1,681 research outputs found
No-Drop Policies in the Prosecution of Domestic Violence Cases: Guarantee To Action or Dangerous Solution?
Neoglacial cooling culminates in rapid sea ice oscillations in eastern Fram Strait
The spatial and temporal distribution of sea ice in the subpolar North Atlantic is mainly controlled by the advection of warm Atlantic Water via the Norwegian and West Spitsbergen Current in eastern Fram Strait. Simultaneously, polar water and sea ice from the Arctic Ocean is transported southward by the East Greenland Current. Hence, variations in the strength of this oceanic circulation regime may either stimulate or reduce the sea ice extent.
Based on organic geochemical studies of a high-resolution sediment core from eastern Fram Strait we provide new evidence for the highly variable character of the sea ice conditions in this area. The combination of the sea ice proxy IP25 (Belt et al., 2007) with phytoplankton derived biomarkers (e.g. brassicasterol, dinosterol; Volkman 2006) enables a reliable reconstruction of sea surface and sea ice conditions, respectively (MĂŒller et al., 2009; 2010). By means of these biomarkers, we trace gradually increasing sea ice occurrences from the Mid to the Late Holocene â consistent with the neoglacial cooling trend. Throughout the past ca. 3,000 years (BP) we observe a significant short-term variability in the biomarker records, which points to rapid advances and retreats of the sea ice cover at the continental margin of West Spitsbergen. The co-occurrence of IP25 and phytoplankton markers, however, suggests that the primary productivity benefits from these sea ice surges. As such, higher amounts of open-water phytoplankton biomarkers together with peak abundances of IP25 indicate recurring periods of enhanced ice-edge phytoplankton blooms at the core site. To what extent a seesawing of temperate Atlantic Water may account for these sea ice fluctuations requires further investigation. Concurrent variations in Siberian river discharge (Stein et al., 2004) or Norwegian glacier extents (Nesje et al., 2001), however, strengthen that these fluctuations may be assigned to variations in the North Atlantic/Arctic Oscillation (NAO/AO) and (hence) a weakened/accelerated Atlantic Water input and Arctic sea ice export
Dansgaard-Oeschger forcing of sea surface temperature variability in the midlatitude North Atlantic between 500 and 400âka (MIS 12)
Geochemical evidence of a floating Arctic ice sheet and underlying freshwater in the Arctic Mediterranean in glacial periods
Numerous studies have addressed the possible existence of large floating ice sheets in the glacial Arctic Ocean from theoretical, modelling, or seafloor morphology perspectives. Here, we add evidence from the sediment record that support the existence of such freshwater ice caps in certain intervals, and we discuss their implications for possible non-linear and rapid behaviour of such a system in the high latitudes.
We present sedimentary activities of 230Th together with 234U/238U ratios, the concentrations of manganese, sulphur and calcium in the context of lithological information and records of microfossils and their isotope composition. New analyses (PS51/038, PS72/396) and a re-analysis of existing marine sediment records (PS1533, PS1235, PS2185, PS2200, amongst others) in view of the naturally occurring radionuclide 230Thex and, where available, 10Be from the Arctic Ocean and the Nordic Seas reveal the widespread occurrence of intervals with a specific geochemical signature. The pattern of these parameters in a pan-Arctic view can best be explained when assuming the repeated presence of freshwater in frozen and liquid form across large parts of the Arctic Ocean and the Nordic Seas.
Based on the sedimentary evidence and known environmental constraints at the time, we develop a glacial scenario that explains how these ice sheets, together with eustatic sea-level changes, may have affected the past oceanography of the Arctic Ocean in a fundamental way that must have led to a drastic and non-linear response to external forcing.
