23 research outputs found

    The Influence of Environmental Sanitation Factors and Healthy Homes on Incident Stunting in the Mamboro Health Center Working Area, Palu City

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    The stunting rate in Palu City according to the results of the 2022 Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI) is 24.7% or an increase of 0.7 digits compared to the 2021 figure of 23.9%. One of the sub-districts in the city of Palu which has a high prevalence of stunting is Taipa Sub-District in the Mamboro Health Center area with 24.7% or 108 cases out of 437 toddlers measured. The aim of the research is to analyze the relationship between healthy house factors and environmental sanitation with the incidence of stunting in the Mamboro Health Center working area. The type of research used is quantitative research with a case control research design. The sample size was 102 stunted toddlers in the case group and 102 normal toddlers in the control group. The results of the study showed that the healthy house factor had a significant relationship with the incidence of stunting with a value of p=0.002 (p<0.05). Respondents who own a house that does not meet the healthy requirements have a 2.82 times greater risk of having a stunted child (OR=2.82). Meanwhile, clean water facilities, latrine facilities, waste disposal facilities and waste disposal facilities have no relationship with the incidence of stunting (p<0.05). There is a relationship between healthy homes and the incidence of stunting in the Mamboro Community Health Center area (p=0.002), where respondents who have unhealthy homes are 2.82 times more likely to have stunted children (OR = 2.82)

    Antenatal Care Description and Pregnancy Risk of Pregnancy in Pregnant Mother in Palu City 2019: Study of Co-Ass Assistance for IKM-KK Faculty of Medicine, Tadulako University

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of pregnancy risk factors in pregnant women accompanied by young doctor from the IKM-KK department of the Faculty of Medicine at Tadulako University during a stase at the Primary Health Care in the city of Palu. The design of this study was descriptive in order to obtain an overview of pregnancy risk factors obtained from the checklist for assisting pregnant women. The population in this study were all pregnant women who received young doctor from the IKM-KK department in the last 2 (two) years, totaling 147 pregnant women. While the sample in this study was 3rd trimester pregnant women whose notes in the accompanying book are complete. The results showed that: 1) Compliance with the lowest Antenatal Care standard in laboratory tests (70%); 2) Pregnant Women with Low Risk Pregnancy (KRR) of 58.2%, High Risk Pregnancy (KRT) of 32.2% and Very High Risk Pregnancy (KRST) of 9.6%; 3) The three highest risk factors for pregnancy are getting pregnant too soon again <2 years (31.3%), had cesarean section (22.9%) and pre-eclampsia (16.7%); and 4) Pregnant women with very high risk pregnancies (KRST) at most (72.7%) were found in urban health centers, including: kamonji (36.3%), Singgani (18.2%) and Talise (18.2%)

    Perilaku Seksual Pranikah Pada Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Palu

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai bagaimana tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan aktivitas(perilaku) seks pranikah pada siswa SMA Negeri 1 Palu. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal21 Mei 2013 di SMA Negeri 1 Palu. Jenis Penelitian adalah bersifat deksriptif denganmenggunakan metode observasional. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa SMA Negeri 1 Palu yangduduk di kelas 1 dan 2 tahun ajaran 2012/2013 dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 119 orang.Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah Purposive Sampling. Pengumpulan datadilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dengan analisis disajikan secara statistikdeskriptif. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan responden beradadalam kategori baik dengan persentase 63%, sedangkan sikap berada dalam kategori baikdengan persentase sebesar 93% dan aktivitas seks pranikah berada dalam kategori resikorendah dengan persentase 71,4 %. Dengan demikian Perilaku seksual pranikah pada SiswaSMA Negeri 1 berada dalam kategori yang baik

    Management of Post-Disaster Medicine Logistics at the Pharmacy Installation of Regional Public Hospital Undata of Central Sulawesi Province

