12 research outputs found
Gender Differences in the Response to Decision Power and Responsibility : Framing Effects in a Dictator Game
This paper studies the effects of two different frames on decisions in a dictator game. Before making their allocation decision, dictators read a short text. Depending on the treatment, the text either emphasizes their decision power and freedom of choice or it stresses their responsibility for the receiver’s payoff. Including a control treatment without such a text, three treatments are conducted with a total of 207 dictators. Our results show a different reaction to these texts depending on the dictator’s gender. We find that only men react positively to a text that stresses their responsibility for the receiver, while only women seem to react positively to a text that emphasizes their decision power and freedom of choice
Getting a Yes. An Experiment on the Power of Asking
This paper studies how the request for a favor has to be devised in order to maximize its chance of success. We present results from a mini-dictator game in which giving entails an efficiency gain. In this laboratory experiment, the recipient can send a free-form text message to the dictator before the latter decides. We find that the content of a message does matter for the decision to give. Putting effort into the message and writing in a humorous way pays off. We argue that this can be interpreted in terms of reciprocity. Mentioning reasons why the money is needed increases the generosity of dictators as well. Additionally, we find differences in the behavior of male and female dictators. Only men react positively to efficiency arguments, while only women react to messages that emphasize the power and responsibility of the dictator
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Nudging als politisches Instrument - gute Absicht oder staatlicher Ăśbergriff?
Die Verhaltensökonomie und ihre praktischen Implikationen geraten immer stärker in den Fokus auch der deutschen Politik. Individuelle Entscheidungen sollen im Sinne eines „libertären Paternalismus“ „sanft“ beeinflusst werden. Die „Nudges“ bestehen in Standardvorgaben, Selbstbindungen und der Informationsbereitstellung. Deren Anwendung setzt allerdings die Klärung einiger Fragen voraus: Wer darf sich anmaßen, für die Wirtschaftssubjekte „kluge“ Entscheidungen zu treffen? Bei welchen Entscheidungen sind Eingriffe einer anderen Instanz begründbar? Mit welchem Zeithorizont und aufgrund welcher Wohlfahrtsüberlegungen wird eine Entscheidung als „richtig“ definiert? Welcher Rationalitätsbegriff steht hinter dem Konzept
Vier Studien zu altruistischem und normenkonformem Verhalten
There are numerous situations in which people ask for something or make a request, e.g. asking a favor, asking for help or requesting compliance with specific norms. For this reason, how to ask for something in order to increase people’s willingness to fulfill such requests is one of the most important question for many people working in various different fields of responsibility such as charitable giving, marketing, management or policy making.
This dissertation consists of four chapters that deal with the effects of small changes in the decision-making environment on altruistic decision-making and compliance behavior. Most notably, written communication as an influencing factor is the focus of the first three chapters. The starting point was the question how to devise a request in order to maximize its chance of success (Chapter 1). The results of the first chapter originate the ideas for the second and third chapter. Chapter 2 analyzes how communication by a neutral third-party, i.e. a text from the experimenters that either reminds potential benefactors of their responsibility or highlights their freedom of choice, affects altruistic decision-making. Chapter 3 elaborates on the effect of thanking people in advance when asking them for help. While being not as closely related to the other chapters as the three first ones are, the fourth chapter deals as well with the question how compliance (here: compliance with norms and rules) is affected by subtle manipulations of the environment in which decisions are made. This chapter analyzes the effect of default settings in a tax return on tax compliance.
In order to study the research questions outlined above, controlled experiments were conducted. Chapter 1, which analyzes the effect of text messages on the decision to give something to another person, employs a mini-dictator game. The recipient sends a free-form text message to the dictator before the latter makes a binary decision whether or not to give part of her or his endowment to the recipient. We find that putting effort into the message by writing a long note without spelling mistakes increases dictators’ willingness to give. Moreover, writing in a humorous way and mentioning reasons why the money is needed pays off. Furthermore, men and women seem to react differently to some message categories. Only men react positively to efficiency arguments, while only women react to messages that emphasize the dictator’s power and responsibility.
Building on this last result, Chapter 2 attempts to disentangle the effect of reminding potential benefactors of their responsibility for the potential beneficiary and the effect of highlighting their decision power and freedom of choice on altruistic decision-making by studying the effects of two different texts on giving in a dictator game. We find that only men react positively to a text that stresses their responsibility for the recipient by giving more to her or him, whereas only women seem to react positively to a text that emphasizes their decision power and freedom of choice.
