130 research outputs found

    The Spectrum of the Partially Locked State for the Kuramoto Model

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    We solve a longstanding stability problem for the Kuramoto model of coupled oscillators. This system has attracted mathematical attention, in part because of its applications in fields ranging from neuroscience to condensed-matter physics, and also because it provides a beautiful connection between nonlinear dynamics and statistical mechanics. The model consists of a large population of phase oscillators with all-to-all sinusoidal coupling. The oscillators' intrinsic frequencies are randomly distributed across the population according to a prescribed probability density, here taken to be unimodal and symmetric about its mean. As the coupling between the oscillators is increased, the system spontaneously synchronizes: the oscillators near the center of the frequency distribution lock their phases together and run at the same frequency, while those in the tails remain unlocked and drift at different frequencies. Although this ``partially locked'' state has been observed in simulations for decades, its stability has never been analyzed mathematically. Part of the difficulty is in formulating a reasonable infinite-N limit of the model. Here we describe such a continuum limit, and prove that the corresponding partially locked state is, in fact, neutrally stable, contrary to what one might have expected. The possible implications of this result are discussed

    Pinned states in Josephson arrays: A general stability theorem

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    Using the lumped circuit equations, we derive a stability criterion for superconducting pinned states in two-dimensional arrays of Josephson junctions. The analysis neglects quantum, thermal, and inductive effects, but allows disordered junctions, arbitrary network connectivity, and arbitrary spatial patterns of applied magnetic flux and DC current injection. We prove that a pinned state is linearly stable if and only if its corresponding stiffness matrix is positive definite. This algebraic condition can be used to predict the critical current and frustration at which depinning occurs.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Simple model for the Darwinian transition in early evolution

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    It has been hypothesized that in the era just before the last universal common ancestor emerged, life on earth was fundamentally collective. Ancient life forms shared their genetic material freely through massive horizontal gene transfer (HGT). At a certain point, however, life made a transition to the modern era of individuality and vertical descent. Here we present a minimal model for this hypothesized "Darwinian transition." The model suggests that HGT-dominated dynamics may have been intermittently interrupted by selection-driven processes during which genotypes became fitter and decreased their inclination toward HGT. Stochastic switching in the population dynamics with three-point (hypernetwork) interactions may have destabilized the HGT-dominated collective state and led to the emergence of vertical descent and the first well-defined species in early evolution. A nonlinear analysis of a stochastic model dynamics covering key features of evolutionary processes (such as selection, mutation, drift and HGT) supports this view. Our findings thus suggest a viable route from early collective evolution to the start of individuality and vertical Darwinian evolution, enabling the emergence of the first species.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, under review at Physical Review