237 research outputs found
Robust estimation of risks from small samples
Data-driven risk analysis involves the inference of probability distributions
from measured or simulated data. In the case of a highly reliable system, such
as the electricity grid, the amount of relevant data is often exceedingly
limited, but the impact of estimation errors may be very large. This paper
presents a robust nonparametric Bayesian method to infer possible underlying
distributions. The method obtains rigorous error bounds even for small samples
taken from ill-behaved distributions. The approach taken has a natural
interpretation in terms of the intervals between ordered observations, where
allocation of probability mass across intervals is well-specified, but the
location of that mass within each interval is unconstrained. This formulation
gives rise to a straightforward computational resampling method: Bayesian
Interval Sampling. In a comparison with common alternative approaches, it is
shown to satisfy strict error bounds even for ill-behaved distributions.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures; supplementary information provided. A revised
version of this manuscript has been accepted for publication in Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
A Machine-learning based Probabilistic Perspective on Dynamic Security Assessment
Probabilistic security assessment and real-time dynamic security assessments
(DSA) are promising to better handle the risks of system operations. The
current methodologies of security assessments may require many time-domain
simulations for some stability phenomena that are unpractical in real-time.
Supervised machine learning is promising to predict DSA as their predictions
are immediately available. Classifiers are offline trained on operating
conditions and then used in real-time to identify operating conditions that are
insecure. However, the predictions of classifiers can be sometimes wrong and
hazardous if an alarm is missed for instance.
A probabilistic output of the classifier is explored in more detail and
proposed for probabilistic security assessment. An ensemble classifier is
trained and calibrated offline by using Platt scaling to provide accurate
probability estimates of the output. Imbalances in the training database and a
cost-skewness addressing strategy are proposed for considering that missed
alarms are significantly worse than false alarms. Subsequently, risk-minimised
predictions can be made in real-time operation by applying cost-sensitive
learning. Through case studies on a real data-set of the French transmission
grid and on the IEEE 6 bus system using static security metrics, it is
showcased how the proposed approach reduces inaccurate predictions and risks.
The sensitivity on the likelihood of contingency is studied as well as on
expected outage costs. Finally, the scalability to several contingencies and
operating conditions are showcased.Comment: 42 page
Chance-constrained allocation of UFLS candidate feeders under high penetration of distributed generation
Under-Frequency Load Shedding (UFLS) schemes are the last resort to contain a
frequency drop in the grid by disconnecting part of the demand. The allocation
methods for selecting feeders that would contribute to the UFLS scheme have
traditionally relied on the fact that electric demand followed fairly regular
patterns, and could be forecast with high accuracy. However, recent integration
of Distributed Generation (DG) increases the uncertainty in net consumption of
feeders which, in turn, requires a reformulation of UFLS-allocation methods to
account for this uncertainty. In this paper, a chance-constrained methodology
for selecting feeders is proposed, with mathematical guarantees for the
disconnection of the required amount of load with a certain pre-defined
probability. The correlation in net-load forecasts among feeders is explicitly
considered, given that uncertainty in DG power output is driven by
meteorological conditions with high correlation across the network.
Furthermore, this method is applicable either to systems with conventional UFLS
schemes (where relays measure local frequency and trip if this magnitude falls
below a certain threshold), or adaptive UFLS schemes (where relays are
triggered by control signals sent in the few instants following a contingency).
Relevant case studies demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method, and
the need for explicit consideration of uncertainty in the UFLS-allocation
process.Comment: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System
Whole system value of long-duration electricity storage in systems with high penetration of renewables
Energy storage is a key enabling technology to facilitate an efficient system integration of intermittent renewable generation and support energy system decarbonisation. However, there are still many open questions regarding the design, capacity, and value of long-duration electricity storage (LDES), the synergy or competition with other flexibility technologies such as demand response, short-duration storage, and other forms of energy storage such as hydrogen storage. This paper presents a novel integrated formulation of electricity and hydrogen systems to identify the roles and quantify the value of long-duration energy storage holistically. A spectrum of case studies has been performed using the proposed approach on a future 2050 net-zero emission system background of Great Britain (GB) with a high share of renewable generation and analysed to identify the value drivers, including the impact of prolonged low wind periods during winter, the impact of different designs of LDES, and its competitiveness and synergy with other technologies. The results demonstrate that high storage capacity can affect how the energy system will evolve and help reduce system costs
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