Chapter 3 focuses on the compliance with a request. In the experiment, participants are asked to provide a detailed answer to an open question. Compliance is measured by the effort participants spend on answering the question. The treatment variable is whether or not they see the text “thanks in advance.” We find that participants react negatively by putting less effort into complying with the request in response to the phrase “thanks in advance.”
Chapter 4 studies the effect of prefilled tax returns with mostly inaccurate default values on tax compliance. In a laboratory experiment, participants earn income by performing a real-effort task and must subsequently file a tax return for three consecutive rounds. In the main treatment, the tax return is prefilled with a default value, resulting from participants’ own performance in previous rounds, which varies in its relative size. The results suggest that there is no lasting effect of a default value on tax honesty, neither for relatively low nor relatively high defaults. However, participants who face a default that is lower than their true income in the first round evade significantly and substantially more taxes in this round than participants in the control treatment without a default.Es fallen einem zahlreiche Situationen ein, in denen Menschen um etwas bitten, sei es um Unterstützung oder um das Befolgen bestimmter Regeln oder Normen. Die Frage, wie man eine Bitte formulieren muss, um die Bereitschaft der Menschen zu erhöhen, diese Bitte zu erfüllen, ist daher eine äußerst wichtige für viele Menschen, die in ganz unterschiedlichen Bereichen arbeiten, beispielsweise in Hilfsorganisationen, im Marketing, im Management oder auch in der Politikberatung.
Diese Dissertation besteht aus vier Kapiteln, die sich mit den Auswirkungen kleiner Veränderungen in der Entscheidungsumgebung auf altruistische Entscheidungen sowie unterstützendes und regelkonformes Verhalten befassen. Schriftliche Kommunikation als Einflussfaktor steht hierbei im Mittelpunkt der ersten drei Kapitel. Ausgangspunkt war die Frage, wie man eine Bitte formulieren muss, um ihre Erfolgsaussichten zu erhöhen (Kapitel 1). Aus den Ergebnissen des ersten Kapitels resultieren die Ideen für das zweite und dritte Kapitel. In Kapitel 2 wird untersucht, wie sich Kommunikation durch einen neutralen Dritten - ein Text der Experimentatoren, der potenzielle Wohltäter entweder an ihre Verantwortung oder ihre Entscheidungsfreiheit erinnert - auf eine altruistische Entscheidung auswirkt. In Kapitel 3 wird analysiert, was für einen Effekt es auf die Hilfsbereitschaft von Teilnehmern hat, wenn man ihnen bereits im Voraus für ihre Unterstützung dankt. Obwohl das vierte Kapitel weniger eng mit den anderen Kapiteln verbunden ist, als es die ersten drei sind, geht es auch hier um die Frage, wie sich die Bereitschaft der Teilnehmer, Normen zu befolgen, durch kleine Änderungen der Entscheidungsumgebung erhöhen lässt. In diesem Kapitel wird untersucht, welchen Einfluss vorausgefüllte Steuererklärungen auf die Steuerhinterziehung haben.
Zur Beantwortung der oben genannten Forschungsfragen wurden Experimente durchgeführt. In Kapitel 1 wird ein Mini-Diktatorspiel verwendet, um herauszufinden, welchen Effekt Textnachrichten auf die Entscheidung haben, einer anderen Person etwas abzugeben. Die Person in der Rolle des Diktators liest eine vom Empfänger geschriebene Nachricht, bevor sie oder er die binäre Entscheidung trifft, einen Teil der Anfangsausstattung an den Empfänger abzugeben. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Diktatoren eher bereit sind, etwas abzugeben, wenn sich die Empfänger beim Schreiben der Nachricht bemüht haben, indem sie längere Nachrichten mit weniger Rechtschreibfehlern schreiben. Außerdem erhöhen humorvolle Nachrichten und welche, die Gründe nennen, wofür die Empfänger das Geld brauchen, die Bereitschaft der Diktatoren, Geld abzugeben. Darüber hinaus scheinen Männer und Frauen auf einige Nachrichteninhalte unterschiedlich zu reagieren. Nur Männer reagieren positiv auf Effizienzargumente, während nur Frauen auf Nachrichten reagieren, die die Macht und Verantwortung des Diktators unterstreichen.
