39 research outputs found


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    This data file contains information about sampling location individual genotype information for 18 Larix decidua populations from across the natural distribution range. Columns 1-3: Population ID and corresponding geographical coordinates. Columns 4-30: 413 Individual genotypes of 18 populations, each composed of 13 loci. Missing data value:

    Non-native purebreds and admixture events detected with Structure.

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    <p>Populations sampled within the native range and five populations sampled outside the native range (n°72, 73, 78, 79 and 80).</p

    Hemocyte morphology 24 h p.i.

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    (A) Hemolymph cell preparations from G. mellonella orally infected with 6.1 Ă— 105 CFU of W22703 or treated with LB medium as control. (B) Hemocytes of larvae after application of four W22703 mutants, showing cell morphology similar to those of the controls. Hemocyte aggregation and deformation was visible only upon infection with W22703. Hemolymph preparations were fixed with methanol and stained by Giemsa solution. Photos of representative preparations are shown; cells vary in size, the scale is indicated. An Olympus BX53 microscope (Olympus Europa, Hamburg, Germany) was used.</p

    Genotypes Multiplex Kit-1

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    Genotypes Kit-1 (Genalex format) Locus 4:csolfagus_31; Locus 6:sfc_1143; Locus 8:csolfagus_05; Locus 9: FS1_15; Locus 10:sfc_0036; Locus 11: csolfagus_06; Locus 12:csolfagus_19; Locus 13:csolfagus_2

    Nuclear clusters detected by Structure.

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    <p>Neighbor joining tree (A) and distribution of the seven SSR clusters before (B) and after (C) removing presumably non-native genotypes. In (A) each rectangle represents a cluster. In (B) and (C) pie charts represent cluster composition of the 40 presumably native populations and 5 populations sampled outside the range (n°72, 73, 78, 79 and 80) (~24 individuals/population). Individuals with <i>q</i> values > 0.5 are colored, the remaining ones are in white.</p

    Results of mitochondrial analyses.

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    <p>Minimum spanning network (A), distribution of combined mitochondrial haplotypes before (B) and after (C) translocation removal. In (A) circles represent haplotypes colored by their codes and scaled to their frequencies. Haplotypes caused by minisatellite variation are in purple. White circles correspond to predicted haplotypes that were not observed. Branches correspond to single mutations regardless of their length. In (B) and (C) circles represent the haplotype composition of the 40 presumably native populations and three populations sampled outside the range (n°72, 73 and 79) (~8 individuals/population).</p

    Detection of W22703 and its derivatives in the hemolymph of <i>G</i>. <i>mellonella</i>.

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    All photos show the hemolymph area of G. mellonella. (A) G. mellonella tissue sections 24 h p.i. with W22703 and its mutants. Staining was conducted using the anti-Yersinia antibody. (B) Tissue sections of larvae 24 h p.i. with W22703 tcaA::rfp, W22703 ΔHE tcaA::rfp, W22703 PHE::rfp, and W22703 ΔHE tcaA::rfp/pACYC HE. Staining was performed with the Yersinia-specific antibody (top row) or the anti-RFP antibody (bottom row), which was applied to the same tissue sections, to detect TcaA production as indicated exemplarily by arrows. Preparations of ten infected animals per strain were carried out. Photos of representative preparations are shown; the scales are indicated. 1 = exoskeleton, 2 = musculature, 3 = fat tissue, 4 = hemolymph.</p

    External morphology of larvae following oral infection with W22703 and its mutants.

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    The photos illustrate the outcome of the experiment shown in Fig 2. Black animals were dead, anthracite ones still alive. The numbers in the upper right angle of each photo indicates dead animals at the respective time-point. Infections with W22703 ΔtccC/pBAD-tccC were not documented by photos.</p

    Admixture in Central European populations.

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    <p>Populations with evidence for recent translocation (A) and without evidence (B). Bars represent individual <i>q</i>-values (group 2 in white, group 1 in grey).</p