85 research outputs found
Auditory power-law activation-avalanches exhibit a fundamental computational ground-state
The cochlea provides a biological information-processing paradigm that we
only begin to under- stand in its full complexity. Our work reveals an
interacting network of strongly nonlinear dynami- cal nodes, on which even
simple sound input triggers subnetworks of activated elements that follow
power-law size statistics ('avalanches'). From dynamical systems theory,
power-law size distribu- tions relate to a fundamental ground-state of
biological information processing. Learning destroys these power laws. These
results strongly modify the models of mammalian sound processing and provide a
novel methodological perspective for understanding how the brain processes
information.Comment: Videos are not included, please ask author
Two universal physical principles shape the power-law statistics of real-world networks
The study of complex networks has pursued an understanding of macroscopic
behavior by focusing on power-laws in microscopic observables. Here, we uncover
two universal fundamental physical principles that are at the basis of complex
networks generation. These principles together predict the generic emergence of
deviations from ideal power laws, which were previously discussed away by
reference to the thermodynamic limit. Our approach proposes a paradigm shift in
the physics of complex networks, toward the use of power-law deviations to
infer meso-scale structure from macroscopic observations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure
Natural data structure extracted from neighborhood-similarity graphs
'Big' high-dimensional data are commonly analyzed in low-dimensions, after
performing a dimensionality-reduction step that inherently distorts the data
structure. For the same purpose, clustering methods are also often used. These
methods also introduce a bias, either by starting from the assumption of a
particular geometric form of the clusters, or by using iterative schemes to
enhance cluster contours, with uncontrollable consequences. The goal of data
analysis should, however, be to encode and detect structural data features at
all scales and densities simultaneously, without assuming a parametric form of
data point distances, or modifying them. We propose a novel approach that
directly encodes data point neighborhood similarities as a sparse graph. Our
non-iterative framework permits a transparent interpretation of data, without
altering the original data dimension and metric. Several natural and synthetic
data applications demonstrate the efficacy of our novel approach
Boosting Bayesian Parameter Inference of Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equation Models by Hamiltonian Scale Separation
Parameter inference is a fundamental problem in data-driven modeling. Given
observed data that is believed to be a realization of some parameterized model,
the aim is to find parameter values that are able to explain the observed data.
In many situations, the dominant sources of uncertainty must be included into
the model, for making reliable predictions. This naturally leads to stochastic
models. Stochastic models render parameter inference much harder, as the aim
then is to find a distribution of likely parameter values. In Bayesian
statistics, which is a consistent framework for data-driven learning, this
so-called posterior distribution can be used to make probabilistic predictions.
We propose a novel, exact and very efficient approach for generating posterior
parameter distributions, for stochastic differential equation models calibrated
to measured time-series. The algorithm is inspired by re-interpreting the
posterior distribution as a statistical mechanics partition function of an
object akin to a polymer, where the measurements are mapped on heavier beads
compared to those of the simulated data. To arrive at distribution samples, we
employ a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo approach combined with a multiple time-scale
integration. A separation of time scales naturally arises if either the number
of measurement points or the number of simulation points becomes large.
Furthermore, at least for 1D problems, we can decouple the harmonic modes
between measurement points and solve the fastest part of their dynamics
analytically. Our approach is applicable to a wide range of inference problems
and is highly parallelizable.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure
Mammalian cochlea as a physics guided evolution-optimized hearing sensor
Nonlinear physics plays an essential role in hearing, from sound signal
generation to sound sensing to the processing of complex sound environments. We
demonstrate that the evolution of the biological hearing sensors demonstrates a
dramatic reduction in the solution space available for hearing sensors due to
nonlinear physics principles. More specifically, our analysis hints at that the
differences between amniotic lineages hearing, could be recast into a scaleable
and a non-scaleable arrangement of nonlinear sound detectors. The scalable
solution employed in mammals, as the most advanced design, provides a natural
context that demands the ultimate characterization of complex sounds through
Universal dynamical properties preclude standard clustering in a large class of biochemical data
Motivation: Clustering of chemical and biochemical data based on observed features is a central cognitive step in the analysis of chemical substances, in particular in combinatorial chemistry, or of complex biochemical reaction networks. Often, for reasons unknown to the researcher, this step produces disappointing results. Once the sources of the problem are known, improved clustering methods might revitalize the statistical approach of compound and reaction search and analysis. Here, we present a generic mechanism that may be at the origin of many clustering difficulties. Results: The variety of dynamical behaviors that can be exhibited by complex biochemical reactions on variation of the system parameters are fundamental system fingerprints. In parameter space, shrimp-like or swallow-tail structures separate parameter sets that lead to stable periodic dynamical behavior from those leading to irregular behavior. We work out the genericity of this phenomenon and demonstrate novel examples for their occurrence in realistic models of biophysics. Although we elucidate the phenomenon by considering the emergence of periodicity in dependence on system parameters in a low-dimensional parameter space, the conclusions from our simple setting are shown to continue to be valid for features in a higher-dimensional feature space, as long as the feature-generating mechanism is not too extreme and the dimension of this space is not too high compared with the amount of available data. Availability and implementation: For online versions of super-paramagnetic clustering see http://stoop.ini.uzh.ch/research/clustering. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin
Human pitch is pre-cortical: The essential role of the cochlear fluid
The perceived pitch of a complex harmonic sound changes if the partials of
the sound are frequency-shifted by a fixed amount. Simple mathematical rules
that the perceived pitch could be expected to follow ('first pitch-shift') are
violated in psychoacoustic experiments ('second pitchshift'). For this,
commonly cognitive cortical processes were held responsible. Here, we show that
human pitch perception can be reproduced from a minimal, purely biophysical,
model of the cochlea, by fully recovering the psychoacoustical pitch-shift data
of G.F. Smoorenburg (1970) and related physiological measurements from the cat
cochlear nucleus. For this to happen, the cochlear fluid plays a distinguished
role.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure
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