Aufbauend auf diesem letzten Ergebnis versucht das zweite Kapitel, die Effekte der Betonung der Entscheidungsmacht und der Betonung der Verantwortung auf altruistisches Handeln zu trennen. Hierzu wird der Effekt von zwei Texten auf Entscheidungen im Diktatorspiel untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nur Männer positiv auf die Betonung ihrer Verantwortung reagieren, während Frauen tendenziell mehr abgeben, wenn ihre Entscheidungsmacht und Entscheidungsfreiheit hervorgehoben wird
Getting a Yes. An Experiment on the Power of Asking
This paper studies how the request for a favor has to be devised in order to maximize its chance of success. We present results from a mini-dictator game, in which the recipient can send a free-form text message to the dictator before the latter decides. We find that putting effort into the message, writing in a humorous way and mentioning reasons why the money is needed pays off. Additionally, we find differences in the behavior of male and female dictators. Only men react positively to efficiency arguments, while only women react to messages that emphasize the dictator’s power and responsibility
Richard H. Thaler — the Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics 2017
Der diesjährige Nobelpreisträger Richard H. Thaler ist einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit vor allem durch sein mit Cass R. Sunstein gemeinsam verfasstes Buch zum Nudging bekannt geworden. Tatsächlich hat er in den vergangenen 40 Jahren die Entwicklung der Verhaltensökonomie entscheidend mitgeprägt und vorangebracht. Thaler hat die Annahmen hinter dem Modell des Homo oeconomicus untersucht und die Abweichungen menschlichen Verhaltens von den Rationalitätsannahmen auf zwei wesentliche Ursachen zurückgeführt: kognitive Einschränkungen und Mängel bei der Selbstkontrolle. Neben den Rationalitätsannahmen beziehen sich seine Forschungen aber auch auf Überlegungen zur Grundhaltung von Wirtschaftssubjekten gegenüber anderen und deren Auswirkungen auf ihr wirtschaftliches Handeln.Richard H. Thaler was awarded this year's Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 'for his contributions to behavioural economics'. He studied systematic departures of human behaviour from the standard 'homo oeconomicus' assumption. His famous work on boundedly rational behaviour considers both cognitive limitations and limited self-control. The cognitive limitations he studied are in particular the endowment effect, i.e. the observation that individuals assign a higher value to an object if they possess it, and mental accounting, a collection of theories regarding how individuals think about money. Furthermore, he provided path-breaking evidence on the nature of social preferences, which laid the groundwork for the development of several widely used economic theories incorporating altruism, fairness and reciprocity
Gender differences in the response to decision power and responsibility
This paper studies the effects of two different frames on decisions in a dictator game. Before making their allocation decision, dictators read a short text. Depending on the treatment, the text either emphasizes their decision power and freedom of choice or it stresses their responsibility for the receiver’s payoff. Including a control treatment without such a text, three treatments are conducted with a total of 207 dictators. Our results show a different reaction to these texts depending on the dictator’s gender. We find that only men react positively to a text that stresses their responsibility for the receiver, while only women seem to react positively to a text that emphasizes their decision power and freedom of choice
Getting a yes
This paper studies how the request for a favor has to be devised in order to maximize its chance of success. We present results from a mini-dictator game, in which the recipient can send a free-form text message to the dictator before the latter decides. We find that putting effort into the message, writing in a humorous way and mentioning reasons why the money is needed pays off. Additionally, we find differences in the behavior of male and female dictators. Only men react positively to efficiency arguments, while only women react to messages that emphasize the dictators power and responsibility
”Thanks in Advance”
This paper studies the effect of the commonly used phrase “thanks in advance” on compliance with a small request. In a controlled laboratory experiment we ask participants to give a detailed answer to an open question. The treatment variable is whether or not they see the phrase “thanks in advance.” Our participants react to the treatment by exerting less effort in answering the request even though they perceive the phrase as polite
Getting a Yes
This paper studies how the request for a favor has to be devised in order to maximize its chance of success. We present results from a mini-dictator game, in which the recipient can send a free-form text message to the dictator before the latter decides. We find that putting effort into the message, writing in a humorous way and mentioning reasons why the money is needed pays off. Additionally, we find differences in the behavior of male and female dictators. Only men react positively to efficiency arguments, while only women react to messages that emphasize the dictator’s power and responsibility