14 research outputs found

    Temporal Stability of Recreation Choices

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    We evaluate the stability of coefficient and willingness to pay (WTP) estimates for recreation services over two time periods. To address this question, we estimate a Random Utility Maximization (RUM) model of recreation demand, using two datasets from different time periods, but concerning the same study area. We then compare the estimation results and evaluate the temporal stability of preferences that drive recreation choices. The two datasets are on trips made by Delaware residents to beaches in the Mid-Atlantic region: Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland and Northern Virginia. The first dataset was collected using a mail survey in 1997 and the second dataset was gathered through an Internet survey in 2005. Besides the time periods, and the survey methods, there are also significant sample size differences between the two datasets. In the 1997 sample, 400 Delaware residents made at least one day trip, while in the 2005 dataset, only 50 Delawareans visited the beaches of interest.recreation demand, nonmarket valuation, Environmental Economics and Policy, Q51, Q26,

    Оценка на недвижиното римско археологическо наследство за вкючване в туристически продукти (на примера на туристически район Рила – Пирин)

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    Успешното разработване на туристически продукти до голяма степен зависи от правилния подбор на обекти, изследването на възможностите за тяхната интеграция и насочването им към подходящи целеви групи. В този смисъл в настоящия доклад се изследват резултатите от прилагането на авторска методика за оценка на недвижими археологически ценности от римската епоха с цел анализ на възможностите за включването им в културно-туристически продукти на туристически района Рила-Пирин. Приложената методика се основава на многоаспектно и детайлно оценяване на недвижимите ценности от римската епоха, от една страна като ресурс, а от друга като обекти за туризъм. Тя дава възможност за извършване на обективен анализ на актуалното състояние на археологическите ценности и максимално разкриване на туристическия им потенциал. Постигнатите резултати насочват към възможните начини за включването на обектите в туристически продукти съобразно състоянието и перспективите за бъдещо им развитие. Това до голяма степен ще улесни вземането на аргументирани решения за това как археологическите недвижими ценности най-рационално да бъдат използвани за целите на туризма, основан на културно наследство, и какви са възможностите за успешната им интеграция.The successful development of tourism products largely depends on the proper selection of tourist sites, the study of the possibilities of their integration and their targeting to appropriate target groups. In this sense, the present paper examines the results of the application of the author's methodology for an assessment of immovable archaeological monuments from the Roman era with the aim of analyzing the possibilities for their inclusion in cultural-tourism products of the Rila-Pirin tourist region. The applied methodology is based on a multi-aspect and detailed assessment of immovable Roman sites, on the one hand as a resource, and on the other as tourist sites. It provides an opportunity to carry out an objective analysis of the current state of the archaeological values and maximally reveal their tourist potential. The achieved results point to the possible ways of including the monuments in tourism products according to the state and prospects for their future development. This will greatly facilitate the making of reasoned decisions about how archaeological immovable sites can be most rationally used for the purposes of tourism based on cultural heritage and what are the possibilities for their successful integration.Представеното изследване е по проект „Оценка на недвижимото римско археологическо наследство в туристически район Рила-Пирин като ресурс за туризъм и готовност за включване в туристически продукти“, финансиран по Национална програма „Млади учени и пост-докторанти“ на Министерство на науката и образованието

    Недвижими културни ценности с национално значение в област Стара Загора – представяне и популяризиране в онлайн пространството