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    The purpose of this research is to fine out how the management of post-disaster medicine logistics at the Pharmacy Installation of Regional Public Hospital Undata the research.  Method used was qualitative with in-depth interview data cullcolection techniques. Research informants were 6 informants who were determined by purposive sampling technique. The results show that the planning of pharmaceutical supplies at Regional Public Hospital Undata used consumtion methods epidemiology. The obstacles to logistical planning for type medicine, a disease tread is changing. Medicine logistics budget in pharmaceutical installations comes from the state budget and BLUD. Procurement of pharmaceutical supplies using the method of direct purchases and E-purchasing, obstacles in the procurement of medicine logistic are still arrears of payment of medicine to distributors. Slow distribution of medicine from distributors and the emtiness of medicine stocks acceptance of pharmaceutical supplies is carried out by the pharmaceutical installation warehouse staff and reception team, there are still obstacles in receiving the time for quality inspection and quantity of logistical goods wich quite long. Medicine logistics storage is carried out with the FIFO and FEFO systems with alphabetical storage arrangements, constraints in logistics storage, narrow IFRS repositories. Medicine logistics control was done by taking inventory to find out the quality and quantity of medicine as well as the medicine expired date, the obstacles in controlling medicine logistics time to take stock of hospitalization takes a long time


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai bagaimana tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan aktivitas(perilaku) seks pranikah pada siswa SMA Negeri 1 Palu. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal21 Mei 2013 di SMA Negeri 1 Palu. Jenis Penelitian adalah bersifat deksriptif denganmenggunakan metode observasional. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa SMA Negeri 1 Palu yangduduk di kelas 1 dan 2 tahun ajaran 2012/2013 dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 119 orang.Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah Purposive Sampling. Pengumpulan datadilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dengan analisis disajikan secara statistikdeskriptif. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan responden beradadalam kategori baik dengan persentase 63%, sedangkan sikap berada dalam kategori baikdengan persentase sebesar 93% dan aktivitas seks pranikah berada dalam kategori resikorendah dengan persentase 71,4 %. Dengan demikian Perilaku seksual pranikah pada SiswaSMA Negeri 1 berada dalam kategori yang baik.Kata Kunci : pengetahuan, sikap, seks pranikah, Remaja SM

    Hubungan Konsumsi Kopi dengan Kejadian Kecemasan pada Mahasiswa Preklinik Angkatan 2020 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tadulako

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    Coffee is a beverage made from seed extract that is consumed in approximately 2.25 billion glasses per day around the world. Students are pressed for time due to the hectic lecture system and must complete assignments or prepare for block exams at night. Students can combat feelings of sleepiness and fatigue in a variety of ways, one of which is to consume caffeine-containing beverages, specifically coffee, which has the negative effect of causing anxiety disorders. The goal of this study is to see if there is a link between coffee consumption and anxiety in preclinical students from Tadulako University's Medical Faculty's batch 2020. The cross-sectional method was used in this study. Purposive sampling was used to collect the samples. The 20-item Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale and an 11-item coffee consumption questionnaire were used to assess anxiety. The Spearman rho correlation test was used to calculate the correlation between two variables. The criteria were met by 108 respondents, with an average age of 18.7±0.6 years, 87 women (80.6%), and 21 men (19.4%). Following coffee consumption, the level of anxiety among students was found to be dominated by the absence of anxiety or normal (73.1%), mild anxiety (24.1%), and moderate anxiety (2.8%). There was no association found between coffee consumption and student anxiety levels. This study suggested that other factors should be considered when investigating student anxiety

    The Effectiveness of M.D-Risti Application as an Alternative for Independent Early Detection of Risk of Pregnancy during the Pandemic COVID-19 in Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: Early detection of risk factors for pregnancy is carried out through regular prenatal examinations from an early age to detect abnormalities/disorders/illnesses suffered by pregnant women early. Mobile applications are very helpful in the process of early detection and recording of health workers’ reports, especially during a pandemic. AIM: This study aims to assess the knowledge, attitudes, actions, and skills of pregnant women in the early detection of high-risk pregnancy before and after the intervention and the effectiveness of M.D-Risti modules and applications. METHODS: This study used a quasi-experiment design research design with a pre-post only group design consisting of an intervention group and a control group at 4 health centers in Palu City with a purposive sampling technique of 43 respondents per group with univariate and bivariate analysis. RESULTS: The results showed that there was a significant difference in the level of knowledge (p = 0.00), attitude (p = 0.00), action (p = 0.00), and the skills of pregnant women in early detection of pregnancy (p = 0.00) before and after treatment in the intervention group. There was a significant difference between the two groups with a significant value on knowledge (p = 0.00), attitude (p = 0.00), action (p = 0.00), and skills of pregnant women in doing early detection of pregnancy risk independently (p = 0.00). CONCLUSION: The intervention of M.D-Risti modules and applications had a significant effect on changes in knowledge, attitudes, actions, and skills of pregnant women in early detection of pregnancy risk compared to pregnant women who were not given intervention at all. The M.D-Risti application is one of the solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the long term, all health centers in Palu city can use it to help monitor the risk of pregnancy more quickl

