9,178 research outputs found
Hyperbolic Dehn filling in dimension four
We introduce and study some deformations of complete finite-volume hyperbolic
four-manifolds that may be interpreted as four-dimensional analogues of
Thurston's hyperbolic Dehn filling.
We construct in particular an analytic path of complete, finite-volume cone
four-manifolds that interpolates between two hyperbolic four-manifolds
and with the same volume . The deformation looks
like the familiar hyperbolic Dehn filling paths that occur in dimension three,
where the cone angle of a core simple closed geodesic varies monotonically from
to . Here, the singularity of is an immersed geodesic surface
whose cone angles also vary monotonically from to . When a cone angle
tends to a small core surface (a torus or Klein bottle) is drilled
producing a new cusp.
We show that various instances of hyperbolic Dehn fillings may arise,
including one case where a degeneration occurs when the cone angles tend to
, like in the famous figure-eight knot complement example.
The construction makes an essential use of a family of four-dimensional
deforming hyperbolic polytopes recently discovered by Kerckhoff and Storm.Comment: 60 pages, 23 figures. Final versio
Compact hyperbolic manifolds without spin structures
We exhibit the first examples of compact orientable hyperbolic manifolds that
do not have any spin structure. We show that such manifolds exist in all
dimensions . The core of the argument is the construction of a
compact orientable hyperbolic -manifold that contains a surface of
genus with self intersection . The -manifold has an odd
intersection form and is hence not spin. It is built by carefully assembling
some right angled -cells along a pattern inspired by the minimum
trisection of . The manifold is also the first
example of a compact orientable hyperbolic -manifold satisfying any of these
conditions: 1) is not generated by geodesically immersed
surfaces. 2) There is a covering that is a non-trivial bundle over
a compact surface.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figure
The political economy of neo-liberalism in Italy and France
There are many apparent similarities between the current political and economic situations of France and Italy. The mainstream view is that at least part of the neo-liberal strategy could be a solution to the economic problems of both variants of the European model of capitalism. However, the difficulties met by the implementation of these strategies by Sarkozy and Berlusconi lead to believe that the success or failure of neo-liberalisation has less to do with its (lack of) macroeconomic merits than with the stability of the socio-political alliances that support it. In this respect, France and Italy are markedly different. This paper shows that even if the "hard core" of the neoliberal social bloc is roughly the same in both countries, this core constitutes a minority of the electorate ; a neoliberal strategy must therefore rely on an extended social coalition, which might not be similar between countries. The Great Recession revealed part of the structural characteristics that set both countries apart. The aim of this article is to show that the consideration of the different socio-political alliances found in each country can help to understand how Italy and France ended up on different economic trajectories.Institutions, model of capitalism, neoliberal reforms, political crisis.
Modeling an offshore container terminal: the Venice case study
In order to reduce marine transportation times and related costs, as well as the environmental impacts, an alternative multimodal route to the current Suez-Gibraltar-North Sea corridor for the containers shipped from Far and Middle East was identified as potentially very effective. A key operational problem to achieve this result is the capacity and the effectiveness of the terminals within the concerned new logistic chain. In this framework, the Venice Port Authority is developing a project aimed to improve relevantly the potential of its container terminals to al-low loading/unloading of containers to and from the Central Europe. The project includes a new offshore terminal for mooring huge ships (up to 18.000 TEU) in the Adriatic Sea and a link operated by barges with an onshore terminal in Venice to overcome the constraints for the navigation of the containers ships in the Venetian lagoon. This innovative operational scheme requires a deep functional analysis to ensure the full capacity
operation, assess the reachable performances and correspondingly dimensioning the required equipment (cranes, barges, quays, etc.). For this purpose, the authors developed a specific discrete-events simulation model. The paper includes the presentation of the model and the results of its application to Venice case study, by identifying the benefits achievable with this approach and the potential wider application fields
On the extraction of spectral quantities with open boundary conditions
We discuss methods to extract decay constants, meson masses and gluonic
observables in the presence of open boundary conditions. The ensembles have
been generated by the CLS effort and have 2+1 flavors of O(a)-improved Wilson
fermions with a small twisted-mass term as proposed by L\"uscher and Palombi.
We analyse the effect of the associated reweighting factors on the computation
of different observables.Comment: 7 pages, talk presented at the 32nd International Symposium on
Lattice Field Theory - Lattice 2014, Columbia University New Yor
Tertiary and quaternary effects in the allosteric regulation of animal hemoglobins
In the last decade, protein allostery has experienced a major resurgence, boosted by the extension of the concept to systems of increasing complexity and by its exploitation for the development of drugs. Expansion of the field into new directions has not diminished the key role of hemoglobin as a test molecule for theory and experimental validation of allosteric models. Indeed, the diffusion of hemoglobins in all kingdoms of life and the variety of functions and of quaternary assemblies based on a common tertiary fold indicate that this superfamily of proteins is ideally suited for investigating the physical and molecular basis of allostery and firmly maintains its role as a main player in the field. This review is an attempt to briefly recollect common and different strategies adopted by metazoan hemoglobins, from monomeric molecules to giant complexes, exploiting homotropic and heterotropic allostery to increase their functional dynamic range
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