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    Предвид нарастващото значение на модерните технологии и по-големите възможности за достъп до информация, все по-актуален става въпросът за съдържателното и атрактивно представяне на обектите на културното наследство в онлайн пространството. В този смисъл цел на изследването е да се направи оценка на видимостта, съдържателното и визуалното презентиране на недвижимите културни ценности с национално значение в област Стара Загора в Интернет въз основа на наличната информация за тях в различни сайтове: на самите обекти, на по-висша организационна структура и др. Чрез анализ на откритата информация се проследяват основните типове обекти, които се представят и популяризират. Изследва се качеството на разпространяваната информация и възможностите ѝ да задоволи конкретни търсения, както и социалните групи, към които е адресирана. Изведени са основни насоки за подобряване на онлайн презентирането и популяризирането на обектите на изследване.Given the growing importance of modern technologies and the increasing opportunities for access to information, the question of the meaningful and attractive online presentation of cultural heritage sites is becoming more and more relevant. In this sense, the aim of the study is to evaluate the visibility, content and visual presentation of the immovable cultural values of national importance in Stara Zagora district based on the available information about them on various websites. Through an analysis of the discovered information, the main types of sites that are presented and promoted are identified. The quality of the disseminated information and its ability to satisfy specific demands, as well as the main social groups to which it is addressed, are researched. Basic guidelines for improving the online presentation and promotion of the research sites are derived.Това проучване е финансирано по изследователски проект на „Фонд научни изследвания“ „Разработване на модел за интегрирано дигитално представяне на културното наследство (на примера на област Стара Загора)“, договор № КП-06-М65/3 от 16.12.2022

    Социализация на недвижими археологически обекти от римската епоха в България

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    Археологическото културно наследство и включването му в проекти за създаване на туристически атракции, туристически продукти и маркетинг на дестинациите е сред водещите приоритети в областта на туризма в България. В този смисъл цел на настоящата статия е преглед и анализ на социализацията на недвижими археологически обекти от римската епоха в страната. Тя се разглежда в няколко аспекта – експониране, опазване, презентиране, предлагани услуги и организирани събития, достъпност, техническа и съпътстваща инфраструктура, реклама. При всеки един от тях се проследяват прилаганите основни техники и похвати, онагледени с конкретни примери на обекти от римската епоха с национално значение. В заключение са изведени по-важни проблеми и предизвикателства, свързани със социализацията. Тяхното решение е от значение за опазване на недвижимите археологически ценности и устойчивото развитие на туризма, основан на археологическо наследство.The archaeological cultural heritage and its inclusion in projects for the creation of tourist attractions, tourist products and marketing of the destinations are among the leading priorities in the field of tourism in Bulgaria. In this sense, the aim of the current paper is a review and analysis of the socialization of the immovable archaeological sites from the Roman period in the country. The socialization is considered from several aspects – exposure, preservation, presentation, provided services and organized events, accessibility, technical and ancillary infrastructure, advertisement. In each of them, the applied basic techniques and methods are studied and illustrated with specific examples of sites with national importance from the Roman period. In conclusion, more important problems and challenges related to the socialization are presented. Their resolution is of importance for the preservation of the immovable archaeological monuments and the sustainable development of tourism, based on archaeological heritage

    Complements and Meat Demand in the U.S.

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    In this study we estimated the price elasticities among meats, vegetables, grains, and potatoes and the impact that different levels of income have on the demand for these commodities. The 2005 Nielsen retail home scan data were used to construct a censored demand system of 14 equations. Results revealed that the uncompensated cross-price elasticities for both low and high-incomes suggest both substitution and complement relationships, while the compensated price elasticities are dominated primarily by substitution relationships. Our findings also revealed that expenditure elasticities among both low and high-income households differ for most commodities.censored dependent variables, meats, poultry, fish, vegetables, sample selection model, two-step estimation, Demand and Price Analysis, Livestock Production/Industries, C25, D12, Q11,

    Adverse effects of maternal age, weight and smoking during pregnancy in Pleven, Bulgaria

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    Aim: This paper aims to study the relationship between mothers’ age, body mass index (BMI), gestational weight gain (GWG) and smoking and the risk for premature birth in Pleven, Bulgaria. Methods: A case-control study was conducted in Pleven in 2007. The study was comprehensive for all premature children (N=58) and representative for full-term infants (N=192, or 10.4% of all of the 1827 full-term children) born in 2007 at the University Hospital of Pleven and resident in the city of Pleven. Retrospective data on determinants under study were collected from all the mothers included in this study (N=250). Results: Mothers of premature children were more likely to be above 35 years old (27.6%), with a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 (23.1%), GWG below the recommended value (38.5%) and to smoke during pregnancy (37.9%). The odds of being a smoker during pregnancy were five times higher among mothers with low birth weight (LBW) newborns compared with their counterparts with normal birth weight newborns (OR=5.1, 95%CI=2.4-10.6). There was a positive association between BMI and LBW in infants whose mothers were overweight (OR=2.1, 95%CI=1.0-4.0). The risk of LBW increased when GWG was less than recommended (OR=1.8, 95%CI=1.0-3.1). Conclusion: Our results indicate that pre-pregnancy BMI ≥25 kg/m2, less than recommended GWG and smoking during pregnancy are risk factors for premature birth in Pleven region. Findings from this study suggest the need for active health and educational actions by health professionals in order to avoid premature births in Bulgaria

