438 research outputs found
The spectroscopic orbit of Capella revisited
Context. Capella is among the few binary stars with two evolved giant
components. The hotter component is a chromospherically active star within the
Hertzsprung gap, while the cooler star is possibly helium-core burning. Aims.
The known inclination of the orbital plane from astrometry in combination with
precise radial velocities will allow very accurate masses to be determined for
the individual Capella stars. This will constrain their evolutionary stage and
possibly the role of the active star's magnetic field on the dynamical
evolution of the binary system. Methods. We obtained a total of 438
high-resolution \'echelle spectra during the years 2007-2010 and used the
measured velocities to recompute the orbital elements. Our double-lined orbital
solution yields average residuals of 64 m/s for the cool component and 297 m/s
for the more rapidly rotating hotter component. Results. The semi-amplitude of
the cool component is smaller by 0.045 km/s than the orbit determination of
Torres et al. from data taken during 1996-1999 but more precise by a factor of
5.5, while for the hotter component it is larger by 0.580 km/s and more precise
by a factor of 3.6. This corresponds to masses of 2.573\pm0.009 M_sun and
2.488\pm0.008 M_sun for the cool and hot component, respectively. Their
relative errors of 0.34% and 0.30% are about half of the values given in Torres
et al. for a combined literature- data solution but with absolute values
different by 4% and 2% for the two components, respectively. The mass ratio of
the system is therefore q = M_A/M_B = 0.9673 \pm 0.0020. Conclusions. Our orbit
is the most precise and also likely to be the most accurate ever obtained for
Detecting and quantifying stellar magnetic fields -- Sparse Stokes profile approximation using orthogonal matching pursuit
In the recent years, we have seen a rapidly growing number of stellar
magnetic field detections for various types of stars. Many of these magnetic
fields are estimated from spectropolarimetric observations (Stokes V) by using
the so-called center-of-gravity (COG) method. Unfortunately, the accuracy of
this method rapidly deteriorates with increasing noise and thus calls for a
more robust procedure that combines signal detection and field estimation. We
introduce an estimation method that provides not only the effective or mean
longitudinal magnetic field from an observed Stokes V profile but also uses the
net absolute polarization of the profile to obtain an estimate of the apparent
(i.e., velocity resolved) absolute longitudinal magnetic field. By combining
the COG method with an orthogonal-matching-pursuit (OMP) approach, we were able
to decompose observed Stokes profiles with an overcomplete dictionary of
wavelet-basis functions to reliably reconstruct the observed Stokes profiles in
the presence of noise. The elementary wave functions of the sparse
reconstruction process were utilized to estimate the effective longitudinal
magnetic field and the apparent absolute longitudinal magnetic field. A
multiresolution analysis complements the OMP algorithm to provide a robust
detection and estimation method. An extensive Monte-Carlo simulation confirms
the reliability and accuracy of the magnetic OMP approach.Comment: A&A, in press, 15 pages, 14 figure
PEPSI deep spectra. I. The Sun-as-a-star
As part of the first Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic
Instrument (PEPSI) key-science project, we aim to provide well-exposed (viz.
deep) high-resolution spectra of representative stellar targets. These spectra
will be made available in form of (electronic) atlases. The first star in this
series of papers is our Sun. It also acts as a system-performance cornerstone.
The deep spectra in this paper are the results of combining up to 100
consecutive exposures per wavelength setting and are compared with other solar
flux atlases. Our software for the optimal data extraction and reduction of
PEPSI spectra is described and verified with the solar data. Three deep solar
flux spectra with a spectral resolution of up to 270,000, a continuous
wavelength coverage from 383 nm to 914 nm, and a photon signal to noise ratio
(S/N) of between 2,000-8,000:1 depending on wavelength are presented.
