1,443 research outputs found
Bahasa Indonesia telah dipelajari di 45 negara, termasuk Republik Rakyat Tiongkok. Di Tiongkok selatan dan barat daya, terdapat tiga universitas yang membuka Jurusan Bahasa Indonesia, yaitu Universitas Bahasa-bahasa Asing Guangdong, Universitas Kebangsaan Guangxi, dan Universitas Kebangsaan Yunnan. Ketiganya terletak di provinsi yang berbeda-beda, namun termasuk ke dalam wilayah Tiongkok selatan dan barat daya. Para pengajar di tiga universitas tersebut umumnya telah berkualifikasi magister, dan ada pula yang telah berkualifikasi doktor. Program pengajaran di tiga universitas itu umumnya menggunakan sistem “3+1â€, tiga tahun belajar di Tiongkok dan setahun belajar di Indonesia. Para mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Indonesia di tiga universitas itu umumnya aktif mengikuti perkuliahan dan kegiatan kebudayaan Indonesia
Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa atau Badan Bahasa melalui lamannya, www.badan.bahasa.kemdikbud.go.id menginformasikan tentang peta penyelenggara program Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA), baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Salah satu negara penyelenggara program BIPA ialah Tiongkok. Badan Bahasa hanya mencantumkan dua lembaga penyelenggara program BIPA di Tiongkok, yaitu Fakultas Bahasa Timur Universitas Peking (Kota Beijing) dan Universitas Bahasa-bahasa Asing Guangdong (Provinsi Guangdong), padahal menurut sejumlah pakar atau referensi, termasuk liputan khusus di Majalah Tempo, terdapat sembilan lembaga penyelenggara program BIPA yang tersebar di sejumlah kota/provinsi, seperti Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangxi, dan Yunnan. Kata Kunci: BIPA, Badan Bahasa, program BIPA di TiongkokÂ
Peningkatan Keterampilan Menyusun Wacana Narasi melalui Penerapan Pendekatan Eklektik
This research was aimed at improving the ability and skill of the student in Class 4A 1 inDepartment of Indonesia Education, Faculty of Language and arts, State University ofYogyakarta (KIP Yogyakarta) in developing texts in general, and specially narration in goodand correct Indonesian. It was expected that the students, then, would not find any difficultieswhen one day they had to write texts, especially those assigned by then lectures. The problemwas in this action research, that is, how effectiveness approach and tecnichque was used toimproving ability and skill of the students in developing narration texts. This problem wasdoing that, because in the beginning condition was known that students were still low to writeabout those texts.This classroom action research was comes out by applying was constructed an actionprogrammed, and it was divided into four cycles, and each cycle consisted of three steps oraction. Therefore, each cycle consisted of twelve steps or teaching-learning processes, and thenumber of the whole action was 12 times. The training for developing the texts was carried outby applying an approach eclectic or technique eclectic, those are it consisted several approachesand techniques. The approach was applied: integrative approach, practicum approach, anddemocratic approach, approach that gave attention to student\u27s need. Mean while, the strategyor technique were applied: talkative technique, discussion technique, giving task technique,feedback technique, and cross correction technique.The result of the action research were: the first the actions carried out for developingnarration texts could improve the ability and skill of the students in developing texts, especiallythe narration texts. This could be seen from the data that out of 18 students, only two studentscould develop narration texts. After the action, all of them could develop narration texts.second: the approachesltechnique used in the action could improve the ability and the skill ofthe students in developing narration. Conclusion of this action research, that is the is ability andskill students to wrote narration texts were improve with the classroom action research
Conventionally, the identification of a key sector of an economy is always associated with the
measurement of the intersectoral linkages, in which a key sector is defined as a sector that
provides an above-average contribution in inducing the whole economy to grow. Unfortunately, the
existing methods for key sector identification have also some conceptual limitations. Due to the
limitations inherent in existing methods, an altern ative approach, providing more realistic,
appropriate meaning and broader perspectives in interpreting the notion of a key sector, is
desirable. The main objective of this work is to provide methodological improvements over previous
works in examining the key sectors of an economy, by proposing an alternative approach involving
the application of fuzzy set theory in the field of multi-criteria decision making. The modeling of the