    Implementation of Antenatal Care Standard in Coastal Area of Palu City

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    Standard antenatal checks (10T) can early detect pregnancy risk factors and complications, as well as reduce maternal mortality and childbirth due to complications that are not early detected. Several studies have shown that about 25-50% of women of childbearing age are caused by problems related to pregnancy and childbirth that should be detected at the time of antenatal examination. The purpose of this research is to obtain information about the implementation of antenatal care standards in Palu City and the constraints faced. The type of research is quantitative and qualitative presented descriptively. The number of samples is 86 expectant mother who come from 12 Kelurahan in the coastal area Palu City. As for in-depth interviews selected 12 respondents of expectant mother, six informants of Kelurahan midwives and Puskesmas midwives and 2 key informants from the Public Health OfficePalu City. The results of the study obtained 3 antenatal care standards that have not been maximally implemented: laboratory examination (hemoglobin), counseling, and case management. Also compliance of low Fe tablet consumption. Conclusion: low implementation of ANC standard as well as compliance consumption of Fe tablet because 1) Health service aspect (Puskesmas and midwife): availability of facilities and infrastructure, midwife compliance, limited time of examination, and ANC evaluation pattern that focusing on quantity aspect (contact frequency), not on quality aspect (implementation of ANC standard); and 2) Expectant mother aspect: low understanding of expectant mother and low family support. Suggestion: for Public Health Office to improve ANC evaluation pattern which focus more on quality aspect

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Wanita Usia Subur Tentang Toxoplasmosis Di Kota Palu

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    Toxoplasmosis disebabkan oleh Toxoplasma gondii, yang sangat berbahaya khususnya pada wanita usia subur (termasuk wanita hamil), karena dapat mengakibatkan abortus spontan, partus prematures, kematian janin dalam kandungan, ataupun melahirkan bayi dengan Toxoplasma congenital. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Maret - Oktober 2012 dengan tujuan menggambarkan pengetahuan wanita usia subur tentang toxoplasmosis di Kota Palu, dengan desain studi cross sectional. Total sampel sebanyak 396 yang berasal dari delapan puskesmas di Kota Palu. Wawancara dengan kuesioner dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data yang kemudian dianalisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hanya 94 (23,7%) wanita yang tahu atau pernah mendengar tentang toxoplasmosis, 34 (34,7%) tidak mengetahui cara penularan, 17 (17,3%) tidak tahu cara pencegahan, dan 7 (7,1%) tidak mengetahui binatang yang dapat menularkan toxoplasmosis. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan wanita usia subur di Kota Palu tentang Toxoplasmosis masih sangat rendah. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk menyebarkan informasi tentang toxoplasmosis kepada masyarakat khususnya wanita usia subur, agar masyarakat dapat meningkatkan tindakan untuk mencegah toxoplasmosis

    Situasi Penyakit Malaria Di Kota Palu Tahun 2007 – 2011

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    This study was conducted in Palu Municipality which one of the malaria enclemic areas in central Sulawesi with endemicity from low to moderate. This descriptive study was using data from Palu Municipality Health Department that were analysed to gather information about malaria situation in Palu for the last 5 years (2007-2011). The results showed that malaria cases in Palu were fluctuated in the last 5 years. In 2007, 1080 malaria clinical cases were reported with 94 cases were confirmed positive for malaria. For 2008 and 2009, 900 malaria clinical cases (63 cases confirmed positive) and 1119 malaria clinical cases (92 cases confirmed malaria) were reported. In 2010, 1114 clinical cases were reported with 95 cases positive for falciparum, 22 cases positive for vivax, and 6 cases for mix malaria (falciparum and vivax). 695 malaria clinical cases were reported in 2011 with 6 cases positive for falciparum, 14 cases positif for vivax, and 1 case for mix malaria. Survey among malaria patients is needed in order to confirm the contact history. Therefore, malaria elimination program in Palu Municipality can be planned.</em