133 research outputs found
New Media Access and Use for Triggering the Farmers Capability Improvement in Central Java Indonesia
The coconut sugar industry is a hereditary business in Banyumas. However, the low income of farmers, poor education, regeneration, and limited number of extension staffs, are some of the problems associated with its development in rural areas. Therefore an alternative strategy is needed to solve these problems to stay above the competitive and fast-growing market. This study, therefore, aims to determine the access and use of the new media to trigger farmers capability improvement. In-depth interviews and FGD were used to collect data from coconut sugar farmers, extension and cooperative staff, informal leaders, and government officers. Finding show that farmers have the freedom to access new media, though the access is varied based on socio-demographic characteristics. Following their experience in online activity, farmers conduct a social interaction with related parties to discuss the information obtained. Therefore, through this interactive process, farmers tend to realize their functions to improve their capability by obtaining new information, expanding their economic opportunity, affiliation, besides play and emotion
Deradicalization and Formation of Public Attitudes of Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) in Sukoharjo, Indonesia
The spread of religious radicalism in Indonesia has pervaded all levels of society without being able to be sorted are rigid. Responding to the situation, the government does the de-radicalization program, included Pesantren. This study aims to identify the communication strategy, internal and external factors in shaping public attitudes of Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) towards the de-radicalization of religious with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The data collection is done by observation, interviews, questionnaires, and focus group discussions. Quantitative analysis tools using SEM. The results showed that the communication strategy of de-radicalization effect on public attitudes of Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) through external factors significantly. External factors also influence the public's attitudes of Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) directly with a strong and significant influence. The communications strategy of de-radicalization also directly affects the public's attitudes of Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) with weak influence.[Penyebaran radikalisme agama di Indonesia telah merasuki semua lapisan masyarakat tanpa dapat dipilah secara rigid. Merespon situasi tersebut, pemerintah melakukan program deradikalisasi, termasuk di lingkungan Pesantren. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi strategi komunikasi, faktor internal dan eksternal dalam membentuk sikap masyarakat pesantren terhadap deradikalisasi agama dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, kuesioner, dan FGD. Alat analisis kuantitatif menggunakan SEM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Strategi komunikasi deradikalisasi berpengaruh terhadap sikap masyarakat pesantren melalui faktor eksternal secara signifikan. Faktor eskternal juga mempengaruhi sikap masyarakat pesantren secara langsung dengan pengaruh yang kuat dan signifikan. Strategi komunikasi deradikalisasi juga berpengaruh langsung terhadap sikap masyarakat pesantren dengan pengaruh yang lemah.
Characteristics of Coastal Farmers in Kulon Progo Regency
The study explored the characteristics of coastal farmers in Kulon Progo Regency. It emphasized the issues of the socio-economical arrangements of farmers in marginal and resource-poor area and the access of farmers to productive capital. The research will contribute to development practitioners and policymakers in prescribing the context-specific policies and programs. In doing so, the research aimed at exploring the characteristics of coastal farmers in aspects like age, educational level, farming experiences and monthly income, as well as uncover their access to productive capital. The data came from a survey carried out using a questionnaire-based field interview, which adopted and used a simple random sampling method to select 60 respondents. The result of this research showed that the average age of coastal farmers is 43.2 years. In majority, farmers went to school for 10-12 years or were graduated from high school. Besides, 86.53% of the farmers had more than 10-year experience, which indicated that farming in coastal areas was profitable. The average monthly income of coastal farmers was 6 million rupiahs during peak season. Chili, the most profitable crop, contributed as the primary source of income, mostly when the selling price was high. Access to land, livestock, transportation (motorbike), extension services, internet and informal institution were considered high and very high, while access to four-wheeled transportation, credit and formal institution (farmers’ group) were medium and low
Penyuluhan Pertanian Indonesia di Tengah Isu Desentralisasi, Privatisasi dan Demokratisasi
Isu-isu strategis yang dihadapi dalam proses pembangunan di berbagai negara termasuk di dalamnya pembangunan pertanian dan pedesaan antara lain mencakup desentralisasi, liberalisasi dan privatisasi serta demokratisasi (Nauchatel, 1999). Suatu konsekuensi logis bagi penyuluhan pertanian sebagai salah satu pilar utama dalam pembangunan pertanian adalah perumusan strategi menyikapi isu strategis tersebut. Konsekuensi serta strategi baru tersebut semestinya mendapat perhatian dan pemikiran yang mendalam sehingga penyuluhan pertanian tetap memiliki komitmen kuat memberikan pelayanan terbaik pada client dengan sasaran akhir peningkatan kesejahteraan petani
Penyuluhan pertanian indonesia: isu privatisasi dan implikasinya
The organization, mandate, and practices of agricultural and rural extension systems are changing worldwide, and it is vital that each region keep pace with the latest developments. The challenges of introducing appropriate institutional measures must be accepted by each government in order to reform the national agricultural extension systems in response to the global changes, otherwise the extension systems will become obsolete.