This concept offers a possibility to explain and to some extent reconcile contrasting age models for the Late Pleistocene in the Arctic Ocean. Our view, if adopted, offers a coherent dating approach across the Arctic Ocean and the Nordic Seas, linked to events outside the Arctic
Sea ice and millennial-scale climate variability in the Nordic seas 90 kyr ago to present
Publisher's version, source http://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms12247In the light of rapidly diminishing sea ice cover in the Arctic during the present atmospheric warming, it is imperative to study the distribution of sea ice in the past in relation to rapid climate change. Here we focus on glacial millennial-scale climatic events (Dansgaard/Oeschger events) using the sea ice proxy IP25 in combination with phytoplankton proxy data and quantification of diatom species in a record from the southeast Norwegian Sea. We demonstrate that expansion and retreat of sea ice varies consistently in pace with the rapid climate changes 90âkyr ago to present. Sea ice retreats abruptly at the start of warm interstadials, but spreads rapidly during cooling phases of the interstadials and becomes near perennial and perennial during cold stadials and Heinrich events, respectively. Low-salinity surface water and the sea ice edge spreads to the GreenlandâScotland Ridge, and during the largest Heinrich events, probably far into the Atlantic Ocean
Potential and limitation of 230Th-excess as a chronostratigraphic tool for late Quaternary Arctic Ocean sediment studies: An example from the Southern Lomonosov Ridge
Recently, the use of âextinction agesâ of excesses in U-series isotopes (230Thxs, 231Paxs) has been proposed for the setting of benchmark ages of up to ~350 and ~150 ka, respectively, in late Quaternary marine records from the Arctic Ocean. However, the use of such U-series-based chronostratigraphic approaches has some limitations. These limitations are illustrated by U-series measurements in a cored sequence from the southern Lomonosov Ridge (PS2757). In this core, the final measurable excess in 230Th (230Thxs), strictly linked to the sedimentary flux of this isotope from the overlying water column (230Thxs-marine), is observed at a depth of ~590 cm downcore. An âextinction ageâ of ~230 ka can be estimated for the residual 230Thxs at this depth. It approximately matches the Marine Isotope Stage 7/8 transition. Below this transition, strong redox gradients constrained by a layer enriched in organic carbon resulted in a late-diagenetic relocation of uranium leached from detrital minerals in the over- and underlying oxidized layers. This uranium relocation resulted in large amplitude radioactive disequilibria within a core section otherwise characterized by near secular equilibria between inventories of 238U-series isotopes, implying an age greater than the â230Thxs-marine extinction ageâ for the whole section. In the overlying part of the core, the 230Thxs distribution correlates with other 230Thxs-documented sequences from the Central Arctic Ocean. 230Thxs can be thus used for stratigraphic correlations between the relatively low-sedimentation rate marine sequences of this basin, over the last two or three glacial cycles, but special attention to potential diagenetic effects is recommended. Moreover, as for a given 230Thxs-marine flux at the seafloor, initial 230Thxs-values are broadly inversely-proportional to the sedimentation rate, the resulting estimates of 230Thxs âextinction ageâ vary accordingly. This variability restricts the chronostratigraphic use of 230Thxs to sequences with relatively low sedimentation rates, such as those where the initial 230Thxs-marine significantly exceeds the 230Th-fraction carried by detrital minerals.publishedVersio
Changes in the composition of marine and sea-ice diatoms derived from sedimentary ancient DNA of the eastern Fram Strait over the past 30 000 years
The Fram Strait is an area with a relatively low and irregular distribution of diatom microfossils in surface sediments, and thus microfossil records are scarce, rarely exceed the Holocene, and contain sparse information about past richness and taxonomic composition. These attributes make the Fram Strait an ideal study site to test the utility of sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) metabarcoding. Amplifying a short, partial rbcL marker from samples of sediment core MSM05/5-712-2 resulted in 95.7â% of our sequences being assigned to diatoms across 18 different families, with 38.6â% of them being resolved to species and 25.8â% to genus level. Independent replicates show a high similarity of PCR products, especially in the oldest samples. Diatom sedaDNA richness is