44 research outputs found

    Towards "dynamic domains": totally continuous cocomplete Q-categories

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    It is common practice in both theoretical computer science and theoretical physics to describe the (static) logic of a system by means of a complete lattice. When formalizing the dynamics of such a system, the updates of that system organize themselves quite naturally in a quantale, or more generally, a quantaloid. In fact, we are lead to consider cocomplete quantaloid-enriched categories as fundamental mathematical structure for a dynamic logic common to both computer science and physics. Here we explain the theory of totally continuous cocomplete categories as generalization of the well-known theory of totally continuous suplattices. That is to say, we undertake some first steps towards a theory of "dynamic domains''.Comment: 29 pages; contains a more elaborate introduction, corrects some typos, and has a sexier title than the previously posted version, but the mathematics are essentially the sam

    Q-modules are Q-suplattices

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    It is well known that the internal suplattices in the topos of sheaves on a locale are precisely the modules on that locale. Using enriched category theory and a lemma on KZ doctrines we prove (the generalization of) this fact in the case of ordered sheaves on a small quantaloid. Comparing module-equivalence with sheaf-equivalence for quantaloids and using the notion of centre of a quantaloid, we refine a result of F. Borceux and E. Vitale.Comment: 12 page

    Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid: regular presheaves, regular semicategories

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    We study presheaves on semicategories enriched in a quantaloid: this gives rise to the notion of regular presheaf. A semicategory is regular when its representable presheaves are regular, and its regular presheaves then constitute an essential (co)localization of the category of all of its presheaves. The notion of regular semidistributor allows to establish the Morita equivalence of regular semicategories. Continuous orders and Omega-sets provide examples.Comment: 21 page

    'Hausdorff distance' via conical cocompletion

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    In the context of quantaloid-enriched categories, we explain how each saturated class of weights defines, and is defined by, an essentially unique full sub-KZ-doctrine of the free cocompletion KZ-doctrine. The KZ-doctrines which arise as full sub-KZ-doctrines of the free cocompletion, are characterised by two simple "fully faithfulness" conditions. Conical weights form a saturated class, and the corresponding KZ-doctrine is precisely (the generalisation to quantaloid-enriched categories of) the Hausdorff doctrine of [Akhvlediani et al., 2009].Comment: Minor change

    Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid: orders and ideals over a base quantaloid

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    Applying (enriched) categorical structures we define the notion of ordered sheaf on a quantaloid Q, which we call `Q-order'. This requires a theory of semicategories enriched in the quantaloid Q, that admit a suitable Cauchy completion. There is a quantaloid Idl(Q) of Q-orders and ideal relations, and a locally ordered category Ord(Q) of Q-orders and monotone maps; actually, Ord(Q)=Map(Idl(Q)). In particular is Ord(Omega), with Omega a locale, the category of ordered objects in the topos of sheaves on Omega. In general Q-orders can equivalently be described as Cauchy complete categories enriched in the split-idempotent completion of Q. Applied to a locale Omega this generalizes and unifies previous treatments of (ordered) sheaves on Omega in terms of Omega-enriched structures.Comment: 21 page

    Modules on involutive quantales: canonical Hilbert structure, applications to sheaf theory

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    We explain the precise relationship between two module-theoretic descriptions of sheaves on an involutive quantale, namely the description via so-called Hilbert structures on modules and that via so-called principally generated modules. For a principally generated module satisfying a suitable symmetry condition we observe the existence of a canonical Hilbert structure. We prove that, when working over a modular quantal frame, a module bears a Hilbert structure if and only if it is principally generated and symmetric, in which case its Hilbert structure is necessarily the canonical one. We indicate applications to sheaves on locales, on quantal frames and even on sites.Comment: 21 pages, revised version accepted for publicatio

    State transitions as morphisms for complete lattices

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    We enlarge the hom-sets of categories of complete lattices by introducing `state transitions' as generalized morphisms. The obtained category will then be compared with a functorial quantaloidal enrichment and a contextual quantaloidal enrichment that uses a specific concretization in the category of sets and partially defined maps (ParsetParset).Comment: 9 page

    Grothendieck quantaloids for allegories of enriched categories

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    For any small involutive quantaloid Q we define, in terms of symmetric quantaloid-enriched categories, an involutive quantaloid Rel(Q) of Q-sheaves and relations, and a category Sh(Q) of Q-sheaves and functions; the latter is equivalent to the category of symmetric maps in the former. We prove that Rel(Q) is the category of relations in a topos if and only if Q is a modular, locally localic and weakly semi-simple quantaloid; in this case we call Q a Grothendieck quantaloid. It follows that Sh(Q) is a Grothendieck topos whenever Q is a Grothendieck quantaloid. Any locale L is a Grothendieck quantale, and Sh(L) is the topos of sheaves on L. Any small quantaloid of closed cribles is a Grothendieck quantaloid, and if Q is the quantaloid of closed cribles in a Grothendieck site (C,J) then Sh(Q) is equivalent to the topos Sh(C,J). Any inverse quantal frame is a Grothendieck quantale, and if O(G) is the inverse quantal frame naturally associated with an \'etale groupoid G then Sh(O(G)) is the classifying topos of G.Comment: 28 pages, final versio

    Operational resolutions and state transitions in a categorical setting

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    We define a category with as objects operational resolutions and with as morphisms - not necessarily deterministic - state transitions. We study connections with closure spaces and join-complete lattices and sketch physical applications related to evolution and compoundness. An appendix with preliminaries on quantaloids is included.Comment: 21 page