6,133 research outputs found

    Loop Corrections to the Universal Hypermultiplet

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    The universal hypermultiplet arises as a subsector of every Calabi-Yau compactification of M-theory or Type II string theory. Classically its moduli space is the quaternionic space SU(2,1)/U(2)SU(2,1)/U(2). We show that this moduli space receives a one-loop correction proportional to the Euler character of the Calabi-Yau, which can locally be absorbed by a certain constant shift of the fields. The correction vanishes in the limit that the Planck mass is taken to infinity, and hence is essentially gravitational in nature.Comment: 14 pages, harvmac. Added discussion of field redefinitions and the exact metri

    Black Hole Entropy from Near-Horizon Microstates

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    Black holes whose near-horizon geometries are locally, but not necessarily globally, AdS3_3 (three-dimensional anti-de Sitter space) are considered. Using the fact that quantum gravity on AdS3_3 is a conformal field theory, we microscopically compute the black hole entropy from the asymptotic growth of states. Precise numerical agreement with the Bekenstein-Hawking area formula for the entropy is found. The result pertains to any consistent quantum theory of gravity, and does not use string theory or supersymmetry.Comment: 11 pages, harvmac. Minor corrections, reference

    On BMS Invariance of Gravitational Scattering

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    BMS+ transformations act nontrivially on outgoing gravitational scattering data while preserving intrinsic structure at future null infinity (I+). BMS- transformations similarly act on ingoing data at past null infinity (I-). In this paper we apply - within a suitable finite neighborhood of the Minkowski vacuum - results of Christodoulou and Klainerman to link I+ to I- and thereby identify "diagonal" elements BMS0 of (BMS+)X(BMS-). We argue that BMS0 is a nontrivial infinite-dimensional symmetry of both classical gravitational scattering and the quantum gravity S-matrix. It implies the conservation of net accumulated energy flux at every angle on the conformal S2 at I+. The associated Ward identity is shown to relate S-matrix elements with and without soft gravitons. Finally, BMS0 is recast as a U(1) Kac-Moody symmetry and an expression for the Kac-Moody current is given in terms of a certain soft graviton operator on the boundary of null infinity.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, minor edits in v
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