounted to 99.49 % and 99.41 %. While the value of biofiltration capacity in lowering the concentration of Pb and Cr amounting 4,3188x10-3 mg/g and 4,5369x10-3 mg/g. In microbiological tests, one type of bacteria that play a role in the process of bioaccumulation of Pb and Cr is Bacillus sp in the amount of 20 CFU/g

    Analysis of Student Errors in Learning Circle Based on the Watson Error Category

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    Error analysis is a process of reviewing students' answers to identify patterns of understanding. Errors in mathematics are considered as deviations from the actual solution of a problem. The aim of the study is to analyze student errors based on the Watson error category learning circle. In this study students were given 5 essay mathematical problems, and then analyzed their errors based on 8 Watson error categories and continued by interviewing 1 student for each category of error. This study was conducted at SMP PGRI 3 Denpasar in a class on IX grade with 40 students. The results show that the percentage of student errors categories obtained from this study as follows: comprehension errors 54%, transformation errors 18%, process skills errors 15%, encoding errors 7%. Students are interviewed to find out carelessness and motivation that affect students' mistakes. While for question form category we found no errors


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    Research of bioaccumulation of Pb and Cr in vertical biofiltration systems with bacterial inoculum derived from aquatic sediments South Denpasar aims to get the best sediment sources that can be used as an active suspension to process metals Pb and Cr dissolved. Sediment samples taken from some waters are ecosystems Mangrove Statue Ngurah Rai Tuban, Benoa Harbour and Estuary Dam Suwung. Each sediment samples were grown in a liquid medium to get the best active suspension, which was determined by an increase in biomass ( VSS ) and the speed of growth. Best active suspension is used as inoculum in the vertical biofilters to decreaseconcentration of Pb and Cr dissolved. Ability of vertical biofilter is determined by their effectiveness in lowering levels of Pb and Cr and capacity of the system used. The results showed that the vertical biofiltration system capable of lowering the concentration of Pb and Cr to each concentration became 0.1680 ppm and 0.1460 ppm within 6 hours of treatment with initial concentration of 2 ppm respectively. The results showed that the vertical biofiltration system capable of decreasing the concentration of Pb and Cr became 0.1680 ppm and 0.1460 ppm within 6 hours of treatment with initial concentration of 2 ppm respectively. This concentration has been below the qualitystandard (PerGub Bali No.8 Tahun 2007). The highest effectiveness of vertical biofilters system against Pb and Cr occurred while processing time of 24 hours with the respective value amounted to 99.49 % and 99.41 %. While the value of biofiltration capacity in lowering the concentration of Pb and Cr amounting 4,3188x10-3 mg/g and 4,5369x10-3 mg/g. In microbiological tests, one type of bacteria that play a role in the process of bioaccumulation of Pb and Cr is <em>Bacillus sp </em>in the amount of 20 CFU/g