302 research outputs found

    Combining Student-based Learning Activities with Teacher's Encouragements to Foster Learner Autonomy in Elt

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    Teacher's domination and authority used to prevail the traditional language teaching is now left and replaced by more acceptable concept of teaching. This concept emphasizes on developing the sense of learners' responsibility, independence, or autonomy, for better learning outcome. Autonomous language learners are those assumed to have greater responsibility on their own learning for their own needs. A series of guided practice through a step-by-step manner is needed in order that students can be possibly trained to be autonomous, independent learners. This paper discusses learning activities created and designed by the students combined with teacher's encouragements to foster learner autonomy. Some theories and previous studies on learner autonomy are analyzed to support the discussion. It is believed that the combination between the two important aspects in autonomous language learning will strengthen the efforts of promoting learner autonomy in ELT. Keywords: English language teaching, learner autonomy, autonomous learning, learning activities, teacher's encouragemen

    Garap Lakon Kresna Dhuta Dalam Pertunjukan Wayang Kulit Purwa Gaya Surakarta Kajian Tektual Simbolis

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    Klimak alur ceritera lakon wayang versi Mahabarata adalah terjadinya perang besar baratayuda yang melibatkan Kurawa dan Pandawa. Sebelum perang berlangsung, Kresna menjadi duta Pandawa untuk melengkapi duta yang ketiga kalinya. Kresna mengendarai kereta Jaladara yang ditarik empat kuda yang berwarna merah, putih, hitam dan kuning, simbol kendaraan kebesaran sebagai kendaraan wisnu. Sebagai sais dipercayakan kepada Setiyaki. Ditengah perjalanan dihadang dewa Narada, Janaka, Kanwa dan Parasu. Para dewa diperintahkan Guru Dewa untuk menyaksikan Perundingan antara Kresna dengan Duryudana. Setelah sampai di Astina ternyata Duryudana telah mempersiapkan banyak prajurit untuk berperang. Dalam Perundingan Duryudana tidak bersedia memenuhi kewajibanya untuk mengembalikan hak bagian keluarga Pandawa tanpa diperjuangkan melalui adu kekuatan. Di Aloon-aloon Kresna telah dihadang prajurit untuk dibunuh, ternyata yang ada adalah Setiyaki. Terjadilah perang tanding antara Burisrawa melawan Setiyaki. Oleh karena gelagat akan adanya pengeroyokan, Setiyaki lari mencari Kresna. Di pendapa pasewakan terjadilah keelokan setelah Duryudana menolak permintaan Kresna. Munculah kekuatan mantram sakti Kresna yang menakutkan sehingga terjadi huru hara. Melihat gelagat yang kurang baik Narada menenteramkan Wisnu agar segera berubah kembali menjadi Kresna. Sebagai duta berarti gagal, Kresna segera kembali ke Wiratha bersama Setiyaki. Kresna melaporkan bahwa Astina sudah bersiap berperang melawan Pandawa. Story plot climax of puppet play of Mahabharata version is the great war involving Baratayuda Kurawas and Pandawas. Before the war, the Pandawas Krishna became ambassador to complement the third time. Krishna ride Jaladara fulled by four red, white, black and yellow horses vehicle , a symbol of the greatness of the vehicle as a vehicle of Vishnu. The gods instructed Guru Dewa to witness the talks between Krishna and Duryudana. After reaching Astina Duryudana apparently many soldiers have been preparing for battle. In talks Duryudana not willing to fulfill its obligations to return the part without the Pandavas fought through a power struggle. In Aloon-aloon and sisters, Krishna had been ambushed soldiers to  be killed, it turns out that there is Setiyaki. Duel ensued between Burisrawa against Setiyaki. Therefore, the existence of signs beatings, Setiyaki run for Krishna. Krishna comes the power of magic spells daunting resulting riots. Seeing unfavorable Vishnu Narada reassuring to immediately turn back into Krishna. As ambassador he felt fail, Krishna soon returned to Wiratha with Setiyaki. Krishna report that Higashi was ready to fight against the Pandawas

    Pendidikan Ibadah Perspektif Al-quran dan Hadits

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    Al-Quran is the revelation of Allah S.W.T which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad as a guide for the whole life of mankind, not only Muslims in particular. For this reason, the Koran is an oasis in human life that is used as a guide in life. The originality of the Koran as a holy book is very guaranteed unlike other books, which until now have not been authentic and original, due to human behavior that dares to change and distort and there is no guarantee of originality certainty. Whereas in the Koran and the Hadith of the Prophet discuss the issue of Immortality or servitude to God is one of the responsibilities of man and Jin, naturally created by Allah. So that all the dynamics of human life on earth should be based on ubudiyah principles and values, both activities that are political, educational, economic, social, and so on. According to Imam al-Tabari in his interpretation; that the purpose of Allah creating man and jinn is to serve Him, if they do good they will be rewarded with reward, but if they do bad, then they will be rewarded with punishment later on the Day of Judgment. This, is not based on the needs of God, humans worship, but for the sake of benefit and the benefits also return to humans themselves