key sector identification problem as a fuzzy-MADM problem enables the consideration of other
relevant criteria. The application of fuzzy sets theory makes possible the assessment of qualitative
and imprecise information, which is very often found but is difficult to solve in real life decision
making problems. When applying data to Indonesia, the new approach has successfully identified
key sectors the Indonesian economy which vary over time under study
Reformasi Administrasi Di Kecamatan Kandis Kabupaten Siak
: SubdistrictKandisis aresult of the expansionofMinassub-district, based on theSiakDistrict RegulationNo.41of 2002, which isbordered by thedistricts andother districts. Current conditionsthat the problemisrequiredone-stop servicetothe district level. Based on theexisting conditionsat theHead OfficeKandisSiak, integrated servicesare still notgoing well. Therefore, itis necessary to studyin order to determineandanalyzehow theobjectiveof Administrative ReforminKandisSiakDistrict Office, first. Second, todetermineandanalyzeobstaclesin the implementation of administrative reformsaimat Kandis Siak District Office. Initiated research method of determining the location of Kandis SiakDistrict Office. The populationin this studyis theHead Off iceemployeesandthe community. Camatused as Key Informance. The sampling technique use discensus for government apparatusand techniques for public accidental. Source sandty pesof data used areprimaryand secondary. While the technique of data collection surveys, questionnai resandinterviews. The data have been collected based on the type and formof data, forsubsequentqualitativedata isanalyzed descriptively. Of the research activities conductedin mind that the administrative reformin Kandis Siak District Office has been going well. This provedone ofthe new buildingat the same timemadethe removalof the old buildingto the new building which ismore representative. Similarly,if it is associated with the concept oftheoryused. The first conclusion from this study; administrative reformin the District Kandis Siak already well underway. Secondly, factors inhibiting the administrative reformisintroductionandpromotion ofthe merit system, the use of PPBS, processingthe data through automatedin formation systems, increased use of scientific knowledge and others. This has been doneonlylimitedto the use ofe-ID card. As for other matterssuch as family card and land document shave not been running
Pragmatik, Cara Pengajaran Dan Cara Penilaiannya Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Pada pertengahan dekade delapan puluhan, dalam Pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di SD, SMTP dan SMTA dihangatkan oleh kehadiran Pokok Bahasan baru yang dikenal dengan nama Pragmatik. Pokok Bahasan ini rclatif masih sangat muda baik di negara asalnya (Negara Barat), maupun di negara kita Indonesia jika dibandingkan dengan Pokok-pokok Bahasan yang lain di dalam Pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.Pragmatik dapat berupa suatu keterampilan, sering disebut dengan istilah Keterampilan Pragmatik, dan dapat pula berupa suatu ilmu atau teori yang disebut dengan I1mu Pragmatik. Kelerampilan Pragmatik ialah kemampuan menggunakan bahasa yang disesuaikan dengan konteks, kondisi dan situasi pemakainya. I1mu Pragmatik ialah suatu telaah bahasa yang membicarakan penggunaan bahasa yang disesuaikan dengan konteks, kondisi dan situasi pemakaiannya. Pembicaraan dalam Pragmatik di antaranya meliputi masalah konsep teori tindak bahasa, konsep implikatur percakapan, variasi berbahasa, dieksis dan sebagainya
Kekeluargaan Sebagai Kunci Pemahaman Pancasila
The authentic of Pancasila's formulation has been agreed as was grafted in the preamble of 1945 constitution. However, the problem of interpretation to Pancasila's content (sila-sila), whether it is an authentic or not is still emerging many questions. In the regime of New Order there was an effort of Pancasila's meaning standardization through political decision even though there were many reactions to refuse it. The familial relationship is static aspect and mutual-cooperation is dynamic aspect are always serve as a core or keyword for understanding of Indonesian state system. Pancasila as the foundation of Indonesian state is a part of the system of state. Therefore, the content of Pancasila (sila-sila) should be understood from the angel of familial relationship as its core and keyword. The founding fathers intended to form the state that is based on the Indonesian culture. The life of society based on the Indonesian culture is a familial relationship life. The state that is based on the familial relationship is an integral-state which is powerful than the personal-minded or group's interest in the way of the integral-state acknowledges the extraordinary of such group
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