Additionally, a time-series of 996 high-cadence spectra in one cross disperser
is used to search for intrinsic solar modulations. The wavelength calibration
based on Th-Ar exposures and simultaneous Fabry-Perot combs enables an absolute
wavelength solution within 10 m/s (rms) with respect to the HARPS laser-comb
solar atlas and a relative rms of 1.2 m/s for one day. For science
demonstration, we redetermined the disk-average solar Li abundance to
1.09+/-0.04 dex on the basis of 3D NLTE model atmospheres. We detected
disk-averaged p-mode RV oscillations with a full amplitude of 47 cm/s at 5.5
min. Comparisons with two solar FTS atlases, as well as with the HARPS solar
atlas, validate the PEPSI data product. Now, PEPSI/SDI solar-flux spectra are
being taken with a sampling of one deep spectrum per day, and are supposed to
continue a full magnetic cycle of the Sun.Comment: in press, 13 pages, 8 figures, data available from pepsi.aip.d
Robotic observations of the most eccentric spectroscopic binary in the sky
The visual A component of the Gliese 586AB system is a double-lined
spectroscopic binary consisting of two cool stars with the exceptional orbital
eccentricity of 0.976. Such an extremely eccentric system may be important for
our understanding of low-mass binary formation. We present a total of 598
high-resolution echelle spectra from our robotic facility STELLA from 2006-2012
which we used to compute orbital elements of unprecedented accuracy. The orbit
constrains the eccentricity to 0.97608+/-0.00004 and the orbital period to
889.8195+/-0.0003d. The masses of the two components are 0.87+/-0.05 Msun and
0.58+/-0.03 Msun if the inclination is 5+/-1.5degr as determined from
adaptive-optics images, that is good to only 6% due to the error of the
inclination although the minimum masses reached a precision of 0.3%. The flux
ratio Aa:Ab in the optical is betwee n 30:1 in Johnson-B and 11:1 in I. Radial
velocities of the visual B-component (K0-1V) appear constant to within 130 m/s
over six years. Sinusoidal modulations of Teff of Aa with an amplitude of apprx
55 K are seen with the orbital period. Component Aa appears warmest at
periastron and coolest at apastron, indicating atmospheric changes induced by
the high orbital eccentricity. No light variations larger than approximately 4
mmag are detected for A, while a photometric period of 8.5+/-0.2 d with an
amplitude of 7 mmag is discovered for the active star B, which we interpret to
be its rotation period. We estimate an orbital period of approx 50,000 yr for
the AB system. The most likely age of the AB system is >=2 Gyr, while the
activity of the B component, if it were a single star, would imply 0.5 Gyr.
Both Aa and B are matched with single-star evolutionary tracks of their
respective mass
PEPSI deep spectra. II. Gaia benchmark stars and other M-K standards
We provide a homogeneous library of high-resolution, high-S/N spectra for 48
bright AFGKM stars, some of them approaching the quality of solar-flux spectra.
Our sample includes the northern Gaia benchmark stars, some solar analogs, and
some other bright Morgan-Keenan (M-K) spectral standards. Well-exposed deep
spectra were created by average-combining individual exposures. The
data-reduction process relies on adaptive selection of parameters by using
statistical inference and robust estimators.We employed spectrum synthesis
techniques and statistics tools in order to characterize the spectra and give a
first quick look at some of the science cases possible. With an average
spectral resolution of R=220,000 (1.36 km/s), a continuous wavelength coverage
from 383 nm to 912 nm, and S/N of between 70:1 for the faintest star in the
extreme blue and 6,000:1 for the brightest star in the red, these spectra are
now made public for further data mining and analysis. Preliminary results
include new stellar parameters for 70 Vir and alpha Tau, the detection of the
rare-earth element dysprosium and the heavy elements uranium, thorium and
neodymium in several RGB stars, and the use of the 12C to 13C isotope ratio for
age-related determinations. We also found Arcturus to exhibit few-percent CaII
H&K and H-alpha residual profile changes with respect to the KPNO atlas taken
in 1999.Comment: in press, 15 pages, 7 figures, data available from pepsi.aip.d
Spot evolution on the red giant star XX Triangulum. A starspot-decay analysis based on time-series Doppler imaging
Solar spots appear to decay linearly proportional to their size. The decay
rate of solar spots is directly related to magnetic diffusivity, which itself
is a key quantity for the length of a magnetic-activity cycle. Is a linear spot
decay also seen on other stars, and is this in agreement with the large range
of solar and stellar activity cycle lengths? We investigate the evolution of
starspots on the rapidly-rotating ( 24 d) K0 giant XX
Tri, using consecutive time-series Doppler images. Our aim is to obtain a
well-sampled movie of the stellar surface over many years, and thereby detect
and quantify a starspot decay law for further comparison with the Sun. We
obtained continuous high-resolution and phase-resolved spectroscopy with the