highest in the Late Weichselian and lowest in Mid- and Late Holocene samples. Taxonomic composition is dominated by cold-water and sea-ice-associated diatoms and suggests several reorganisations â after the Last Glacial Maximum, after the Younger Dryas, and after the Early and after the Mid-Holocene. Different sequences assigned to, amongst others, Chaetoceros socialis indicate the detectability of intra-specific diversity using sedaDNA. We detect no clear pattern between our diatom sedaDNA record and the previously published IP25 record of this core, although proportions of pennate diatoms increase with higher IP25 concentrations and proportions of Nitzschia cf. frigida exceeding 2â% of the assemblage point towards past sea-ice presence
Deglacial release of petrogenic and permafrost carbon from the Canadian Arctic impacting the carbon cycle
AbstractThe changes in atmospheric pCO2 provide evidence for the release of large amounts of ancient carbon during the last deglaciation. However, the sources and mechanisms that contributed to this process remain unresolved. Here, we present evidence for substantial ancient terrestrial carbon remobilization in the Canadian Arctic following the Laurentide Ice Sheet retreat. Glacial-retreat-induced physical erosion of bedrock has mobilized petrogenic carbon, as revealed by sedimentary records of radiocarbon dates and thermal maturity of organic carbon from the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Additionally, coastal erosion during the meltwater pulses 1a and 1b has remobilized pre-aged carbon from permafrost. Assuming extensive petrogenic organic carbon oxidation during the glacial retreat, a model-based assessment suggests that the combined processes have contributed 12 ppm to the deglacial CO2 rise. Our findings suggest potentially positive climate feedback of ice-sheet retreat by accelerating terrestrial organic carbon remobilization and subsequent oxidation during the glacial-interglacial transition.</jats:p
Natural variability of the Arctic Ocean sea ice during the present interglacial
The impact of the ongoing anthropogenic warming on the Arctic Ocean sea ice is ascertained and closely monitored. However, its long-term fate remains an open question as its natural variability on centennial to millennial timescales is not well documented. Here, we use marine sedimentary records to reconstruct Arctic sea-ice fluctuations. Cores collected along the Lomonosov Ridge that extends across the Arctic Ocean from northern Greenland to the Laptev Sea were radiocarbon dated and analyzed for their micropaleontological and palynological contents, both bearing information on the past sea-ice cover. Results demonstrate that multiyear pack ice remained a robust feature of the western and central Lomonosov Ridge and that perennial sea ice remained present throughout the present interglacial, even during the climate optimum of the middle Holocene that globally peaked âŒ6,500 y ago. In contradistinction, the southeastern Lomonosov Ridge area experienced seasonally sea-ice-free conditions, at least, sporadically, until about 4,000 y ago. They were marked by relatively high phytoplanktonic productivity and organic carbon fluxes at the seafloor resulting in low biogenic carbonate preservation. These results point to contrasted westâeast surface ocean conditions in the Arctic Ocean, not unlike those of the Arctic dipole linked to the recent loss of Arctic sea ice. Hence, our data suggest that seasonally ice-free conditions in the southeastern Arctic Ocean with a dominant Arctic dipolar pattern, may be a recurrent feature under âwarm worldâ climate
Expedition 306 summary
The overall aim of the North Atlantic paleoceanography study of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 306 is to place late NeogeneâQuaternary climate proxies in the North Atlantic into a chronology based on a combination of geomagnetic paleointensity, stable isotope, and detrital layer stratigraphies, and in so doing generate integrated North Atlantic millennial-scale stratigraphies for the last few million years. To reach this aim, complete sedimentary sections were drilled by multiple advanced piston coring directly south of the central Atlantic âice-rafted debris beltâ and on the southern Gardar Drift. In addition to the North Atlantic paleoceanography study, a borehole observatory was successfully installed in a new ~180 m deep hole close to Ocean Drilling Program Site 642, consisting of a circulation obviation retrofit kit to seal the borehole from the overlying ocean, a thermistor string, and a data logger to document and monitor bottom water temperature variations through time
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