Diverse agricultural extension funding and delivery arrangements have been undertaken since the mid-1980s by governments worldwide in the name of "privatization". Privatization is used in the broadest sense of introducing or increasing private sector participation, which does not necessarily imply transfer of designated state-owned assets to the private sector. The arguments for privatization are based upon: more efficient delivery of service, lowered government expenditure. and higher quality of services. Privatization of agricultural extension system implies
0 a division of appropriate role between public sector and private sector. Cost and service sharing among extension service providers can be formed into some systems encompass contract, vouchers, competitive grant fund, subsidize, and commercial extension service.
This paper aims to discuss about privatization issues and its implications on Indonesian agricultural extension system. Related parties and sectors on Indonesian agricultural extension system should pay more attention in order to reform the old system and to reconstruct it into a new system--client-oriented extension
Kata kunci: penyuluhan pertanian Indonesi
Intergenerational Income and Religiosity: A Longitudinal Study of Agricultural Household in Indonesia
This study aimed to analyze the influence of religiosity and socio-economic determinant factors to income relationship between inter-generationsof farmers and their children. Data related to farmers (parents) were collected from (Indonesia Family Live Survey) IFLS-93, while data related to farmers' children was obtained by tracing in IFLS-2014. The 21-year interval is supposed to be sufficient time to grasp developments between generations. The results revealed that farmer children's households have better economic potential than that of their parents. Comparing to the poor farming households, the percentage of the poor generation is higher than non-poor farmer households. The income of parents (farmers) and the education of farmers' children are factors that play an important role in increasing the income of farmers' children, having strong (robust) and significant positive effect. Another variable that has positive significant effect is agricultural land ownership, while age, household burden, working in agriculture, and religiosity-religion have negative significant effects. Implementation of religiosity activities should be encouraging productivity and prosperity of life in accordance with the guidelines and rules in Islam
The Role of Tea Farmer Group in Tea Smallholder Downstream Supply Chain Cooperatives in West Java Province, Indonesia
West Java Province is the center of the largest tea producer in Indonesia, includes its tea smallholders. The existence of tea farmer groups as main actor on tea agribusiness plays important and strategic role in realizing sustainability business unit for tea smallholder downstream supply chain. This study aims to: (1) describes the role of tea farmer groups on tea smallholder downstream supply chain; 2) describes the development of tea smallholder downstream supply chain cooperatives. The main method of this study used a descriptive qualitative approach. Data was collected by in depth interview and focus group discussion (FGD). Data sources were analyzed by used analysis triangulation. The results shown that a few active tea farmer groups in West Java, can successful run the role of group as a business unit in downstream supply chain that has changed its member’s behavior in tea selling activity, improved the member’s income, improved the value added of tea smallholder product, improved the transfer of simple processing technology of tea production, encouraged the local tea product creation, improved tea promotion with government support, and built network in market. In develop sustainability tea supply chain cooperatives, tea farmer groups together joint in tea farmer group association (Gapoktan) to built own factory and village unit cooperative (Koperasi), built network and make a partnerships with government, private plantation, tea factories, and stores. The challenges of tea farmers groups in downstream supply chain are capital, tea prices, and policy that pro tea smallholder. So, sustainable assistance and extension to tea farmer groups important needed. Keywords: role, tea farmer group, downstream, supply chain, cooperativ
This research was arranged to analyze the Larungan traditional ceremony conducted by the community in Bendar Village, Juwana District, Pati Regency. The research method uses descriptive analytic method. Larungan is a traditional ceremony performed by fishermen as a form of gratitude to God Almighty. The Larungan traditional ceremony is held every year on Shawwal on the seventh day, but if on the seventh day coincides with the Sunday Wage, the implementation is carried out on the day before or after the Sunday Wage, because on Sunday the Wage had an accident during the Larungan traditional ceremony. So, the Larungan traditional ceremony is a tradition carried out by the coastal community in Bendar Village, Juwana District, Pati Regency, the majority of whom work as fishermen as a form of gratitude to God Almighty for the fortune that has been given in the form of abundance fish catched from the sea
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