    Adverse effects of maternal age, weight and smoking during pregnancy in Pleven, Bulgaria

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    Aim: This paper aims to study the relationship between mothers’ age, body mass index (BMI), gestational weight gain (GWG) and smoking and the risk for premature birth in Pleven, Bulgaria.Methods: A case-control study was conducted in Pleven in 2007. The study was comprehensive for all premature children (N=58) and representative for full-term infants (N=192, or 10.4% of all of the 1827 full-term children) born in 2007 at the University Hospital of Pleven and resident in the city of Pleven. Retrospective data on determinants under study were collected from all the mothers included in this study (N=250).Results: Mothers of premature children were more likely to be above 35 years old (27.6%), with a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 (23.1%), GWG below the recommended value (38.5%) and to smoke during pregnancy (37.9%). The odds of being a smoker during pregnancy were five times higher among mothers with low birth weight (LBW) newborns compared with their counterparts with normal birth weight newborns (OR=5.1, 95%CI=2.4-10.6). There was a positive association between BMI and LBW in infants whose mothers were overweight (OR=2.1, 95%CI=1.0-4.0). The risk of LBW increased when GWG was less than recommended (OR=1.8, 95%CI=1.0-3.1).Conclusion: Our results indicate that pre-pregnancy BMI ≥25 kg/m2, less than recommended GWG and smoking during pregnancy are risk factors for premature birth in Pleven region. Findings from this study suggest the need for active health and educational actions by health professionals in order to avoid premature births in Bulgaria

    Promoting knowledge practices in upper secondary schools : Case studies from Finland and Bulgaria

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    This exploratory case study was conducted in two upper secondary schools in Finland and Bulgaria. The aim of the study was to investigate how to apply trialogical design principles could be used to improve students' knowledge work competence, and teachers' re-structured obligatory courses following pedagogical design principles for knowledge creation practices. The courses were organised in the form of students' collaborative inquiry and project work. The research questions focused on the implementation of the design principles, students' self-assessed learning of knowledge work competencies and the experiences of students and teachers. The main data consisted of students' self-evaluation answers to a pre-questionnaire (N = 76) and a post-questionnaire N = 52), and teachers' (N = 4) plans and interviews. The results showed that students' experiences were positive, but they also found shortcomings in their knowledge work competences. The teachers were also satisfied with the experiences, but they found problems in teachers' collaborative planning at the end of the process (in Finland) and in organising student teamwork and in reporting the contributions (in Bulgaria). The set of design principles was useful as a collaborative guidance tool for the teachers' planning, and in these two cases, the form of an inquiry learning and project work. However, the teachers need practical guidelines to implement the trialogical design principles.Peer reviewe

    Temporal Stability of Recreation Choices

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    We evaluate the stability of coefficient and willingness to pay (WTP) estimates for recreation services over two time periods. To address this question, we estimate a Random Utility Maximization (RUM) model of recreation demand, using two datasets from different time periods, but concerning the same study area. We then compare the estimation results and evaluate the temporal stability of preferences that drive recreation choices. The two datasets are on trips made by Delaware residents to beaches in the Mid-Atlantic region: Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland and Northern Virginia. The first dataset was collected using a mail survey in 1997 and the second dataset was gathered through an Internet survey in 2005. Besides the time periods, and the survey methods, there are also significant sample size differences between the two datasets. In the 1997 sample, 400 Delaware residents made at least one day trip, while in the 2005 dataset, only 50 Delawareans visited the beaches of interest