9 research outputs found
LeCroy data
Measurements of wing, tail, and tarsus lengths in 14 populations of birds of paradise in the genus Paradisaea (from LeCroy, M. 1981. The genus Paradisaea - display and evolution. American Museum Novitates 2714:1-52.). Measurements for each population (mm) are standardized (divided by average within population standard deviation for that trait and sex*)
R script for fig 4D
This R program runs a stochastic simulation of the FLP in 100 populations for 500 generations and then plots results at generation 500 (fig. 4D). See Appendix A for the equations used in this program. See Table 2 for parameter values used in this and other figures
Appendix A. Details for the estimation of annual survival rates in the focal populations of garter snakes.
Details for the estimation of annual survival rates in the focal populations of garter snakes
Appendix C. Annual estimates of vital rates for each population of garter snake.
Annual estimates of vital rates for each population of garter snake
Appendix B. Derivation of the common correlation coefficient.
Derivation of the common correlation coefficient
Evolutionary biology is being transformed by increasing access to burgeoning data on variation in genomes, organisms, and the environment.
<p>All this can be connected to the Tree of Life (phylogeny), from populations to entire clades, and is enabled by new protocols and networks in biodiversity informatics.</p
Developing genetic and evolutionary tools for taxa with an extensive fossil record will be an important means of integrating the study of evolutionary pattern and process.
<p>Genomic sequence data for stickleback fish is now providing insight into evolutionary patterns, such as the reduction in the pelvic skeleton, manifest both in the fossil record and in extant populations <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001466#pbio.1001466-Jones1" target="_blank">[83]</a>. Photograph courtesy Peter J. Park.</p