1.2-m robotic STELLA telescope on Tenerife over six years. For each observing
season, we obtained between 5 to 7 independent Doppler images, one per stellar
rotation, making up a total of 36 maps. To quantify starspot area decay and
growth, we match the observed images with simplified spot models based on a
Monte Carlo approach. It is shown that the surface of XX Tri is covered with
large high-latitude and even polar spots and with occasional small equatorial
spots. Just over the course of six years, we see a systematically changing spot
distribution with various timescales and morphology, such as spot fragmentation
and spot merging as well as spot decay and formation. An average linear decay
of = 0.022 0.002 SH/day is inferred. We found evidence of an
active longitude in phase toward the (unseen) companion star. Furthermore, we
detect a weak solar-like differential rotation with a surface shear of
= 0.016 0.003. From the decay rate, we determine a turbulent diffusivity
of = (6.3 0.5) 10 cm/s and predict a
magnetic activity cycle of 26 6 years
A fast method for Stokes profile synthesis -- Radiative transfer modeling for ZDI and Stokes profile inversion
The major challenges for a fully polarized radiative transfer driven approach
to Zeeman-Doppler imaging are still the enormous computational requirements. In
every cycle of the iterative interplay between the forward process (spectral
synthesis) and the inverse process (derivative based optimization) the Stokes
profile synthesis requires several thousand evaluations of the polarized
radiative transfer equation for a given stellar surface model. To cope with
these computational demands and to allow for the incorporation of a full Stokes
profile synthesis into Doppler- and Zeeman-Doppler imaging applications as well
as into large scale solar Stokes profile inversions, we present a novel fast
and accurate synthesis method for calculating local Stokes profiles. Our
approach is based on artificial neural network models, which we use to
approximate the complex non-linear mapping between the most important
atmospheric parameters and the corresponding Stokes profiles. A number of
specialized artificial neural networks, are used to model the functional
relation between the model atmosphere, magnetic field strength, field
inclination, and field azimuth, on one hand and the individual components
(I,Q,U,V) of the Stokes profiles, on the other hand. We performed an extensive
statistical evaluation and show that our new approach yields accurate local as
well as disk-integrated Stokes profiles over a wide range of atmospheric
conditions. The mean rms errors for the Stokes I and V profiles are well below
0.2% compared to the exact numerical solution. Errors for Stokes Q and U are in
the range of 1%. Our approach does not only offer an accurate approximation to
the LTE polarized radiative transfer it, moreover, accelerates the synthesis by
a factor of more than 1000.Comment: A&A, in pres
Long-term photometry of three active red giants in close binary systems: V2253 Oph, IT Com and IS Vir
We present and analyze long-term optical photometric measurements of the
three active stars V2253 Oph, IT Com and IS Vir. All three systems are
single-lined spectroscopic binaries with an early K giant as primary component
but in different stages of orbital-rotational synchronization. Our photometry
is supplemented by 2MASS and WISE near-IR and mid-IR magnitudes and then used
to obtain more accurate effective temperatures and extinctions. For V2253 Oph
and IT Com, we found their spectral energy distributions consistent with pure
photospheric emission. For IS Vir, we detect a marginal mid-IR excess which
hints towards a dust disk. The orbital and rotational planes of IT Com appear
to be coplanar, contrary to previous findings in the literature. We apply a
multiple frequency analysis technique to determine photometric periods, and
possibly changes of periods, ranging from days to decades. New rotational
periods of 21.55+-0.03d, 65.1+-0.3d, and 23.50+-0.04d were determined for V2253
Oph, IT Com, and IS Vir, respectively. Splitting of these periods led to
tentative detections of differential surface rotations of delta P/P ~0.02 for
V2253 Oph and 0.07 for IT Com. Using a time-frequency technique based on
short-term Fourier transforms we present evidence of cyclic light variations of
length ~10yrs for V2253 Oph and 5-6yrs for IS Vir. A single flip-flop event has
been observed for IT Com of duration 2-3yrs. Its exchange of the dominant
active longitude had happened close to a time of periastron passage, suggesting
some response of the magnetic activity from the orbital dynamics. The 21.55-d
rotational modulation of V2253 Oph showed phase coherence also with the orbital
period, which is 15 times longer than the rotational period, thus also
indicating a tidal feedback with the stellar magnetic activity.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, accepted to A
The Magnetic Topology of the Weak-Lined T Tauri Star V410 - A Simultaneous Temperature and Magnetic Field Inversion
We present a detailed temperature and magnetic investigation of the T Tauri
star V410 Tau by means of a simultaneous Doppler- and Zeeman-Doppler Imaging.
