4,783 research outputs found
Dynamic structure of stock communities: A comparative study between stock returns and turnover rates
The detection of community structure in stock market is of theoretical and
practical significance for the study of financial dynamics and portfolio risk
estimation. We here study the community structures in Chinese stock markets
from the aspects of both price returns and turnover rates, by using a
combination of the PMFG and infomap methods based on a distance matrix. We find
that a few of the largest communities are composed of certain specific industry
or conceptional sectors and the correlation inside a sector is generally larger
than the correlation between different sectors. In comparison with returns, the
community structure for turnover rates is more complex and the sector effect is
relatively weaker. The financial dynamics is further studied by analyzing the
community structures over five sub-periods. Sectors like banks, real estate,
health care and New Shanghai take turns to compose a few of the largest
communities for both returns and turnover rates in different sub-periods.
Several specific sectors appear in the communities with different rank orders
for the two time series even in the same sub-period. A comparison between the
evolution of prices and turnover rates of stocks from these sectors is
conducted to better understand their differences. We find that stock prices
only had large changes around some important events while turnover rates surged
after each of these events relevant to specific sectors, which may offer a
possible explanation for the complexity of stock communities for turnover
A Hybrid Feature Selection and Extraction Methods for Sleep Apnea Detection Using Bio-Signals.
People with sleep apnea (SA) are at increased risk of having stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Polysomnography (PSG) is used to detect SA. This paper conducts feature selection from PSG signals and uses a support vector machine (SVM) to detect SA. To analyze SA, the Physionet Apnea Database was used to obtain various features. Electrocardiography (ECG), oxygen saturation (SaO2), airflow, abdominal, and thoracic signals were used to provide various frequency-, time-domain and non-linear features (n = 87). To analyse the significance of these features, firstly, two evaluation measures, the rank-sum method and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to evaluate the significance of the features. These features were then classified according to their significance. Finally, different class feature sets were presented as inputs for an SVM classifier to detect the onset of SA. The hill-climbing feature selection algorithm and the k-fold cross-validation method were applied to evaluate each classification performance. Through the experiments, we discovered that the best feature set (including the top-five significant features) obtained the best classification performance. Furthermore, we plotted receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves to examine the performance of the SVM, and the results showed the SVM with Linear kernel (regularization parameter = 1) outperformed other classifiers (area under curve = 95.23%, sensitivity = 94.29%, specificity = 96.17%). The results confirm that feature subsets based on multiple bio-signals have the potential to identify patients with SA. The use of a smaller subset avoids dimensionality problems and reduces the computational load
Motion-enhanced Holography
Holographic displays, which enable pixel-level depth control and aberration
correction, are considered the key technology for the next-generation virtual
reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications. However, traditional
holographic systems suffer from limited spatial bandwidth product (SBP), which
makes them impossible to reproduce \textit{realistic} 3D displays.
Time-multiplexed holography creates different speckle patterns over time and
then averages them to achieve a speckle-free 3D display. However, this approach
requires spatial light modulators (SLMs) with ultra-fast refresh rates, and
current algorithms cannot update holograms at such speeds. To overcome the
aforementioned challenge, we proposed a novel architecture, motion-enhanced
holography, that achieves \textit{realistic} 3D holographic displays without
artifacts by continuously shifting a special hologram. We introduced an
iterative algorithm to synthesize motion-enhanced holograms and demonstrated
that our method achieved a 10 dB improvement in the peak signal-to-noise ratio
(PSNR) of 3D focal stacks in numerical simulations compared to traditional
holographic systems. Furthermore, we validated this idea in optical experiments
utilizing a high-speed and high-precision programmable three-axis displacement
stage to display full-color and high-quality 3D focal stacks.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
Isolation of AhDHNs from Arachis hypogaea L. and evaluation of AhDHNs expression under exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and water stress
The peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important oil and cash crop all over the world. It is mostly planted in arid and semi-arid regions. To determine the mechanism by which dehydrins (DHNs) are regulated by abscisic acid (ABA) in peanuts, three Arachis hypogaea L. dehydrins (AhDHNs) were isolated from peanut plants and sequenced. By blasting the protein sequences of these AhDHNs, AhDHN1 was found belonging to the YnSKn subfamily. AhDHN2 and AhDHN3 were found belonging to the SKn and YnKn types, respectively. 100 ÎŒM ABA enhanced AhDHNs expression in peanut leaves. When peanut plants were treated with ABA and then with the ABA synthesis inhibitor sodium tungstate 12 h later, AhDHN expression was suppressed. However, AhDHN2 was inhibited by sodium tungstate at 2 h, though other AhDHNs were not. AhDHNs expressions increased greatly in peanut leaves treated with 30% polyethylene glycol (PEG). Sodium tungstate along with PEG inhibited the expression of AhDHNs. This study found that exogenous and endogenous ABA can both affect the expression of AhDHN independently. The differential expression of AhDHNs to exogenous ABA may be because of differences in the structure of different AhDHNs.Keywords: Arachis hypogaea L. dehydrins (AhDHNs), peanut, abscisic acid (ABA), expression, sodium tungstate, water stres
Sleep Apnea Detection Using Multi-Error-Reduction Classification System with Multiple Bio-Signals.
INTRODUCTION: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can cause serious health problems such as hypertension or cardiovascular disease. The manual detection of apnea is a time-consuming task, and automatic diagnosis is much more desirable. The contribution of this work is to detect OSA using a multi-error-reduction (MER) classification system with multi-domain features from bio-signals. METHODS: Time-domain, frequency-domain, and non-linear analysis features are extracted from oxygen saturation (SaO2), ECG, airflow, thoracic, and abdominal signals. To analyse the significance of each feature, we design a two-stage feature selection. Stage 1 is the statistical analysis stage, and Stage 2 is the final feature subset selection stage using machine learning methods. In Stage 1, two statistical analyses (the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the rank-sum test) provide a list of the significance level of each kind of feature. Then, in Stage 2, the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm is used to select a final feature subset based on the significance list. Next, an MER classification system is constructed, which applies a stacking with a structure that consists of base learners and an artificial neural network (ANN) meta-learner. RESULTS: The Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) database is used to provide bio-signals. A total of 66 features are extracted. In the experiment that involves a duration parameter, 19 features are selected as the final feature subset because they provide a better and more stable performance. The SVM model shows good performance (accuracy = 81.68%, sensitivity = 97.05%, and specificity = 66.54%). It is also found that classifiers have poor performance when they predict normal events in less than 60 s. In the next experiment stage, the time-window segmentation method with a length of 60s is used. After the above two-stage feature selection procedure, 48 features are selected as the final feature subset that give good performance (accuracy = 90.80%, sensitivity = 93.95%, and specificity = 83.82%). To conduct the classification, Gradient Boosting, CatBoost, Light GBM, and XGBoost are used as base learners, and the ANN is used as the meta-learner. The performance of this MER classification system has the accuracy of 94.66%, the sensitivity of 96.37%, and the specificity of 90.83%
Linking motion-induced blindness to perceptual filling-in
AbstractâMotion-induced blindnessâ and âperceptual filing-inâ are two phenomena in which perceptually salient stimuli repeatedly disappear and reappear after prolonged viewing. Despite the many similarities between MIB and PFI, two differences suggest that they could be unrelated phenomena: (1) An area surrounded by background stimuli can be perceived to disappear completely in PFI but not in MIB and (2) high contrast stimuli are perceived to disappear less easily in PFI but, remarkably enough, more easily in MIB. In this article we show that the apparent differences between MIB and PFI disappear when eccentricity, contrast, and perceptual grouping are taken into account and that both are most likely caused by the same underlying mechanism
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