    Revolusi Hijau pada Perubahan Sosial Komunitas Tani (Studi Alat Produksi di Desa Tebongeano, Kecamatan Lambai, Kabupaten Kolaka Utara)

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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif untuk memperoleh gambaran secara mendalam tentang komunitas petani dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Informan dipilih secara purposive sampling dengan beberapa kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh peneliti, yakni kepala desa, ketua pertanian, dan enam orang dari komunitas petani yang ada di Desa Tebongeano, Kecamatan Lambai, Kabupaten Kolaka Utara. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi langsung, wawancara (interview), dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Perubahan sosial komunitas petani dan dampaknya terhadap budaya pada komunitas petani di Desa Tebongeano, Kec. Lambai, Kab. Kolaka Utara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perubahan sosial kehidupan komunitas petani banyak mengalami dinamisasi. Perubahan tersebut disebabkan oleh berbagai persoalan yang timbul dari luar yang memengaruhi pola perilaku dan tindakan sosial masyarakat petani; pergeseran nilai gotong royong masyarakat petani dalam kehidupan sosial digantikan oleh sistem upah; dan masuknya berbagai perangkat teknologi pertanian yang mengubah kehidupan masyarakat petani. Adapun dampak Perubahan sosial terhadap budaya pada komunitas petani di Desa Tebongeano, Kecamatan Lambai, Kabupaten Kolaka Utara adalah adanya pergeseran budaya sedikit demi sedikit sebagai akibat dari keberadaan teknologi yang semakin berkembang, sehingga penduduk desa memaksa diri untuk menyesuaikan dengan keterbatasan pengetahuan dan ekonomi

    Pengelompokkan Sepuluh Varietas Tembakau (Nicotiana Tabacum) Berdasarkan Keragaman Runutan Basa Parsial Gen Pmt(putrescine N-methyltransferase) Clustering of Ten Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum) Varieties Based on the Partial Pmt (Putrescine N-methyltranfera

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    PMT gene is the gene encoded putrescine N-methiltransferase which is related to nicotine biosinthesis in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Ten tobacco varieties with different nicotine level were used inthis study. The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze thepartial PMT gene sequence diversity among ten tobacco varieties, and (2) to evaluate the closed-relationship amongten tobacco varieties based on their partialPMT gene sequences diversity.Sequence diversity was analyzed by multiple sequence alignment between the partialPMT gene sequence of the ten tobacco varietiesand Ntpmt_Sindoro1 sequence deposited in the NCBI gene-bank database.The phylogenetic relationship amongthe sequences was inferred by genetic distancebetween pairs of sequences using the pairwise and multiple sequence alignment analysis. Analysis of the sequences showed that all varieties analyzed had varied in size and number of the PMT gene fragments yielded. The analysis also revealed that thepartialPMT gene sequencesarecoming from the same ancestor which related to nicotine biosynthesis in tobacco. Phylogenetic analysis separated the partialPMT gene sequences into two different branches significantly (bootstrap value = 100), and clustered together based on tobacco types with different nicotine level in whichcould be due to some baseschanged on the specific sites of thePMT gene sequences. This information could be used to study the relationship between some bases changed on the specific sites of thePMT gene sequences and the nicotine content variation yielded by the ten tobacco varieties that is happened during evolution time

    Pengaruh Diferensiasi Upah Antar Propinsi Terhadap Kesempatan Kerja

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    This research aims to examine the effect of wages differentiation on employments. The policies of wages differentiation are observed from minimum sector wages which is still done in some provinces. The differentiation itself is aimed to exhaust the customer's surplus. The research shows that the more wages differentiation the more employments will be offer¬ed. But, unfortunately some provinces still set high minimum sector wages. This case will cause negative effect on empowerment, and on the other hand in limited formal manufactur¬ing in¬dustries will reduce the gap of distribution of value added between the employers and the workers

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kompetensi Strategis Matematis Melalui Pendekatan Metaphorical Thinking Siswa Kelas Viia SMP Negeri 11 YOGYAKARTA

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    The aims of this research is to improve students' strategic mathematic ability. This research was conducted according to Class VII A Mathematic teacher's explanation that students unable to find the mathematic relation from question and developing an effective solving method. It was supported by the Class VII A students' mid test result, students found it difficult to solve a problem because 85% of 35 students unable to solve it. That means 30 students of Class VII A do not have the ability in strategic mathematic competence. This research is a Class Action Research (CAR) that conducted collaboratively. The subject of this research is Class VII students of SMP N 11 Yogyakarta that consists of 35 students. The object of this research is mathematics learning using Metaphorical Thinking approach to improve students' mathematic strategic competence ability. This research consist of 2 cycles, there are 3 meetings for every cycle. Research data obtained from learning observation sheet, interview result, field note, written test and documentation. The result of this research show that students' strategic mathematic competence is improving according to first and second cycle last test's score. Average score pre-research which taken from mid semester test of Class VII A students is 66,22 with students' KKM achievement percentage is 25,71%, while in the end of first cycle the average strategic mathematic competence ability test result improved into 74,14 with students' KKM achievement percentage is 57,14%. Students' strategic mathematic ability average score achieve the KKM on the second cycle with average score 84,74. The percentage of students' which achieve KKM on second cycle is 77,14%