Moreover we introduce a new line profile reconstruction method based on a
singular value decomposition (SVD) to extract the weak polarized line profiles.
One of the key features of the line profile reconstruction is that the SVD line
profiles are amenable to radiative transfer modeling within our Zeeman-Doppler
Imaging code iMap. The code also utilizes a new iterative regularization scheme
which is independent of any additional surface constraints. To provide more
stability a vital part of our inversion strategy is the inversion of both
Stokes I and Stokes V profiles to simultaneously reconstruct the temperature
and magnetic field surface distribution of V410 Tau. A new image-shear analysis
is also implemented to allow the search for image and line profile distortions
induced by a differential rotation of the star. The magnetic field structure we
obtain for V410 Tau shows a good spatial correlation with the surface
temperature and is dominated by a strong field within the cool polar spot. The
Zeeman-Doppler maps exhibit a large-scale organization of both polarities
around the polar cap in the form of a twisted bipolar structure. The magnetic
field reaches a value of almost 2 kG within the polar region but smaller fields
are also present down to lower latitudes. The pronounced non-axisymmetric field
structure and the non-detection of a differential rotation for V410 Tau
supports the idea of an underlying -type dynamo, which is predicted
for weak-lined T Tauri stars.Comment: Accepted for A&A, 18 pages, 10 figure
Anti-solar differential rotation on the active sub-giant HU Virginis
Measuring surface differential rotation (DR) on different types of stars is
important when characterizing the underlying stellar dynamo. It has been
suggested that anti-solar DR laws can occur when strong meridional flows exist.
We aim to investigate the differential surface rotation on the primary star of
the RS CVn binary HU Vir by tracking its starspot distribution as a function of
time. We also aim to recompute and update the values for several system
parameters of the triple system HU Vir (close and wide orbits). Time-series
high-resolution spectroscopy for four continuous months was obtained with the
1.2-m robotic STELLA telescope. Nine consecutive Doppler images were
reconstructed from these data, using our line-profile inversion code iMap. An
image cross-correlation method was applied to derive the surface
differential-rotation law for HU Vir. New orbital elements for the close and
the wide orbits were computed using our new STELLA radial velocities (RVs)
combined with the RV data available in the literature. Photometric observations
were performed with the Amadeus Automatic Photoelectric Telescope (APT),
providing contemporaneous Johnson-Cousins and data for approximately 20
years. This data was used to determine the stellar rotation period and the
active longitudes. We confirm anti-solar DR with a surface shear parameter
of -0.029 0.005 and -0.026 0.009, using single-term and
double-term differential rotation laws, respectively. The best fit is achieved
assuming a solar-like double-term law with a lap time of 400 d. Our
orbital solutions result in a period of 10.387678 0.000003 days for the
close orbit and 2726 7 d ( 7.5 yr) for the wide orbit. A
Lomb-Scarge (L-S) periodogram of the pre-whitened -band data reveals a
strong single peak providing a rotation period of 10.391 0.008 d.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
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